Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 129: The second spring of Molotov cocktails


In fact, if Zhang Tuohai was driving an ordinary car, he could have stepped on the car to get the material box.

But the problem is that Zhang Tuohai's car is full of all kinds of spikes, stepping on it has to be fatal. For a purple material box, Zhang Tuohai can't commit it.

However, the purple material box is so greedy, seeing it and not getting it is really not in line with Zhang Tuohai's habit.

Zhang Tuohai rolled his eyes and had an idea.

He looked back at Wang Cai, who was sleeping beside the stove.

Wang Cai, who was roasting the fire, suddenly felt a sense of dexterity.

It raised its head, opened its hazy eyes, and muttered, "I feel like something bad is going to happen."

"Raising soldiers for a thousand days, using them for a while, it's time for you to contribute." Zhang Tuohai said with a smile.

"What are you doing?" Wang Cai shrank back subconsciously.

Whenever Zhang Tuohai looked at it with this kind of eyes, it felt that something bad was going to happen.

"Come and help me get that box down." Zhang Tuohai pointed to the purple material box on the rock.

"I don't—wang!"

Just as he uttered half of Wang Cai's words, Zhang Tuohai was carried by the back of his neck and threw it onto the rock.

Wang Cai couldn't stand in a hurry, only two front legs rested on the rock, and the two hind legs slipped out of the rock, anxious Wang Cai's two short legs kicked in the air.

"Help, wang! I'm going to fall, wang!"

Wang Cai shouted in the air anxiously.

"Damn it, this thing can't be done well, just wait." Zhang Tuohai turned around and rummaged in the car for a long time, and pulled out a three-meter long hunting spear.

Zhang Tuohai aimed the hunting spear at Wang Cai's back: "Don't worry, I will help you!"

Zhang Tuohai said, and handed the hunting spear up, wanting to help Wang Cai and let Wang Cai climb up on the wooden pole.

However, Wang Cai looked down and almost urinated in fright.

Zhang Tuohai handed the spear up, but Zhang Tuohai did point the tip of the spear towards himself.

The gleaming gleam of that cold light was aimed right at his tail.

If this is plugged in...


Wang Cai shouted, a pair of front paws pushed hard, and miraculously climbed up.

Sure enough, people will never know how much potential they have if they don't force themselves once.

The same goes for animals.

"The strength is okay." Zhang Tuohai saw Wang Cai climbed up, so he put away his hunting spear and concentrated on waiting below.

Wang Cai climbed to the top of the rock, shook the snowflakes on his body, and saw the purple material box at a glance.

"Well, that's it, here it is for you." Wang Cai raised his butt, and the purple material box fell in front of Zhang Tuohai.

Seeing this, Zhang Tuohai quickly opened the supply box with a crowbar.

A manufacturing diagram and a whole box of energy bars rolled out of the supply box.

Needless to say, energy bars are one of the most important foods in the apocalypse.

However, the most important thing is this manufacturing drawing.

Zhang Tuohai slowly unfolded the drawing.

[Ice cube launcher manufacturing diagram: attack weapon, you can use ice cubes as a weapon to launch attacks, bludgeoning damage, and the attack distance is 200 meters. Comes with ice cube model box.]

[Manufacturing materials: wood: 5 units, metal parts: 20 units, rubber: 2 units, plastic: 5 units.]

Zhang Tuohai took a look at the concept map of this thing. It was an enlarged version of the crossbow arrow. The ammunition was changed from the crossbow arrow to ice cubes, that's all.

The lethality is far less than that of firearms, and the only advantage is that ice cubes do not cost money.

However, in order to reach the designed attack distance, the ice cubes need to be made with special model boxes, which limits the output of ammunition.

Moreover, the ice cubes cannot be placed in a hot place, so the storage of ammunition has become a problem. This thing is purely a chicken rib.

After reading the drawings three times, Zhang Tuohai was a little disappointed.

I originally thought that a purple material box could get some good things, but it turns out that the energy bar is the protagonist, and this drawing is just a head.

Just when Zhang Tuohai was about to put away the drawings, his eyes suddenly fell on the ice cube model box.

"Why does this model look so familiar?"

Zhang Tuohai held his chin and thought.

After pondering for a moment, Zhang Tuohai slapped his thigh fiercely.

"Isn't this model similar to a wine bottle?"

In order to make the ice bullet fly farther and have a higher attack power, the designer even directly shaped it into an armor-piercing bullet, which looks similar to a wine bottle.

"Wait, I have a bold idea!"

Zhang Tuohai suddenly noticed that although the ice cube launcher theoretically uses ice bombs as ammunition, but because the driving force is the ejection of the bowstring made of rubber, can it place some other ammunition, such as Molotov cocktails .

The attack power of the pure Molotov cocktail is fine, but its attack distance is limited by the thrower's arm strength.

A few tens of meters is enough to reach the sky, and the farther the distance, the worse the accuracy.

But if it can be replaced with an ice cube launcher, wouldn't it be possible to directly stretch the attack distance to 200 meters

Then the effect of Molotov cocktail can be greatly improved.

He can attack opponents with a Molotov cocktail from 200 meters away, and his accuracy will be greatly improved.

In this way, the Molotov cocktail is no longer just a melee throwing weapon, but a simple incendiary bomb that can attack at a distance.

This power...

Zhang Tuohai was drooling as he thought about it.

No, have to try.

Zhang Tuohai quickly returned to the car and made an ice cube launcher.

A white light flashed, and a huge crossbow arrow appeared in Zhang Tuohai's hand.

The crossbow slot in the center is wide enough to hold a wine bottle.

"Try it." Zhang Tuohai put a Molotov cocktail in the crossbow slot, and then set it on fire.

Zhang Tuohai aimed at the front of the road and pulled the trigger.


As soon as the bowstring rang, the Molotov cocktail was ejected and flew out in an instant. It flew for more than 200 meters before falling to the ground.

Crack, huh!

The glass bottle shattered, and the liquid inside was like a fiery snake, flowing around, bringing the burning flames to various places.

"Not bad." Zhang Tuohai nodded with satisfaction.

In addition to RPG7, he has a new method of attacking vehicles.

Moreover, this method is cheaper, and medicinal herbs can also be mass-produced.

"Not bad, not bad." Zhang Tuohai was very satisfied with the ice cube launcher and put it away.

Zhang Tuo Customs got on the car door and was about to leave when he heard a knock on the door outside.

"Fuck, why is there a knock on the door in the wilderness? Did you encounter a ghost?" Zhang Tuohai shuddered in his heart.

He picked up AA12 with his backhand and looked out the window.

There was not even a shadow outside the window.

"Could it be that it's really a ghost?"

A trace of cold sweat dripped from Zhang Tuohai's forehead.