Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 113: Xia Menghuan x Liao Zhenyu (7)


After some negotiation, Liao Zhenyu and Xia Menghuan finally sold the idea exclusively to the Xiaolong Club at a price of 50,000 yuan. Although their planning case is relatively rough and far from a mature business plan, they have already raised all the problems that may be involved, and initially sought solutions according to the actual situation. This is quite rare. Many college students have no social experience. They only rely on their passion and brain to do things. The plans they write are often imaginative and ungrounded.

Another reason why the Snapdragon Club is willing to spend money is - exclusivity. The agreement signed by Liao Zhenyu and the others has a confidentiality clause, and from now on, they cannot disclose this idea to others. The copywriting and ppt they submitted during the competition were deleted from the competition's database and the display of winning works.

It was not until the bank card received the transfer reminder that Liao Zhenyu believed that all this was indeed true.

He and Xia Menghuan accidentally made a fortune.

After that, Liao Zhenyu understood a truth. There may be many injustices in life, but as long as you have enough strength, you will definitely be seen by others.

Shortly after the two divided the 50,000 yuan equally, Liao Zhenyu's birthday arrived. Xia Menghuan's birthday gift to Liao Zhenyu was a pair of limited edition sneakers to make up for the pair she had cheated on him before.

Liao Zhenyu couldn't forget the mood when he opened the gift. There was ecstasy, excitement, that's for sure, and at the same time a light feeling of happiness wrapped around him, and his heart throbbed slightly.

As if something was about to break out of the ground.

After the dust settled, Linda ushered in the Spring Games.

In this sports meeting, the school set a rigid target for the number of applicants for each class. Liao Zhenyu and his class did not have enough people to sign up, so they could only decide by drawing lots. Liao Zhenyu was unlucky and won the lottery.

When he told Xia Menghuan that he was going to participate in a long-distance running competition, Xia Menghuan didn't know what to do, so he turned to look for the monitor, and also signed up for a long-distance running competition. She failed the 800-meter run, so she proudly reported a top-level women's 3,000 meters.

Liao Zhenyu looked at her pale and thin body and said unceremoniously, "Your brain is broken? Three kilometers? You'll be exhausted after running."

"I want to challenge myself." Xia Menghuan replied.

Liao Zhenyu didn't agree with her way of challenge, but he still respected her. He asked her, "Then do you want to practice first?"

Xia Menghuan thought for a while, then shook her head: "No need, I want to keep all my energy at the critical moment of the game." She clenched her fists as she spoke, as if that was the case.

It was the first time that Liao Zhenyu heard this kind of fallacy and heresy, and had the urge to knock her on the head.

Xia Menghuan didn't practice, and Liao Zhenyu didn't plan to practice either.

It was a sunny day for the competition, and Xia Menghuan specially wore short-sleeved shorts for the competition. The shorts are sports shorts with soft and loose fabrics, bright yellow, this color reminds Liao Zhenyu of a duckling that has just broken its shell, and it feels particularly fresh and cute.

Under the shorts were the girl's legs as thin as porcelain. Xia Menghuan is not tall, no matter how good the proportions, her legs are not long, but her legs are slender, well-proportioned, and her complexion is fair, so she still looks very beautiful. Liao Zhenyu couldn't help but take a few more glances, and then felt that he was a bit wretched, so he looked away and pretended to look at the sky.

"Liao Zhenyu." Xia Menghuan called him suddenly.

"Ah?" Liao Zhenyu's body couldn't help bouncing, and he felt guilty for no reason.

His reaction was a bit big, which made Xia Menghuan look strange, and whispered, "I, I went to check and record."

"Well, I'll accompany you."

He accompanied her to the check-in booth. When Xia Menghuan bent over to sign in, Liao Zhenyu saw a boy staring at her legs not far away. He frowned and walked behind her to block the boy's sight.

At the same time, he snorted heavily.

Xia Menghuan didn't notice them. She signed in and received a bib. There are two bibs, one on the chest and one on the back. Xia Menghuan pinned the one on her chest by herself, and Liao Zhenyu took the other one and walked behind her to help her do it. She wore a crisp ponytail today, and the ends of the ponytail hung behind him to block his view, so he gently lifted her ponytail to the front. The hair was held in his hand, soft and a little cool.

Liao Zhenyu likes girls with soft long hair.

When he brushed her hair, his fingertips inadvertently rubbed the skin on her neck, the touch was delicate and smooth, and it was fleeting. He couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in his heart, thinking of a lot of things that should not be thought at the moment.

Xia Menghuan felt his movement, blushed unconsciously, lowered her head and silently pulled the number bib on her chest.

Liao Zhenyu looked up after finishing the number bib, and saw that the back of her originally fair head was now a layer of pink, her ears were also red, and her whole figure seemed to be shrouded in brilliant haze.

Liao Zhenyu was stunned for a moment, then smiled softly, "What are you blushing?"

"I'm a little nervous." Xia Menghuan explained.

Liao Zhenyu said "oh" and comforted her: "What are you nervous about, do you still expect to be ranked?"

Xia Menghuan felt that Liao Zhenyu's reverse comforting method was really unique.

She took a deep breath and walked to the track with the other runners. Liao Zhenyu stood behind her and told her: "Don't be in a hurry to start, or you will have no strength behind. Anyway, the last one has been reserved by you, run slowly, and it's ok when you're done. La."

There is a senior sister from the sports department of the student union who is a nodding acquaintance with Liao Zhenyu. She is standing by and watching them, joking with a smile, "Are you saying that about your girlfriend?"

Liao Zhenyu suddenly got stuck, looked at Senior Sister, opened his mouth, and finally said in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense."

Senior Sister Yi Le, "Your tone of voice seems to be encouraging me to talk nonsense."

On the other side, Xia Menghuan stood on her own track and set up a starting position with the others. When the starting gun rang, everyone rushed out of the starting line. From the start, the speed difference shows. If other people are missiles, Xia Menghuan is at most a yo-yo.

Liao Zhenyu was a little satisfied, feeling that Xia Menghuan had listened to his words.

If he knew that Xia Menghuan was actually running with all his strength, he would probably vomit blood.

Xia Menghuan ran for half a lap, and was a little tired, and the speed slowed down significantly. After a lap, when she passed Liao Zhenyu, Liao Zhenyu saw that her breathing was messy, her eyes were empty, and she looked like she was about to lose consciousness. He couldn't help raising his feet, followed her, and called her: "Xia Menghuan?"

"Ah?" Xia Menghuan responded.

"Adjust your breath, follow me... Inhale, inhale, exhale, exhale—"

Xia Menghuan followed his command to breathe, feeling a little better, although she was still tired. Liao Zhenyu was worried, and ran with her since then. She is on the red runway, he is on the green grass, the difference is clear, walking side by side.

Xia Menghuan was gradually exhausted and her legs were as heavy as lead. She was so tired that her brain was empty, her mind was numb, and she just repeated the movements under her feet mechanically. She didn't remember many details of the run that day, and only clearly remembered his tireless instructions. She was exhausted, every cell in her body was screaming to stop, stop, it was so painful... She felt like she was dying. But listening to his voice, she had a breath in her heart. This breath hung her up, and made her keep going like this. Although it was slow, she kept her footsteps.

Liao Zhenyu saw her sweat dripping and her face turned from red to white. He felt distressed for a while, and said softly, "Why don't you run away."

Xia Menghuan gritted her teeth and shook her head, and continued to run, her footsteps wobbly, looking more like a little duck.

Liao Zhenyu regretted not stopping her at this moment.

When she ran to the finish line, her face was like golden paper. Liao Zhenyu saw that she finally crossed the line, and was about to applaud and celebrate for her, but she saw her staggering downward. He was startled and quickly reached out to catch it.

Xia Menghuan fell limply into his arms, her eyes closed and motionless.

There was a strong panic in Liao Zhenyu's heart, he hugged her horizontally, and ran to the school hospital like crazy.

According to eyewitnesses, Liao Zhenyu was holding a large living man weighing dozens of kilograms in his arms at that time, and he ran wildly, with a speed of 30 yards conservatively.

However, Liao Zhenyu was never able to replicate the brilliance of the moment.

Xia Menghuan was just an ordinary exercise-induced fainting, and woke up after lying in the school hospital for a while. When she woke up, she moved, and her limbs were sore and weak. Although he ran three kilometers, he felt as if he had run three thousand laps around the earth.

She opened her eyes, rolled her eyes, saw Liao Zhenyu sitting beside the bed, the two stared at each other for a while, Liao Zhenyu suddenly said, "How do you feel?"

"A kind of..." Xia Menghuan thought for a moment and described it, "The feeling of being exhausted."

"You...!" Liao Zhenyu was a little embarrassed and a little irritable, "Are you stupid? What kind of a weak chicken you are, don't you know? How strong are you? Can you make rice or cotton by running those two steps? ?"

He was furious and furious, and his appearance was a bit terrifying. Xia Menghuan shrank his neck and looked at him with a wronged expression, "You murdered me, I'm going to tell the king."

"I..." Liao Zhenyu brought it up in one breath, angry and unable to attack, and was helpless. He raised his hand and touched his forehead, calmed his tone, and asked her, "Why do you have to run three kilometers?"

Why run three kilometers

The answer couldn't be simpler.

When we like someone, we unconsciously seek courage and strength in the sense of ritual. Do something that may seem absurd seriously and religiously, get spiritual support from it, and comfort the nervous and humble mood when you like it.

This feeling, you know

Xia Menghuan looked into his eyes, pursed his lips, and said nothing.

Liao Zhenyu looked at her fresh and moist eyes and pale complexion. After a while, he suddenly said, "What are you looking at, fool."

Xia Menghuan neither denied nor resisted, but turned her face away, looked out the window, and sighed with sadness: "Actually, sometimes, I am quite envious of the king."

Her melancholy look made his heart ache again. Liao Zhenyu: "I'll teach you how to skate."

Skating is a good sport, it can keep fit and not boring.

So Xia Menghuan worked part-time in the skating hall for so long, and finally enjoyed the benefits of free skating.

The first time she learned to skate, she was fully armed and stood on the ice, her body was stiff and she dared not move. Liao Zhenyu used an idiom to describe her image at the moment - dumbfounded.

She looked so funny, Liao Zhenyu hugged her arm and giggled for a while, and after laughing, she stretched out her arm and grabbed her hand involuntarily.

"Okay, don't worry, do as I say. I'm the one who can't fall." Liao Zhenyu encouraged her.

All Xia Menghuan's attention was on the hands they held together. She was wearing gloves, but Liao Zhenyu didn't. Although there was a layer of gloves, she seemed to be able to feel the temperature of his palm, so she was a little confused.

The two held hands and skated slowly around the ice rink for a while, when Liao Zhenyu suddenly let go of her. He thought that Xia Menghuan didn't pay attention and would continue to slide unknowingly, but he didn't expect that as soon as he let go, she immediately woke up, followed by a flurry of hands and feet, and her body continued to slide uncontrollably due to inertia.

"Ah!" After an exclamation, Xia Menghuan fell onto the ice.

Fortunately, the protection is complete, and it is not very painful to fall.

Liao Zhenyu saw that she had not succeeded in her apprenticeship, so she held back a smile and went over to help her up.

"Didn't you say you can't fall on me?" Xia Menghuan complained.

"I just want you to know that a man's words can't be trusted." Liao Zhenyu said nonsense in a serious manner.

"Oh," Xia Menghuan replied noncommittally, raised her face and stared into his eyes, then she tilted her head slightly, her eyes innocent and affectionate: "Liao Zhenyu, I like you."


Liao Zhenyu only felt as if a colorful light had exploded in his brain, too bright to look at. He could barely feel his heartbeat, and looked at her blankly, "You, you, me, I..."

Xia Menghuan narrowed her eyes, the corners of her lips raised slightly, and a brighter and brighter smile spread across her face.

"I just want you to know that women's words can't be trusted." She said, turned around gracefully, and skated out on the skate.

Liao Zhenyu was left on the spot.

Xia Menghuan's posture of turning around is very handsome. Unfortunately, after slipping for more than a meter, it suddenly thumped and fell again. After the fall, she seemed embarrassed to wait for someone to help her, and wanted to stand up from the ice. The ice surface is different from the ground. The friction coefficient between the ice blade and the ice surface is very small, and it will go back again if it is a little careless. Xia Menghuan's inexperience and nervousness made her crawling on the ice but couldn't stand up.

Liao Zhenyu watched Xia Menghuan and Bing Mian battle wits and courage, and was speechless for a while. At the same time, after he was teased by her, he was very upset, so he secretly gambled, this time he had to wait for her to speak before he went to help. hum.

With such a big ice rink, he is not the only one who can help. An ice patrolman on duty saw that Xia Menghuan couldn't get up and slid over like a gust of wind. Liao Zhenyu noticed him and quickly slid over to send him away.

Then Liao Zhenyu stood in front of Xia Menghuan, bent down, put his hands on his knees, and looked at her quietly.

Xia Menghuan sat on the ice, raised his head and looked at him obediently, "Handsome guy, can you do me a favor?"

Liao Zhenyu was amused by her and laughed. Seriously, what's he doing with a little showman? So he quickly helped her up.

The two of them were considered to have "released their previous suspicions", and they continued to skate after resting for a while. Back on the ice again, Xia Menghuan had secretly removed her gloves, and stretched out a small plain white hand, waiting for Liao Zhenyu to lead her.

When Liao Zhenyu reached out to her, she heard her own heartbeat, thumping, terrifyingly heavy. When the two fingertips touched, Liao Zhenyu suddenly stopped and asked in surprise, "Where are your gloves?"

"Huh? I... I took off my gloves when I was a little hot."

"Take it back." Liao Zhenyu frowned, and his tone was a little stern, "I said why you are so hearty, it's your first time skating, you don't understand anything, if you fall, you might break a bone, wear it back and wear it back! "

Xia Menghuan put on gloves expressionlessly, and wanted to give Liao Zhenyu a "deserved single life" pennant.

When she was halfway through wearing the gloves, she heard Liao Zhenyu say from the side, "You can take them off when you learn to skate."

The author has something to say: there is still a chapter later, um, it will be later, you can wait until tomorrow morning to read.