Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 112: Xia Menghuan x Liao Zhenyu (6)


When Liao Zhenyu saw Xia Menghuan's head downcast, inexplicably, there was such an energy in his body that he must do this.

He and Xia Menghuan did research for several days, went to the Materials Department to ask questions, and ran to interview the director of the club in charge of making and pouring ice. Then Liao Zhenyu discovered that not all ice layers were translucent, and some important competitions used Ice, because the water and workmanship are very particular, the transparency of the ice produced is quite high.

As for why the boss insists that the ice on the ice rink is translucent, it is because... The boss has not participated in any important events...

Alas, the boss is so poor.

Liao Zhenyu forgave the boss's ignorance and wrote a plan. Although the ice of the Olympic Games is very authentic and beautiful, the cost is terribly high. The water is pure water, and the production process is quite complicated. Some people even listen to music to the ice in order to get the most perfect ice. As long as Liao Zhenyu is not crazy, he will not use those methods of burning money. In the end, he weighed it again and again, and decided to boil the water directly, then cool it, and use it as the special water for ice making and pouring ice in the ice rink.

As for the method of listening to music, it can be adopted. Anyway, turning on the sound does not consume much power, even if it has no effect, it does not matter, at least it can be forced.

After solving the transparency of the ice, I started to make renderings.

This link makes Liao Zhenyu a little embarrassed. He doesn't know how to make pictures. He usually doesn't even open the filter for selfies, and he has no ability to compose pictures at all. He is 1.8 meters tall and can take a selfie with the effect of 1.5 meters.

Xia Menghuan looked at him quietly, "Why don't you ask me?"

It may be because Liao Zhenyu and her have not changed their minds from the roles of eagle and bird. It is always easy for Liao Zhenyu to do everything together. Hearing Xia Menghuan's question at this moment, he realized that he really ignored her.

However, he was skeptical of her abilities. After all, in his eyes, PS is a very difficult technology.

Liao Zhenyu: "You can make pictures?"

Xia Menghuan nodded: "Yes."

"I'm talking about making pictures, not the kind of selfie beauty."

"I know."

Liao Zhenyu said, "Then show me the pictures you made before."


In the evening, Liao Zhenyu paid the price for his contempt. Xia Menghuan sent him a photo, claiming it was her "representative work", Liao Zhenyu clicked it, and it was a nude loan photo.

The man in the photo is shirtless and bloated, showing two o'clock, holding his ID card to his chest with both hands. The face is his Liao Zhenyu's face, the photo on the ID card is also his, and even the name and birthday are correct.

Liao Zhenyu was squatting around chairs in the dormitory and eating hot pot with his roommates. When he saw the photo, he fell to his knees with a thud.

This is so... It's so realistic that it scares people to death!

Seeing that Liao Zhenyu was eating and knelt down, his roommate looked over his head inexplicably, and said with a look of surprise, "Ah, men can also borrow naked? ... What the hell, isn't that you? Liao Zhenyu?!"

Liao Zhenyu waved his hand awkwardly: "Misunderstanding!"

The roommates didn't believe it and said with a smile: "Liao Zhenyu, where did you get the naked loan? Let me introduce you. We men don't have to worry about it so much, just lend me a hundred yuan and I'll shoot it."

"It's really a misunderstanding..."

"Cut, stingy. Still not a brother?"

In desperation, Liao Zhenyu sent a message to Xia Menghuan: Are you there

Xia Menghuan: Yes.

Liao Zhenyu: My roommates liked it when they saw the photo, and they wanted it too.

Xia Menghuan: …

As a result, the three roommates each obtained a nude loan photo without getting a dime in the loan.

From then on, Xia Menghuan was like a witch in the eyes of the people in their dormitory.

At night, Liao Zhenyu was lying on the bed, thinking about that nude photo without any trace of PS.

He was a little unhappy.

- Why was Xia Menghuan so careless when she gave him nude photos? His figure is much better than that bloated and flabby man, ok? o( ̄ヘ ̄o#)

He tossed and turned on the bed, feeling awkward. Finally, I touched the phone, opened Xia Menghuan's WeChat, and typed a line in the chat box:

Actually I am in good shape.

After Liao Zhenyu finished typing, his finger stopped over the send button, but he didn't press it.

Sending this kind of information to a girl in the middle of the night, the more you look at it, the more wretched you are...

He hung his head weakly, quickly deleted the sentence, and turned off the phone to sleep.

When Xia Menghuan was making the renderings, he raised a new question: the density of ice is not the same as that of air. If pictures or reliefs are placed in the ice layer, these objects will be refracted when they enter people's sight, and the visual effect will be deviated.

As for the deviation, it is related to the refractive index of the two.

For this reason, Liao Zhenyu created another correction formula.

The duo did a lot of preliminary work on the idea. The two of them are not busy with their schoolwork, and they also need to work part-time. There is not much time to spare, so they are doing this, seeing that the material submission date is coming soon, and the ppt has not been completed yet.

In desperation, they took their computers and went to the hotel to open a room.

Liao Zhenyu never imagined that for the first time in his life, he opened a room with a girl for the purpose of making ppt.

Because the reservation is too late, the hotel has no standard room, only the special big bed room is left. It stands to reason that the lonely man and the widow are in the same room, or such a room, the atmosphere should have been a bit ambiguous. But Liao Zhenyu and Xia Menghuan were like marching to fight, their minds were full of ppt and ddl, and no one felt embarrassed. Enter the room, turn on the computer and start work.

Liao Zhenyu found two packs of instant coffee at the tea stand, and made a pack for him and Xia Menghuan to refresh themselves.

Later, he kind of regretted making the coffee.

At 3:30 in the morning, when the ppt was finally finished, Xia Menghuan was too sleepy to open her eyes, and pointed to the bed: "I sleep here, you sleep over there."

Liao Zhenyu felt uncomfortable for a while, "I'll just lie down at the table for a while."

"It's okay, don't care about these details, as long as your heart is pure."

"Well, that's right," Liao Zhenyu nodded, thinking about it but not feeling right, "Aren't you worried about what I'll do to you?"

Xia Menghuan thought, I'm really looking forward to it!

Naturally, this kind of words only dare to think about it in my heart.

The two of them occupied two ends of the bed. Xia Menghuan fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow, but Liao Zhenyu didn't feel sleepy. First, he drank coffee just now. Second, there was a girl lying next to him, which made his nerves unable to relax. The power is on her. His body senses became so sharp that he could even hear her breathing.

After a while, Xia Menghuan moved and turned over. Liao Zhenyu looked at her sideways, and saw that she was lying on his side with her back to him, her body turned at an angle because she turned over, hugging the quilt and slept soundly, her slender shoulders rhythmically rising and falling with her breathing. Against the background of the dim light, it looks both fragile and full of vitality.

He looked at her back, and his heart was calm, as if it was not very calm.

Then, Xia Menghuan moved again, and her body was more inclined.

After a while, it moved again...

Liao Zhenyu had no sleepiness at all, and witnessed Xia Menghuan's sleeping image - when this person fell asleep, she would rotate clockwise on the edge of the bed. She might have been a planet in her previous life, right

Xia Menghuan turned around, her head turned to his lap, her head crookedly resting on his lap, and she slept soundly.

Liao Zhenyu's body tightened, and he hurriedly moved her head.

Pulled away, she came back. If so again and again.

Liao Zhenyu was helpless, pulled her up by her arm and straightened her on the bed. Although she knew she couldn't hear her, she couldn't help but say, "Lie down."

Xia Menghuan didn't know what she was dreaming, but suddenly she plunged into his arms, hugged him with her backhand, and rubbed her head against his chest.

Feeling her petite and soft limbs clinging to him, Liao Zhenyu only felt a hot blood rushing upwards in his body.

The culprit was ignorant, but he raised his leg and hooked his waist intensified. Liao Zhenyu felt that he was about to explode, and pushed her with a blushing face, "I warn you, show some respect!"

Xia Menghuan was pushed back by him, and his head tilted back slightly, causing all the air she exhaled to spray onto his neck. Gently, itchy, hot and silent temptation... Liao Zhenyu felt that her soul was about to be blown away by her.

With Wenxiang Nephrite in his arms, Liao Zhenyu's body gradually changed. He felt a little ashamed and a little innocent. After all, he is a normal and prosperous man, how can he bear this kind of provocation... He was wrong, he should not listen to Xia Menghuan and say that his heart is pure. Facts have proved that when a man reaches this time, which heart will be Pure!

Liu Xiahui, who was rumored to be in a stable state, was probably gay.

Liao Zhenyu was severely tortured by Xia Menghuan, but in desperation, she had to wrap her tightly with a quilt and put it aside, "I told you to show some respect."

Then he lay beside her, listening to her breathing, and couldn't fall asleep.

Liao Zhenyu didn't sleep all night, got up the next day, and went to check out with Xia Menghuan with a pale face. The little brother who checked out at the front desk looked at him with sympathy.

Liao Zhenyu: = =

Did you misunderstand something...

After checking out, they went back to school and went to the event office of the School of Economics and Management to submit the materials for this planning competition. At the same time, there was another team who came to submit the materials. Those students belonged to the management school. After submitting the materials, everyone walked out of the office together.

"Have you heard? It is said that the first prize has been decided by default. Xing Jun, the son of Vice President Xing, also participated in this competition. It is no surprise that Xing Jun is the first prize."

"Huh? No way?"

"Do you think it will be possible? Sixty percent of the judges who scored in the finals are teachers from the management school. Don't be too young in Sao Nian."

"Ah, then aren't we going to drop the cannon fodder?"

"Well, it's time to exercise. Besides, Xing Jun can't win the first, second, and third prizes. He can always give us some broth."


Xia Menghuan and Liao Zhenyu walked out of the School of Economics and Management in silence, and when they were separated from those people, she said to him, "I think we will definitely win the first prize. We have the strength."

Liao Zhenyu walked beside her and absently said "um", his voice sounded lacklustre.

Xia Menghuan saw that his face was not good, and asked strangely, "What happened to you? Didn't sleep well last night?"

No, don't mention last night...

Do you know how hard I tried to forget last night...

Liao Zhenyu rubbed his forehead, "I went back to sleep."


"Then, these few days, we will not meet for the time being."

“… qaq”

A week later, Xia Menghuan and Liao Zhenyu received a notice from the management institute that they were shortlisted for the finals and had to defend in the academic lecture hall. The defense is divided into two parts, speech and live questions.

The legendary vice president's son Xing Jun came on stage before Liao Zhenyu. Liao Zhenyu watched his presentation in the audience and had only one feeling: bland.

Xia Menghuan leaned into his ear and whispered, "I think it's normal."

Liao Zhenyu: "Well, it feels like a ppt made for him by a child from the primary school next door."

Xia Menghuan covered her mouth and snickered.

Liao Zhenyu squinted at her. She smiled so much that her eyes were bent, her eyes were indescribably soft and bright, with soft bangs on her forehead, uh, so cute.

Xing Jun's defense was over. Although Liao Zhenyu and Xia Menghuan disliked him, he still got a high score from the judges.

It was Liao Zhenyu and Xia Menghuan's turn. Xia Menghuan played the ppt and Liao Zhenyu gave a speech. Maybe it's because Xia Menghuan's renderings were so beautiful, when they finished showing them, there was applause at the scene.

But the judges seem not to be satisfied.

Judge a: "The cost of making ice with boiling water is too high and too whimsical."

Liao Zhenyu: "This is the cost estimation table we made, and the other one is the expected profit. The cost has indeed increased, but the profit margin has not decreased but increased compared to the current model. In addition, boiling water is only one of the more feasible solutions at present. Another option is to improve and introduce industrial transparent ice."

Judge b: "Is there any precedent abroad for this idea of yours?"

Liao Zhenyu: "No."

Judge b: "Have you ever thought that if foreigners don't do this, does it mean that it is actually not feasible?"

Liao Zhenyu: "Teacher, when the Chinese created the four great inventions, foreigners didn't do it either. I mean, innovation has nothing to do with nationality, it just requires people to try hard. After you try it yourself, you will know whether it will work or not."

Judge B nodded, seemingly convinced, turned around and gave them a low score.

Three of the six judges from the School of Management gave them low marks. Fortunately, the teachers from the school youth league committee and the representatives sent by the club gave them good marks, so they raised their marks a little higher.

In the final result of the defense, Liao Zhenyu and another team won the second prize together.

The first prize is naturally Xing Jun's team.

To be honest, Liao Zhenyu was not convinced by this result.

It's not because he and Xia Menghuan didn't win the first prize, but because Xing Jun's team's idea of wholesale 50 cents a sack in the vegetable market is not worthy of the first prize.

The boss and sister-in-law are better than them.

In the pure ivory tower, Liao Zhenyu felt pure injustice.

When he came out of the venue, Liao Zhenyu had a bit of negative energy, and there seemed to be a dark cloud over his head. Xia Menghuan was even more mourned than him, walking beside him with his head down, without speaking. Seeing her like this, Liao Zhenyu felt distressed for a while, and he didn't care that he was in a bad mood, so he comforted her: "Okay, our original goal has been achieved, isn't it? At least we have innovation credits."

Xia Menghuan looked up at him, and he saw that there were two tears in her eyes, which were crystal clear and would not fall. Liao Zhenyu's heart was aching, and he looked at her at a loss, "Hey, don't cry, it's not a big deal. Shall I invite you to dinner? ... Otherwise, what do you want, I'll accompany you?"

Xia Menghuan shook his head and continued to walk forward silently. Liao Zhenyu quickly followed.

He would do anything if it would make her happy at the moment.

This is the first time in my life that I feel like I want to be kind to someone without reservation.

It is said on the Internet that when people are in a bad mood, they should do something exciting to vent their negative energy. So the next day, Liao Zhenyu took Xia Menghuan to bungee jump on the bridge.

The scenery on the bridge is particularly good, the sun is strong, and the mountains and rivers are magnificent. Xia Menghuan was timid, so Liao Zhenyu had to take the lead. Liao Zhenyu watched others bungee jumping very interesting, but it was really his turn. From the moment he jumped off, he started screaming "Aah". He didn't have the heart to appreciate the scenery at all.

The whole process lasted for two or three minutes. After he was pulled up, his face was pale, his eyes were blank, his legs were soft, he sat on the ground shivering with his back against the railing, and muttered to himself: "Why should I? Playing this, I might be mentally retarded and almost died..."

The staff couldn't listen anymore and reminded: "We are very safe and will not die."

Liao Zhenyu stared, "I'm talking about being scared to death, scared to death! Understand?"

Xia Menghuan bent over and handed him his cell phone, "Liao Zhenyu, you have a phone."

Liao Zhenyu answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Hello, hello, is this Liao Zhenyu?"

"Yes, may I ask who you are?"

"My name is Zhang Yi, and I'm the operations manager of the Xiaolong Club. We saw your work and Xia Menghuan's work in this creative competition, and we think it's feasible to buy it. Would you like to meet and chat?"

Liao Zhenyu suddenly burst into tears when he thought of the speed of his life and death just now: "Why didn't you tell me earlier!"