Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 25: a ticket


Tang Xue smiled sweetly and said to Xia Menghuan, "Do you know what Li Yubing's biggest weakness is?"

Xia Menghuan also had a sweet smile on her face, and replied, "I know the biggest weakness of all men."

Tang Xue: = =

Xia Menghuan's appearance always made her ignore, and there was a big hooligan lurking around her.

Tang Xue: "I'm really curious, what have you experienced before?"

Xia Menghuan waved his hand, "It's hard to say a word, it's hard to say a word."

However, the "weakness" that Tang Xue said was not the "weakness" that Xia Menghuan understood.

A few days later, Tang Xue asked Li Yubing to a secluded corner. This place used to belong to an experimental field of the old agricultural college. It was later abandoned and transformed into a small garden with maple and peach trees. Autumn has dyed the maple leaves into fire, and the ground is scattered with green weeds and small yellow daisies. Looking around, the scenery is not bad.

The sun is very big, people stand in such a scenery, their skin will be very good, Li Yubing looks at Tang Xue's face, and feels that this guy doesn't seem to be so dark now.

Tang Xue put her hands behind her back and looked at Li Yubing with a smile, "Xiao Bingbing~~~" with wavy lines in her tone.

Li Yubing's scalp went numb for a while, and she knocked on her head, "Speak human words."

She was knocked on the head by him, and she was not angry. With a rippling smile on her face, she said, "Today is your birthday."

"Yeah." Li Yubing didn't expect Tang Xue to remember his birthday.

"Hey," she held out her hand in front of her, "a birthday present for you."

Li Yubing lowered her gaze and saw a box lying in her hand. The lavender square box is just the size to fill her palm. He raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking that he had given her a birthday present many years ago.

A very special, very disgusting gift.

Li Yubing stood still and twitched the corners of his mouth, "Are you so kind?"

"That's necessary, I'm still waiting for you to pay me my salary," Tang Xue winked at him, "Open it and take a look?"

He took the box and lifted the lid.

In the box lies a pink silkworm baby.

The silkworm baby was fat and fat, probably because he was hungry, he kept squirming his body, crawling to the edge of the box, and was about to crawl out of the box.

Li Yubing felt nauseous for a while, but there was no expression on his face. With a blank face, he closed the lid of the box again, and then tossed it—

The box flew right into the roadside trash can, making a dull thud in the empty trash can.

This reaction was completely different from what Tang Xue expected. She remembered that Li Yubing was most afraid of caterpillars. She was counting on the caterpillars to control him...

"You," she pointed to the trash can with a look of disbelief, "did you not see what was inside?"

Li Yubing looked at her with his arms crossed, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "Have you heard of the 'Caterpillar Clinic'?"

"… what the hell?"

"Specialized in treating caterpillars with psychological shadows, and I have recovered."

"How could someone do such a boring thing." Tang Xue was extremely disappointed, with a drooping face, she walked over and started rummaging through the trash can.

Li Yubing asked, "What are you doing?"

"Silkworm baby was borrowed from the laboratory." She replied while rummaging through the trash can.

"Steal it?"

Tang Xue glared at him, "Don't talk nonsense, how can something about a scholar be called stealing?"

The trash can was quite empty, she quickly retrieved the silkworm baby and lightly dusted off the dust on the box.

Then he took the silkworm baby and left.

Li Yubing stood there and watched her leave. After she was far away, he suddenly let out a sigh of relief, as if the tight spring in his body suddenly loosened.

Feeling a little weak in his hands and feet, he supported the maple tree by the roadside, raised his hand and wiped his forehead, only to find that he was covered in sweat.

"I knew for a long time that you would mess with me like this," Li Yubing gasped and muttered to himself, looking at Tang Xue's back and sneering, "This fool."

After Tang Xue returned to the dormitory, she returned the silkworm baby to her two roommates, Zhao Qin and Ye Liuying. The silkworm baby was indeed stolen, but it was stolen by these two roommates who studied agricultural engineering. It was cultivated in the laboratory of the Agricultural College. It is said to be able to spit colored silk.

Ye Liuying held the silkworm baby and looked at Zhao Qin next to her. The two winked at each other behind Tang Xue. When Tang Xue turned around, she saw them winking, as if something was wrong.

"What happened to you?" she asked.

"Tang Xue," Ye Liuying looked a little embarrassed, hesitated for a while, and asked, "Will you go to the hockey friendly match at the skating hall next week?"

The friendly match Ye Liuying said was a match between Linda University and a certain German university ice hockey team. Recently, several universities in Germany have come to Lin City for visits and exchanges. These students did not pay much attention to academic exchanges, but a hockey varsity team they brought over attracted the attention of many people.

Since the Linda ice hockey team won the gold medal, the students of this school have been honored. Looking at colleges and universities across the country, there is quite a feeling of being alone and seeking defeat. The opportunity to have a discussion with European friends this time made them look forward to it.

At the same time, this friendly match was widely reported by the media in Lin City, making it well known to everyone.

Part of the tickets for the game were distributed to Lin University students for free. Unfortunately, there are too many wolves and few meat. The current situation is that it is hard to get a ticket.

Tang Xue naturally knew that there was such a game, but she didn't have a ticket either.

"I'm not going," she replied.

"Oh." Ye Liuying was a little disappointed, and said nothing more.

Tang Xue asked, "Are you going?"

Ye Liuying shook her head, "We wanted to go, but we couldn't get the tickets. Now the tickets are resold on the Internet. The prices are very expensive and we can't afford them."

Zhao Qin took the opportunity to say, "Tang Xue, I heard that you are very familiar with Li Yubing from our school's ice hockey team. Can you help us ask if they still have tickets?"

Tang Xue didn't want to beg Li Yubing, but Ye Liuying and the others helped her steal silkworm babies. Everyone is a good Chinese roommate, so please help if you can.

So she nodded readily: "Okay, I'll ask."

So at dinner that day, she paid a huge sum of fifteen yuan to invite Li Yubing to eat a small pot of corn rib soup.

Li Yubing looked vigilant, "What are you doing?"

"Little Bingbing~~~" came again.

Li Yubing was mentally prepared that she would pull out another caterpillar the next moment, but she just said, "Do you still have the tickets for the ice hockey game?"

Oh, that's what I was asking about.

Li Yubing's tense body relaxed naturally, her chin raised a slight arc, and she squinted at her with a pretentious attitude: "Do you want?"

"Is there any?"

He took out a stack of tickets from his schoolbag and asked, "Is this?" Seeing Tang Xue reaching for it, he quickly raised his hand to avoid her.

Tang Xue: "Tell me, how can you give it to me?"

Li Yubing leaned back on the chair and smiled, "please please me."

Tang Xue was able to bend and stretch very well, got up and walked behind him, rubbing and pressing his paws on his shoulders.

The girl's fingers are soft and the strength is very light. It is clearly through the clothes, but the movements of her fingertips are tactful and clear, and they are transmitted to him, making him feel impetuous.

But she still said in a tone that could turn people's numbness: "Binggege~ It's comfortable and uncomfortable~~~"

Li Yubing's scalp tightened, and she slapped her hand away, "Don't touch me."

Tang Xue spread her hands towards him, and he threw the stack of tickets into her hands.

She counted and found six.

Of the six tickets, Tang Xue gave three to his roommates, one to Liao Zhenyu, and one to Yu Yan. When she was delivering tickets to Yu Yan, the two of them made an appointment to meet at the gate of the west area of the ice skating hall, and happened to bump into Li Yubing.

Li Yubing saw Tang Xue hand the ticket to Yu Yan with his own eyes.

Very good, what the front foot takes from him, the back foot can't wait to give it to the little sheep.

Li Yubing stood not far away with his arms crossed, sneering.

Yu Yan took the ticket and smiled: "Now this ticket is very difficult to grab, how can I thank you."

Tang Xue smiled, "Then you call me 'sister'."

Yu Yan was caught off guard, his face was a little hot, he looked away and said, "I'll treat you to dinner."

"Okay." Tang Xue turned around while pushing her bicycle. When she turned around, she saw Li Yubing. She nodded solemnly at him, apparently not intending to talk too much. Then she said goodbye to Yu Yan, got on a bicycle and slipped away.

Yu Yan stood there, and even though she knew that she would not look back, she still waved at her back.

Then he carefully put the ticket in his bag.

When he looked up again, he heard not far away, Li Yubing calling him: "You."

Yu Yan walked over obediently.

Li Yubing said that he was ten centimeters taller, and now he was standing leisurely against the wall with one hand in his pocket, looking down at him like a campus bully.

Yu Yan called out "Senior".

Li Yubing nodded and said, "Don't get too close to Tang Xue."

Yu Yan looked at him, his eyes were calm and unwavering, neither humble nor arrogant, and asked, "Why?"

Why? How to explain this question, I can't tell him that Tang Xue is a scum... Nor can I admit that I want to destroy Tang Xue's peach blossoms...

Li Yubing thought for two seconds, then made a random excuse: "She is mine."

Yu Yan raised his head slightly, his face innocent and ignorant: "But senior, I heard Tang Xue say that you are her dog."

Li Yubing: "…"

On this day, when Li Yubing was training, he was like a crazy cow. The coach and teammates felt that he was fighting for the friendly match.

After the tickets were distributed, Tang Xue had the last one left in her hand. She sold the ticket online and made a small fortune.

On the day of the friendly match, Li Yubing wanted to take her to the ice skating hall, Tang Xue said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I lost my ticket..."

"Idiot." Li Yubing knocked her on the head, then took her to the special passage, and entered the ice skating hall.

Tang Xue didn't have a job card, but no one dared to stop her, there was no way, everyone knew Li Yubing. The boss of the ice hockey team, can't be offended.

In the end, Tang Xue squatted in the aisle like an old beggar and watched the entire ice hockey game.