Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 110: Xia Menghuan x Liao Zhenyu (4)


Since knowing the whole process of Xia Menghuan's transformation into a hooligan, Liao Zhenyu's love for her has reached its peak, and he has taken care of her even more meticulously. Help her get things, grab food in the cafeteria, drive away rotten peach blossoms... Liao Zhenyu firmly believes that his mentality at this time is probably similar to the kind of care that the boss has for the younger sister.

If he was compared to an eagle, then Xia Menghuan was the bird under the protection of his wings.

He shared his wonderful metaphor with Xia Menghuan. Xia Menghuan tilted his head to think about it and said, "But eagles can eat birds."

Liao Zhenyu felt that he might have been molested, and also thought that being a boy was more sensitive and easy to think blindly, he lost his mind and pretended to be casual, "Forget it, you're only a few taels of meat, it's not worth my mouth. ."

Xia Menghuan didn't say anything, thinking that you can eat as much as you want without considering my feelings.

Time flies to the end of the term. After the hectic exam, Liao Zhenyu packed up and prepared to take the high-speed train home alone. The night before his departure, he gave Xia Menghuan the chubby little rabbit that he had raised, and solemnly told her: "Give it back to me when school starts, and don't eat it."

Xia Menghuan nodded and asked, "What time is your high-speed train tomorrow?"

"Eleven in the morning, what's wrong?"

"My brother will drive to pick me up tomorrow, why don't I drop you off at the high-speed rail station, you don't have to take a taxi." Xia Menghuan is a local.

"Very good, I didn't read it wrong, you are a person who repays kindness." Liao Zhenyu felt a little warm and asked again, "So you still have a younger brother?"

"It's my cousin, only three months younger than me. I just got my driver's license yesterday."

Liao Zhenyu's heart jumped, "That..." I just got my driver's license yesterday, and I'm driving on the road today, isn't it a bit too hasty...

He was afraid, but Xia Menghuan's good intentions, he was too embarrassed to refuse, so he agreed inexplicably. After such a restless night, the time to come has finally come.

Xia Menghuan's cousin was tall and slender, with a small flat head and smiling eyes. He looked harmless to humans and animals, but as soon as Liao Zhenyu got into his car, it was as if Tang Seng entered the Pansi Cave. Don't be nervous.

As soon as my cousin saw Liao Zhenyu, he asked him if he was also playing xx games.

"I heard from my sister that you are very good at this game." My cousin said.

It was difficult for Xia Menghuan, as a scavenger, he could still identify who played well. Liao Zhenyu faltered and reminded him: "Slow down, don't hurry, there is plenty of time."

My cousin glanced narrowly at the co-pilot Xia Menghuan, then slowly drove the car onto the road, then stepped on the accelerator.

Startled Liao Zhenyu, he nervously held the armrest above the door.

Xia Menghuan reminded: "You drive well."

"Alas, my sister feels distressed." My cousin sighed pretentiously, slowing down the speed of the car.

This is a bit ambiguous. Liao Zhenyu looked at the rearview mirror, Xia Menghuan was also looking at the rearview mirror, their eyes met in the mirror, Xia Menghuan hurriedly avoided his gaze, her eyes rolling randomly.

There was a subtle embarrassment in the atmosphere of the carriage. Xia Menghuan looked out the window and comforted Liao Zhenyu: "Don't worry, my brother, although he only got his driver's license yesterday, he has already been driving for three years."

Does it mean that you have embarked on the illegal road of driving without a license early? It doesn't sound very reassuring...

Who is this family, always trying wildly on the edge of law and morality

More than half an hour later, Liao Zhenyu arrived at the high-speed rail station safely, and thanked Xia Menghuan's cousin with a feeling of gratitude for his fate.

After he checked the ticket and entered the station, his cousin looked at his disappearing back and asked Xia Menghuan, "What do you like about him?"

"You don't know, he is a gentle person." When Xia Menghuan said this, there was a slight smile on his face.

My cousin complained: "Forget it, don't talk about it, I'm a little scared seeing you laughing like that."

After Liao Zhenyu returned home, he took his cousin to play a game. I don't know, I was startled. It turned out that my cousin was a high-purity handicapped man. He struggled for three months in the low-end game and never won. He once did the trick of pretending to be a girl and hugging his thighs, and was soon exposed... What a tragedy and bad luck. Liao Zhenyu found that Xia Menghuan's family always had a strange and sympathetic attribute.

He took this cousin to eat chicken once (eating chicken means killing the winner in the end), the cousin was very moved, and made a decisive decision: "I recognize your brother-in-law."

Liao Zhenyu was a little embarrassed, "Don't, don't call me brother-in-law."

"That's your father?"

"Not so polite… "


"… "

The cousin offered only three choices, Liao Zhenyu weighed it a little, and finally reluctantly accepted the title of "brother-in-law".

So, when the three of them were playing games together, my cousin called Liao Zhenyu brother-in-law very naturally. Liao Zhenyu was originally a talkative person, but he was always silent at the moment, Xia Menghuan didn't speak, only his cousin in the earphones was shouting in short, the atmosphere was lively and ambiguous.

Liao Zhenyu quietly sent a message to Xia Menghuan: Don't think blindly.

Xia Menghuan: Oh.

During the Spring Festival, Xia Menghuan went to Thailand with her family to play for a few days. During the trip, I did not forget to send photos to Liao Zhenyu and talk about what he saw and heard. Liao Zhenyu commented very seriously. One after another, the two kept in touch. Xia Menghuan was still planning to bring souvenirs to Liao Zhenyu, which moved Liao Zhenyu greatly.

The night before returning to China, Xia Menghuan secretly watched an adult performance in Pattaya.

She went to the show purely out of curiosity. It is said that the scale of the show was quite large, and she just wanted to see how exaggerated it was.

To this end, she also made a strategy. It is said on the Internet that single girls are easily invited to interact on the spot after they go there. Needless to say, the scale of interaction is also very large. In order to prevent this kind of accident from happening, Xia Menghuan brought his cousin along.

In order to avoid embarrassment, she also prepared a pair of big sunglasses for her cousin. Wearing big sunglasses at the dimly lit performance scene, you can't see anything in the darkness in front of your eyes.

My cousin felt like an alpaca in his heart.

The whole adult show is vulgar and boring, not aesthetically pleasing, even a little disgusting. Xia Menghuan expressed disappointment after reading it, and returned to the hotel to complain to Liao Zhenyu for a while.

As soon as Liao Zhenyu heard what she had done, she immediately exploded, her temples throbbing, and her annoyance could not be contained. He said angrily, "Why do you watch that kind of thing? Do you want to watch it with a man?"

He had a mild temper, and it was the first time he got angry with her like this, and Xia Menghuan was too frightened to speak.

Liao Zhenyu's anger continued: "Are you still a girl? If you let others know, if you let your future boyfriend know—"

"Why are you so fierce," Xia Menghuan interrupted him, she suddenly choked up and said with a sob, "I'm just curious to see, there are also these things in biology textbooks, it's not illegal to see, I didn't go shopping. Yaozi, why are you so heinous?! You are still murdering me, why are you murdering me..." As he spoke, he really cried.

Liao Zhenyu listened to her intermittent cries, and her stomach was full of fire. Xia Menghuan cried and cried, and hung up his phone directly.

Liao Zhenyu stared at the phone in a daze.

What's the matter with me, he thought, why is there such a fire all of a sudden? The fire seemed to have been doused with gasoline, and another gust of wind blew through it, and the fire was so raging that it couldn't be contained no matter what.

As for

As Xia Menghuan said, she didn't do bad things. In all fairness, if it was him, he might be curious to watch it.

Although it's a bit hard to tell, but... You won't get angry, right

Liao Zhenyu touched his chin, thought hard for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion: he may be used to taking care of her normally, and he really regards himself as her guardian.


The next day, Liao Zhenyu sent a message to Xia Menghuan as if nothing had happened: The temperature has been widely cooled in the country these few days. Remember to bring thick clothes with you to avoid catching a cold.

Never mention the quarrel between the two yesterday.

Xia Menghuan never replied to his message.

Liao Zhenyu did something wrong this day. From time to time, he glanced at his mobile phone. When he saw that she didn't reply to the message, he would wonder if she was still angry and how should he coax her.

It wasn't until after nine o'clock in the evening that Xia Menghuan finally agreed to talk to him.

Xia Menghuan: Just got off the plane.

Liao Zhenyu was relieved and immediately replied: Are you tired

Xia Menghuan: It's okay, I slept all the way on the plane.

Liao Zhenyu: Is it cold outside? What are you wearing

Xia Menghuan: Down jacket.

Liao Zhenyu: Take a photo and I'll take a look.

Xia Menghuan thought it was ugly to take a selfie in a down jacket, so she took off the down jacket and threw it to her cousin.

Liao Zhenyu saw that her clothes were thin, and the guardian was sick again, and especially wanted to talk about her. But he tried his best to endure, just said: hurry home!

The two are reconciled. The next day Xia Menghuan had nothing to do, and played games with Liao Zhenyu. Naturally, he also called his cousin.

Liao Zhenyu is extremely displeased with his cousin now. The three of them played a game, and they hit the last three against one. As long as they solved the last opponent, they would be able to eat chicken.

At this time, Liao Zhenyu suddenly raised his hand and shot his cousin.

A headshot.

One moment ago, he was excitedly preparing to eat chicken, but the next moment he watched the picture turn black and white, and his cousin looked stunned, "Hey, what do you mean?!"

Xia Menghuan also didn't understand, and asked Liao Zhenyu, "Why do you want to kill yourself?"

Liao Zhenyu was lying beside his cousin's disappearing corpse, rummaging through things, and answered confidently, "Can't you just pick up the equipment?"

The three of them connected to Mai. My cousin also heard this, and immediately exploded after hearing this: "The best equipment is with you, are you picking up a ghost? Killing your teammates to pick up equipment? You bastard!… Sister, He's targeting me!" My cousin was full of grievances, and when he saw his sister ignoring him, he turned his angle to the camera of his teammates, and found that his sister was picking up the equipment he dropped at the moment.

My cousin was helpless, "You two beasts!"

After Liao Zhenyu cleared the door, he quickly killed his opponent. He and Xia Menghuan both ate chicken.

Then he ignored his cousin, who was still complaining, and asked Xia Menghuan, "There is a temple fair in Lake City these days, do you want to come and play?"

Xia Menghuan: "Okay, just right, I brought something for you and the king."

My cousin, who was ignored, felt a little cold. He sent a WeChat message to Xia Menghuan asking: Do you want a younger brother or a boyfriend

Xia Menghuan: Of course it's her boyfriend. Does my brother misunderstand his status

Cousin: ... jerk!