Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 54: Bidding acquisition


Looking at these things, Zhang Tuohai was very happy.

These things, for him, are simply too useful.

Not to mention bulletproof glass and bulletproof body.

This thing is simply an important accessory to save lives.

Before, when he didn't participate in the rally, Zhang Tuohai didn't pay much attention to the defense of the car.

After this rally, especially seeing those terrifying mutant desert spiders opening the roof of the car like opening a can, Zhang Tuohai knew that the defense of the car had also become the top priority. For a big guy like a mutant desert spider, he might have a hard time getting out.

The appearance of bulletproof glass and bulletproof car body helped him solve a lot of problems. At least, he also has a certain ability to resist when he encounters this kind of monster again.

Not to mention Dongpo Pork, a famous dish in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, fragrant but not greasy, crisp but not broken, thin skin and tender meat, rich in flavor and juicy, it is a must-see for meat lovers.

Zhang Tuohai had heard the name of Dongpo Pork for a long time, but unfortunately, due to work problems, he never had the opportunity to eat authentic Dongpo Pork in the local area. He never thought that this dream would come true in this world.

It can only be said that fate is amazing.

As for the box of 96-degree vodka, Zhang Tuohai directly classified it as disinfectant alcohol.

Even if he was beaten to death, he wouldn't believe that someone could really drink this thing.

After sorting out the materials, Zhang Tuohai began to manufacture bulletproof glass and bulletproof car bodies.

With two white lights, the manufacturing material disappears.

"It is detected that the original car has been installed with a steel body frame and a light-dropping glass, which can be replaced or merged."

"Replacement or fusion? Can you be specific?"

Zhang Tuohai asked.

"Replacement is to replace the old accessories with new accessories, and fusion is the fusion of new accessories with old accessories. After fusion, it has the characteristics of both new and old accessories. Please choose according to your own needs."

After hearing the system's explanation, Zhang Tuohai pondered.

The characteristics of the steel body frame are sturdy, and the characteristics of the bulletproof body are also sturdy. The strengthening direction of the two is the same and must be integrated.

As for the strengthening direction of bulletproof glass and light reduction glass, the direction of strengthening is not consistent.

Needless to say, bulletproof glass is naturally strong, while light reduction glass reduces the amount of light entering and the temperature inside the car.

It stands to reason that he now has an air conditioner, and it seems that he does not need the light-dropping glass.

However, when Zhang Tuohai thought that the disaster two days later was the double day volley, his heart felt a little empty.

"If the double sun is volleying, the sunlight must be very dazzling, right?" Zhang Tuohai thought, let's integrate it first, and it is always good to add a little more defense.

"Choose Fusion."

Two white lights flashed, and the new accessories merged with the old ones.

The glass doesn't seem to have changed much, it seems to be a little thicker than before.

The door was obviously thicker. Zhang Tuohai pushed and pulled it and found that it was thicker than before. It seemed that the whole body was made of high-strength materials.

Zhang Tuohai tried to shoot twice towards the car door.

The No. 12 shot didn't even leave a trace on the door.

"Not bad, not bad." Zhang Tuohai patted the door happily, so that he wouldn't be afraid if others had guns.

After making the bulletproof body, Zhang Tuohai took stock of his gains today.

In today's rally, he got a total of five orange supply boxes, one purple supply box, and sold hundreds of weapons.

I got a car air conditioner, six pots of fast-growing mushrooms, a solar charging board, a bulletproof car body, a classmate Xiao Ai, and various grade 1 and 2 materials.

It can be said to be a great harvest.

"Today's harvest is good, let's eat something good." Zhang Tuohai cooked a pot of noodles, and he used Dongpo pork, braised pork and dehydrated vegetables as toppings. Su Mu and Su Qi's share was also topped with brine chunks of meat.

While eating Dongpo Pork, Zhang Tuohai opened the regional channel to watch the people above chatting.

This is already his repertoire.

Zhang Tuohai glanced at the number of people in the regional channel, and now there are only 1532 people left.

He remembered that there were still 2,325 people when he just started this morning, which means that nearly 800 people died in this game today.

Seeing the number of survivors, Zhang Tuohai sighed, not knowing how many of the remaining people would survive the disaster day two days later.

"There are fewer leeks again."

Zhang Tuohai sighed and flipped through the chat records.

Although many people died in today's game, most of those who survived gained a lot.

At this time, everyone is showing their gains.

"Hahaha, I got a lot of silver cutlery. Whoever wants it will exchange resources for it, starting with 10 resources."

"Trash, only silver cutlery is used for shit, do you have food? My mother got a ham today! Friendly reminder, it's the kind of ham made from a whole pig's hind leg, not a ham! Picture, picture ,picture."

"Che, what's the use of ham alone? Can you eat it? Do you have a knife? Do you have a pot? I got a box of canned beef, and you can eat it when you open it. Well, I'm merciful and merciful, take two cans of beef. How about a can for your ham?"

"Roll rough!"

"Selling a deboning knife, private chat if interested."

"I got some fabrics, who collects the fabrics for some food."

"Get out of the way, I have a lot of fabrics here, who wants to buy a lot, I can offer a discount."

"I have a lot of wood here. Which boss is willing to collect wood, I can sell it cheaply, 500 ml of water for 20 units, many discounts."

"The boss bought it from me, and I only need 300ml of wood to exchange for 20 units."

Zhang Tuohai looked through it from beginning to end and found that some people did get good things in the event, but only a few people.

The vast majority of people get ordinary 1st grade materials such as wood and cloth.

Moreover, because too many people got this material, there were not enough bosses to buy it, so that the prices of these two materials shrunk significantly. Many players turned in strongly and lowered their prices on their own, just to sell the materials in their hands first. Go and get the food and water you need.

While eating Dongpo Pork, Zhang Tuohai watched the information on the regional channel, thinking that this might be a good opportunity to stock up on materials.

Anyway, he was not short of food.

Even if these materials are not used now, what if they are needed in large quantities in the future

Moreover, Zhang Tuohai really thinks that these two materials are very useful.

Fabric is the basic material for sun protection clothing and stab-resistant clothing. If you gather it up, you can sell a wave of sun protection clothing in two days.

Wood can be used as fuel. Recently, I always cook with a fire, and I have done two barbecues. The consumption of wood is not small.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tuohai posted the transaction information on the transaction channel.

[For humanitarian reasons, the purchase of cloth and wood, 200 ml of water or 20 units of oil residue, the time limit is 30 minutes.]