Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 122: Molotov cocktails


Is the chase over

Zhang Tuohai became energetic, and he quickly opened the regional channel.

At this time, the remaining number of people on the regional channel was 4,323, and more than 600 people were killed by the black knight.

The bloody figures reminded Zhang Tuohai of the previous world, when the first Brave game was just started.

The death toll is about the same.

At the time, the atmosphere in the regional channel was still very dull.

However, players who have experienced a world are obviously used to this kind of period, or rather, have become numb.

A large number of people die every day. As long as it is not me who is dying, it is just a number, and it has nothing to do with me.

People in regional channels are still chatting.

"But I'm exhausted. These black dogs are really annoying. After chasing me all afternoon, the car glass was shattered several pieces. Whoever of you has a car window, sell me a few pieces, I'm about to freeze to death. ."

"It was really thrilling just now. My wheels were all blown out. Those guys were about to take me out of the car. Fortunately, the time was up, and those guys disappeared all at once. Otherwise, I would really die. already."

"Damn, my precious gasoline has been used up by these damn guys. Now the air conditioner can't work, it's about to freeze to death, whoever of you has gasoline, sell me some."

"You actually have an air conditioner? Poor me, I have to rely on the stove to keep myself warm."

"You still have a stove. I only have 5 warm babies, which have been used up. I still don't know what to do tomorrow?"

"It's simple, haven't you heard that the frequency of supply boxes at night has doubled? Why don't you find some supplies at night?"

"However, is it dangerous to drive at night? I almost rolled over under the bridge during the day."

"You know the shit, it's called seeking wealth and wealth at risk. If you don't fight, you won't be frozen to death tomorrow."

"Driving at night is still too dangerous. If it's cold, it's a big deal to pick up some branches to make a fire. I still think it's safer to search for supplies during the day."

The two groups were arguing about whether to find supplies at night, and neither could convince the other, and they fought a war of words on the regional channel.

Zhang Tuohai turned off the regional channel after watching it for a while.

He felt that even if the probability of the resource box appearing doubled, it would still be the same as the normal probability.

But at the location where the resource box appears during the day, even if the probability is doubled, it is not so easy to obtain.

In addition, he vaguely felt that the world might not be so kind, providing them with supplies, the probability of resource boxes appearing doubled, and the risk would also increase.

He felt that it was better to let those players explore the way.

As for yourself, continue to buy and sell to make a little money.

Zhang Tuohai first cooked a pot of rice for himself.

But it is not vegetarian rice, but tomato, cucumber, mushroom and carrot diced are added to the rice. In addition, the fresh wolf meat is cut into minced meat, and a layer of rice is spread on it. Seasonings such as salt and soy sauce are added, 40 Minutes later, one pot jambalaya is ready.

After taking a mouthful and putting it in your mouth, the aroma of the minced meat and the freshness of the vegetables have been integrated into the rice.

It is a great pleasure to have a pot of hot rice on a winter night.

Zhang Tuohai felt a sense of guilt when he thought that ordinary players could only squat beside the stove and bake dry bread, while he could eat assorted rice.

So, Zhang Tuohai ate two more bowls with tears.

Definitely not leftovers.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Tuohai rubbed his bulging belly to continue his unfinished business at noon.

Keep looking for the right deal.

"Boss, if you want a plate, don't you want snow chains?" Zhang Tuohai took the lead in dialing the private message of Sharon Bass, a big dog owner.

"A snow chain, what is that?" Sharon Bass asked while tearing the roast leg of lamb with one hand.

"As the name suggests, this thing is non-slip, which can prevent the car from slipping on icy and snowy roads. Do you feel that the car is not very controllable today? This snow chain is to solve this problem."

"God is above, there is still such a good thing?" The roast leg of lamb in Sharonbas's hand almost fell.

Don't blame him for making a fuss, he, an oil guy living in the desert, has never seen such a gadget.

Even if he travels to the ice and snow area, his entourage will solve these trivial matters, and he will not know such trivial matters at all.

When driving in the afternoon, he slipped and veered away several times. If it wasn't for his luck, he would have been hacked to death by those black knights, and he still has lingering fears to this day.

Now when I hear that there is a device that can prevent slipping, I immediately get excited.

"Hurry up and sell it to me, I'll give you 1,000 units of gasoline, is that enough?"

"Deal!" Zhang Tuohai made a quick decision.

Dealing with the oil guy is refreshing, no nonsense at all.

Happy to harvest 1000 units of gasoline.

"By the way, if you have weapons, remember to sell them to me. Firearms and explosives are fine. The price is easy to say. If there are better combat uniforms, I can pay a high price." Sharonbas said.

Seeing Sharon Bass' words, Zhang Tuohai almost couldn't control himself, and wanted to sell the Remington and special combat uniforms he had replaced.

However, after thinking about it, if you get it too easily, you won't cherish it, so you have to hang your appetite.

"In terms of firearms, I have a pistol here, but you definitely don't like it. Other firearms are a little bit confusing, but you have to wait a few days." Zhang Tuohai said.

"Well, the sooner the better, if there are drawings, I can offer three times the price." Sharonbas said boldly.

"Don't worry, I'll give you an answer within two days at most." Zhang Tuohai replied to the private message with a smile.

After the transaction with Sharon Bass, Zhang Tuohai sent a private message to several agents headed by Han Lu: "The snow chain is sold, the old rule is double the price, one is sold for a commission, and more than 20 pairs are sold. double the commission.”

"Don't worry, boss, it will definitely be done properly for you," Han Lu said while patting his chest, "However, can you put on a set for me first, and I almost hit a tree in the afternoon driving."

After sending out the agent, Zhang Tuohai began to contact a few of his acquaintances.

Li Feiyu asked herself to buy an air conditioner, which means that the prize she won in the cross-country race was a drawing of a crawler wheel, so the snow chain must be useless and can be skipped for the time being.

It was a bit miserable for the Su sisters. The racing competition took an ordinary air conditioner, and the cross-country competition took the advanced electric heater manufacturing drawings, and the functions overlapped.

The most important thing is whether the electric heater is the advanced version. The materials required are all level 3. Now the materials in the hands of players are mainly level 1, and a small amount of materials are level 2, so they have no way to sell them.

"Do you want snow chains?" Zhang Tuohai sent a private message, "and milk, coffee, hot cocoa, ginger, garlic, and ice brown sugar."

"I want it all." Seeing so many things, Su Qi couldn't help taking a sip.

"Take the blueprint for it." The blueprint is big, how can you do it without a little blood.

"Is this okay?" Su Qi sent a photo.

[Molotov's Cocktail Manufacturing Diagram: Molotov cocktail, throwing weapons, has a strong damage effect on armored vehicles.]

[Manufacturing materials: glass: 1 unit, alcohol: 1 unit, gasoline: 1 unit, cloth: 1 unit.]