Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 73: Waiting for the rabbit


Seeing the words of those players in the regional channel, Zhang Tuohai felt that these players were indeed floating.

Actually started to pick and choose.

I still think that someone wants an empty-glove white wolf.

Is he just like a gullible Kaizi

You should post the photo first!

Where is the trust between people and people

Zhang Tuohai felt that if he didn't give them lessons and let them recognize the cruelty of this world, they would lose the respect they deserved for him sooner or later.

"Small business, no credit, and a limited number of 50 sets, while stocks last."

"Friendly reminder, two electric fans can be loaded in a car."

For these players, Zhang Tuohai once again offered a limited banner.

Although this trick is old-fashioned, it works exceptionally well.

Although players dislike this and that, as long as Zhang Tuohai has a limited amount, he will immediately queue up to buy it, for fear that he will not be able to buy it.

Many smart players sent direct private messages to Zhang Tuohai to request a deal, and even took the initiative to raise the price, hoping that Zhang Tuohai would leave them an electric fan.

After all, this thing is about whether they can survive the disaster the day after tomorrow.

Whenever you have some material reserves in hand, you will try to buy an electric fan.

And those who are a little poorer are okay, the sunscreen is waiting for them.

No matter how poor you are, you can only buy sunscreen clothes, and the rest depends on your physical fitness.

Zhang Tuohai has truly outflanked the entire class of customers for these players.

Whether poor or rich, there is always one for you.

This hot scene lasted for 20 minutes, and Zhang Tuohai was able to complete all the orders.

Taking advantage of his short free time, Zhang Tuohai counted, and he sold more than 200 electric fans alone.

The sunscreen network has sold more than 800 pieces, and almost everyone has one piece of sunscreen clothing.

What, you said that Zhang Tuohai had a limited amount just now

If anyone believes this, whoever believes it will be broken.

In the eyes of capital, there is no concept of limit at all.

As long as you give enough money, there is no limit to what you want. You can sell anything you want.

There are only a few electric fans in the district, so what if you sell more.

Zhang Tuohai just needs to say, I solved it in order to save more lives.

Even, you can brush a wave of goodwill.

After Zhang Tuohai's operation, he earned a lot of basic materials, which greatly enriched Zhang Tuohai's material reserves.

Seeing that Zhang Tuohai made a lot of money, Su Qi couldn't help but get a little jealous.

"Sister, can we also learn to make a move and sell a few car air conditioners?"

"It's not realistic." Su Mu thought about it and shook his head decisively.

"Why," Su Qi was puzzled, "Don't they all sell things? There must be a big market for car air conditioners, and they can definitely make a lot of money."

"No, we are different from Zhang Tuohai." Su Mu shook his head and said.

Seeing that Su Qi was puzzled, Su Mu began to explain.

"First, the materials required for car air conditioners are relatively high-end. They don't have orange resource packs. If they can gather the manufacturing resources of electric fans, they may be able to find them. However, there are probably not many players who can make car air conditioners at this stage. "

"Second, we didn't have the character foundation of the players before, and people wouldn't easily believe us. We traded with them privately, and they even thought we were lying to them."

"Finally, and what worries me the most, is that if we do this, it will damage the friendship between us and Zhang Tuohai."

"How could this be?" Su Qi was still a little dissatisfied. "Could it be that we have to be controlled by him and can't sell anything?"

"That's not necessarily the case. As long as we get some items that don't conflict with Zhang Tuohai for sale, that's fine."

Su Mu waved his hand and said.

"Then what do we sell?" Su Qi was a little curious.

"Of course it's this." Su Mu took out a bag of seven-dimensional space.

"This?" Su Qi's face turned a little red, "Can this thing work?"

"Of course, this is just what you need. You can't do it without this?" Su Mu threw the thing in his hand.

"Originally, I was worried that the price was too low, and the gains outweighed the losses. Now, it's better to raise the price directly according to Zhang Tuohai's standards. As long as we negotiate unified rules, the market will be controlled by us, and the price of the items will also be controlled by us. to formulate."

Su Mu's eyes lit up.

"I always thought that Zhang Tuohai was just a lucky guy. I didn't expect him to think so far, and he planned to control the market in advance. I am not as keen on the market as him."

"It's too exaggerated, is he really that powerful?" Su Qi was a little surprised. It was the first time she heard Su Mu boasting like this.

You know, Su Muke has always been a person who refuses to admit defeat, and she has never seen anyone praise her in her life.

Now, Su Mu admires Zhang Tuohai so well, making Su Qi a little unbelievable.

"It's true. When you talk to him in the future, you must be careful and don't make mistakes." Su Mu urged.

"Yeah." Su Qi nodded vigorously.

If Zhang Tuohai could hear the conversation between the two sisters, he would have to shout at Su Mu to make up for it.

In fact, he really didn't think so much. He originally wanted to sell something for supplies.

It was a complete misunderstanding to get to this point.

At this time, Zhang Tuohai was sorting out his harvest.

In addition to the players who normally buy basic materials, there are some players who will be short of some materials. They usually use some special items to negotiate with Zhang Tuohai.

And now, Zhang Tuohai has obtained a special trade-in.

A blue supply box.

Zhang Tuohai had seen all kinds of transactions, but it was the first time he had used the material box to pay for the price.

After some understanding, Zhang Tuohai understood what happened.

The player who made the shot is an old African chief.

He has also opened dozens of material boxes in the past few days.

I don't know if he brought the chief's physique into this world.

In these material boxes, all the low-level items he opened were.

In addition to basic materials, basic food such as bread and water, for so many days, he has not even eaten a decent meal.

The most tragic thing is that not long ago, he drove a gorilla and was almost beaten by the gorilla.

If it was like this, he didn't dare to open the box by himself, so he sold the material box as a debt repayment item.

[There is a level 2 statue blueprint in the material box.]

With the affirmation of the prompt system, Zhang Tuohai happily opened the material box.

A sheepskin blueprint appeared in front of Zhang Tuohai.

[Attractive tree stump: Level 2 statue drawing, with an unusual attraction that will attract nearby rabbits to crash into the car. Limited to one per day.]

[Manufacturing materials: Intermediate wood: 2 units, common soul: 1 unit.]

Zhang Tuohai looked at the drawing and smashed his mouth a few times: "Is this the otherworld version of waiting for a rabbit?"