Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 64: Angry?


Tang Xue blinked her eyes in unsuspecting throbbing.

Then she suddenly pressed her hand on her forehead, lowered her head and didn't speak. She slowly picked up the meat in her bowl with chopsticks, turned it over, like flipping sesame seeds, and didn't eat it.

The two looked at each other for only a second or two, but Li Yubing didn't notice anything unusual, but Li Yubing was surprised by her actions at the moment, and asked her, "What's the matter with you?"

"I remember something, I'll go first." Tang Xue said, put down her chopsticks and got up, took her bag and walked out, her footsteps were fast.

"Hello." Li Yubing looked at her back, puzzled for a while.

Tang Xuetou heard his voice and walked faster.

She walked out of the restaurant all the way, and was blown on her forehead by the cool wind outside, feeling as if she had finally escaped from some ambiguous net.

"No, no, this isn't true," Tang Xue said to herself as she walked, "It must be an illusion! No matter how hungry I am, I can't possibly fall in love with him?" Speaking of this, Li Yu came to mind Bing's appearance just now, well, it's quite delicious...

Ah, no! ! !

After Tang Xue left, Li Yubing looked down at the oven in a daze. He wasn't sure if she was angry.

Although he couldn't think of any reason that might make her angry, but, girl, who knows

Li Yubing sent a message to his roommate Lao Deng. Old Deng is a man with some insight in the relationship between men and women.

Li Yubing: Why do girls usually get angry

Lao Deng: short, ugly, poor, short, small, fast. Choose the same.

Li Yubing: …

Li Yubing took a deep breath and resisted the urge to block him.

Then Li Yubing found Jiang Shijia again. Although Jiang Shijia has no experience in love, he usually listens to him and seems to understand.

Li Yubing: Why do girls usually get angry

Jiang Shijia: This depends on the specific situation. What did you tell the girl

Li Yubing: Call me sister-in-law.

Jiang Shijia: Don't show your love to me during the Chinese New Year, thank you!

Li Yubing briefly described what had just happened, and Jiang Shijia immediately grasped the point.

Jiang Shijia: Big brother! You keep stuffing your sister-in-law with meat, aren't you just reminding her in disguise that she eats a lot? It's fine if you don't hit you!

Li Yubing: Yes... so

Jiang Shijia: Definitely!

Li Yubing thought that Jiang Shijia was inexperienced and too dogmatic. Other girls might mind the food intake, how could Tang Xue do it. The food that he usually grabs from him is fiercer than that of men, and he can also chew pig trotters without pressure in front of him.

Therefore, Jiang Shijia is also untrustworthy.

Li Yubing now feels that he has gone the wrong way. This kind of thing should be asked by girls. Girls know girls better. Unfortunately, he searched in his address book, but couldn't find a girl who was familiar with him and could talk about such topics. The main reason is that since middle school, he has been much busier than his peers. He has to take care of his studies and play ice hockey well. Occasionally, he only reads books and practice piano when he has spare time, giving himself a alone space, or bringing Telescope to the suburbs to look at the stars.

Therefore, he can't squeeze much time to make friends, especially the heterosexual friends that require patience and energy. In the end, it led to him and those girls who were only casual friends, and some of them even blocked him because they were rejected for their confession...

The only one who can help him now is his mother.

Li Yubing didn't want to ask her mother for help, mainly because her mother has been weird recently. He couldn't say why, but he felt that his mother's eyes were very meaningful, and he often flirted with his father, whispering... inexplicable.

After dinner, Li Yubing didn't go anywhere else and went straight home. When he got home, his parents had already eaten. The meal is eaten, but the wine is not enough - his father is sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, holding a glass of red wine, sipping it.

This is also what Li Yubing feels strange about recently - his dad has been drinking a lot these days, and he doesn't know if there is something bothering him, his mother doesn't care.

What the hell happened to this house, there is a strangeness everywhere.

Li Yubing was watching a movie called "Lan Yu", Li Yubing walked over and sat beside her and asked, "What's wrong with my dad?"

"It's okay, I'm fine with him."

"He drinks like this? Good?"

"Oh, that was the last orgy."

Li Yubing thought about it and seemed to understand: "He's going to quit drinking?"

"Well. Quit after the new year."

"Good thing." Li Yubing nodded. He approves of Dad quitting drinking.

At this time, Dad Li came over with a bottle and a wine glass, sat beside his wife, and greeted his son, "Yubing, would you like some? Let's drink one?"

Li Yubing shook his head, he felt something was wrong. His dad is usually fine and doesn't drink too much. Why did he suddenly quit drinking

"Dad, is there something wrong with your medical examination?"

Mama Li waved her hand and said, "If there is a problem, he has no chance to touch the wine glass now, don't worry."

"Then...?" Why did you suddenly stop drinking

Li's mother said sternly: "Yu Bing, I ask you a question, you must answer me honestly."

"it is good."

"If, I mean if... Would you mind if I wanted a second child with your dad?"

Li Yubing was stunned for a moment, but he really didn't expect his parents to think like this. He shook his head and said, "It's your business, I don't mind."

"Yubing, you are so sensible. Your dad and I haven't made a decision about the second child, but don't worry, no matter what, your parents respect you and support you."

Again, that weirdness. Li Yubing felt that there was something wrong with the logic of his mother's words. Is there a necessary connection between having a second child and respecting or not supporting him

He squeezed his forehead, suddenly thought of something, and said, "Dad, Mom, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

"Oh? What?"

"I want to inquire about a person, his family situation, or other social relationships, the more detailed the better."

The person Li Yubing was talking about was Bian Cheng. He briefly introduced the information he knew. When Father Li and Mother Li heard that this person was a boy of the same age as him, they looked at each other, and their hearts were completely calm.

Tang Xue wandered around the street, calmed down for a while, and finally went to her grandparents' house.

She has been the caregiver of her grandparents since she was a child. She has never been scolded by her grandparents, and has always enjoyed the treatment of a little emperor. Her father commented on this, saying that old men and women are the biggest stumbling block on the road of health education.

It is said that dads all over the world agree with this statement until they become old men and women themselves.

Tang Xue's sudden arrival made her grandparents very happy. Grandma asked her, "Why is Xue Xue here? Did you quarrel with your father?"

"How can I miss you?"

"Okay, okay, grandma cooks glutinous rice balls for you, what flavor do you want to eat?"

"Um... Bean paste and black sesame seeds are mixed together, don't forget to add salt."

Grandma went to cook glutinous rice balls, and grandpa pulled Tang Xue to show her the new purple clay pot he bought. After the glutinous rice balls were cooked, grandma made some small dishes, Tang Xue took a photo, and took two selfies with her grandparents, and posted them on the Moments together.

Caption: The person who loves me the most in the world!

When Principal Tang saw her circle of friends, his nose was crooked with anger. He pointed to his mobile phone and said to Mother Tang, "She is demonstrating! She feels that she is protected by the Four Heavenly Kings behind her. It's amazing!"

The Four Heavenly Kings refer to Tang Xue's grandparents and grandparents.

"She doesn't think about it either," said Principal Tang. "If I show them this photo, I'll see who is still protecting her!"

Mother Tang was watching the dog blood TV series, and when she heard this, she said: "You can forget it, and then make the old man angry with a heart attack. I think we have to educate her about this matter, but your method is not right. Don't you know what kind of dog temper Tang Xue is, she eats soft and not hard, you scold her, the more you scold her, the more counterproductive it becomes."

Principal Tang snorted, and after a while, he said to his wife, "Please ask her, who is the person in the world who loves her the most."

Tang's mother took the mobile phone, left a message to Tang Xue's circle of friends, and asked according to her husband's instructions.

As a result, Tang Xue replied: grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, and mother.

Well, just kicked Dad out.

Mother Tang couldn't bear to show this reply to her husband. She put down her phone, picked up the photos on the coffee table, looked at them one by one, and asked Principal Tang, "You said, is it possible that we really wronged her?"

"Hearing is false, seeing is believing, the truth is in front of us, how can we wrong her?"

"So what if this is only part of the truth?"