Rock Sugar And Pear Stew

Chapter 70: True love and lies


When the two went outside, the embarrassment eased a little. Tang Xue walked to the square with her hands behind her back, where they used to raise the flag every Monday.

There was a row of poplar trees next to the square. Li Yubing thought of one thing and walked over to count the poplar trees from the beginning to the end. When they counted to the twelfth tree, Tang Xue also realized what he was going to do, and the two began to search on the poplar tree.

The time has elapsed too long, and the poplar has grown taller and stronger. They searched for a long time and finally found two twisted patterns.

A pear, and a piece of sugar.

This is what Tang Xue engraved with a knife. When I engraved it, I had no other idea, just thought it was fun. Li Yubing was there at the time, but he refused to participate. Tang Xue explained to him at the time, "I heard that if you carve the bark, the tree will not die."

She originally wanted to engrave the names of the two of them, but there were too many strokes, so she gave up after a few strokes. She only drew a pear to represent Li Yubing, and a piece of candy to represent herself.

Originally, the children's painters and engravers were not very good. In addition to the natural growth of poplar trees, now the two patterns are barely recognizable. After a while, it is estimated that they will not be recognized.

At this moment, the two of them looked at Tang and Pear, and Tang Xue suddenly sighed and said, "Li Yubing, you said, what would it be like now if No. 1 Middle School hadn't given you the 100,000 yuan at that time?" When it was over, she turned to look at him.

Li Yubing was stunned by her gaze: "One hundred thousand?"

"You don't have to play stupid, your mother told my dad that No. 1 Middle School gave you 100,000 yuan in order to grab students." Tang Xue explained, and then comforted him, "I can understand, 100,000 is not a small amount. , if it were me, I might choose the same as you."

So, is that so

Li Yubing thought of the hostile look in Principal Tang's eyes when he saw him that day, and he finally understood.

He only regarded his own goodbye at that time as an expression of his attitude, Tang Xue would understand, but how could she know that she had been deceived by a lie for so many years.

For so many years.

Time is gentle, it can resolve hatred; but time is cruel, it can continue to add weight to misunderstandings until it becomes unbearable.

Li Yubing suddenly did not dare to tell the truth.

Tang Xue was a little disappointed when she saw that Li Yubing was unwilling to respond to her. She stopped talking about it, turned around and said, "Let's go to the playground and have a look."

Li Yubing walked beside her silently.

While walking, Tang Xue suddenly heard a dog barking, and then a big yellow dog poked out from behind the teaching building in the distance. The big dog kept barking at them, looking fierce.

Tang Xue knew this dog. It was raised by the guard's grandfather. It was usually kept on a leash. It might have been released recently because no one was on vacation. The breed of this dog is a Chinese pastoral dog, and its name is "Huang Shi". When she was a child, Tang Xue often called it "Mr. Huang". Her father was beaten for this name. Since then, she was not allowed to call "Mr. Huang". .

Tang Xue waved at Huang Shi, "Hi, Huang Shi."

Not only was Huang Shi not appeased, but he became even more fierce, rushing out and rushing towards her. Tang Xue felt that Huang Shi was very unfriendly, so she turned around and ran away, "Hey, hey, Huang Shi, Mr. Huang! Oh, don't chase me! I'm Tang Xue, my own, you forgot??"

One person and one dog ran all over the place with their legs spread, making a lot of noise for a while, Li Yubing was amused and worried, and chased after her with her forehead.

Tang Xue was finally forced by the yellow lion onto a large camphor tree. She squatted on the camphor tree and looked at the yellow lion.

Huang Shi: "Wang."

Tang Xue: "Hey, what about the spirituality of being a dog? You've seen me for so many years and I still know you, but you won't know me when I grow up?"

Huang Shi: "Wang Wang Wang."

Tang Xue: "Besides, you can't bite even if you are a stranger. Do you know what hospitality is? If you bite someone, just wait for it to be stewed!"

Huang Shi: "Wang Wang Wang."

Tang Xue: "Wang Wang Wang Wang!"

Yellow Lion: "..."

Li Yubing walked under the camphor tree, and the yellow lion greeted him, wagging his tail at him.

Tang Xue was so angry, she held on to the branch and said, "Why doesn't it bite you? You are indeed the same kind!"

Li Yubing said, "It's not hostile to you either, why don't you come down and try?"

Tang Xue pretended to come down, but Huang Shi got excited again and barked at her.

She is so aggrieved.

At this moment, several people came running from all directions, including the old guard, some teachers, and... Principal Tang.

They were all alarmed by the sound of the yellow lion and came out to see the situation.

Principal Tang approached a little and saw that it was Li Yubing, that little bastard, hehe, the Principal got angry and thought I might take the opportunity to scold you. He rolled up his sleeves and was about to severely criticize and educate Li Yubing when he was suddenly stopped by a teacher beside him.

The teacher pouted upwards.

Principal Tang looked up and saw his daughter squatting on the tree, trying to hide behind the branch.

Principal Tang: "..."

Tang Xue was halfway through when she suddenly felt that something was wrong. She lowered her head, just in line with her father's gaze.

"Dad..." Tang Xue called out weakly.

"You, you," Principal Tang pointed at her, not knowing what to say for a while, "what's the matter with you?!"

"Dad, I was almost killed by a yellow lion." Tang Xue decided to complain first, putting herself in the position of a victim before she could speak.

When the guard heard this, he hit Huang Shi on the head and quickly put the dog on the leash.

Principal Tang felt that it was too weird for one to talk to each other on the ground and the other on the tree, so he said angrily, "You come down first. You two, come to my office."

The two followed in dismay to Principal Tang's office. Principal Tang took the opportunity to give them a profound ideological education, especially Li Yubing, who was taught nothing by him. It was the first time that Li Yubing had been trained like this when he grew up.

If it weren't for the usual principle of not corporal punishment of students, Principal Tang might have been a pointer right now. The little brat has ruined his precious daughter, and it takes a few pointers to relieve his anger.

In fact, Tang Xue felt that this was not a big deal. They came back to see it because they had a sense of honor for their alma mater. Her father made such a fuss, probably to avenge his personal revenge.

Li Yubing finished her training, and before leaving, she gave Li Yubing a soothing look.

After Li Yubing left Principal Tang's office, he stared at the sunlight outside and stared blankly for a while.

He didn't mind being scolded by Principal Tang, but he was more worried about another thing.

After Li Yubing left, Tang Xue saw two oranges on his father's desk. She sat in the corner of the desk and peeled the oranges while saying, "Dad, calm down, do you eat oranges?" He handed him the partially peeled orange, a little flattering.

Principal Tang didn't answer and said, "Don't come with me like this."

"Dad," Tang Xue ate oranges to herself, "Don't you always think that you are an enlightened parent, why do you still care about your daughter making friends?"

"Don't know good people," Principal Tang glared at her, "Didn't I worry about you being deceived?"

Tang Xue didn't care, "Occasionally trust your daughter's vision."

Principal Tang snorted disdainfully, obviously in disbelief.

Tang Xue stayed in her father's office for a while and ate an orange. Principal Tang had a meeting and kicked her out.

Before leaving, she also took another orange.

Tang Xue walked out of the school gate and saw Li Yubing at the gate. This guy was holding his pockets, and boredly lowered his head and nibbling on the ground with his toes. Tang Xue walked over and wanted to scare him, but he suddenly turned around and saw her.

She was ready to show her teeth and claws, and now she had to put down her hand in embarrassment, and took an orange from her pocket and handed it to him.

Li Yubing pulled the corner of his mouth and took the orange.

"Are you all right?" Tang Xue asked, feeling that Li Yubing was a little depressed. If you think about it, you can understand, who can feel better when being scolded

Li Yubing peeled off the orange, tore off a flap, and stuffed it into her mouth, "It's okay."

Tang Xue's lips and teeth were filled with the sweet fragrance of oranges, and she felt that this orange was sweeter than the one just now.

"Then you're fine, why don't you laugh?" Tang Xue asked him with an orange in his mouth.

Li Yubing pulled out a smile, "I meant to say..." After saying this, he paused and didn't say any more.

Tang Xue was even more strange: "Huh? What do you want to say?"

Li Yubing: "I'll take the high-speed train at nine o'clock tomorrow morning, will you drop me off?"

Tang Xue squinted and smiled, teasing him with an orange in his mouth: "If you call me Dad, I will promise you."

Li Yubing tapped her on the head.

The next day, when Tang Xue went to the high-speed rail station, she brought some snacks to Li Yubing. She somehow enjoyed the feeling of giving Li Yubing something to eat.

The two sat in the waiting hall, Li Yubing didn't know what he was thinking, and didn't speak.

Tang Xue felt that he was a little strange, as if he had something on his mind.

She tilted her head to look at him, and said in a relaxed tone, "What's wrong with you? No, why are you uncomfortable because of what happened yesterday? I didn't say it, just with this mental quality, how do you get on the field?"

Li Yubing recovered, shook his head and said, "It's okay."

"Why don't I make a magic trick for you?"

Li Yubing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "No... I have a question I'm curious about."

"What's the problem? You said."

"What would you do if you found out that someone lied to you, um, lied to you for years?"

Tang Xue squinted, "I will carry my nine-ringed golden-backed machete and chase him to the ends of the earth."

Li Yubing frowned, unable to bear to think about that scene.

After Tang Xue finished speaking, she looked at Li Yubing curiously, "Why, someone lied to you?"

Li Yubing was vague and looked down at his watch, "It's time to check the ticket."

The two got up, and Tang Xue said, "Come on, have a good game, and don't embarrass Dad."

Li Yubing pushed her head, "You just need to clean up."

"And then you have to protect yourself." Tang Xue said again.

Li Yubing felt warm and sour in her heart. She wanted to hug her, but she finally held back.

He pulled the suitcase into the ticket gate and waved to her.

"What's wrong with the dog..." Tang Xue looked at his back and muttered to herself.