Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 104: Double change in one


Tang Xue saw Li Yubing suddenly fall to the ground, her heart skipped a beat, and she stood up abruptly.

The audience at the scene was also a little confused. The big screen played the replay, which showed that Li Yubing was not attacked.

It can't be a flop, can it

But Li Yubing didn't get up after he fell, and his body collapsed on the ice. The medical staff at the scene went up and carried him away, but Li Yubing didn't respond and was left to be manipulated.

Tang Xue hurried out of the arena, she had to make sure he was safe, immediately, immediately!

After leaving the audience, she called Manager Wu.

Manager Wu is now equivalent to Li Yubing's agent. He replied on the phone now, "Tang Xue, we are on our way to the hospital. The nearest hospital is Yuncheng People's Hospital. Come over by yourself later."

Tang Xue shivered and answered "yes".

Hanging up the phone, a lot of terrible thoughts flashed through her mind. But she forced herself not to think about it.

She didn't dare to think about it, she was afraid that it would come true because of her wild thoughts.

She forcibly emptied her mind, went out with a blank face, and took a taxi to the hospital.

When she arrived at the hospital, before Tang Xue found Manager Wu, she was recognized by several reporters, who gathered around to ask questions.

Tang Xuehong looked at them with eye circles: "Do you only see news and no humanity in your eyes?"

The reporter was taken aback by her question. Tang Xue pushed them away and called Manager Wu as she walked. Two reporters were unwilling and followed her with their mobile phones. Tang Xue turned her head and saw that, bursting with anger, she grabbed the mobile phone and threw it hard on the ground.


Under the heavy blow, the phone shattered into rotten melons.

The reporter angrily said, "What are you doing?!"

Tang Xue looked at him indifferently: "Follow me again, your head will be broken next. I'll do what I say." After speaking, she turned around and continued to walk on the phone with Manager Wu.

The reporter stayed where he was and said angrily, "I want to expose you!"

Tang Xue turned her face to look at him and smiled strangely: "Do you know who my grandfather is?"

The reporter opened his mouth. There are indeed rumors on the Internet that this little girl has a great background...

After Tang Xue installed X, she finally got rid of the group and found Manager Wu.

Manager Wu and the others have only arrived not long ago. They are taking Li Yubing for a check-up. Besides him, the team leader and the assistant coach are also there. Xue followed Li Yubing silently, looking at Li Yubing, who was pale and motionless on the hospital bed, tears were falling. For a moment, she felt abandoned by the world.

Because he fainted suddenly, and there was no warning, Li Yubing first performed a heart and brain examination.

After the EEG and CT of the brain came out, he was referred to neurosurgery.

The neurosurgeon looked at the film for a while and asked, "Has the patient suffered a head injury recently?"

Several shook their heads. The assistant coach said: "He has not been injured recently, and we all wear protective gear in training and competitions."

"Are you sure? Think again."

Tang Xue suddenly thought of one thing, "Doctor, he was hit by an ice hockey in his head before."

When she said this, the assistant coach also remembered, and then shook her head again, "That's September."

The doctor asked, "What day is it in September?"

"No. 10, I remember very clearly, was the opening game of the Silk Road Cup."

"Where did it hit?"

Tang Xue touched a part of the back of her head, "Here."

"It's really fateful." The doctor simply sighed for this position.

Tang Xue cried again, "Doctor, what's wrong with him..."

The doctor could not give an answer immediately. After carefully asking about the injuries at the time, he called the experienced doctors in the consultation room and held a meeting. Everyone took turns watching the film and after the discussion.

Tang Xue was guarding Li Yubing in the ward, waiting for the diagnosis result, feeling like she had waited for 10,000 years.

After the doctor's discussion and announcing the diagnosis, Manager Wu called Tang Xue too.

"The initial diagnosis was delayed intracranial hematoma caused by accelerated craniocerebral injury." This is the doctor's conclusion.

Tang Xue didn't quite understand, "What do you mean, has his condition accelerated?"

"It's not... Accelerated traumatic brain injury is a way of injury where a stationary head is hit by a flying object," the doctor explained patiently. "It was caused by the hockey puck hitting him."

"But there was no problem with his examination at the time. My mother asked me to take him for a re-examination a week later, and there was no problem."

"It was delayed, meaning that it could not be detected at the time. It may just be that the blood vessel was injured but there was no hematoma, and symptoms began to appear later."

Tang Xue opened her mouth, and some images suddenly flashed in her head, "He said he was slow to respond," she turned pale, "I thought it was because he was too stressed, I should have thought of it... I should have thought of it earlier. of!"

Manager Wu patted her on the shoulder, "Tang Xue, that's not your fault."

"I should have thought of this long ago..." Tang Xue covered her face and cried.

The doctor comforted her: "It's really rare for a four-month delay. If you thought about it earlier, you might not be able to detect the problem."

The assistant coach asked the doctor, "Doctor, what should I do now?"

"You can choose conservative treatment. But our recommendation is to have surgery as soon as possible."

"What surgery?"


Tang Xue was frightened by these two words, and Manager Wu helped her to prevent her from falling.

Tang Xue sat outside the ward in a daze. The person who was still alive and arguing with her yesterday is in a coma today and wants to cut his head? No, it's not true, it's hilarious. She must be dreaming, and when she wakes up, everything will be fine.

Manager Wu called Li Yubing's parents and reported the latest situation. Then he came over and handed the phone to Tang Xue: "Tang Xue, Li Yubing's mother wants to talk to you."

Tang Xue answered the phone, "Hello, Auntie." Tears streamed down again as she spoke.

"Tang Xue," Mama Li's voice was also choked, "Auntie already knows the situation."

"Auntie, it's my fault. I didn't take good care of him."

"No, it's not your fault, Tang Xue. You are already fine. You heard from Auntie, I have already contacted the best neurosurgery doctor in Yuncheng. Now your uncle and I are rushing to the airport, and we will be on our way to the airport as soon as possible. The flight is at 6 o'clock tonight, but the weather here in Lake City is bad today, there may be delays, and we are not sure what time it will arrive."

"Aunt… "

"If we can't arrive in time, you will sign the place where Yu Bing needs to sign for the operation. You are also his family. Tang Xue, Yu Bing told me that he wants to marry you."

One sentence made Tang Xue cry completely.

Manager Wu looked at Tang Xue who was crying, and couldn't bear it. As a little girl, she is about to face this kind of heavy life and death.

Tang Xue answered Li's mother's call, called her mother, and cried again. She almost shed a lifetime of tears today.

In the evening, Manager Wu bought rice, but Tang Xue couldn't eat it. Manager Wu persuaded: "Eat as much as you want, don't you have a game tomorrow?"

"He said he was going to cheer me on tomorrow," Tang Xue glanced at the door of the ward, "Liar."

Manager Wu sighed, "Let's eat, the competition is better. You represent China tomorrow. Li Yubing definitely wants to see you win glory for the country."

Tang Xue almost forcibly stuffed something into her mouth, ate dinner with difficulty, and received a call from Chu Xia. Chu Xia comforted her and reminded her to go back to the hotel today and play tomorrow.

But she doesn't have the heart to think about the game now.

At ten o'clock in the evening, it had been more than six hours since Li Yubing was in a coma. Tang Xue walked into the resident doctor's office and listened to the other party's explanation of the surgical risk notice.

The resident doctor is a gentle and amiable aunt. She told Tang Xue that Li Yubing may become paralyzed after the operation, may become mentally retarded, vegetative, and may even die directly...

When she said a possibility, Tang Xue shed tears once, and after crying, Tang Xue helplessly tugged at the corner of her clothes, almost pleadingly: "Doctor, my boyfriend is in good health. You said that. None of that, right?"

The resident doctor has no way to nod, some comfort will be regarded as a promise by the patient's family, and the doctor dare not make any guarantee. Looking at the poor girl, the resident doctor said: "Actually, if he hadn't been in good health, he wouldn't be alive now. The mortality rate of being hit on the back of the head is very high. Those scenes on TV where people are knocked unconscious by hitting the back of the head, It's all a lie, and it's easy to kill people under heavy blows in that place."

This trick reverse consolation really worked. Tang Xue was worried and a little fortunate, after all, Li Yubing was still alive.

After that, Tang Xue signed the consent form for the operation, and her hands were trembling when she signed it. After she signed, the doctor said, "The surgery is scheduled for one o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

After signing, Tang Xue didn't want to leave and sat in a daze in the hospital corridor. Both the team leader and the assistant coach left, leaving only Manager Wu.

When such a big event happened, Manager Wu was also very busy. Regarding Li Yubing's situation, the club has not officially notified the media, but some people have heard the rumors and spread it out, causing an uproar on the Internet.

Public opinion began to reverse dramatically, many people spontaneously organized prayer activities, and the popularity of the Internet was amazing.

Then someone jumped out and said: Those who once scold Li Yubing, you owe him an apology.

Manager Wu didn't cry when Li Yubing was injured, but now seeing these reversal remarks, his nose suddenly becomes sore. Li Yubing has been scolded for so long, made up jokes, made up rumors, and publicly insulted... Just because he is a public figure, everyone can step on him recklessly to gain a sense of existence.

But now, fate finally gave him justice, but in this way.

The Lai couple arrived at the hospital at 11:30 in the evening, with a secretary behind them. After meeting and talking about the situation, Mama Li immediately asked the secretary to send Tang Xue back to the hotel.

"You have a game tomorrow, and my uncle and I are here to watch."

Tang Xue returned to the hotel in despair, and when she walked into the room lightly, she saw that Zhang Yuewei had not slept. Although Zhang Yuewei and her always quarreled in the team, but they didn't know what Coach Chu was thinking. Anyway, every time they went out to the game, they were arranged in the same standard room.

At this moment, Tang Xue looked at Zhang Yuewei with a swollen walnut, and found that Zhang Yuewei was not much stronger than her, her eyes were also red and swollen, and at first glance, she had cried.

"What's wrong with you?" Tang Xue asked.

"none of your business."

"You like Li Yubing."

"I..." Zhang Yuewei wanted to deny it, but seeing Tang Xue's determined face, she turned her face guiltily and whispered, "I'm sorry."

"Apologize for what," Tang Xue walked over and sat beside her bed. "That dog is so cute, what's so incomprehensible... But you are not allowed to talk to him in the future."

"I've never talked to him much," Zhang Yuewei asked innocently, "how is he now?"

Tang Xue talked about the situation in the hospital today, and cried while holding Zhang Yuewei. She has never been so vulnerable.

Zhang Yuewei's sadness was diluted by Tang Xue's pain, and she began to comfort Tang Xue. The two talked for a while, and Zhang Yuewei said, "Go to sleep, there will be a game tomorrow."

"I can not sleep."

"How can you play if you can't sleep well."

Zhang Yuewei also didn't know which of his strings was wrong - probably because Tang Xue was too pitiful, or maybe out of a sense of responsibility to take care of Li Yubing's girlfriend - she hugged Tang Xue in order to let Tang Xue sleep. , The two were squeezed together on the same bed, and she patted Tang Xue's back one after another. Just like when her mother coaxed her to sleep.

Tang Xue was actually photographed by Zhang Yuewei and fell asleep. Although she didn't sleep very well, she recovered a lot the next day. In the morning, she got up and cleaned up, and immediately went to the hospital to find Li Yubing.

Zhang Yuewei reminded her behind her: "Coach Chu said that you must go to the speed skating hall to meet and sign in before nine o'clock, otherwise you will record a major demerit."


Zhang Yuewei stood at the door, looked at the empty corridor, and said to himself, "I won't like you in the future."

Tang Xue, who had disappeared in the handover, suddenly ran back and hugged Zhang Yuewei, "Thank you, Zhang Yuewei."

Zhang Yuewei was quite uncomfortable and rolled his eyes, "Nervous, let's go."

Tang Xue thought a lot along the way, from birth, old age, sickness and death to the struggle between man and destiny. Yesterday, he was beaten to the point where he lost his mind. Today, he can finally think normally, and it feels like he is living again.

Well, I'm still in a bad mood though.

When she arrived at the hospital, she met the resident doctor who was on duty yesterday, and she had not finished get off work. The doctor said, "I heard that you have a game today. Come on for the game."

"Thank you, he... how is he?"

"There will be an operation this afternoon, and the doctor is already in place. You can go and see him. You actually invited Doctor Qi."

"Who is Doctor Qi?"

"A doctor who has never missed a hand."

Tang Xue had been looking forward to today, and finally ushered in some good news.

She walked into the ward lightly, while Li Yubing was still sleeping. She sat on the edge of the hospital bed and took his hand.

Li Yubing's palm was still hot, just like when they held hands countless times. Tang Xue felt the familiar temperature, her eyes turned red, and tears almost fell again. She sniffed and said to herself, "I promised not to cry today."

"Li Yubing, I was in the game when you had surgery," Tang Xue hugged his palms with both hands, "Let's all do our best, okay?"

Li Yubing didn't answer, and lay quietly, like the Sleeping Beauty in a fairy tale.

"You know, I actually thought about it," Tang Xue said looking at his quiet sleeping face, tears finally rolling down, "How could I like you. You really aren't my type... Then I finally thought about it. I understand. For Bian Cheng and Yu Yan, I like only the appearance, only for you, what I like is your soul, this is the true appearance of love. I sometimes regret that we have missed so many years , I would think, what would have been the situation if we hadn't separated at the time... But later, I was full of gratitude for fate. Thank it for taking you away and making you a better you; thanking it for bringing a better you back In front of me. You are really different from when you were a child. You have a strong soul now. Self-confidence, bravery, firmness, fearlessness... From yesterday to today, I have prayed many times, praying to gods from all walks of life, from Chinese I went to a foreign country, but now I think it's enough to believe in you. Li Yubing, I believe you can survive this time. Don't forget our agreement. I'm still waiting for you to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics. Then, you know, I also thought, I won the Winter Olympics, and you proposed to me on the spot," Tang Xue said with a smile, her face barely dry, she continued, "Then we get married, have a baby Two children, the big one is called Dandan and the youngest is called Erdandan. In summer, our whole family goes to the mountains to watch the stars together…”

She rambled about her future life, and finally said, "I'm leaving. I believe in you, and you also believe in me, don't worry, when you wake up, we will have another gold medal... Remember, no one is allowed. No appointment," he said, bowing his head and kissing his palm, "I'll be waiting for you at the finish line."

When she kissed his palm, the nurse just came in and saw it. The picture was so beautiful and the nurse was very moved. Then, after Tang Xue left, the nurse clicked and shaved Li Yubing's hair.

In the morning, the legendary Doctor Qi went to the hospital and met the patient's family. Dr. Qi is forty-three years old this year, and he looks like he is only in his early thirties because he is well maintained. Papa Li has never read his profile, and now he is a little worried about his appearance. He always feels that this doctor looks too young. No matter how good a young doctor is, he is still inexperienced.

Father Li was really worried about his son, so he implicitly asked about Dr. Qi's work experience.

As a result, Dr. Qi was quite temperamental, and said in a bad mood: "I have opened more brains than you have eaten tofu brains."

Dad Li was stunned for a moment, then said with a good temper, "I never eat tofu brain."

After Dr. Qi left, Mama Li said to her husband, "He is a good doctor, with excellent medical skills, and is well-known in the industry. However, his temper has never been beaten by the patient's family, and he is lucky." Quite emotional.

The nurse took Li Yubing for a preoperative examination, took another film, and sent the information to Dr. Qi. There are many people involved in an operation. Everyone should discuss the operation process, possible situations, matters needing attention, etc. in advance.

Dr. Qi got Li Yubing's examination data, compared the two filmings, and looked at the intracranial pressure monitoring value and other data, and suddenly exclaimed sincerely: "Whoops?!"

Everyone else was startled and asked, "What's the matter, Doctor Qi?"

"Look, the hematoma is changing in the absorption phase."

"Hey, really... Doctor Qi, do you still need to do the operation?"

"What to do, push it back, take medicine to remove blood stasis." Doctor Qi went out with his hands behind his back. As he walked, he said in a scolding and rather envious tone:

"Young is so good."

The author has something to say:

-small theater-

Li Yubing: I knew it, I paid for the phone bill. If there is anything abnormal when I wake up, labor and capital will pull you to the moon with a club.

Lin Chuyan: Come here, brother, let me tell you what is your own, and what is your phone bill.

Li Yubing: Oh

Lin Chuyan: My own family has a car, but I don't have a phone bill. #Smile#

Li Yubing: Thank you, I feel very comforted.

(Seventh brother weakly defended, in fact, Lin Chuyan has a stroller in the physical book, and it is not enough for a stroller. You don’t have to have high expectations. = =)