Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 15: Demon wind blows


Tang Xue stared blankly at the three present, "Excuse me, farewell." After speaking, she turned around and left.

After walking out not too far, he turned back, and with a dark face, he pulled Liao Zhenyu up from his seat: "I think you don't want to mess with me!" As he said that, he pulled him out, not knowing where to go. punish him.

Liao Zhenyu felt so wronged and tried to explain: "It's not me, it's not me, it's not me!"

Xia Menghuan felt so guilty, she quickly left her seat to catch up, "It's me, it's me, it's me!"

Li Yubing looked at the backs of the three, and suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Tang Xue, this guy's current level of friendship, tsk...

The mood is inexplicably good, and the meal is delicious.

Li Yubing had training in the evening. Before nine o'clock when the training was over, he took a shower, put on his schoolbag and walked out of the skating rink, and went straight to the library for self-study.

Of course, it was inevitable to call Shang Tangxue to serve as a driver.

Tang Xue didn't believe that he was really going to self-study, so she exposed him very rudely on the phone: "Li Yubing, you are too good at being a demon, don't look at what time it is, everyone else has returned from the study room. , are you going to self-study now? Do you want to take a selfie and send it to the circle of friends? Don't deny it, I understand it all."

"Wait for you."

"… "

Tang Xue was a little out of temper because of him.

She had already made an appointment with Liao Zhenyu and Xia Menghuan for supper, but now she had to go to the library instead.

There are quite a few people in the library at the moment, it seems that the students of Lin University are very eager to learn.

Tang Xue found Li Yubing in the study room on the second floor. This guy was actually studying, and he read the book so seriously that he didn't even notice Tang Xue's arrival. Tang Xue stood not far away and took a photo of him, and added a line of text on the photo: This person looks like a dog.

Li Yubing looked up and found her.

Tang Xue sat opposite him and hooked her fingers at him: "Come on, add a WeChat."

After adding WeChat, she passed the edited picture to Li Yubing.

Li Yubing was not angry, she deleted the picture with a flick of her finger, and continued to read with her head down.

Tang Xue's provocations all hit the cotton, and she felt bored. She turned around and went to the bookshelf to pick up this biography, and flipped through it casually. This biography is about a princess in the Tang Dynasty. The scale is very large. The author will add extra bed scenes at every turn, which is always exciting. Tang Xue was seeing the exciting place when a light gray thermos cup was suddenly pushed in front of her.

She looked up from the book and looked at the thermos.

Li Yubing's low and begging voice sounded across the table: "Get me water."

"Li Yubing," Tang Xue slammed the book on the table and glared at him, "Do you need me to support you when you go to the toilet?"

"Don't play hooligans with me."


Tang Xue raised a question mark on her forehead, scolded "neuropathy", got up and left with a thermos. As I walked, I was still thinking, why did Li Yubing say she was a hooligan, and why did she play a hooligan? Although she despised that guy, she was really curious and wanted to know the answer...

Originally, she was confused, but when she passed by the door of the bathroom and saw boys entering and leaving, she suddenly felt blessed, and it seemed like a lightning bolt fell from her head, and she understood at once.

Li Yubing, I'm afraid she didn't think that when she said "supporting", she was supporting... uh...

"I can go to his uncle!" Tang Xue stood at the door of the bathroom, scolding angrily.

After scolding, he held the thermos cup and knocked on the door frame of the bathroom, "Want to drink water? I won't even give you urine!"

The two classmates who just came out of the toilet were startled, they were stuck there and dared not cross the door.

Tang Xue originally wanted to throw away the thermos cup, but she was worried that after throwing it away, Li Yubing took the opportunity to claim that the lion opened her mouth to cover her up. Under consideration, she had no choice but to keep it in her hand, and walked away with her hands behind her back. .

Anyway, she doesn't plan to go back to find him, it's best to die of thirst!

Tang Xue walked out of the library with a thermos cup, called Liao Zhenyu, and learned that he and Xia Menghuan were still having supper.

Liao Zhenyu sent her a location, which is in the food street of Linda East Gate, and the place to eat is called "Weihong BBQ Home Cooking". Tang Xue rode a small yellow car and got there in less than ten minutes.

The restaurant was full of people, almost all the tables were full, and business seemed to be doing well. As soon as Tang Xue entered the door, she saw Liao Zhenyu. He was sitting with his back to her. Xia Menghuan was not here at the moment, so he probably went to buy food next door.

Tang Xue walked over with a smile, and slapped Liao Zhenyu behind the back, "Dummy!"

He was patted, his shoulders shook heavily, and he turned to look at her.

Then Tang Xue's eyes met a pair of unfamiliar eyes, and her smile froze immediately, "Uh..."

He has a pair of deer eyes, clear black and white, gentle and moist, and now he tilts his head to look at her, so innocent.

Tang Xue was stared at by such a pair of eyes, and felt a deep sense of guilt in her heart, she quickly raised her hand to the side of her face, her index finger and middle finger were about to touch her temple, and she apologized in multiple voices: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I've admitted the wrong person, you continue... "Speaking, she looked down, over his shoulder, and she saw a bowl of wontons in front of him.

There are a few patches of water on the table, probably the soup that he accidentally spilled when she was photographed just now.

Tang Xue took a napkin and wiped the table for him. After wiping, she said, "Slow down." Then she ran away.

She moved too fast, came like a gust of wind, and left like a gust of wind, leaving him alone as if he didn't respond, looked around without saying a word, and continued to eat wontons.

Tang Xue found Liao Zhenyu and Xia Menghuan by the corner.

Liao Zhenyu tugged at his clothes and comforted Tang Xue: "Boss, I don't blame you, look, I bumped into his shirts!"

"Nonsense, I know, otherwise how could I admit my mistake."

Xia Menghuan said, "You really seem to be teasing him like that."

Liao Zhenyu: "My boss's temperament is like this, you will know later - eh!"

Tang Xue knocked on his head.

Liao Zhenyu rubbed his head and asked, "If you run out like this, that guy won't trouble you, will he?"

Tang Xue twitched the corners of her mouth, "He dares."

Liao Zhenyu knew that the eldest brother was actually strong from the outside, but as a good little brother of the eldest brother, he would not expose her. At this moment, he just said: "Don't worry, boss, we will not give up on you, and we will not let you fight alone."

Thinking of the noon thing, Tang Xue looked at him sincerely: "Why don't you just give up on me and let me fight alone and fend for itself."

Xia Menghuan gently pushed Tang Xue's arm, and said quietly, "Your Majesty, I have found an important piece of information."

Tang Xue was very excited when she heard it, bit the mutton skewer and said, "What? Let's hear it."

"I discovered Li Yubing's fan base, which is in our school, and I've managed to get in."

Tang Xue thought it was incredible, "This guy still has a fan base? Are there so many blind people in our school?"

"I don't know either. I pulled you in. This fan group is unofficial and the management is not very strict."

Tang Xue stopped Xia Menghuan, "I don't want to join his fan group, and I'm not his fan."

Liao Zhenyu: "Boss, if you know yourself and your enemy, you can win every battle. You must join this fan group."

"Well, it makes sense."

Liao Zhenyu greeted the waiter and added another order, and asked Tang Xue what she wanted to drink. Tang Xue ordered soy milk, thinking of what she had done just now, she said to the waiter, "Add an extra bottle of soy milk and give it to that little brother." Then, he pointed to the table in front of him.

Sitting over there is the little brother who was frightened by her just now, still eating wontons.

After a while, the waiter brought soy milk and gave it to Tang Xue first, and then to the little brother. The little brother listened to the waiter and looked at Tang Xue's table.

Tang Xue was looking at him with her chin up, and now he was also looking at her, and their eyes met in the air.

Tang Xue smiled at him.

Liao Zhenyu leaned into Tang Xue's ear and whispered, "Boss, it's the first time I saw someone teasing a man with soy milk today, and I was stunned... You made a home-style restaurant look like a late-night bar, as expected of my boss, admire, admire. ."

"Go!" Tang Xue kicked his chair, and Liao Zhenyu retreated with the chair for a distance. Tang Xue: "I'm expressing my apology, I don't understand."

"What kind of type the boss likes, I know best."

"roll roll roll… "

Later, the little brother didn't drink soy milk, but took it away.

Li Yubing called Tang Xue twice, but Tang Xue pressed it down directly, and she didn't even want to talk to him.

Li Yubing sent her a message: Don't want the schoolbag

Tang Xue patted her head, and then she remembered her schoolbag. Look at the time, it's half past ten.

"Let's go, let's go."

The three went back by bicycle, and Tang Xue took a detour to get her schoolbag. When she was about to get to the library, she saw Li Yubing standing under the street lamp at the entrance of the library. Slender, tall and straight, with a clear temperament, it is different from that station. Among the pedestrians who came and went, he was the most conspicuous.


Tang Xue braked suddenly and stopped in front of Li Yubing.

Like exchanging tokens, he handed over her schoolbag and she shoved his thermos over it.

"Don't let me fetch water for you in the future, beware of poisoning you." Tang Xue threw such a sentence angrily, stepped on her foot, and rode away on her bicycle.

Li Yubing weighed the thermos cup in his hand, pressing his hand heavily, there should be more than half a glass of water. He thought to himself that this guy had a bit of a conscience.

Li Yubing returned to the dormitory, his roommate Lao Deng was playing games, and the other two roommates had not returned.

He put down his things and planned to take a bath. Lao Deng saw Li Yubing's thermos and asked him, "Do you have water?"


"Give me something to drink, I'm dying of thirst."

"help yourself."

Lao Deng put down his dear keyboard and mouse, and hurried over to get a thermos cup. Li Yubing took off his jacket and heard Old Deng screaming strangely beside him.

"Li Yubing, are you ill?"

Li Yubing was inexplicable for a while, and glanced at him, "You are sick."

"Tell me, please, what kind of magic are you trying to do?" Lao Deng said, handing the thermos cup to him.

Li Yubing looked in along the mouth of the thermos cup, and there was no water in it at all.

There is only one big bone.

Li Yubing: "…"