Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 100: Micro-wave oven


"What does this mean?" Su Qi was stunned when she saw Zhang Tuohai's gesture.

"Of course it's tolls. You guys can't pass, and I have the strength to help you. Isn't it reasonable to charge some tolls?" Zhang Tuohai said calmly.

Su Qi: "…"

She wanted to say more, but Su Mu interrupted her.

"Okay, we accept it, but what level of blueprint do you want, if it's too high, we might as well just take a detour." Su Mu suddenly said directly.

"Don't worry, an ordinary forging blueprint will do. After all, we are also old friends, so there are still some discounts."

Zhang Tuohai happily agreed.

The road toll was just an idea he came up with on a whim. Even if he earned it, there was no loss if he couldn't.

Moreover, if entanglement with Su Mu for too long attracts other players, it will be difficult for them to unite.

Therefore, it is still a quick decision, and it is true that the benefits are received.

Since Su Mu is willing to take a step back, that is the best.

"Can you see this? If so, we'll trade."

Su Mu said, took out a blueprint and threw it to Zhang Tuohai.

[Manufacturing drawings of microwave ovens: Level 1 auto parts, electric power, can be used to heat food, a good assistant for heating food on the road.]

[Manufacturing materials: metal ingots: 3 units, metal parts: 6 units, rubber: 1 unit, plastic: 10 units, low-level electronic components * 1.]

A mediocre drawing.

For Zhang Tuohai, it belongs to the kind of thing that is useful if it is useful, and it is useless if it is useless.

However, it was for nothing, so Zhang Tuohai accepted it happily.

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll move the tree away."

Zhang Tuohai took out a sunscreen net, twisted it into a rope, tied it to a big tree, and the six-wheel off-road vehicle started, hum!

Zhang Tuohai directly pulled the tree away, revealing a road for vehicles to pass through.

"Thank you." Seeing that the road was clear, Su Mu nodded, got into the car, and drove past.

After seeing the Su sisters leaving, Zhang Tuohai drove the big tree back again.

Su Qi: "???!"

"Sister, do you think he deliberately threw the tree here and took the opportunity to extort him." Su Qi asked Su Mu while poking.

"So what? No, what can you do?" Su Mu shook his head and asked.

"I..." Su Qi thought for a while and found that she really had no way to deal with Zhang Tuohai.

"But, are we just watching?" Su Qi hesitated.

"Otherwise, what else can I do?" Su Mubai gave Su Qi a look, "There are no restrictions in this world, he is already very restrained if he can only accept a drawing, if he indulges a little bit, he wants to take away more. , do you think you can resist?"

"But..." Although Su Qi had accepted Su Mu's words, she still couldn't accept it in her heart.

Seeing Su Qi's appearance, Su Mu sighed. She felt that she had protected this sister a little too well. It's been a week since the end of the world, and she was still a little idealistic. It seemed that she had to find a chance to exercise.

Zhang Tuohai didn't care at all what the Su sisters thought.

Anyway, everyone is just a pure transactional relationship, and it is enough not to delay him earning W.

He continued to happily stay where he was, waiting to fish.

Sure enough, the business on this road was good. After about fifteen minutes, another commercial vehicle drove over.

However, this commercial car looks a bit miserable. The windshield is broken, the front bumper is completely gone, the front hood is full of dents, and there is a large rock on the roof. It looks like it can be scrapped. factory.

"Stop to collect the toll." Zhang Tuohai lowered the window and said.

"I don't have anything, and I don't have any drawings. Let's see if I can do this. I owe it this time. I'll make it up next time?" Yes, the voice is also soft, and people can't help but feel pity in their hearts.

If it were anyone else, they might have been deceived by her state.

However, Zhang Tuohai could not be deceived.

Zhang Tuohai recognized this woman at a glance. Isn't this the Li Feiyu who sent him a photo of her head just this morning.

The appearance is weak, but a group of black hands actually cut off people's heads.

"I've been waiting here for a long time. You must give me something to gain. Moreover, the third place is still pending. If you hurry up, you can get a mysterious reward. Of course, you can also choose to take a detour and arrive at the At that time, it is not certain who will get the prize for the third place.”

Zhang Tuohai said.

Li Feiyu looked at the finish line not far behind Zhang Tuohai, and sure enough, only one car stopped, and his heart moved.

She originally just wanted to reach the finish line on time, but she didn't expect to be able to fight for the third place.

After thinking about it, she took out two things from the car and threw them to Zhang Tuohai.

"This is the most valuable thing in my car, and I gave it to you, how about it?"

Zhang Tuohai caught the things and found that one was a bag of cocoa powder, weighing ten pounds, and the other was a middle-grade metal ingot.

These two things are hard to judge in terms of price. Cocoa powder can be used to heat cocoa and provide heat. The price is definitely not high now, but the next world is definitely a hot commodity.

The intermediate metal ingots are intermediate materials, and they are also very valuable to Zhang Tuohai, who is in short supply of intermediate materials.

However, what surprised Zhang Tuohai the most was that these two things together were almost 20 pounds, and he and Li Yufei were seven or eight meters away.

Being able to throw these two things so far with one hand shows that the woman's arm strength is definitely not small.

Moreover, it seemed that she still had some spare energy left.

Looking at her arms again, it seems that they are not much thicker than an egg, and her figure is very thin. I really can't imagine how such a thin body can burst out with so much energy.

Zhang Tuohai felt that if this woman continued to develop, she might not be able to stand out.

If she is more ruthless, giving her a shot before she develops is the best choice.

However, Zhang Tuohai is not such a murderer, and his greatest intention is to survive.

Don't want to provoke each other too much.

"Yes." Zhang Tuohai put away the things.

"By the way, do you want a car repair kit? Repair all the damage with one click and sell it to you at a cheaper price."

Zhang Tuohai took out the car repair kit.

"A pound of spicy duck necks. If possible, we will exchange." Li Yufei took out a bag of duck necks.

"make a deal!"

Zhang Tuohai threw the repair kit and at the same time let the six-wheeled off-road vehicle pull the trees away.

"Thank you." Li Yufei drove past Zhang Tuohai.

Zhang Tuohai pushed the tree back again.