Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 75: Desert python


Looking at the material box outside the window, Zhang Tuohai calculated in his heart.

For him, who relies on electricity, the urgency of gasoline does not appear to be as strong.

Also, it's only 50 units, which seems a little too little.

For this reason, it is not wise to fight a ten-meter-long desert python.

However, python meat and python skin are still very useful materials.

And snake gall, which is even better.

Even if there are parasites on the python meat, as long as it is simmered for a while, it will not be a big problem.

Worst of all, he can also sell it to other players.

The most important thing is that he got a new desert eagle in his hand. If he didn't find a target to test its power, his heart was always itchy.

"I'll take you for an experiment."

Zhang Tuohai took out the collector's edition of the Golden Desert Eagle, lowered the window glass by 5 cm, and quietly stretched out the gun barrel, aiming at the sand dunes not far away.

[You will only hit the scales of the snake like this, and the damage is not great. If you want to hit the key point, you need to be three centimeters to the left, and the muzzle should be tilted down 15 degrees.]

Zhang Tuohai adjusted the muzzle direction according to the instructions of the prompt system.

This time, the prompt system did not make any more sound.

"Well, almost!" Zhang Tuohai stabilized his mind and pulled the trigger.


A crisp gunshot resounded inside the car, and the violent recoil made Zhang Tuohai's arms go numb.


Zhang Tuohai shook his hand, the recoil of the Desert Eagle is really not covered.

Even though he was well prepared, he still suffered a little loss.

Moreover, the sound is not small.

If he hadn't been wearing a noise-cancelling special combat helmet, his ears would have been buzzing with the sound of the gunshot.


The hen, who was impounded in the wok, was laying eggs.

Startled by the sound of the gunshot, half of the eggs that came out shrank back.

A smear of blood burst out from the sand dunes not far away, apparently hitting the target.


A huge boa constrictor emerged from the sand dune.

This python is about the thickness of a bucket. It has yellow and black stripes all over its body. Its raised upper body is more than three meters tall. Its eyes are full of anger. 's wound.

A .50AE bullet rubbed the snake's head and shot it, creating a deep ravine on the skull of the snake's head, almost completely piercing the skull.

If it wasn't for Zhang Tuohai's arm being deflected by the shock, the .50AE caliber bullet would have smashed his brain to pieces.

"Missed." Looking at the huge boa constrictor's raised body, Zhang Tuohai knew that there might be no way to deal with it today.

The huge desert python opened its mouth and slammed towards Zhang Tuohai's car.

The car dashed forward for a distance of seven or eight meters, making the desert python flutter in the air.

"Commander, do you want to fight back?" Xiao Ai asked.

"Can you beat it?" Zhang Tuohai asked.

"No problem, the bulletproof body has spiked bumpers. There is no problem in dealing with this level of beasts. As long as you are careful not to be bitten by the tires, there is no problem." Xiao Ai replied confidently.

"Then leave it to you. If you can't beat it, don't be brave, and put safety first." Zhang Tuohai urged.

"Don't worry, Commander." Xiao Ai controlled the car and turned in a circle, towards the desert python. The headlights in front of the car kept flashing, as if provoking the desert python.

But all drivers hate the high beam dog.

Although the desert python is not a driver, he is even more angry at Xiao Ai's behavior of dazzling his eyes with the high beam.

The pain of the wound made it lose its mind, and the desert python chose hard steel, which would strangle and eat the enemy in front of it.


The desert python rushed towards Zhang Tuohai's car again.

However, the desert python found itself making a mistake.

Before it, I always thought that Xiao Ai had turned on the high beams just now.

In fact, it's just a normal headlight.

Seeing the opportunity of the desert python, Xiao Ai turned on the real high beam.

The desert python suddenly felt that he saw the sun!

Especially two!

The desert python closed his eyes.

But there were still two huge red shadows in front of him.

Then came the dark spots, and then fell into a brief pseudo-blindness.


Seeing the opportunity, Xiao Ai suddenly increased the speed to the maximum and rammed the desert python's head.


The desert python was caught off guard, its huge head was smashed by the spiked bumper, and its huge body was swept under the wheels.

The car stopped more than 20 meters away.

Zhang Tuohai looked back and found that the desert python's head had been smashed into pieces.

It's already dead.

Seeing that the danger was lifted, Zhang Tuohai quickly got out of the car to check the condition of the car.

It has to be said that after several rounds of transformation, the sturdiness of the car is much stronger than that of ordinary cars.

If an ordinary car hits the desert python like this, let alone the bumper, the hood will fly off.

However, Zhang Tuohai's commercial vehicle was unscathed, except for some blood stains on the spiked bumper.

"Hahaha, if you dare to attack me, this is what will happen if you dare to attack me." Zhang Tuohai picked up the advanced skinning knife and walked towards the desert python.

It has to pay for its actions, such as its own snake guts.

Zhang Tuohai stabbed the advanced skinning knife into the body of the desert python.

[Get 500 grams of snake meat*1000]

[Get a more complete snake skin*1]

[Get snake gall*1]

[Obtain 1 pair of snake bones]

[Obtain common spirit*1]

[Remarks: All parasites in the desert python have been removed and can be eaten with confidence.]

"Is the advanced skinning knife so powerful? It can also automatically remove parasites?"

Zhang Tuohai discovered this function for the first time.

I feel that this feature is quite handy.

There are many kinds of parasites in pythons, and some parasites can even survive in water temperature of 100 degrees for dozens of minutes.

Therefore, if you want to eat snake meat, you need to stew it for a long time to ensure safety.

However, in that case, the texture of the snake meat will be destroyed.

Well now, with the advanced peeling knife to remove the parasites, Zhang Tuohai can eat snake meat without worrying about parasites.

"How to eat well? Steamed, braised, grilled or stewed?"

Zhang Tuohai thought while carrying the snake meat into the car.

The final answer is that only children can choose, Zhang Tuohai said that I want all of them.

I threw a part of the snake meat into the braised meat pot, smeared it with sauce and hung it in the oven, refrigerated the other part in the refrigerator, and finally made a part of it.

After the snake meat was processed, Zhang Tuohai picked up the snake skin and looked at it carefully, thinking about what this thing could do.

A line of prompts appeared before his eyes.

[Snake skin: special fabric, which can be used to make various fabric products.]

"Can it be made into cloth products?" Zhang Tuohai's eyes lit up when he was prompted, and he thought of an idea.