Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 17: Mentor


Tang Xue slept soundly as soon as she returned to the cage. When she opened her eyes in the morning, she found that Xia Menghuan had already woken up, and there was a scent of soy milk and fried dough sticks in the bedroom.

"Why did you get up so early?" Tang Xue lay on the bed and looked at her.

"I'm so happy!" Xia Menghuan raised her arm and handed her a plastic bag containing fried dough sticks, "Would you like to have breakfast?"

Tang Xue took a bite of the fried dough stick and asked, "Why are you so happy?"

"That guy named Yu Wei sent a fifty-dollar red envelope on WeChat early in the morning, and said he wanted to book another chance to deliver breakfast to Li Yubing. It was so fun."

Tang Xue was a little surprised: "Li Yubing believed it? Didn't you say anything else?"


"Well, it seems that his vigilance is not high enough. Then we can continue to auction the next opportunity to deliver breakfast. If Li Yubing doesn't call to stop, we will not stop."

Tang Xue had no classes all afternoon, and Xia Menghuan wanted to squeeze out this afternoon to go to the ice rink to do a part-time job, so she couldn't play with her anymore. Tang Xue was very bored, so she went to the ice rink with Xia Menghuan.

She must make good use of the opportunity of free skating, which is her benefit from selling herself.

The daily work of the ice patrols is basically on the ice, which is physical labor. Xia Menghuan, who can't skate, must first participate in training to learn how to skate. But the supervisor saw that her body was thin and her physical strength was worrying, so she directly arranged for her to manage the equipment rental.

Xia Menghuan was a little puzzled, and asked Tang Xue: "You said, I am obviously not in good conditions, why was I selected? Isn't it that the competition for this part-time job is very fierce?"

She and Liao Zhenyu didn't know that they were given a green channel because they were accomplices with Tang Xue.

Tang Xue gave a best guess: "Maybe because you are beautiful."

Xia Meng was happy.

The ice rink they were in was on the east side of the indoor skating arena. Linda's indoor ice skating hall has two areas. The east area is the main stadium. The ice rink is the largest. There are thousands of seats around the ice rink, and it also has the function of hosting games. On days when there is no competition, it is open to the public, and the money earned is used to maintain the daily operation of the skating hall. It is said that the Linda Skating Hall used to lose money year after year, but since it was handed over to the Xiaolong Club for operation, the financial statements have become more and more beautiful.

The chemical reaction brought about by the combination of the two sides is far more than that.

Linda's ice sports include short track speed skating team, figure skating team, and ice hockey team, of which the ice hockey team is the latest and worst team. The ice hockey team failed to achieve ideal results for several years after its establishment, and the funds were tight without results. However, ice hockey is still a sport that burns money... Gradually, the ice hockey team failed to operate and became a mess.

Lin University also had no choice but to come up with a wild way to co-organize a team with a company.

This cooperation has been negotiated for more than a year. Originally, both parties wanted to take advantage of more advantages and suffer less losses. If no consensus was reached, the talks were about to collapse.

It was not until the opening season of September last year that a freshman named Li Yubing came to Lincheng United University to report.

Then, as an ordinary student, he went to the hockey team to play in the stadium, saying that he hoped to join the hockey team and that he could take them to fly.

The coach of the ice hockey team had never seen such a forceful person for many years. At the time, he was a little confused and didn't even hit him.

After that, Li Yubing didn't talk too much. He changed his uniform and went on the field to compete with the players. He joined the ice hockey team on the same day.

After discovering the new player, the Xiaolong Club quickly made concessions and signed a strategic cooperation agreement with University Lin.

The addition of Li Yubing and Xiaolong Club has brought qualitative changes to the Linda ice hockey team. In the National University Winter Games held in January this year, the Linda ice hockey team overcame a strong enemy and won the gold medal. Li Yubing became famous and was widely discussed. Over the next few months, he played some more games one after another, and gradually he even attracted some fans. Male fans think he has good skills, female fans think he is handsome, club owners think he is covered in RMB, and school leaders think he is the key to the hockey team's turnaround...

Everyone treats him as an ancestor.

Tang Xue was on the equipment rental platform, listening to the cashier's sister talking about these gossips.

Miss and sister are very good at blowing, Tang Xue and Xia Menghuan are both dumbfounded. Tang Xue couldn't believe it: "Just him? Is it such an exaggeration?"

"Really, all the people in Jianghu respect him as 'Ice God', do you think it is for nothing?"

Tang Xue pouted, shook her head and said, "I don't think this title is suitable for him."

"Then what do you think suits him?"


The young lady's face darkened and she said angrily, "I'm his fan, so be careful when you speak!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Tang Xue quickly apologized, "Miss, I'll give you some information about Li Yubing, do you want to listen?"

"Oh? What?"

"I brought him into the ring when he played ice hockey." Tang Xue pointed to her chest, "Really, I won't lie to you. I am his life mentor."

The young lady looked in admiration: "Many people say that they are his girlfriend, only you, claiming to be his life mentor. Your bragging angle is really refreshing and refined. If there is a bragging competition, I will definitely vote for you."

Tang Xue got bored and walked away.

She originally wanted to go ice skating, but when she passed by the west gate of the ice skating rink, she saw that the gate was open and there was a sign "Stop for idlers".

In general, in this case, the less you watch it, the more itchy you are.

The door on the west side leads not to the exit, but to the west area.

Tang Xue knew it. The skating hall is only open to the east area, and the west area is the training ground for athletes and is not open to the public. She was a little curious about what it looked like over there, looked around and no one noticed her, so she slipped in.

Behind the door is a passage, and after walking through the passage, it turns out to be another door.

She pushed open the door and saw a security guard watching her silently.

"Cough." A little embarrassed.

"Who are you looking for? Go to the main entrance to register."

"I... just take a look."

"You can't see it here."

"Can't you just take a look..." Tang Xue muttered, seeing the firm attitude of the security guard, she was about to turn around to leave, but suddenly saw a familiar figure in the distance. "Manager Wu!" she shouted.

Manager Wu was stopped by someone, and he looked over after the prestige. Seeing that it was Tang Xue, he smiled and said, "Tang Xue, are you here to find Li Yubing?"

"Ah? Ah." Tang Xue nodded.

"Go ahead, just as he's about to finish training. Do you know where he is?"

"I know." Tang Xue said nonsense with her eyes open.

Manager Wu ignored her.

So Tang Xue wandered into the West District by herself.

Manager Wu did some errands in the East District, and when he returned to the West District, he happened to see Li Yubing walking out with a schoolbag on his back. Manager Wu looked at Li Yubing just like he looked at Grandpa Mao. Now he looked at Li Yubing with a smile and asked, "Are you in class?"


Seeing Li Yu's single figure, he asked curiously, "Has Tang Xue gone?"

Li Yubing paused, "Tang Xue?"

"Yeah, she came to you, I just saw her."

Li Yubing frowned, thinking about what this bastard wanted to do.

He couldn't guess the guy's routine, and he was worried, so he turned back to find her.