Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 31: Three Stooges


Yu Yan's training in the afternoon was not in the state, he was overwhelmed with things, and he was always distracted.

After the training, he received a call from an unfamiliar number.


"Hey, Yu Yan, I, Tang Xue."

He couldn't say why, but when he heard her voice suddenly, he felt a little grievance and sadness in his heart, and whispered "oh".

Tang Xue's tone was a little embarrassed, and she said softly, "Yu Yan, can you do me a favor?"


"My phone is with Li Yubing, you can bring it for me, I don't want to see him."

Yu Yan thought of the news at noon. He thought it was strange, it turned out to be Li Yubing's hair... This is not difficult to understand.

Mood instantly brightened.

"Okay." He replied with a firm tone. After thinking about it, he felt that Li Yubing was not easy to deal with, and asked again, "What if he doesn't give it to me?"

"Well... If he dares not to give it to you, you can tell him that his contact information will appear on the small advertisements for asking for money and treating infertility. You can see if he will give it to you."

Yu Yan wiped his forehead, "Okay..."

The two chatted a few more times, and when they finally said goodbye, Yu Yan suddenly asked, "Did you memorize my phone number?"

"Yeah, what's so difficult about that?"

The school sends out mobile phone numbers to new students every year. The same batch of mobile phone numbers have similar segments. The top seven numbers of Tang Xue and Yu Yan’s mobile phone numbers are exactly the same. The difference is only in the bottom four.

Although it was not difficult, Yu Yan was still a little happy.

After he said goodbye to Tang Xue, he went to the ice hockey hall to find Li Yubing. It happened that Li Yubing also trained and walked out with a few people. The shortest member of the ice hockey team was over 1.8 meters. Yu Yan stood alone in front of them, and his figure was actually a little petite.

"Senior, I'll help Tang Xue get the phone." Yu Yan didn't talk too much.

Li Yubing took his pocket and looked at him blankly: "Let her do it herself."

"If you don't give me your mobile phone, your contact information will appear on small advertisements for expensive childbirth and infertility treatments."

Yu Yan said such bizarre words in a calm tone, and the effect was amazing. Li Yubing's teammates burst into laughter, and some people even bent over and had to hold the shoulders of those around them.

Others gave Yu Yan a thumbs up: "You have a seed!"

Li Yubing didn't have to think about it to know that the idea must have come from Tang Xue. He admired her a little bit, that bastard's brain is filled with overwhelming, endless, inexhaustible, and inexhaustible tricks, which is also considered a talent.

Moreover, every time he encounters her, he will be assimilated into a neuropathy by her uncontrollably, which is the most terrifying...

With a dark face, he took out his phone and handed it to Yu Yan.

When Yu Yan answered the phone, Li Yubing suddenly smiled and said, "You can ask her why she didn't dare to pick it up by herself."

"Thank you, senior." Yu Yan took the phone and turned to leave.

Li Yubing's teammates are gossiping.

"Who is this?"

"The freshman of the figure skating team is said to be a little genius. When he came, he brought the team with him."

"Is it so awesome? Compared with my Ice God, who is more powerful?"

"Mental retarded, how do apples and watermelons compare?"

"I like watermelons."

"I like kiwis."

Li Yubing's ears hurt as she listened to them making noises all the way.

Tang Xue didn't eat dinner with Li Yubing that night, and they didn't go to self-study together.

Li Yubing was on the second floor of the library. After finishing his homework, he was a little bored, so he flipped through the books in front of the bookshelf.

Turning around, he saw a book with a very familiar cover, he recalled, oh, it was Tang Xue who had read it.

It was a biography of a princess in the Tang Dynasty, and the cover looked quite serious. He opened it and looked at it for a while, then his face became hot, and he whispered to himself: "This rascal."

At night, the rogue broke into his dream.

This time she did not escape. She didn't run away, so what did she do

I don't know, I can't tell. He only knew that she was by his side, and he smelled her breath again, and he was wrapped in her breath, as if he was trapped in a soft cloud. She leaned over and spoke in his ear, wrapping her body around him, hands? What are your hands doing? I do not know…

Dreams are chaotic and shattered, but the sensations of the body are clear as if real, so joyful, so joyful, so…

When he woke up, Li Yubing opened his eyes, his eyes were empty and confused, staring blankly at the ceiling.

It was dawn outside, but the curtains were drawn in the bedroom, the light was dim, and the roommates were still sleeping and snoring. Old Deng didn't know what he was eating in his dreams, he was snoring and snoring.

The three of them were as lively as a symphony orchestra.

Li Yubing moved his body, feeling the ice cold and smooth under him. He closed his eyes and put his palm on his forehead.


During class in the morning, Li Yubing received a WeChat transfer reminder from Tang Xue.

She transferred him 37,550 yuan.

Li Yubing looked at the string of numbers and frowned.

Tang Xue sent him another message: Bingdog, use it to buy bones, this is what I owe you in my last life.

Li Yubing: Just kidding.

Tang Xue: ... ? ? ? what do you mean

Li Yubing: I said, I'm teasing you, you don't have to give me money.

After he sent this message, he also transferred an account to Tang Xue, which was the salary he should have given her.

Tang Xue suspected that this was another trap of Li Yubing. She struggled for a while, thinking that people shouldn't be greedy for petty gain. How many of the fraudsters on TV are taking advantage of people's greed.

So she didn't receive the money either.

Tang Xue: Li Yubing, we won't meet again in the future.

Li Yubing: Still shy

Tang Xue: Get out.

Tang Xue: I mean, in order to avoid a bloody conflict that might happen when we meet again, we'd better stay away from each other.

Li Yubing: What about the singing competition

Tang Xue: You retire.

Li Yubing: No, I don't like to give up halfway.

Tang Xue: To put it bluntly, don't you just want to hold my thigh and play the piano? Okay, I'll give you one more chance, if you still dare to be a demon, I'll kick you right away.

Li Yubing: Tell the truth, who is the demon...

So at lunch, the two got together again.

But there is one more person between them, Yu Yan.

Seeing Li Yubing so soon, Tang Xue was still quite awkward. She lowered her eyes and didn't look at him, burying her head in her meal.

Yu Yan was sitting next to Tang Xue and was also digging into his meal.

Both of them kept their heads down and didn't speak, just like elementary school students who made mistakes.

Li Yubing sat opposite the two of them, his eyes switched between Tang Xue and Yu Yan several times, and in a slightly questioning tone, he said, "What do you mean?"

Tang Xue didn't want to see his face or look him in the eye, so she lowered her head and replied, "It means, Yu Yan will dance for us, he has dance skills, just practice it according to the online video, The videos are all downloaded. When you play the piano, he accompanies the dance, and I sing, our lineup will definitely amaze the audience. When we win the championship—"

"Ask me to eat bubble gum?" Li Yubing answered before she could say it.

"Ah?" Tang Xue finally raised her head and looked at him in surprise, "You want bubble gum? I originally wanted to say that if you win, the prize will be divided equally."

Li Yubing: = =

Li Yubing didn't expect Tang Xue and Yu Yan to collude so quickly, what can he say? If he raised an objection, he would have been voted out by both of them.

The three of them made another rehearsal time. Li Yubing and Yu Yan were very busy, so they could only use the time after dinner. Two days later, Tang Xue contacted and rented a dance studio in the basement.

In order to save time, they plan to ride a bicycle, but the problem is, Yu Yan can't ride...

Li Yubing is much stronger than Tang Xue, so the responsibility for carrying Yuyan falls on his shoulders.

Really, he wanted to hit people.

Yu Yan has a foundation in dance and a good figure. He learned the quick dances on the Internet very quickly. On the first day of rehearsal, he was able to do the dance moves coherently and smoothly from beginning to end.

Li Yubing was playing the piano, Yu Yan was dancing, Tang Xue was holding a pencil case as a microphone and singing.

"What time is the moon-

Pulling wine and kissing Qingtian—

I don't know the totality of the sky~

Tonight, I will drink the New Year—"

Li Yubing's mind was full of one sentence: Hold on, we can win.

Yu Yan staggered a few times, didn't stand still, and looked back at Tang Xue.

Tang Xue smiled at him.

Yu Yan pursed the corners of his mouth and smiled.

Although laughing a little reluctantly.

Li Yubing watched the two of them look at each other, hehe smiled, the tune changed, and he played "Erquan Reflecting the Moon".

Tang Xue sang and sang her grief, feeling that she was missing a bowl, she suddenly stopped and looked at Li Yubing: "Hey, Li Yubing, you're out of tune."

Li Yubing thought to himself, it's amazing, you still know how to tune.

He responded calmly: "I'm sorry, I made a mistake, continue."

So continue.

After that, whenever Tang Xue and Yu Yan made eye contact, Li Yubing seamlessly switched from "Hopeful People to Live Long" to "Erquan Reflecting the Moon", which was not successful after repeated attempts.

Tang Xue was made to lose her temper. With her waist on her back, she paced back and forth on the spot, a little anxious: "Is there a way to block the speakers? Let's find a cello accompaniment on the Internet and put it on it, then you can just pretend."

Li Yubing said, "I suggest you lip-synch, and then you can just move your mouth and pretend."

Yu Yan on the side was stunned, "You mean, just, am I the only one showing my true strength..."