Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 20: A pervert


The second day is the weekend.

In the morning, Li Yubing participated in a business event linked by the Snapdragon Club, which was the opening ribbon-cutting of an ice rink. This guy is wearing a suit and tie, and looks like a dog. Once an athlete puts on a suit, there is almost nothing ugly. After years of practice, the muscles on the body are well-proportioned, the shoulders are shoulders and the legs are legs. Wearing a suit shirt, well-dressed, sexy and abstinent, hormones explode.

It stands to reason that Li Yubing is just a school team player no matter how good he is. There is no need to go to such activities, but the Xiaolong Club especially likes to take him with him. The young man looks like Zhou Zheng. When he puts on a suit and goes to that station, everyone asks which star Xiao Xianrou is, and the management of the club thinks, Bei Er, Yes, Mian, Zi!

Tang Xue also went. She was the grumpy little assistant, who was in charge of showing Li Yubing things, passing water, running errands, and watching other people's bright and beautiful flowers. Loneliness is for one person, and liveliness is for the whole world.

When they went back, Li Yubing took a taxi, and the two sat in the back seat. Tang Xue smelled the faint scent of men's perfume on his clothes, and an emotion called envy and jealousy gurgled out.

"Beast in clothes." She said sourly.

Li Yubing took off his suit and covered her head.

Tang Xue was covered, she said "hello" angrily, pulled her suit down, and got her head out of it, "Are you looking for a fight?"

"Hold it for me." Li Yubing said, loosening his tie.

The tie was torn loosely and shifted a little to the side. The collar of the shirt was opened in a V shape, exposing the root of the neck and a small piece of collarbone, which made his temperament look like a rare laziness.

Sunlight filtered in from the car window, shone on half of his face and on his shirt. The shirt was illuminated white and bright, and the texture was light, like the wings of a white dove.

He didn't seem to get used to being exposed to the light, so he turned his face and faced Tang Xue, just to see Tang Xue looking at him.

Li Yubing raised an eyebrow.

"You look like a dog." Tang Xue said.

Li Yubing had a few sips of wine just now and was a little tired. She didn't have the energy to argue with her now, she closed her eyes, tilted her head, and fell asleep.

At first, he was very disciplined, but after falling asleep, after shaking a few times, his head rested on Tang Xue's shoulder.

Tang Xue pushed him away in disgust, and after a while he came over again.

If so, Tang Xue slapped him on the head.

He slept thoroughly, unknowingly.

She was too lazy to deal with him.

Li Yubing's body rose and fell evenly, and it was transmitted to her through the part where the two bodies were in contact. Tang Xue suddenly thought that someone in Li Yubing's fan group had mentioned that this guy goes to bed at eleven o'clock and wakes up at six o'clock every day. Yes, tired like a dog.

Tang Xue had been a sports student himself, and knew how valuable his perverted self-control was.

Therefore, although she hates him, she is also convinced of his quality.

Li Yubing went back to school, changed out of his suit to train, and at night he changed out of his ball suit to go to self-study.

After the evening self-study, I went back to the dormitory and changed into my pajamas.

On this day, a total of three pairs of socks were changed.

Tang Xue: "…"

When Li Yubing smiled and handed her the handbag with three pairs of socks, she really used the greatest self-control in her life to avoid jumping up and blowing his dog's head off.

"Good night." Li Yubing said.

"Li Yubing, from now on, for your personal safety, it's best not to talk to me."

Li Yubing turned and walked towards the dormitory building, waving her hand lightly with her back to her.

Tang Xue was carrying her handbag, feeling disgusted. In fact, the socks in the handbag are all packed in plastic bags, and there is no smell at all, but she still has the illusion that she is enveloped by poisonous gas.

Suddenly, I can understand the feeling of Peabody's feces, a farmer.

Li Yubing's dormitory building and Tang Xue's dormitory building are about a five-minute walk away. On the way, they pass through Liao Zhenyu's dormitory building. When passing by Liao Zhenyu's dormitory, she bumped into him.

Liao Zhenyu had just parked his little sheep downstairs in the dormitory, and when he turned his head and saw his boss, he was surprised: "Boss!"

Tang Xue was not surprised at all: "Oh." She thought to herself, don't ask me what I got.

Liao Zhenyu: "Boss, what did you take?"

"Gas bomb."


After Tang Xue finished speaking, she wanted to leave, not intending to talk nonsense. But she inadvertently looked behind Liao Zhenyu and found a security guard standing not far from him.

The security guard looked at her vigilantly at the moment, his right hand was on the baton at his waist, and his right hand was pulling out the walkie-talkie.

Tang Xue: "…"

"No, big brother, listen to my explanation, this is not a real bomb, I'm joking... If you don't believe me, look," Tang Xue hurriedly opened the handbag, "Look, it's full of socks, socks!"

The security guard's expression was still a little surprised, and he stepped forward with the baton.

Inside the tote bag was a black plastic bag. He took out the plastic bag, opened it, and saw that it was really socks.

Three pairs, one white, one black and one dark green.

The security sighed in relief.

"Don't talk indiscriminately in the future. We only had an anti-terrorism exercise not long ago."

"Mmmmm!" Tang Xue nodded quickly.

The security guard was on a routine patrol at night, and now Yu Xue Tangxue shook her head and left.

Liao Zhenyu leaned over to Tang Xue and whispered, "Boss, are you a pervert? The one who goes to the boys' dormitory to steal socks?"

"shut up."

Liao Zhenyu immediately expressed his loyalty: "Don't worry, boss, I won't tell anyone. When I go back, I will steal all my roommate's socks for you."

Tang Xue helped her forehead, "Are you sick?"

"As long as the boss likes it, if it's not enough, I can steal the next bedroom."

"No..." Tang Xue felt that it was necessary to explain, otherwise there would be more smelly socks thrown into her arms tomorrow, and she couldn't bear it. She said, "These socks are from Li Yubing."

Liao Zhenyu narrowed his eyes and found that it was not easy, and asked, "Why did you steal Li Yubing's socks? Are you eyeing him?"

"It's not stealing, I'm going to wash his socks."

Liao Zhenyu's mouth suddenly opened into an O-shape, and he looked at his boss in surprise. He maintains this shape and can't return to his senses for a long time, like a sculpture.

Tang Xue glared at him: "What about you?"

"Boss, tell me the truth," Liao Zhenyu asked in a low voice, "Do you have a nude loan video in Li Yubing's hands?"

The consequence of Liao Zhenyu's cheap mouth was that the bag of socks ended up in his hands.

Tang Xue patted him on the shoulder, "Waiting for me here tomorrow." She decided that Li Yubing's socks would be washed by Liao Zhenyu in the next nine days.

Liao Zhenyu said with a sad face: "I can't do it tomorrow. I have club activities tomorrow night, so I don't necessarily need to be back."

"What society?"

"It's the roller skating club, I told you."

Tang Xue nodded, that's what happened. "Then have fun and call me when you're done playing."

"Boss..." Liao Zhenyu wanted to resist.

"It's hard work, I'll treat you to dinner." Tang Xue made a unilateral decision.

The next day, Tang Xue thought she would have to wait for a long time, but Liao Zhenyu called her early.

"Boss, I was bullied!" Liao Zhenyu's tone was extremely aggrieved.