Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 55: bite you


From then until the end of the training camp, Tang Xue had the cheek to call Li Yubing every night. Li Yubing suddenly became kind. He never laughed at her and told her stories.

Tang Xue was not quite used to it. During the day, she said to Zhang Yuewei, "How did Li Yubing become so good?"

"how could I know."

"Is it possible that he also has a crush on me?" Tang Xue shook her body in fright after speaking, and immediately shook her head, "No, no, that's too scary."

She thought she might be too sensitive. Zhang Yuewei for a while, Li Yubing for a while, regardless of age or gender, does the whole world secretly love her? Seems a little too narcissistic...

Tang Xue decided to repay Li Yubing's kindness by treating guests to dinner, and Li Yubing readily accepted. This guy eats a lot of food, and at the last moment before going home, Tang Xue was completely eaten up by him.

She didn't even have the money to buy a lunch box on the high-speed rail, so she brought a bag of instant noodles before getting on the train, Li Yubing counted, there were four buckets in total.

For the first time, Li Yubing saw someone carrying instant noodles back home from thousands of miles away, and asked her, "What is this for?"

"Eat in the car."

"Four barrels?"

"And yours." Tang Xue was still thinking about inviting him to dinner at this time. It could be said that she was very conscious of being a breeder. And she also brought a sausage with corn flavor, "you can take a bite at that time." She said to Li Yubing.

Li Yubing laughed and shook his head, "I don't want to bite this."

"Then what do you want to bite?"

He turned his face away and didn't speak, the corners of his mouth were bent, his eyes fell into the distance, and he just smiled and didn't speak.

A tall and handsome young man, with a gentle and clear smile, stood in the endless crowd, very eye-catching, and all the men, women and children who passed by looked at him.

Tang Xue said, "I know what you want to bite."

"Oh?" Li Yubing looked back and looked down at her.

Tang Xue winked at him, "I'll buy you a dog chew when you go back."

Li Yubing was speechless for a while, raised his hand to grab his sleeve, "Come here for me."

How could Tang Xue go over, turned around and ran around the suitcase. Li Yubing moved faster than her and had long legs. He only took a step and walked to the other side to block her. Before she could change direction and run away, he grabbed her shoulders and dragged her over with ease. .

Li Yubing wrapped her arms around Tang Xue's neck, grabbed her with one hand and dragged her into his arms, her laughter was a little evil, "Run, why didn't you run?"

"Don't, don't, don't be like this, say something if you have something to say." Tang Xue can bend and stretch, pulling his arm to try to get out of his control. The two were very close, her shoulders rested on his chest, and the ups and downs of his chest when he breathed were accurately transmitted to her body, which made her feel awkward and embarrassed.

Li Yubing shuddered at the top of her head, in exchange for her body trembling when she was in pain. He felt the trembling of the girl's body in his arms, and there was a strange feeling in his heart, as if he was somewhat satisfied, and faintly yearned for more things. Some fragments of the dream appeared in his brain, fragmented but full of fragrance, which made his breathing unsteady, and even the heaving of his chest became violent.

Tang Xue was struggling hard when Li Yubing suddenly released her hand and let go of her.

She rubbed her head, "Small belly chicken intestines."

Li Yubing turned around without looking at her, and pulled her suitcase to the ticket gate.

Tang Xue was inexplicable for a while, pulled up her suitcase, and followed.

When she got in the car, Tang Xue got in first. The luggage storage space on the ground was full. She pulled her luggage to find a seat and wanted to put her luggage on the luggage rack. When the twenty-six-inch suitcase was lifted by her, the surrounding passengers looked at her with admiration.

Tang Xue felt bitter in her heart. She stuffed a lot of things into the suitcase, and it was too big at the moment. But everyone admired her so much that she was too embarrassed to let it go.

A pair of arms suddenly appeared, firmly grasping the suitcase.

Tang Xue noticed that Li Yubing was standing behind her, and his arms stretched out from her left and right sides to grab the suitcase, so that she seemed to be surrounded by him from behind. Moreover, Li Yubing's movements were the same as hers, holding the end of the suitcase with one hand and the handle of the suitcase with the other. The handle was so small that there was no extra space for him, so he put half of his palm on hers.

This is different from just now. Just now, she was like a quail being pinched by him, watching the flapping wings there, but now, they are so close together, she can even feel the direction of his breathing. Tang Xue turned her neck slightly, her head hitting his chin.

"Don't move," he whispered.

It was rare for Tang Xue to be so obedient, so she didn't move anymore.

Li Yubing held the suitcase up, and Tang Xue followed suit. In fact, she didn't need to exert any force at all. She could barely feel the weight of the suitcase. Now, what made her feel the most clearly was the stack on the back of her right hand. His palms, large, hot, and dry, wrapped around her, like a small stove, baking the frozen pears in the hearth.

When Li Yubing successfully put the suitcase on the luggage rack, his arm raised at an angle, Tang Xue was twenty centimeters shorter than him, tilted his head slightly, and his eyes were full of his arms. enclosed in a human-shaped cage. There has never been a moment in her life where she has truly felt the difference between boys and girls, both in height and physique.

And she felt that she could finally understand why those little girls like tall guys.

Li Yubing retracted his hand naturally, and looked down at her, "What are you in a daze?"

"No." Tang Xue quickly sat down on her seat.

Li Yubing put away her luggage and sat beside her. He bought this train later, the seat is not here, and he can only wait for a while to change seats with others.

After the high-speed train started, Tang Xue held her chin and looked at the scenery outside the window, looking like a little literary girl.

Li Yubing looked at her black and soft hair and asked her, "What are you thinking about?"

Tang Xue turned to look at him and blinked, "I was thinking..."

Thinking, if we went to middle and high school together at the time, what would the result be like

Li Yubing waited for a while, but could not help but ask, "What are you thinking about?"

Tang Xue didn't speak, she took out the small pillow and blindfold, tidied up, leaned back on the chair, and went to sleep.

Li Yubing looked at her quietly.

After a while, Tang Xue took off her blindfold, "Can't sleep, listen to some music." She took the bag and flipped through it for a while, then asked Li Yubing, "Do you have headphones?"

Li Yubing watched her toss, and didn't feel annoyed, she found her earphone and handed it to her.

"Thank you." Tang Xue plugged in her earphones and inserted one earplug into her ear. Seeing Li Yubing looking straight at her, she handed the other earplug to him, "Are you listening?"

Li Yubing took the earplugs and put them in his ears.

Tang Xue adjusted the playlist and continued to sleep hard.

The first song is a light and sweet duet between men and women, the song title is "Fall in Love with Your Good Weather".

Li Yubing's fingertips hooked up and down the white earphone cable, and looked out the window. It's cloudy today, the mountains in the distance are ups and downs, the clouds are low, and I don't know if it will snow.

When a person is in a good mood, no matter what the weather is—clear skies or overcast clouds—it is considered good weather.

After looking at the scenery for a while, Li Yubing's eyes were a little tired, he retracted his gaze and looked at Tang Xue beside him.

She turned her face to the side, breathed evenly, and seemed to have fallen asleep.

Li Yubing touched her bangs, but she didn't respond.

He poked her in the face again, but still no response.

Li Yubing's hand slid down, all the way down her arm, and finally, held her hand.

He grabbed her hand into his own and played it over and over. Knead your palms and pinch your fingers. The girl's hand is really different, slender and beautiful, and unbelievably soft. He didn't dare to use too much force, for fear of breaking it.

After playing for a while, Li Yubing suddenly lowered her head, brought her hand to her mouth, opened her lips slightly, grabbed her index finger, and took a light bite.