Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 100: Last update May 31st


Li Yubing was wearing a mask, and no one could see his expression at the moment. He twisted his face and stared at the LED screen motionless, his clear black eyes reflecting the lights on the other side, shining like stars.

"Sir? Sir?" The clerk called him suddenly.

"Huh?" Li Yubing turned his head slowly and looked at the clerk.

The clerk handed him the bag, "Your rabbit head."

He took the rabbit's head absently, turned around, and walked towards the advertising screen, as if to get closer to it.

The clerk was anxious: "Sir, you haven't given the money yet!"

"I'm sorry." Li Yubing turned back to pay.

After paying the money, he carried the rabbit's head and ran to the river, standing behind the railing and looking at the words. My heart is hot, I tremble slightly because I am too excited, and I am so moved that it is about to melt; the whole world seems to be frosted, and even my breath is sweet. Li Yubing believed that if he had a tube of blood drawn now, his blood would definitely be sweet.

He wants to see her like crazy now, wants to hug her, wants to kiss her;

But I am afraid to see her at this moment, afraid that I will cry...

The LED confession also attracted many passers-by to stop by the riverside with relish. Standing next to Li Yubing was a couple, the man said to the woman, "Li Yubing must have saved the galaxy in his last life." His tone was not without envy.

Li Yubing sighed with emotion: "Yes."

The couple looked at him inexplicably. This person is really strange, he must have been single for too long and lonely before taking the word of a stranger.

The couple walked away in a hurry holding hands, Li Yubing stood on the shore and called Tang Xue.

"Li Yubing, where are you?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the place we made an appointment, and I said, you're not here yet, are you? You dare say 'yes', you say 'yes' I'll break your dog's leg, I-"

As he spoke, he turned around inadvertently, and suddenly slammed into a hug.

Tang Xue didn't see the person's face, but she was familiar with his breath.

Tang Xue was a little embarrassed to hug each other in the crowd, "Li Yubing, let's also consider the feelings of the bachelors on this street, and finally come out for the festival..."

"Tang Xue," Li Yubing interrupted her, rubbing her chin lightly on the side of her neck, "I think my life is pretty good."

"It's good, your mother is a domineering president."

"Not that."

Tang Xue hooked the corner of her mouth, lying sideways in his arms, looking at the advertising screen on the other side, and said, "Li Yubing, do you know, this is the most expensive billboard in the entire Lin City, today is the festival, you are more expensive. more expensive."

"I know, thank you."

"No, I mean..." Tang Xue suddenly felt so guilty, she felt that she might be the legendary prodigal woman, "I just wanted to tell you that your bank card is only six yuan and fifty cents. ."

"I love you."

"..." I was caught off guard by the confession, so that Tang Xue forgot the words behind her, her mind went blank, she stayed for a while, and silently buried her blushing face on his chest.

After that, the two walked hand in hand on Baisha Street for a while, and bought some gadgets, couples T-shirts, couples tail rings, and couples glasses frames. Li Yubing put on the couple's tail ring, the glasses frame was too exaggerated and he refused. Tang Xue took off her mask and put on her glasses frame, feeling that her breathing was much easier.

Tired of playing, they found a small restaurant. The restaurant has three floors, and the top floor is a small terrace with only two tables separated by a screen.

Li Yubing sat down facing the terrace, took off his mask, and ate with Tang Xue.

Eating and eating, Tang Xue's mobile phone screen displayed WeChat group messages. She opened it and saw that it was in the "Tangxue Fan 1 Group". The main members of this group are her roommates and Liao Zhenyu.

Xia Menghuan: [Video]

Tang Xue clicked on the video, and saw that it was tonight's advertising screen from the perspective of passers-by. The background sound of the video was the exclamations of several girls. Li Yubing was attracted by the sound and looked over.

After watching the video, while Tang Xue was not paying attention, he quickly kissed her on the cheek.

Then he didn't look at her, just lowered his eyebrows and smiled.

When Tang Xue exited the video and returned to the chat interface, he couldn't laugh anymore.

Xia Menghuan: Your Majesty, stop asking for a concubine, marry me, marry me! I am your favorite concubine, and I am still pregnant with your child! Marry me! !

Xia Menghuan: [red envelopes]

Xia Menghuan: This is the private money of the concubine, the king can take it! In ten minutes, I want to see your edict of abolishing Concubine Gou!

Li Yubing supported her forehead, this Xia Menghuan liked to add drama to herself. He complained: "You roommate, it's not normal."

Tang Xue said: "Mengfei is so cute, you are not allowed to talk about him."

No, Li Yubing couldn't be reconciled, she pointed at her mobile phone screen, "Pull me into the group."

Tang Xue was inexplicable: "What are you doing?"

"I'm also your fan, I want to join the group." Li Yubing took out her phone and pressed it on the desktop, urging her as if forcing the palace, "Hurry up."

Tang Xue had no choice but to pull him into the group. His WeChat name was his real name. As soon as he entered the group, other people recognized it and immediately bubbling with dog legs.

Zhao Qin: Good Ice God. Bow to the boss.

Ye Liuying: Good Ice God. Bow to the boss.

Only Liao Zhenyu's tone spoke like an old uncle treats his eldest nephew.

Liao Zhenyu: Xiaobing, here we come.

Xia Menghuan: Your Majesty, you have changed. QAQ

Li Yubing: This palace will not die, you will be a concubine after all.

Tang Xue's eyes darkened. You also say that others are not normal, and you don't see how normal you are!

Li Yubing's words caused a dead silence in the chat group. It was silent for more than a minute, and Ye Liuying suddenly spoke.

Ye Liuying: Ice God, don't get me wrong, I'm not a concubine, I'm a eunuch. OTL

Zhao Qin: I am me, I am also a eunuch.

Liao Zhenyu: Me too... No no no, I can't be a eunuch.

Xia Menghuan: Concubine Gou, don't be too arrogant, I'm pregnant with a dragon.

Li Yubing: I am also pregnant with her child.

Xia Menghuan: I am pregnant with a boy.

Li Yubing: I am pregnant with a twin.

Xia Menghuan: I am more than your husband. I gave birth to the eldest son of the emperor.

Li Yubing: I gave birth to the eldest son, and demoted your eldest son to a commoner.

No, it can't go on like this. Tang Xue felt that if they continued talking like this, everyone would go crazy. So she changed the subject abruptly.

Tang Xue: Do you eat bald

Xia Menghuan:

Zhao Qin: ?

Liao Zhenyu: ... ? ?

Ye Liuying: Are you going to be eaten if you have less head and hair... o(╥﹏╥)o

Tang Xue: Spicy bald, spiced bald.

Ye Liuying: It also has flavor! Convex (Fuck Duck)

Tang Xue: Wrong, it's a rabbit head.

Tang Xue: The light is not good and I can't see clearly. It's a rabbit head.

Li Yubing was lying on the table, burying her head and laughing, her shoulders shaking violently. Tang Xue was a little embarrassed, "Laugh again, laugh again, I will abolish your title and let you be a little palace maid, no, be an eunuch."

Li Yubing turned her face to the side, looked at her with a smile on her arms, her eyes bright as stars, "I became a eunuch, and it was you who cried."

Tang Xue didn't know where Li Yubing's confidence came from. Forget it, she still eats rabbit heads.

Back to the bedroom in the evening, Tang Xue brought some supper to the roommates. When Xia Menghuan saw something to eat, he immediately switched the mode, stopped acting in the palace fighting drama, and returned to being silly and white. At the rhythm of her nibbling, her feet were crooked.

While chewing, she said, "Your Majesty, Liao Zhenyu and I will go to cheer you on in the next weekend's competition, you are free on the weekend."

Ye Liuying and Zhao Qin also raised their hands to show their availability.

Tang Xue nodded, "Okay, but today, on Singles' Day, I suddenly remembered that I promised you one thing."

"What?" The roommates all looked at her.

"It's a blind date meeting, forgot? There are a lot of handsome guys on our school's ice hockey team. Let's take you to pick good ones."

"Ha!" Ye Liuying covered her heart, "It's exactly what I want! Tang Xue, I'll mess with you in the future."

"It's easy to talk, how about the two of you? Zhao Qin, you have a boyfriend and you definitely won't go... Where's Concubine Meng?"

"Well..." Xia Menghuan seemed to think seriously for a while, and finally said, "Your Majesty, please sign up for me first."

The next day, when Xia Menghuan and Liao Zhenyu were having dinner together, he inadvertently mentioned that he was going to a blind date meeting. When Liao Zhenyu heard it, he slapped his chopsticks on the table.

"You are not allowed to go."

Xia Menghuan lowered his head and stirred the contents of the bibimbap, and whispered, "Why can't you go."

"Xia Menghuan, have you lost your memory? You forgot what you did to me? You even went on a blind date?"

"I… "

"Will your conscience not hurt!" Liao Zhenyu complained.

"However, I heard that the boys on the team have eight-pack abs and are in good shape."

Liao Zhenyu opened his mouth, not knowing what to say, and finally tilted his head gloomily, "You're going to piss me off."

In the evening, Xia Menghuan returned to the bedroom and told Tang Xue that she was going to quit the blind date.

"Okay," Tang Xue nodded, turned and patted Ye Liuying on the shoulder, "You are the only one left, Comrade Ye Liuying, do you know what this means?"


"This means that it's not a blind date anymore, it's a draft."

Ye Liuying: Hahahahaha!

Tang Xue took a photo of Ye Liuying, and after taking the photo, the four of them huddled together for a long time. Of course, they didn't mean to deceive people. These days, if a girl doesn't post photos without ps, it feels like she goes out without wearing clothes, and she has no sense of security at all.

After finishing the photo, Tang Xue sent it to Li Yubing.

Li Yubing's first reaction: Have you changed roommates

Tang Xue: No, it's Ye Liuying, you've seen it before.

Li Yubing: She is 30 pounds fatter than the photo, right

Tang Xue: Li Yubing, do you know the secret to longevity

Li Yubing: Talk less and do more. #Clever#

Li Yubing intuitively felt the power of PS sorcery, and it felt... so shocking.

However, if he had to choose between his girlfriend and his brother, he would definitely choose a girlfriend without hesitation, so he didn't say much, and silently sent the photos to Jiang Shijia and the others.

The singles of the team were all boiling when they saw the photos, and they all came to him and asked questions.

Li Yubing was overwhelmed. He was just a messenger and knew very little information. What's more, the desire to survive made it impossible for him to reveal too much information. So in order to simplify communication, Li Yubing developed another offline messenger, only contacting Jiang Shijia, letting Jiang Shijia communicate with others, and set a blind date together, ah no, the time and place of the draft.

Jiang Shijia set up a WeChat trumpet, and the trumpet was replaced with the same avatar as Brother Bing. Every day, he compiled chat records and shared screenshots with his brothers. After doing this for a few days, he felt that his spirit was a little abnormal.

Fortunately, the efforts were not in vain, and the effect was remarkable. The brothers on the team were all deceived by him, and he was caught in the middle and played poor information. On the day of the draft, everyone else thought the meeting place was a bar, and they all went to the bar dressed like a dog. Only Jiang Shijia went to the cafe dressed like a dog. The real appointment place.

Hahahaha! Goddess here I come!

Jiang Shijia rushed to the cafe and saw Tang Xue and Brother Bing at a glance, and a chubby girl was sitting at the table with them.

"Hey, Jiang Shijia, this way," Tang Xue beckoned to him, and when Jiang Shijia walked over, she pointed to the chubby girl and said, "This is my roommate, Ye Liuying... Why are you alone, the others What about people?"

Jiang Shijia looked at the photo on the phone screen, and then looked at the one in front of him, the gap was too large.

No, it's not true.

Why did fate treat me like this.

Brother Bing, you big liar!