Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 4: Wilderness, the challenge of the brave


Finally made it!

Seeing the water collector in his hand, Zhang Tuohai was overjoyed.

At this time, some small water droplets have begun to condense on the bottle wall of the water collector, and it seems that it can be taken and used at any time, without having to collect it every 24 hours.

Carefully placing the water collector on the co-pilot's position, Zhang Tuohai continued to drive forward, searching for supplies along the road.

However, he drove along the road for more than an hour, but he didn't even find a material box.

This discovery made Zhang Tuohai a little anxious.

According to the previous rules, about every ten to twenty kilometers on average, there will be a material box.

However, now that he has advanced forty kilometers, he has not collected a single material box.

This is a little out of the ordinary.

Moreover, he has been driving for 3 hours, and he has consumed half of the gasoline. If he can't find gasoline, it will be dangerous.

"Could it be that two blueprints were obtained one after another, which made it more difficult?" Zhang Tuohai guessed in his heart.

After thinking about it, Zhang Tuohai decided to go to the chat channel to check the news.

Closing his eyes and concentrating, Zhang Tuohai opened the game panel.

At this time, most of the people in the regional channel were discussing the issue of supplies, except lying down and waiting for rescuers.

"Why are the material boxes gone? I haven't found the material boxes for more than an hour. If I can't find water, I will die of thirst."

"Yeah, I was staying in the air-conditioned room well, and I could tease the newly recruited secretary. I don't know who is so immoral, so I had to throw me in this place to suffer. I said that there was a supply box on the road. As a result, after searching for more than an hour, there is not a single hair."

"Yeah, yeah, I said at the beginning that there were material boxes on the road, but now I can't find them. Are you planning to kill us all of thirst and starvation here? Nearly 300 have died, maybe soon It's our turn."

As soon as the person finished speaking, a red system prompt popped up on the regional channel.

Player Li Ming died of dehydration.

Zhang Tuohai looked up and glanced at the number of group members. At this time, the number of group members became 4,702.

He clearly remembered that there were 5,000 people at the beginning, how could there be so many fewer in a blink of an eye

Zhang Tuohai flipped the system information upwards.

He was stunned to find that almost every minute, a message about the death of the player would pop up on the regional channel.

Players' death wishes are also varied, including death from dehydration, death from high temperature syncope, death from explosives in the material box, death from poisoning, and death from beasts in the material box. The worst one People who drank the sewage ended up with acute diarrhea, which resulted in death from dehydration.

"So many people have already died? It's too dangerous." Seeing the dense death information, Zhang Tuohai couldn't help but feel a chill in his back.

At the same time, Zhang Tuohai was also fortunate in his heart, fortunate that he had obtained the reminder system.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I have become a member of the deceased now, how can I spy on the screen here.

However, what is the reason for the disappearance of resources on the road

Just as everyone was guessing, a system prompt suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

[Version update tip: In order to increase the difficulty, a limited-time challenge link - the challenge of the brave has been added.]

[Rules: Starting from today, the challenge time of the brave will be automatically entered from 12:00 noon to 18:00 at night. During this period, all the material boxes will be refreshed in the wilderness on both sides of the road. If you are confident in your strength, you can go to the wilderness to get the material boxes. In order to match the difficulty, all resource boxes that are refreshed in the wilderness have a 50% chance to increase by one level.]

[Solemn warning: There are countless risks lurking in the wilderness, please do what you can.]

The Brave Challenge

The material box is refreshed in the wilderness

Risks lurking in the wilderness

Does the probability of the material box increase by one level

Zhang Tuohai sorted out the information, isn't this high risk and high return

Use better materials to allow players to face higher dangers in the wilderness.

"Would you like to try it in the wilderness?" Zhang Tuohai lowered his head and thought.

"I've done it, I'm going to the wilderness. Anyway, if you stay here, you will be trapped to death sooner or later. It's better to try your luck. If you die, you will be relieved." Someone said first.

"I think it's better to stay here and wait for rescue. As long as we all refuse to find supplies and cooperate, maybe they will let us go." Some people obviously don't want to act.

"That is, 300 people died just now looking for supplies on the road. Now, if you are going to a more dangerous wilderness, the probability of death is definitely higher. Whoever of you is willing to go, I won't go anyway."

"Hmph, then you stay here and see what you will do when you don't have food tomorrow!"

There are obviously two factions in the regional channel. One group advocates going to the wilderness to try their luck, and the other group advocates staying where they are, at least until the challenge time is over tomorrow, and then go to the road in the morning to find supplies, which is less risky. .

The two factions hold their own opinions, and neither can persuade the other.

Zhang Tuohai looked at the noisy regional channel, shook his head, and exited the game panel.

He was going to try it out in the wilderness.

For others, the wilderness may be full of danger, but not necessarily for him.

He has a reminder system.

Since the reminder system can help him avoid the danger in the material box, it may be equally useful in the wilderness.

If the hint system can help him avoid dangers in the wilderness, then the challenge time of the brave is an excellent opportunity for him to obtain resources.

Moreover, he also has a reason to go to the wilderness.

That is, seven days later, there will be a disaster called Double Sun Volley.

Shuangri Lingkong, just by listening to the name, it is absolutely not to be underestimated.

In just a few hours just now, 300 people died on the regional channel. What about the day of the double day volley

If they can't make preparations in advance, even if the first six days are passed, death will be waiting for them on the seventh day.

It is also for this reason that he must look for every opportunity to collect supplies and improve his chances of surviving the disaster day.

Zhang Tuohai picked up a self-defense crowbar, put the water collector in his arms, pulled out the car key, and walked towards the desert.

As soon as Zhang Tuohai got out of the car, he felt a heat wave.

The hot sun scorched the road, and even through the soles of the shoes, you could feel the heat of the road.

Zhang Tuohai estimated that throwing an egg on the road now will bake it in a few minutes.

The hot wind blows from time to time.

However, these winds not only failed to bring even a trace of coolness, but made the body even hotter.

Not only that, the wind was also wrapped in fine yellow sand, and after a while, Zhang Tuohai's face was stained with a fine layer of sand.

The sand and dust mixed with the sweat flowing down his forehead soon turned into mud and hung on Zhang Tuohai's body, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

However, Zhang Tuohai couldn't care about this at this time. He carefully observed the surroundings, first used a crowbar to test the desert in front of him, and after confirming that there was no problem, he took a step forward and stepped into the road. desert area.

At the same time, the electronic synthesis sound that prompted the system sounded again.

[There is a hidden quicksand pit 100 meters ahead, and you will die if you fall into it.]

[Walking 200 meters in the direction of 11 o'clock, there is a pile of white bones under the yellow sand. Accidentally stepping in may pierce the soles of the shoes and cause tetanus.]

[At 3 o'clock, walk 500 meters forward and cross the dunes. Behind the dunes is a level 2 material box, which contains two buckets of instant noodles, a tea egg, and a liter of mineral water.]

"Sure enough!"

Hearing the electronically synthesized sound of the prompt, Zhang Tuohai waved his fist excitedly. His guess was correct, and the prompt system was also useful in the wilderness.

Zhang Tuohai walked quickly towards the dunes.