Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 56: The rivers and lakes are sinister


Tang Xue slept soundly. Since she resumed training, the quality of sleep has been quite good.

When she woke up again, it was Li Yubing who called her to eat.

Tang Xue took off her blindfold and saw a luxurious lunch box on the small table in front of her, including beef stewed with potatoes, stir-fried shrimp, and some vegetarian dishes.

She touched her stomach, she was really hungry.

Li Yubing handed her a vacuum-packed cooked food. Tang Xue took it and saw that it was a braised pig's trotter.

"Thank you." Tang Xue tore open the package and took a bite, it tasted good. The feeling of filling her empty stomach with food was quite good. She was a little happy. Seeing that there was only a boxed lunch and no pig's trotters in front of Li Yubing, she asked, "Why don't you eat it?"

"I've eaten it." Li Yubing said, turning his face to one side and not looking at her.

Tang Xue was on the side, and only saw his elegant jaw and the corners of his mouth that were slightly raised.

She was bewildered. Crazy oh, just eat a pig's trotter, as for laughing so lewdly

"Li Yubing, haven't you eaten a few good meals?" Tang Xue asked. She felt that there was a real possibility, as an athlete, she was more demanding on recipes. Especially such a good athlete.

"No." Li Yubing denied it.

Tang Xue was immersed in her own guesses, "I'll treat you to good food later. Beef tendons, pig ears, small fish, as well as duck necks, duck feet, and duck tongues—" he listed the delicacy he thought was human.

Li Yubing interrupted her: "Duck tongue?"

"Yeah, you haven't eaten yet, have you?"


"Yes, please eat."

Li Yubing lowered his head and clenched his chopsticks and said, "Okay." His tone was slow and meaningful.

Tang Xue Lao felt that he was a little abnormal.

However, Li Yubing was rarely seen when he was normal, and abnormality was his body. Thinking of this, she felt relieved again.

Their train arrived just after one o'clock in the afternoon. It was Liao Zhenyu who came to greet Tang Xue today.

Principal Tang's old classmate is ill. He has gone to visit his classmates in other provinces and will not be able to come back until tomorrow. At the end of the year, Mother Tang's hospital is very busy. This period is a period of high incidence of children's respiratory diseases. , What secretly set off small firecrackers, smashed glass, provoke stray dogs... All kinds of strange reasons.

So only Liao Zhenyu came to greet him.

In fact, Liao Zhenyu didn't need to come, but he was moldy at home and really had nothing to do, so he came out to play with the boss.

Li Yubing and Tang Xue were both neat and bright, and they were very eye-catching when they walked in the crowd. As soon as they left the station, Liao Zhenyu saw them.

"Boss, here!" Liao Zhenyu raised his hand towards Tang Xue.

After the three met, Tang Xue was about to part ways with Li Yubing and asked him, "How do you go?"

Li Yubing's eyes swept across Liao Zhenyu's body, looking down from the angle, not angry and self-righteous, which made Liao Zhenyu under a lot of pressure, and at the same time there was a lot of grievances and inexplicable.

Li Yubing said, "My parents haven't come home yet... What are you going to do?"

Tang Xue didn't know what to do either. After thinking about it, she said, "I'll go home and put my things down first."

Li Yubing was like that, obviously he didn't want to go back alone and cold, so Tang Xue took him into a taxi as well.

On the way back in the car, the three discussed it. Tang Xue and Li Yubing were both busy and did not want to be too tired, so they decided to fight the landlord in the newly opened tea room near Tang Xue's community, which is healthy and relaxing. brain.

When I got out of the car, the sky was falling and snow fell to the ground, and the small snowflakes fell on my body and melted immediately. Tang Xue stood outside the car watching Li Yubing pay the fare, she suddenly realized a serious problem.

Her current assets are currently three yuan in RMB, which is still reserved for taking the subway today...

Going to the tea room to have fun with these three dollars is afraid that it will become a legend.

Tang Xue was a face-saving person, and she always felt that she should treat Li Yubing and Liao Zhenyu to her own territory. At this moment, she was a little embarrassed by being short of heroic breath. She had to pretend to be X, and after a little thought, she said, "Anyway, there is no one in my house, why don't you go to my house."

So the position shifted.

This was the first time Li Yubing walked into Tang Xue's house. The large three-bedroom, the layout is square, the living room is very spacious, the decoration style is clean, generous, warm, and the details reveal a little taste of life. You can see the balcony through the window, there are many flowers and plants on the wall, and there is a coffee table and lounge chairs in the middle.

Tang Xue brought some snacks and fruit. She let Li Yubing and Liao Zhenyu sit on the sofa, while she sat on the carpet opposite the coffee table, shuffling the cards there.

What about playing cards, you have to bet something, otherwise it will be boring. Tang Xue is now a pauper, so gambling is definitely not possible. She thought for a while, got up and ran to the room to find an eyeliner.

"The winner paints the loser's face, one stroke at a time."

The landlord of the first round was decided by drawing cards, and Tang Xue drew the landlord. Liao Zhenyu heard rumors at school that Li Yubing had a high IQ. So he felt that as teammates with Li Yubing, the game was half settled.

It turned out that he was so naive. Li Yubing held a good hand and played with his eyes closed. He was so vulnerable that Liao Zhenyu would suspect that he was being hosted by a robot.

Because of the drag of his teammates, Liao Zhenyu just handed over the victory.

Tang Xue held the eyeliner and stood up with a wicked smile, "Hehehe... Who's coming first?"

Liao Zhenyu looked at Li Yubing and complained, "Can you really play?"

"Yes." Li Yubing's tone was beyond doubt. Super confident.

Tang Xue walked up to Li Yubing first. She knelt on one knee on the sofa and said with a smile, "Close your eyes."

Li Yubing closed his eyes obediently, looking a little docile.

Tang Xue was holding the eyeliner, and the black tip was slowly approaching his eyelids. Seeing that he was about to move, she hurriedly stopped her, "Don't move." As she spoke, she couldn't help raising her hand to hold his face.

Li Yubing felt the soft and warm fingertips on his cheeks, his heart could not help trembling slightly, a little nervous and a little cheerful.

He deliberately slowed his breathing and pretended to be normal.

But the eyelashes shook violently uncontrollably. The long and dense eyelashes trembled, like a small black butterfly shivering in the cold wind, with a fragile beauty.

Tang Xue only thought that his eyelashes were shaking as a normal reaction to being touched by a foreign object. She comforted him, "Just draw an eyeliner, don't be nervous."

Liao Zhenyu watched coldly, he felt Li Yubing's expression, hehe, that's not called nervousness, that's called enjoyment.

Tang Xue drew an eyeliner for Li Yubing, and when she left, her eyes swept over his lips inadvertently. It was the first time she looked at his mouth so closely, and felt that his lips were so beautiful. Just the right amount of fullness, the lip line is clear and soft, and the lip color is natural cherry blossom powder, healthy and moist, like peach jelly.

I really want to touch it.

Tang Xue realized that this idea was dangerous, so she was a little embarrassed, and quickly let go of him and waved to Liao Zhenyu, "You, come here."

Li Yubing was separated between the two of them. When he saw Liao Zhenyu moving this way, he lightly twitched the eyeliner in Tang Xue's hand and said, "Let me paint for you, where to paint?"

"Uh, let's draw eyeliner too."

Li Yubing still did the same. When the drawing is over, the second round begins.

In the second game, Tang Xue felt that her hand was not good, so she didn't call the landlord, it was Liao Zhenyu's turn to call. Liao Zhenyu made up his mind not to be teammates with Li Yubing, so he readily became the landlord.

"Boss, I sympathize with you." Liao Zhenyu said gloatingly.

Soon, Liao Zhenyu found that he was so naive, and he should sympathize with himself the most.

- This guy Li Yubing canceled the robot hosting mode, his IQ suddenly went online, and he cooperated with Tang Xue tacitly, killing him.

Liao Zhenyu: … QAQ

He finally knew what is sinister and what is inferior to beasts.