Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 49: Face-to-face review


For two consecutive days, Ms. Liang attended two dinner parties. One meal was with the figure skating club, and the other was with Coach Yang, the provincial team coaches and leaders, and the leaders of the Winter Sports Center.

Yu Yan was taken by his mother like an exhibit. He was not very talkative, and he was not used to such a social model, so he was silent most of the time, and he would never take the initiative to say anything if no one asked him.

The leaders praised him for being "steady" and "having the demeanor of a general." One by one, his speeches were smooth and beautiful.

This kind of dinner made Yu Yan feel tired.

When the dinner was over, Ms. Liang went back to school with her son. After getting off the taxi, Yu Yan took her to the Conference Center Hotel, where Ms. Liang lived nearby.

While walking on the road, Yu Yan asked Ms. Liang, "Mom, I have a question that I don't understand."


"Why should I sign for a club, instead of entering the provincial and national teams like everyone else?"

"The club is relatively free, and our autonomy will be much stronger. However, we still have to have a good relationship with the system." Ms. Liang replied. She was in a good mood and looked at her son with gentle and kind eyes.

Of course, there's one more thing she didn't tell Yu Yan, that is - joining the national team has many benefits, but it's also controlled by others, and she can't accept that her son's life is controlled by others.

After answering Yu Yan's question, Ms. Liang asked him in turn, "I have a question too."

"Mom, you said."

"Yanyan, do you have a girl you like?"

Yu Yan nodded without hesitation: "Yes."

Ms. Liang was unhappy in her heart, and asked calmly, "Is that Tang Xue?"

Yu Yan was silent, looked down at his feet, and after a while, suddenly looked up at her: "Mom, did you find Tang Xue in private?"

Ms. Liang was stunned for a moment.

Yu Yan's eyes were no longer meek, but rather hurt. He looked at her and said, "Tang Xue ignores me now. What did you tell her?" In the last sentence, his tone unconsciously brought a little questioning. .

Ms. Liang was already extremely upset, but she pretended to be innocent and stunned, saying, "What did I tell her? You should ask her what she told me. I just asked what was going on with you, and I was arrested. She said for a long time, tsk tsk tsk, the little girl's mouth is like the muzzle of a gun, and I don't even have a chance to retaliate."

Yu Yan was startled, then shook his head, "Tang Xue is not such a person."

"You mean mom is lying?"

"Huh? I didn't mean that..."

Ms. Liang sighed, looked at him, and said earnestly: "Yanyan, I admit, I don't like that girl, but that's not the point. What I want to say is that you can't fall in love now, no matter who the object is. , understand?"


"Because you have to focus on your career, your goal, your dream is to be a world champion and nothing else. You also don't feel like I'm an authoritarian parent who doesn't give you freedom. The whole family has invested in you for so many years. How much energy, how much money, and what high expectations do you have for you? Not only us, do you know how many people are paying for you? You are not your own now, your life is not your own, your dreams are even more It's not just your own." Ms. Liang said a lot in one breath, and then she became a little excited and her speech speed became faster.

Yu Yan defended, "I know that I have been working hard to live up to everyone's expectations, but this does not conflict with falling in love."

"Why not conflict? She will distract you." Ms. Liang crossed her arms and stared into his eyes, her aura became aggressive, "Do you dare to say she didn't distract you? You didn't think about her when you were training. Did you miss her during the competition? Didn't you waste time because of her?"


Ms. Liang interrupted him, "Yes, you know it yourself."

Yu Yan lowered his eyes and whispered, "I can adjust it."

"Oh, you can adjust, so how long do you have to adjust? Why don't you ask yourself if you have time and opportunity to adjust? Yanyan, how tall are you? You are already 1.78 meters! This height means something to figure skating. You don't know what it is, right? Who knows when you will grow taller? How much? Your dreams may be interrupted at any time, and you are still thinking about the love of those children all day long, and you take your dreams too much. It's child's play!" Ms. Liang became more and more angry, and finally took a deep breath and shook her head, "Yanyan, I am very disappointed in you."

"mom… "

"Dream and love, you can only choose one."

During the provincial championship, Tang Xue was left alone, practiced by herself during the day, and returned to the dormitory at night, exhausted like a dead dog, and took a shower to review. She felt that she had not worked so hard in the college entrance examination.

And Li Yubing came to bother her again and sent her a video invitation.

Tang Xue refused the invitation and replied with a message: It's the end of the period, big brother.

Li Yubing: I also review, together, supervise each other.

Tang Xue: You are going to win glory for the country and still use the exam

Li Yubing: I have to make up the exam when I go back.

Well, it's worse than her.

Li Yubing sent another video invitation, and Tang Xue agreed this time.

It feels a little weird to have a mobile phone on a desk and study against a human face, but it's good to get used to it.

When Tang Xue lowered her head to concentrate on math problems, Li Yubing's attention was all on the phone screen. He put his hand on the textbook and looked up at her secretly. Look at her brows that stretch from time to time and frown slightly, look at her drooping eyelashes curved into a beautiful arc, look at her small nose bridge that is upturned, and her lips like cherry blossom petals. When she thinks about problems, she likes to hold her pen and bite her lower lip. Soft lips were shaped by her teeth.

Li Yubing stretched out the tip of her index finger and stroked between her slightly wrinkled brows, then the fingertip moved down slowly, her eyes, nose, cheeks... slowly depicting her face.

Finally, his fingertips rested on her lips, tapping lightly with nostalgia.

Jiang Shijia came out of the bath, wrapped up super tightly, it didn't look like she had just crawled out of the hole after hibernation after taking a shower. No way, this is Brother Bing's hard request.

When he came out, Jiang Shijia saw Li Yubing touching other girls through his mobile phone at a glance, and his eyes were so fascinated that he looked so perverted. He is particularly worried that Brother Bing will send a message to the phone.

Fortunately, Brother Bing wasn't so wretched, he just retracted his fingers and rubbed his fingertips lightly on his lips.

This little action made Jiang Shijia's old face blushed. She wanted to turn her back, but she couldn't help it, so she continued to watch. Jiang Shijia also doesn't understand why he is a single dog to see other people's affection, anyway, he has been used to being abused these days, and now he is super calm and even wants to open a bag of melon seeds.

Tang Xue frowned for a while, and suddenly raised her head. Li Yubing immediately resumed the appearance of reading a book in a serious manner. His movements were unbelievably fast, and Jiang Shijia had the illusion of skipping frames in a trance.

Tang Xue looked at Li Yubing on the screen. The way this guy was reading a book with his eyes down was really pleasing to the eye. She tapped the screen with a pen and called him, "Li Yubing."

Li Yubing raised his eyes, "What are you doing?"

"Do you know this question?" Tang Xue brought the worksheet to the camera.

She finally developed a new feature for this review method.

Li Yubing figured it out in two or three times and explained it to her carefully.

Tang Xue listened with some doubts in her heart. Is beauty because of distance? Why did she feel that Li Yubing's voice sounded so gentle? She is almost drunk...

After she finished speaking, Li Yubing said "hello" when she saw her stunned.

"Ah? Thank you, thank you." Tang Xue picked up a pen and wrote quickly on the homework sheet following Li Yubing's ideas, rubbing her face with her free left hand unconsciously.

Li Yubing said, "No thanks, don't forget to like my circle of friends."

"Snake disease."

Li Yubing was silent for a while, and suddenly said in a tone of greeting from a big brother to a younger brother, "How is Yu Yan lately?"

"Don't mention him to me." Tang Xue said angrily.

After reviewing her homework, Tang Xue and Li Yubing said goodnight to each other, and then she didn't forget to give Li Yubing a thumbs up. I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to browse the Moments, and when I clicked into Li Yubing's homepage, I found out, I'll go, this guy is just going out for a game, is it necessary to post so many Moments, tsk tsk tsk, look at you Yeah, it's going to be rainbow-colored.

After receiving a lot of likes from Tang Xue, Li Yubing was about to praise her when she suddenly received a message from her mother.

Mama Li: Are you in love

Li Yubing:

Mama Li: Install, then install.

Li Yubing: ?

Mama Li: You used to have grass in your circle of friends, but now you post it every day and every day. Who should you post it to

Li Yubing: …