Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 125: The new role of prosperous wealth


Normally, when encountering such a burning car, how far would Zhang Tuohai hide.

However, since the prompt system did not prompt danger, it means that the two vehicles are not in danger of exploding.

Zhang Tuohai boldly opened the door to collect supplies.

I have to say that these people in the Skeleton Team are quite rich, a Spanish bacon ham, 20 pounds of German white sausage, two boxes of cheese pizza, two bottles of champagne, half a case of beer, 500 units of gasoline, and an unknown leaf a bag.

However, all kinds of basic materials have not been seen at all, and it is estimated that they have all been handed in.

Zhang Tuohai also found four m1911 pistols and matching bullets from several dead minions.

After removing these supplies, Zhang Tuohai came to Donald's car.

Donald's car was the best of the three, with leather seats, heated cushions and even a regular air conditioner, six burgers, half a case of champagne, and two cold steaks.

Under the seat, Zhang Tuohai also found a box of cigars.

Zhang Tuohai couldn't understand the brand, but the box was very delicate, and he guessed that the cigar must be worth a lot of money.

Zhang Tuohai thought for a while and took away the cigar and champagne, but the rest of the food remained untouched.

At this moment, the Latin girl was stabbing Donald with the dagger in her hand.

Donald's upper body was stabbed with blood and blood, and it was almost impossible to see his original appearance.

Zhang Tuohai sighed and walked to the Latin girl.

"There is still some food and air conditioning in the car, which should guarantee you two days of survival supplies. As for whether you can survive, it is up to you."

After speaking, Zhang Tuohai got into the car.

He is not a virgin who is overflowing with sympathy, nor is he a demon king who kills without blinking an eye. He is just an ordinary person who wants to survive. If he can help him without jeopardizing his core interests, he still has to help.

"What's your name?" the Latin girl asked loudly.

"We will meet by chance."

Zhang Tuohai waved his hand and drove away.

"A red off-road vehicle full of spikes, a snow shovel in front, and a white combat uniform." The Latin girl silently took Zhang Tuohai's characteristics to heart.

After being woken up by the reminder system, Zhang Tuohai felt that he couldn't sleep, so he simply turned on the regional channel.

At this time, more than 200 death messages were posted on the regional channel, some were obviously killed by people, some were driving out of control, had a car accident, and some were killed by wild animals.

There are 4106 people left in the channel.

"So many people died in just 6 hours. It seems that the danger at night is not small, but it seems to be within the controllable range?"

Zhang Tuohai thought for a while, but decided to explore it.

With Xiao Ai driving, and with the help of the prompt system, Zhang Tuohai believed that he should be the safest among all the players.

The car continued to move forward in the snowy night, and the snow outside the car became even larger. At this time, the snowflakes had become the size of goose feathers, the snowflakes on the ground were already two inches thick, and the wheels made a creaking sound when they rolled on it. .

Zhang Tuohai turned on the wipers, otherwise, within two minutes, snowflakes would cover the windows.

Rao is so, every half an hour, Zhang Tuohai will get out of the car to clean up the snow on the car.

Travel speed is greatly affected.

Just after Zhang Tuohai got off the car for the third time to clear the snow, Li Feiyu suddenly sent a private message.

"I have obtained some information on the Sakura team. There are 25 members in the Sakura team, and there are 22 people in the team. The leader is Minako Sakai, the former leader of the Sakura Club of the Ezo Island gangster. Tachi, the weapon that provokes heat is unknown."

Move so fast

Seeing the information, Zhang Tuohai knew that Li Feiyu had fought with the members of the Sakura Team.

He originally thought that Li Feiyu would at least have to wait until tomorrow or even the day after tomorrow to get some news, but he didn't expect it to be so soon, there was news tonight, and he personally killed three of the other party.

"Well done, this gun is a reward, if you get more information, the bounty will be higher."

Zhang Tuohai traded the found M1911 and two magazines to Li Feiyu.

In any case, Li Feiyu is also doing things for himself, and it is necessary to be properly armed.

"I understand." Li Feiyu replied.

"Commander, a material box was found in front of you, but the material box was placed on the beach, do you want to pick it up?" At this time, Xiao Ai made a sound.

"Material box? Where is it?" Zhang Tuohai came to the spirit.

"This way." Xiao Ai turned slightly and cast the light over.

I saw a big river 20 meters away, and there was a large iron bridge above the river. At this time, the river was not frozen, and the river was covered with a thick layer of ice.

In the middle of the big river, there is a boulder out of the water. The boulder is about one meter out of the water, and a blue material box is placed on the boulder.

"It's a little weird." Zhang Tuohai glanced at the placement of the material box, and an indescribable sense of strangeness rose from the bottom of his heart. He would bet that there must be danger around the material box.

Sure enough, the voice prompting the system rang at the right time.

[The ice surface of the big river is not completely frozen, and some parts are very fragile, as long as normal people step on it, they will inevitably fall into the ice cave.]

"What did I say. I knew it wasn't that easy."

According to the routine, he should get off the bus in person now, and with the help of the prompt system, get through the ice to get the material box.

However, he is ready to change the game.

Zhang Tuohai turned around and grabbed Wang Cai, who was curled up and sleeping by the stove: "Don't sleep, it's time to make contributions to the party and the country."

"Ow-Wang?" Wang Cai rubbed his sleepy eyes, full of confusion.

Zhang Tuohai came to the river with Wang Cai by the back of his neck and aimed at the boulder.

"Fuck, what are you doing?" Wang Cai was stunned.

"Let's go!"

Zhang Tuohai swung his arm around and slammed it hard, and Wang Cai flew out.

"Ganli brewing!" Wang Cai shouted and fell on the boulder. He almost lost his limbs and leaned on the blue material box.

"Safely landed." Zhang Tuohai waved his fist excitedly.

"Good job, push that material box back." Zhang Tuohai greeted loudly.

"No!" Wang Cai got up and got angry.

"You can organize the language again." Zhang Tuohai pulled the bolt.

"I think pushing the box is fun." Wang Cai's paw pushed, and the blue material box fell from the big stone.

Then Wang Cai pushed the material box and ran back quickly.

Click, click.

A crack emerged from behind Wang Cai, and then began to rapidly extend in the direction of Wang Cai.

Wang Cai looked back, and the frightened souls all risked.

"Ow-wow!" Wang Cai's hind legs kicked for a few steps, and then he rushed to the material box.

The blue material box slipped to Zhang Tuohai's feet by inertia.