Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 62: A chance encounter


The two played on the ice rink for a while. Li Yubing followed Tang Xue this time and didn't leave. Tang Xue didn't see Bian Cheng again and thought he was gone.

After they left the ice rink, they met Bian Cheng at the exit.

Li Yubing sneered inwardly, it was a good time to wait for the rabbit.

Now that they met, the three of them went out together. The playground is still very lively. Tang Xue is actually very playful, and she wants to ride the roller coaster and jump off the building. Unfortunately, there are queues everywhere. After the Chinese New Year, everyone is really busy.

She didn't want to waste time queuing up and ended up playing with balloons.

Toy rifles, plastic bullets, and balloons can be big or small, and the small ones are also divided into different colors. If you hit different balloons, there will be corresponding rewards. Prizes are large and small dolls, and a variety of fashionable toys.

The most noble of all the balloons is a small red balloon. If you hit it, you can choose one of the large dolls to take home.

Tang Xue looked at a pink dinosaur on the prize rack. She didn't believe in love at first sight before, but now she does.

"I want it." Tang Xue pointed to the dinosaur.

"Buy on Taobao." Li Yubing showed her the way.

But Tang Xue had already taken out RMB and handed it over, "Let's play twenty yuan first."

Twenty twenty and twenty.

The more you play, the more addicted it becomes, and the more you play, the more dissatisfied it becomes.

One hundred yuan went into it like this, and at the last shot, Li Yubing suddenly held her shoulders.

Tang Xue turned to look at him, thinking he wanted to play too, she handed him the gun.

Li Yubing didn't answer. He didn't believe that the toy rifle could hit the small balloon on the opposite side. Although it didn't make sense, he felt that there was something tricky here.

"Let's go, I'll buy you one." Li Yubing said, paused and then emphasized, "It's exactly the same."

"I'll try it." Bian Cheng, who had been quietly observing for a long time, suddenly spoke up.

Both of them looked at Bian Cheng.

Bian Cheng stepped forward to take the toy gun, aimed at the balloon, and explained: "The sight of this gun is not adjusted correctly, there is a deviation. Therefore, you can't hit anything you aim at."

Tang Xue was taken aback, "Ah? What should I do then? Are you hitting with your eyes closed?"

Bian Cheng shook his head, "No, the deviation is fixed, as long as you estimate the angle difference, add a value yourself when aiming, and correct it. For example, now—" He said, the hand holding the gun moved down a little, left Eyes closed, right eye staring at the crosshair. After a while, he raised his head and looked at the opposite side. If so again and again.

Tang Xue felt so miraculous, she stretched her neck to look beside him.

Then Li Yubing also wanted to see it, so he suddenly squeezed in, with his tall body sandwiched between the two of them, which seemed particularly congested. After a while, he seemed to be an eyesore for Tang Xue, grabbed her by the back collar, and threw it aside.

Tang Xue: "…"

Bian Cheng finally finished aiming and suddenly pulled the trigger.



The little red balloon had burst and disappeared.

Tang Xue was shocked for three seconds, and then slapped her hands wildly: "Wow—it's amazing, you deserve to be a scholar!"

Bian Cheng smiled, pushed his glasses, and returned the toy gun to her.

Tang Xue put the gun to the front desk, pointed to the pink dinosaur on the shelf, and said to the boss, "I want it!"

The boss took down the dinosaur and handed it to her. Tang Xue rubbed her hands to pick it up. Before her hands touched it, the dinosaur suddenly changed direction.

Li Yubing took the dinosaur one step ahead of her, hugged her in his arms, and said, "Mine."

Tang Xue couldn't believe that there was such an operation, she froze for a while, "Li Yubing, do you want your face?"

Li Yubing held the dinosaur unmoved, the answer was obvious: what is the face, who cares

"Be reasonable," Tang Xue couldn't beat him again, so she had to reason with him, "I paid for it."

"I asked you to go ice skating." Li Yubing persuaded.

"Then... the balloon was still shot by Bian Cheng. It should be given to Bian Cheng. Isn't it Bian Cheng?" Tang Xue said, looking at Bian Cheng.

Just as Bian Cheng was about to speak, Li Yubing interrupted him immediately and said, "I taught you skating, this is tuition."

Bian Cheng had no choice but to tug at the corner of Tang Xue's clothes to comfort her, "Why don't I call you another one?"

When the boss heard this, he put away the toy gun, and said angrily, "I'm sorry, no more."

Just like that, Tang Xue spent 100 yuan to buy a pink dinosaur for Li Yubing.

Li Yubing is 1.88 meters tall, holding a doll with a girl's heart in his arms. The visual impact is really fatal.

The three of them left the playground, and Li Yubing asked Tang Xue, "How do you get back?"

"I take the subway."

Li Yubing had already taken out his mobile phone and was about to take a taxi. Hearing this, he put down his mobile phone and said, "I also take the subway."

Bian Cheng... Bian Cheng also took the subway.

However, Bian Cheng and Tang Xue are not in the same direction. He wanted to disguise it, but he couldn't, because Tang Xue pointed to the subway map and said, "Don't you live in the Drum Tower, Bian Cheng? We are in the opposite direction."

Hehe, even know where people live. Li Yubing's heart began to feel sour again.

Still sour.

In short, the three of them parted ways, and Li Yubing and Tang Xue entered the subway car together.

There were few people at night, so the two of them could still have a seat. After sitting next to each other, Tang Xue was still worried about dinosaurs and ignored Li Yubing.

Li Yubing was sulking himself, did not speak, leaned on the seat and closed his eyes.

After about ten minutes like this, Tang Xue squinted her eyes and looked at Li Yubing secretly.

Li Yubing sat upright, with the back of his head pressed against the wall of the carriage, breathing evenly, his eyes closed, and he seemed to be asleep.

Tang Xue quietly, quietly, went to drag the dinosaur in his arms.

Slowly, slowly, the dinosaur was dragged by its tail and left Li Yubing.

Then silently, silently... crawled back into Li Yubing's arms.

Tang Xue: "…"

Dinosaur alive

She looked up at Li Yubing and happened to see him smiling with his eyes closed. The cherry blossom-colored lips are curved in a beautiful arc, which looks rich and smooth under the light of the carriage lights, soft and Q-bounce, and looks particularly delicious.

Tang Xue suddenly felt a throbbing from the bottom of her heart, or rather, an impulse, she especially wanted to taste these beautiful lips...

This fleeting thought probably came from her body's instinct. When she reacted and suppressed this inexplicable urge with reason, she heard her own saliva.

Well, maybe... she's just hungry

Tang Xue scratched her head and bowed her head in embarrassment. She saw that the dinosaur had completely returned to Li Yubing's arms, and Li Yubing's hands were on the dinosaur's abdomen, grabbing its feet.

Tang Xuezhen, no wonder.

After that, Tang Xue stopped, and when she got off the bus at the station, she walked in front, and Li Yubing followed her and left the station together.

Tang Xue asked, "Don't you want to tell me that you and I live in the same community?"

"It's so late, I'll take you back."

It was only a few hundred meters from the subway station to the gate of her community. Tang Xue was used to walking and was not afraid. However, she was somewhat moved by being taken care of in such a considerate manner.

However, when she saw the dinosaur in Li Yubing's arms, she couldn't be moved again, "Don't think I can forgive you like this."

When I got out of the subway station, there were suddenly fewer people.

The two walked side by side by the side of the road, their figures were elongated and shortened by the street lights, shortened and elongated, and so on. Tang Xue lowered her head and carried the small stone, and after walking for a while, she arrived at the gate of her community.

She said "thank you" anyway.

Li Yubing looked down at her and suddenly said, "I'm curious about a question."


"I remember, you hate Bian Cheng."

Tang Xue scratched her head and replied, "I don't hate it, I just don't want to see him. You're right, if you give up your dream for love, people will keep brooding about it, and in the end, love will be consumed. Alas, Li Yu Bing, sometimes I think you're a lunatic, and sometimes I think you're a philosopher."

"Then what do you think I am more often?"

"It feels more like you're a dog."

Here again... Li Yubing helped her forehead and asked her softly, "What about now? How do you feel about Bian Cheng now?"

"Now? Now I'm relieved of the past. After going around in circles, I still got what I wanted. Destiny has been good to me, and I won't hold any grudge against anyone." Tang Xue said here, suddenly Sighed and said with emotion, "Speaking of which, sometimes we hate a person, maybe not really hate him, but just hate the time related to him, hate ourselves at that time..."

Li Yubing was stunned for a moment, then smiled helplessly. Who is not, he thought.

Tang Xue touched the dinosaur's head and said to Li Yubing, "Give it to me, and I'll call you Dad again."

At this moment, they were interrupted by a full-bodied male voice, with a strong sense of displeasure in that voice: "Tell me again, who do you call Dad?!"

Tang Xue turned her head and saw her real father standing not far away. She was startled, "Dad..."

With a takeaway box in his hand, Principal Tang glared angrily at Tang Xue, and then at Li Yubing. Whose pig is not optimistic about this, and is here to humiliate our little cabbage? !

Li Yubing did not expect to see Tang Xue's father on such an occasion. He had never been so nervous before, his body was stiff and cramped, he didn't know where to put his hands, and his usual calmness disappeared at this time.

"Hello, uncle." Li Yubing said.

His politeness did not make Principal Tang relax his vigilance. However, after Principal Tang observed Li Yubing from top to bottom, he compared it with his daughter, and was suddenly a little unsure of which of the two was considered a pig.

Tang Xue pulled Li Yubing and introduced, "Dad, this is Li Yubing, do you remember? I was at the same table in elementary school."

Principal Tang's reaction was as if he touched the switch, his body shook, as if he didn't quite believe his ears, he raised his voice and asked again, "Who are you talking about?!"

His reaction was too great, which startled Tang Xue, and whispered, "It's Li Yubing, we've been at the same table for six years, the one you let me learn from him every day, Li Yubing."

Principal Tang looked at Li Yubing again. At this time, his expression full of alertness and resistance did not look like he was looking at his daughter's example.

Li Yubing's ideal meeting situation should at least come to visit with a gift, but now it's better, when Tang Xue randomly recognized her father outside and bumped into her real father, the first impression was extremely bad; and he didn't bring anything, There is a pink dinosaur all over the body, which can barely be considered a gift. Giving this thing to a middle-aged man is afraid that he will be treated as a neurotic.

At this moment, he bravely accepted the sniping from Principal Tang's gaze, and felt that Principal Tang's eyes had a lot of meaning, far more than just the anger of being occupied.

But he couldn't figure out what could be between them.

This situation should not stay for long. Li Yubing said goodbye to the Tang family and hurried away. He needs to go back and think about it.

After Li Yubing left, Principal Tang looked at his distant back and asked Tang Xue, "Don't tell me, where are you dating him?"

When Tang Xue heard this, a pair of cherry blossom-colored lips immediately appeared in her mind, with a faint smile on the corners of her lips. There was heat on her face, she shook her head lightly, and replied, "Dad, you think too much. If I really want to be with him, would he be reluctant to give me a stuffed toy?"

"That's true." Principal Tang has great confidence in his daughter. She has a thick skin and won't deny it because she is shy.

"Then what are you doing?" Principal Tang asked again, "Why did you get in touch again all of a sudden? I didn't hear it from you before."

"I met at school. What a coincidence you said, we are in another school, he is from the ice hockey team, and I am from the speed skating team." Tang Xue said and laughed, "Don't look at him like that, Like a lunatic, in fact, he still has two brushes. He just represented China in the World Youth Championship this year, and he is the main player. However, he usually uses his face to pretend to be X outside."

Tang Xue was talking non-stop, and Principal Tang looked at her suspiciously, seeing her as a bit inexplicable, so she stopped and saw Dad was carrying takeaways, and asked, "What is this?"

"Your mother wants to eat duck blood vermicelli, I just went out and bought it for her."

"You two are showing your affection even at your age. I can't stand it. I'm going to run away from home and go to a place full of single dogs."

The father and daughter talked while walking back.

"Going to my grandparents' house tomorrow?"

"Well, let's have a New Year's Eve dinner together."

"Dad, how much do you plan to give me this year's New Year's money? Tell me first?"

"Ha ha."

"Otherwise, I'll tell you my current appetite first, you have a spectrum..."

"I said, you and that Li Yubing—"

"Dad, didn't I explain it all clearly? It's really nothing."

"I don't have a target now, and I won't allow it in the future, you know? Let me tell you, I won't agree with you being together."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because... I just don't agree!"