Road Survival, I Have a Hint System!

Chapter 93: Too many supplies and not enough space


After seeing the photo, Zhang Tuohai was stunned.

At that time, when he issued a wanted order, he just held the attitude of hitting one shot if there was no date.

Unexpectedly, someone actually did it.

Zhang Tuohai looked at the time. It was less than 15 minutes before the wanted order was issued. Is this a strife within the team

Regardless of Zhen Jian's identity, Zhang Tuohai's bounty will definitely be given.

As long as the bounty is in place, even if Zhang Tuohai's prestige is firm, other players will be more active in finding those trolls.

Those troll teammates will also be flustered.

Even if they finally run away, it can shake their internal trust, so why not do it.

Ice cream and cold noodles are ready-made, Zhang Tuohai made a lot of them in advance, and they are all ready to be sold today.

After taking out the ice cream and cold noodles, Zhang Tuohai deliberately picked out the eggs and sent them to Zhen Jian.

After sending it, Zhang Tuohai also deliberately took a screenshot, and then sent the picture to the regional channel together with the photo of Jia Cun being beaten.

"The first warrior has already won the bounty, and the others are cheering."

As soon as the two photos were posted, the regional channel exploded again.

"Damn it, there really is ice cream, it's really cold noodles, this kid is really lucky, he caught a troll who slandered the boss so quickly, adore it, adore it."

"Then what, big guy, when will the second wave of ice cubes hit the shelves? I can't stand the heat anymore."

"What are you urging, don't you need time to freeze ice cubes?"

"I'm doing it, I'm doing it. (Referring to opening the refrigerator door) The dog's head saves his life."

"What about those trolls who slandered the boss just now, please post a position, and I'll give you half of the ice cream when it's done."

"Shh, this kind of thing has to be said secretly, maybe the boss is peeping at the screen."

For these remarks, Zhang Tuohai just smiled.

He didn't believe that these players would kindly give half of the ice cream to the victims after they got the ice cream.

Zhen Jian is a living example. Under the apocalypse, who would truly believe in others

Who else will give up the benefits that they have obtained

unless there is a greater benefit.

Even if that person can really keep his promise and split half of the ice cream, there is already a rift between them.

Difficult to go back to the past.

A single ice cream will divide and disintegrate the enemy, and the price is worth it.

Zhang Tuohai enjoys watching the play.

Those sprayers were not calm.

At the beginning, when Zhang Tuohai issued a reward order, they were not too worried.

After all, the area is empty, and under normal circumstances, it is not so easy to meet people.

However, the matter of Jiacun made them uneasy.

Who knows if the system will do something wrong and bring them all together.

Especially those who have teammates, they look at the teammates around them vigilantly, and they are uncertain.

The teammates of those trolls were also fluctuating in their hearts.

Many of them came together because of their interests, and the difficult journey of survival made them only unite together, otherwise, I am afraid that even the incoming beasts would not be able to deal with them.

However, Zhang Tuohai gave too much with this reward order.

Give a pound of ice cream directly to a broken bone.

A pound of ice cream may be a solution to cravings in normal times, and tolerance will pass.

But only today is different!

Today is a disaster day, and ice cream is a lifesaver.

Even if you can't eat it yourself, you can sell it and buy the supplies you need to live through today.

Thus, Jia Cun and Zhen Jian were born one after another.

With Zhen Jianzhuyu in the front, the people in the back followed suit, breaking their legs and taking pictures.

Zhang Tuohai handed out the bounty one by one.

The most exaggerated thing is that Zhang Tuohai received a private message from a female player.

"What about death?"

Zhang Tuohai replied casually three times.

The next second, a photo that could not pass the review was sent.

Zhang Tuohai felt a little headache, and subconsciously touched his chest.

For the first time, he knew that a hatchet could also stab people.

"You're very... very neat." Zhang Tuohai said dryly.

"Actually, I wanted to kill him before you offered the reward, but I never made up my mind. Thank you for helping me make a decision."

Zhang Tuohai paid the triple bounty in the past.

Afterwards, he clicked on the other party's avatar and looked at the other party's appearance.

Well, pink hair (dyed) and squinting eyes.

Sure enough, the big guy hit the hammer.

Zhang Tuohai glanced at the other party's name, Li Feiyu.

Grass, is this the reincarnation of Feiyu who murdered and set fire to Li Feiyu

Zhang Tuohai decided to stay away from each other in the future, otherwise, he might be decapitated by this girl's hatchet one day.

After posting photos one by one, the people in the regional channel fell silent.

A reward order, half an hour, makes all those cheap trolls punished.

Moreover, everyone knows that being driven out of the car in this weather is basically a sure-fire way to die.

At the same time, they were also terrified of Zhang Tuohai's financial resources.

Half an hour later, a few catties of ice cream and a few bowls of cold noodles were sent directly, and it seemed that there was still plenty of energy left.

How much stock does he have

For a while, there was silence in the regional channel, and a few people who usually like to talk shit, also tightly covered their mouths.

They all found a problem, and that was that their team didn't seem as reliable as it seemed.

The warning before the game started is really true: don't trust other players, they may be your allies, or they may take a fancy to your supplies.

Teammates actually became a reminder.

Many people have quietly made up their minds that after today, they must find an opportunity to fly out alone.

Being with other people is so insecure.

The regional channel was quiet, and Zhang Tuohai also felt nothing.

He still makes ice cubes in exchange for wood and cloth at the established frequency.

As for whether the few kilos of ice cream that were distributed would be sold, he didn't care at all.

Even if all those ice creams are sold, one bite per person is not enough for all the people in the channel.

Today's disaster day has a full 12 hours, and it can't impact the market at all.

Moreover, if those people sell ice cream, they are actually advertising for him.

Everyone knows that these ice creams flow from him.

What if you want ice cream

Can only buy from him.

As for whether there will be a price war

Laugh to death, monopoly teaches life.

Sure enough, an hour later, many players with some resources started sending private messages to Zhang Tuohai to buy ice cream.

Zhang Tuohai didn't hide it, and directly offered the price, either intermediate or above materials, or manufacturing blueprints, or other valuable things.

If you don't want to buy it, just wait in line to grab ice cubes.

Although Zhang Tuohai offered a very high price, those people pinched their noses to recognize it and took out the treasured materials one after another.

No way, it's better if you don't know ice cream.

But after tasting the ice cream, who wants to grab ice cubes

May not be able to grab it.

After only two hours of work, Zhang Tuohai began to sigh.

No way, there are too many things, and the space in the car seems to be insufficient.