Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 102: new Year's Eve


Every year, when it comes to the Beijing Championships, it's basically a civil war for the national team. That's the fight between gods and gods. The same is true this year. The TV commentator also knows more about the national team. For example, when a player enters the field, if they belong to the national team, they will introduce their past achievements and current status. If they belong to the local team, unless they have been in the national team before, they will be told in one sentence.

When Tang Xue entered the quarterfinals, there were two national team players in the group. When the commentator introduced the team members, he saw Tang Xue, focused on his age, and then said, "I'm still young, so today is a good opportunity to exercise."

The implication is that it's good to learn from the seniors, and don't care too much about the results.

As a result, Tang Xue entered the semifinals with the second place in the group.

There were eight players in the semi-finals, seven of them were national team members, and Tang Xue was mixed in, as if a Kuomintang spy was mixed in with the Communist Party.

In the semi-finals, the commentator implicitly said that Tang Xue's ability to go so far is very good... As a result, the Kuomintang spy broke into the final of Group A again.

The commentator was slapped twice in the face. It seemed that this Tang Xue was a bit powerful, so in the finals he expressed that he was very optimistic about this young rookie. As a result, Tang Xue played stably and won the fourth place.

After all, the top players of the national team are not vegetarians.

The commentator slapped his face three times, feeling that Tang Xue was here to beat him.

The audience watching the live broadcast was already laughing crazy.

Tang Xue didn't get the card, but she didn't regret it. After all, the level of others is there, and it is not bad that she can make it to the final today.

At the end of the game, she went out to find her father and Li Yubing. The two of them were waiting for her outside the stadium together. They seemed to be in harmony

When she walked in front of them, Li Yubing handed her a bottle of drink.

Principal Tang: "Have dinner together, what do you want to eat?"

"Whatever." Tang Xue said, unscrewed the drink and took a sip.

Principal Tang turned to look at Li Yubing: "Where's the green ice, what do you want to eat?"


Like a watering can, Tang Xue sprayed out the drink she just drank.

Holding the bottle, she squinted at Li Yubing, and found that he was a little depressed and aggrieved, but he didn't dare to resist, even covering up his depression and grievances.

What is it to be afraid of...

Tang Xue wiped her mouth, "Dad, you can call him by his name in the future, Yu Bing, Xia Zong is not Yu Bing, how poetic it sounds, in line with your identity, and kind."

Principal Tang nodded, "I also think Yubing sounds better than Lubing."

Li Yubing breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that Principal Tang did not intend to target him.

Principal Tang took the train back to Hucheng after dinner. Tang Xue and Li Yubing took him to the station together. On the way back, Li Yubing was a little confused and asked Tang Xue, "Uncle, he doesn't know the other meaning of green?"

"If you ask him what a green hat is, he will definitely know, but people of their age are relatively simple, not as divergent as ours."

"Oh," Li Yubing touched her head and narrowed his eyes, "Then how did he know my nickname?"

Tang Xue squeezed her eyes, "How do I know that you are so famous, you must have searched for it on the Internet."

Li Yubing lowered her head and bit her lip, "You can't even tell a lie."

The third day of Tang Xue's return from Beijing was New Year's Eve.

In the evening, she and Li Yubing ran out to ride on the Ferris wheel. She originally planned to wait for the countdown to ring the bell after riding the Ferris wheel. It just happened to hang on the Ferris wheel.

It's impossible to ring the bell, you can only ring Li Yubing's dog head.

When the Ferris wheel rose to the top, big fireworks suddenly exploded in the sky.

"It's so beautiful..." Staying in the air watching the fireworks, I feel that they are very close, and the fireworks can be ten times more beautiful.

Li Yubing clasped her hand, looked up at the sky, her clear pupils reflected the light of fireworks, "The first one," he said softly.

"What first?"

"The first New Year after being with you," Li Yubing looked back and looked down at her, "There will be many more in the future."

Tang Xue looked at him and smiled, and Li Yubing kissed her.

The shallow kiss, lingering endlessly, seems to have a thousand words to say, and finally turns into a little tenderness.

"Li Yubing, will you love me forever?"


"How can you be so sure?"

"Because, you are more brilliant than fireworks."

After getting off the Ferris wheel, Tang Xue wanted to go to the square to join in the fun. Li Yubing was worried that there would be a stampede, so she pulled her away.

It was too late, the dormitory building was closed, and the two had to go to the hotel. In the hotel lobby, they had a little disagreement. Li Yubing wanted to book one room, but Tang Xue insisted on booking two. She has a psychological shadow on Li Yubing's false Amway, and it hurts to think about it now.

I ended up ordering two of course.

Moreover, because of the shortage of rooms on New Year's Eve, the two rooms are not on the same floor, Tang Xue lives upstairs on Li Yubing.

When she came out of the shower, she saw Li Yubing sent her a message.

Li Yubing: Tang Xue, I have a headache.

Li Yubing: I really have a headache.

Tang Xue was in a hurry and went downstairs to find him.

She rang the doorbell, and Li Yubing opened the door for her and stood at the door. He turned his back to the corridor lamp, and she couldn't see what his face was like.

"Li Yubing, does your head still hurt?"

Li Yubing didn't speak, suddenly pulled her into the room, pressed her on the door and kissed. The kiss was so intense that the heavy breathing sprayed onto her face, burning her mind blank.

Tang Xue leaned her head to avoid him, Li Yubing kissed her neck and stuck out her tongue to lick the skin on her neck. Tang Xue's body was a little weak, and she said, "Li Yubing, you actually pretended to be sick?"


"Don't you have a headache?"

"I had a headache just now, but it doesn't hurt anymore."


"It's true," Li Yubing looked up at her eyes, licked her lips and explained, "It only hurts a bit."