Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 76: Spiked Armor


Since snakeskin can be used as fabric to make clothes, can it be made into equipment similar to stab-proof clothing

Zhang Tuohai had already tested the hardness of the snakeskin, and he couldn't stop the gun at all.

At least it couldn't stop the Desert Eagle in his hand.

Moreover, the special combat uniform in his hand is not easy to use.

That is to say, it can be sold at will.

It can't be a threat to him anyway.

Moreover, recently, players hurt each other from time to time.

Yesterday, what happened to Lu Hai was still vivid in my mind.

It's officially time for everyone to be in danger.

As long as the snake scale armor is pushed out, it will definitely sell for a high price.

Humans, the desire for weapons and armor is engraved in their DNA.

Even if the world is doomsday tomorrow, there will always be people who want to buy a gun.

Do it when you think of it!

Zhang Tuohai immediately turned to the manufacturing page, found the blueprint for making the stab-proof suit, and put the snake skin on it.

Sure enough, the manufacturing page responded.

[Discover the special cloth snake skin, which can be used to make stab-resistant clothing. The stab-proof effect is increased by 30%, it can resist cutting with sharp tools, and a small amount can resist blunt impact. Is it manufactured?]

"Sure enough! Manufacture!" Zhang Tuohai was overjoyed and immediately clicked on Manufacture.

A stab-resistant suit was created.

The stab-proof clothing made of snakeskin is similar to the ordinary stab-proof clothing. It is designed in separate parts, but the outside is densely covered with scales, and it looks a bit like fish scale armor.

It's a little heavy in the hand. Looking at the inside, it's tanned leather, and it must be a little hot to wear.

However, since it wasn't for him to wear it anyway, it's almost enough.

After thinking about it, Zhang Tuohai made the remaining snake skins into stab-proof clothing, and got four pieces in total, all of which were hung on the trading channel.

"I just got four pieces of snakeskin scale armor, which is much stronger than ordinary stab-proof clothing. It can resist sharp weapon attacks. With this thing, you don't have to be afraid of being attacked. Even if you encounter a large beast, you can collapse it. A few teeth, don't miss it when you pass by, and only accept the exchange of rare materials. If you are interested, send a private message."

Zhang Tuohai put the snakeskin scales up on the regional channel and became noisy again.

"Big brother, why did you hang up? I just opened the box and encountered a lynx attack. If I didn't see the opportunity, I almost died. Unfortunately, I was scratched on the leg, and it's still bleeding. If you If I hang up early, I won't have to be injured. By the way, does the boss have medicine? Give me some support."

"Be content upstairs, I was just caught by a lynx. A brother who was in the car with me was attacked by an alligator when I got out of the car to open the box, and his head was shattered on the spot. If I hadn't run away. Come on, I'm afraid I'll be eaten too."

"You're not bad. You can still run away. I was attacked by a wild boar when I opened the box. Although I was not injured, the wild boar punctured my rear tire. Now I can't run if I want to."

"Upstairs, I remember that I could barely drive away with a flat tire."

"Both of them exploded. Now the wild boar is outside the archway. Is there anyone to save me?"

"Damn it, what's going on today, how come we were attacked by wild beasts? Could it be that the difficulty has increased again?"

"It's very possible, I don't know if you found it or not. Everyone was attacked by beasts when they were opening the box. That is to say, it is very likely that there are beasts ambushing near the material box today."

"Damn it, wouldn't it mean death without a protective suit?"

"Not necessarily, you can pray that the one attacking you is a harmless little puppy."

After a reminder from a caring person, someone soon sent a private message to Zhang Tuohai.

The first person to send it was Su Mu.

The content of the letter is also very simple.

"One blueprint, two pieces of snakeskin scale armor."

Zhang Tuohai clicked on the photo of the drawing.

[Spike armor: Level 1 auto parts, equipped with spikes on the exterior of the car to prevent beasts from attacking.]

[Manufacturing materials: metal ingots: 20 units, metal parts: 80 units.]

Consumables are many, but also very useful.

Although Zhang Tuohai's car is made of bulletproof material, it can't stand those restless animal experiments.

No matter how strong the car body is, it can't stand their daily impact.

With this spiked armor, at least those underpowered beasts can be deterred.

Moreover, after the spiked armor is installed, it can also increase the impact damage of the vehicle, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

It is also a good deal to exchange for two unused snakeskin scales.

"Yes, but why don't you use it yourself? This thing is quite practical for you, right?"

Zhang Tuohai was a little curious.

"It's redundant, we've installed it."

Su Mu sent a photo of a business car with spikes all over it, like a huge steel hedgehog.

"Sure enough, it's a big dog."

Zhang Tuohai muttered and chose the transaction.

The blueprint of the spiked armor is in hand.

Zhang Tuohai chose to make.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Tuohai's car was covered with large and small thorns, and the business car with soft lines became like a ferocious steel beast.

"Now, if those ordinary beasts want to attack my car, you should take a good look at it." Zhang Tuohai thought happily.

The two remaining snakeskin scales were also sold.

Although he didn't get the blueprint, he also got some precious intermediate materials, which made up for the gap of Zhang Tuohai's intermediate materials.

After the four snakeskin scale armors were sold, many players who didn't get them were anxious.

"Boss, sell some more, I haven't grabbed it yet."

"That's right, let's sell a little more. If I don't have defensive clothes, I wouldn't dare to get out of the car to get supplies today."

"Boss, if you don't have snakeskin scales, you can almost accept it. By the way, can you sell some more weapons? My hunting spear was stuck on a wild boar just now and was taken away by the wild boar."

"Big brother, sell a car repair kit. The wild boar is about to break through my car door. I am willing to give all my resources in exchange."

Following the man's words, a trading interface popped up in front of Zhang Tuohai with a bunch of things on it.

Two bags of bread, four bottles of mineral water, 100 units of gasoline, three cans of beer, a live carp, half a roll of toilet paper, a broken bowl, various grade 1 materials, there are so many, it seems that he has taken out all his belongings.

Seeing these things, Zhang Tuohai sighed, made a car repair kit, and traded it.

When he got the car repair kit, the man was overjoyed: "I don't say thank you for your kindness, I will repay the boss when I have a chance in the future."

Zhang Tuohai didn't pay much attention to the man's reply.

Everyone is a fair deal, and there is no such thing as a kindness or a kindness.

That carp and three cans of beer were worth the price.

You can make a fish for lunch.

As for those other people, you can use ordinary stab-proof clothing to deal with them.