Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 135: What to say


"The dog system is really insidious enough."

Looking at the slowly approaching commercial car and the slowly falling material box, Zhang Tuohai knew that the timing of this coincidence was definitely arranged by the system, and the purpose was to cause a fight between players.

Zhang Tuohai thought for a while, drove the car forward, and stopped before the drop of the material box.

However, he did not get out of the car, but leaned against the window to observe each other seriously.

He intends to see who the other party is before making a decision.

Soon, the commercial vehicle that came over also stopped in front of Zhang Tuohai.

A strong white man with a bald head jumped out of the car with an AKM on his back.

Zhang Tuohai saw that this person was still an acquaintance, Vladimir.

Since they are acquaintances, they cannot be too detached.

Moreover, Zhang Tuohai was wearing a white snow camouflage uniform with bulletproof inserts, so his life safety was no problem.

Zhang Tuohai also jumped out of the car.

However, before getting off the bus, Zhang Tuohai still told Xiao Ai, "Keep an eye on the situation, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions."

"Understood." Xiao Ai responded immediately.

Seeing the people jumping off the car, Vladimir subconsciously touched the AKM behind him, but when he saw that it was Zhang Tuohai, he retracted his hand, and instead opened his arms and gave Zhang Tuohai a bear hug : "Oh, my dear Davari, I didn't expect that we would meet here. Is there any wine?"

"Cough cough cough." Zhang Tuohai coughed for a while, he didn't expect this hairy bear to be so direct, and he wanted a drink as soon as he came up.

"Should you put the wine thing aside first, and solve the problem of distribution of the material box first?"

Zhang Tuohai pointed to the blue material box that slowly landed.

"For me, wine is the top priority. Just give me a bottle of wine and take the material box. By the way, do you want meat here? Yesterday, another brown bear was delivered to the door. There was too much meat. I It's too distressing to be able to eat all by myself," said Vladimir, spreading his hands.

"This..." Zhang Tuohai didn't know what to say.

From what Vladimir meant, the brown bear seemed to be his big hamster, and he could do whatever he wanted.

It is still troubled by too much meat. If those players who are still only able to eat toast until now hear this, I don’t know how they will feel.

"You can accept it, but what do you want in exchange?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"Wine will do." Vladimir didn't hesitate at all.


Zhang Tuohai nodded, which was in line with Vladimir's character.

Zhang Tuohai took out four bottles of rum from the car and handed it to Vladimir.

When Vladimir saw the bottle, his eyes lit up.

He hurriedly grabbed a bottle, uncorked it, and drank half the bottle in one gulp.

Vladimir wiped his mouth and patted Zhang Tuohai on the shoulder with a huge slap: "As expected of my dear Davari, your wine is still so pure, unlike others, only those that are the same as beer. Trash fooling me."

Zhang Tuohai's head was full of black lines when he saw Vladimir's actions.

This is a 65-degree high-concentration rum puree, and half a bottle is directly dried in one breath

However, Zhang Tuohai was relieved when he thought of the other party's record of killing a bottle of water of life in one morning.

Maozi, all vodka is flowing in the blood, and it is not surprising to drink a bottle of wine directly.

"Well, this is your meat, take it all."

Vladimir dragged several large boxes from the car and threw them on the ground.

The box is full of sliced bear meat.

Because it was hunted yesterday, and the weather was cold, the meat was still very fresh.

"By the way, and this, this is the salmon I smoked according to my hometown. I'll give you one."

Vladimir dragged another one-meter-long salmon from the car and threw it on the box.

A strong aroma of grilled fish emanated.

Zhang Tuohai took the opportunity to look inside Vladimir's car and found that there were two other fish of the same kind in Vladimir's car...


Zhang Tuohai was amazed.

However, after changing so many things for four bottles of wine, Zhang Tuohai felt a little embarrassed. He took some colored peppers from the car and gave them to Vladimir.

"In exchange, I'll give you these bell peppers."

Zhang Tuohai remembered that before crossing over, he paid attention to a Caucasian uncle known as an ethanol poet. He likes all kinds of peppers the most when he cooks barbecue. Vladimir and the other party are from the same place, so he should also be interested in peppers.

Sure enough, Vladimir also seemed very happy after seeing these peppers: "Shao Hara, my dear Davari, I like these little cuties very much, without these things, my barbecue is much inferior. , By the way, if you can get onions, please sell me some, roasted meat without onions has no soul. By the way, there are lemons."

"Don't worry, I'm also looking for onions. If there is news, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Zhang Tuohai said.

"Then, goodbye, my dear Davari," Vladimir waved at Zhang Tuohai, and then jumped into his commercial car, "By the way, remember to make more wine and continue trading tomorrow, these I probably only have enough wine for today."

Hearing Vladimir's words, Zhang Tuohai staggered and almost fell.

He and Vladimir traded 4 bottles of pure rum.

Each bottle is 1 pound, a full four pounds, which is only Vladimir's amount for a day...

Zhang Tuohai felt that Vladimir would die of alcohol poisoning sooner or later.

However, in this world, it is uncertain which will come first, alcoholism or death.

Zhang Tuohai wouldn't say much.

Throwing the bear meat and salmon presented by Vladimir into the car, Zhang Tuohai came to the blue material box.

I had a great chat with Vladimir just now, and I almost forgot about this material box.

He took out a crowbar from the car and pried open the lid of the supply box.

A white light flashed, and two bags fell out.

Zhang Tuohai picked up the bag and saw that it was written: fast-growing onion seeds, fast-growing lemon seeds.

[Fast-growing onion seeds: Improved onion seeds, the growth cycle is shortened to two days. Can be accelerated with fertilizers. Rich in multivitamins.]

[Fast-growing lemon seeds: improved lemon seeds, the growth cycle is shortened to three days. Can be accelerated with fertilizers. Contains a variety of vitamins, condiments. Can also be used as fruit.]

Zhang Tuohai: "..."

Is this the wishing elf

Vladimir had just made a wish for onions and lemons, and the box was shipped.

If this wishes a big Ivan to come out, wouldn't it mean that no one would dare to provoke him