Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 102: New fortune opportunities


Seeing Vladimir rushing over, everyone at the finish line spread out, for fear that the guy would faint and bumped himself.

Everyone could see the tragic state of the commercial vehicle just now.

However, Vladimir parked safely after crossing the finish line, and stopped in the parking lot at the finish line.

Although one station has two parking spaces, obviously no one dares to go to Vladimir's theory.

The AKM on his back is not fake.

If you really give yourself a shuttle, who will you go to to reason with

Everyone just stood there quietly, waiting for the game to end.

From time to time, vehicles pull into the terminal.

Most of these vehicles are scarred and full of sludge.

Broken glass, a dented hood, and missing mirrors are basically nothing.

There was even a car that had lost one of its wheels and still got to the finish line.

It seems that everyone has suffered a lot along the way.

However, this is a good opportunity for Zhang Tuohai to make a fortune.

Everyone's car was injured, and it was the time when a car repair kit was desperately needed.

Moreover, many people encountered a supply station on the way, and they should have exchanged a lot of useful goodies.

Just to take the opportunity to harvest a wave.

As a result, Zhang Tuohai put up a car repair kit on the trading channel, and indicated that those who were interested would chat privately.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Tuohai was bombarded by private messages.

Except for some players who lay flat as soon as they entered the off-road track, all players who have gone deep into the off-road track have suffered some damage to the car more or less.

No, everyone has a prompt system to choose the safest route.

It's not that no one's car has undergone several major modifications to withstand pistol shooting.

Many of them even have used cars that have just entered the world.

This kind of car is extremely difficult to run ordinary cross-country races, let alone such extremely difficult cross-country races.

Many people are directly trapped halfway, and can only wait for the time to arrive and be led to the end by the system.

From a certain perspective, these players who can still send private messages are lucky.

The truly unfortunate players have all been posted on the obituary column.

"Big brother, let's trade a repair kit. My tire was punctured. I replaced it with the family bucket I just got from the supply station. It's still hot."

"Boss, trade a repair kit. My car was smashed by a rock and the engine was broken. I'll exchange it with you for the box of happy water I just got."

"Big brother, can you trade a set of mountain climbing tools? There is a supply station in front of me, but the damn game system built the supply station on the middle of the mountain. My car can't get on it, so I can only climb manually. I'll give it back to you."

"Big brother, please, come and rescue me! My car is stuck in a quagmire, and now the sludge has submerged half of the door. If no one saves me, I will drown."

"Boss, my car fell into the pit, is there a way to help me get it out?"

Everyone's calls for help were varied, which opened Zhang Tuohai's horizons.

He found out that this off-road race was really cruel. Many players were trapped on the road and couldn't move. At least, he received hundreds of private messages calling for help.

However, in the face of these calls for help, Zhang Tuohai was really helpless.

There is no positioning system in this game, even if he really went to the rescue, he couldn't find them.

They can only sell some supplies and hope that they can successfully save themselves.

If it's not serious, just wait for the time to come, and the system will pick up.

Zhang Tuohai began to look through the private messages.

Basically the same value, he agreed to exchange.

I just bleed a lot at the supply station and changed to a large warehouse. I lacked everything and wanted everything.

Even so, Zhang Tuohai ended the transaction after only trading about 200 private messages.

In fact, these people are the only ones who can trade.

Those who can continue to participate in the game in the afternoon, but 600 people are up and down, one-third lie flat at the starting point, and more than 100 of the remaining 400 people directly hang on the road, and more than 100 people have minor injuries and cannot be used temporarily. Car kit, or stuck, and having a car kit doesn't help.

Two hundred people trading is almost the limit.

With these two hundred people, Zhang Tuohai got a lot of common materials such as food, water, first-class materials, and gasoline.

A lot of intermediate materials have also been replaced, which greatly enriched Zhang Tuohai's inventory.

The most valuable ones are three manufacturing drawings and a seed.

[Water purifier: A class 1 item that filters contaminated water into drinkable water.]

[Manufacturing materials: Metal Ingot: 1 Unit, Metal Parts: 2 Units, Glass: 5 Units, Low-Grade Rubber: 1 Unit, Cloth: 2 Units, Low-Grade Electronic Components*1.]

[Rough wine barrel: A level 1 item, you can get rough rum after putting sugar cane and water in it.]

[Manufacturing materials: wood: 10 units, metal ingots: 1 unit, metal parts: 5 units, glass: 2 units, low-grade rubber: 2 units, low-grade electronic components * 1]

[Alcohol purifier: Level 1 item, which can purify crude wine into refined wine, with a purification ratio of 2:1]

[Manufacturing materials: glass: 10 units, metal parts: 5 units, low-grade rubber: 10 units, low-grade electronic components *1]

[Rapid Sugar Cane Seeds: Level 1 crops, which can be used to make sugar and make wine. Growth cycle, 3 days.]

By the way, these four blueprints were received from four players.

If it is placed in their own hands alone, it may have some effect, but the effect is definitely limited.

However, at this moment, it was all concentrated in Zhang Tuohai's hands, and the four drawings were even more powerful than some Tier 2 auto parts.

Taking the water purifier alone as an example, it may not be useful in the desert world, because it is difficult to find water sources in the desert.

However, in the next world it will be different.

The next world will be the world of ice and snow. Just dig some snow and you won't have to worry about water resources.

However, what many people do not know is that although the snow looks white, it contains a lot of dust and pathogenic bacteria. thing.

With a water purifier, you don't have to worry about those deposits and disease-causing bacteria.

With water purifiers, the next world is unlimited for Zhang Tuohai.

Needless to say, the remaining two drawings are a seed. With Zhang Tuohai's accelerated fertilizer, and a water purifier, it can form a fine wine assembly line.

The next world will be the world of ice and snow. For a cold batch, drinking some wine to warm up will also become the needs of many people.

Zhang Tuohai can completely use these to make a lot of money.