Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 13: Make dumplings


After resting for a while, Zhang Tuohai turned on the regional channel to see how everyone was doing.

When he turned on the regional channel, he was overwhelmed by a series of red death messages.

Zhang Tuohai counted more than 200 people, most of whom died from quicksand or poisoning.

Much less than yesterday.

I don't know if the survivors have become shrewd, or they were frightened by the death rate, which led to fewer people who dared to go out and explore.

After a while, someone started showing off the gains on the chat channel.

"Hahaha, it is indeed a challenge for the brave. The reward is huge. I got a blue resource box and opened a hot dog with sausages in it."

"What is a hot dog, I opened two sandwiches with bacon and lettuce slices in them. Are you envious?"

"I'm not as lucky as you. If I can open a staple food, I will open four apples. Have you exchanged it with me?"

A few people who got the food started showing off on the regional channel, making those who stayed behind gluttonous.

Seeing that more and more people are posting their harvests on the regional channel, Zhang Tuohai estimated that all those who went out to participate in the Braves' challenge have come back. Now is the time when everyone has the most abundant supplies, and it is a good opportunity to harvest.

"Which one of you has flour? I'll replace it with meat, and I also need cooking oil." Zhang Tuohai said.

"It's the big guy who sells pork in the morning!"

As soon as Zhang Tuohai spoke, he was immediately recognized.

"Boss, what are you buying flour for?" someone asked.

"It's nothing, I got some meat, leeks and eggs. Seeing that the ingredients are pretty neat, I'm going to eat three fresh meat dumplings. If you want to eat it, you can sign up and exchange resources for it."

Zhang Tuohai said with a smile.

Make dumplings

The person who was nibbling on the hot dog suddenly felt that the hot dog in his hand was not fragrant.

Grass, I managed to get a hot dog. I thought it was pretty good. As a result, has the boss started thinking about eating dumplings

Is there such a big difference between people

"Boss, I ordered a plate, can I exchange it with apples? I have two apples, what do you think?"

Someone in the regional channel immediately asked tentatively.

"Boss, I don't have any supplies, can I use gasoline?"

"Boss, I have collected twenty pieces of glass, can I exchange them?"

"Don't make trouble first, get the flour first, otherwise, everyone will only be able to eat fried Sanxian."

Zhang Tuohai comforted everyone.

"I have 50 catties of flour, but you have to exchange 50 catties of braised pork!" At this moment, a message popped up on the channel.


"Your asking price is too outrageous, isn't it?" Zhang Tuohai said with a frown.

Fifty catties of flour and fifty catties of braised pork are not the same value at all.

Whether 50 pounds of flour is made into noodles or steamed, the energy and satiety it brings cannot be compared with 50 pounds of meat.

What's more, most people here don't know how to steam steamed buns or roll noodles at all, and the flour can only be wasted in their hands.

Wouldn't it be better to use it for meat

"So what? You're in a hurry right now. I'm not in a hurry. If I want, I can exchange it with 50 catties of braised pork. If I want to exchange it, I'll hurry up. It won't be the same price tomorrow." The man replied. .

"And, don't forget, in this weather, the meat can't be kept for long. I have time to wait. Can you wait?" The man was obviously not afraid.

Seeing the man's reply, Zhang Tuohai sneered, the man dared to ask for such a price because the meat could not be preserved for a long time.

However, Zhang Tuohai obviously would not let him handle it.

Even if he didn't eat the dumplings today, he couldn't let the other party succeed.

Otherwise, everyone will feel that he is weak and deceitful, and it will be difficult to buy cheap materials in the future.

As for the fact that the meat can't be preserved, it doesn't matter. The big deal is that it is used for oil refining. The dried meat can still be preserved for a longer period of time.

In a hurry, Zhang Tuohai stopped selling supplies. When the time came, let's see who was at a loss.

Just when Zhang Tuohai was about to turn the meat into oil, Su Mu sent him a private message.

"I have flour here, but it's only 20 pounds. Do you want it?" Su Mu asked.

"Of course, what are you going to change? Meat, water, canned food, grilled naan, you can eat dumplings if you want, but you have to wait for a while." Zhang Tuohai said.

"We don't change fixed things, we want to make an agreement." Su Mu said.

"What agreement?"

"From now on until the day of the disaster, there will be a total of six days. I can give you the 20 catties of flour now. However, you have to be responsible for our meals for the next six days. Don't worry, our sisters don't eat much. Every three or two meals is enough." Su Mu said a little nervously.

Seeing Su Mu's information, Zhang Tuohai calculated in his heart.

If it is calculated according to the amount of 3 sides per meal of their sisters, then two people are 6 sides, and three meals a day are 1.8 pounds.

Including the disaster day, for a total of six days, I made a net profit of nearly 10 catties of noodles.

Also, this is without adding water.

Even if you add some vegetables, shredded pork or something, you can still make some money.

Moreover, if you agree to this transaction, you can also tie down this big blueprint producer, and you can receive more blueprints, which is a double-edged sword.

This sale is reasonable.

"Yes, three meals a day are guaranteed to be hot. However, meals may not be on time. After all, we have to find supplies." Zhang Tuohai said.

"Then it's settled. I've sent the flour, you'll take it."

[Su Mu gave you 20 catties of flour]

"Sister, you just gave him flour like this? You trust him so much? What if he deceives us?" Su Qi on the side was a little worried.

"There's nothing we can do about it." Su Mu sighed, "We don't have a pot, no stove, no fire utensils, and enough water and firewood. Most importantly, we don't know how to roll noodles or steam buns. The flour is in the We are wasting it in our hands, and if we hand it over to him, we can at least guarantee that we can eat enough for the next 6 days.”

"But, what if he lied to you?" Su Qi asked.

"Probably not." Su Mu shook his head, "Didn't he fulfill his promise last time when he traded braised pork? He also gave you an extra pig ear, did you forget the taste?"

Hearing Su Mu's words, Su Qi involuntarily licked her lips.

The smell of pig ears is really fragrant.

She never knew that pig ears were so delicious.

"Of course, this is all secondary. The important thing is that he also needs to do business on the platform. If he relies on our account, he will lose his credibility and the business on the platform will not be done. It's a big loss." Su Mu continued to explain.

"I hope so." After hearing Su Mu's explanation, Su Qi could only nod her head in agreement.