Royal Boys' Team

Chapter 41: She wants to retreat


They really haven't ridden this car before. Although it is a Mercedes-Benz, it is a very ordinary model, with hundreds of thousands in the market.

They have never been in such a low-end car.

"Is this your car?" Wen Xi asked incredulously, pointing to her white Benz baby. There are doubts on the face.

"Yeah, what's the matter." Rocol didn't understand, the car she just bought was very good, why is this expression.

"Um, it's nothing. Go ahead." Wen Xi and Wei Nuo both got into the car, ready to let her go.

They don't have a limited-edition car and they are not a daughter. Today, I followed Rocol on a low-grade one.

"In other words, do you think I am a daughter, in fact, I want to tell you the truth. I am an orphan and my family has no money. As long as I adopt my eldest brother and start a company, I am not rich. Do you still want to be friends with me? "Rocol asked. She said it frankly, it doesn't matter if she doesn't be friends with her. Because of people who look down on her, she doesn't have to be friends with them, because she is not qualified.

She didn't touch a cent of the stolen money, and she donated all of it. This way she won't be conscientious.

"Of course, what if I don't have money, but my sister is an idol in my heart. She is very open-minded and hearty, unlike some people, who tends to be inflamed." Wei Nuo's big cute eyes sincerely express his heart.

"Well, that's good, that elder sister will take you to play, Let's go" The white Benz was running. Wen Xi and Wei Nuodan were both frightened. How could Rocol's driving skills be so good, and the speed was too scary. They had never been in such a fast car.

After a while, the car stopped in front of a bar.

The bar is very ordinary, so ordinary that it can't be ordinary.

"Are you going to come to the bar? This one is not addictive. I'll take you to my family." Wen Xi asked Rocol to change her way. If she knew it was coming to the bar, she would let her family make special arrangements.

"Your family?" Rocol didn't understand.

"Yes, my house is a famous restaurant and other business giant, so there are many chains in the bar. I am very happy to take you two seriously today, so I will treat you to my bar." Wen Xi said sincerely.

"Okay." Rocol followed Wen Xi's instructions and came to the commercial city in the realm of royal nobility.

The car parked at a six-star bar with a stylish decor.

The colorful lights of "Charming Night" were changing, and the giant sign stood there, really magnificent. Rocol stayed, and ashamed, she actually took someone to such an ordinary bar just now.

"Let's go, go in, it's fun, maybe they will be in there too." Wen Xi pushed the two in.

"Hello, miss." The waiter who was welcoming at the door bowed politely.

"Yeah." Wen Xi nodded and went in.

That was so full of people, red men and green women all kinds of people twisted their waists and danced on the stage.

The lights in the bar are dim and ambiguous.

At first, minors are not allowed to enter the bar, but because it is a business of the Wen family, it is a place where they go to the bar for entertainment in order to take care of their own daughters and all the children of the noble family.

"Enchanting Night." is a dream entertainment bar specially created for students.

"Don't stand stupid, let's go, I have reserved a seat for you, and I want to take you to meet the regulars here." Wen Xi can often see seven of them here.

Today she made new friends, of course, I need to introduce them.

The bizarre bars are the busiest at night. Most of them are students, and only the royal aristocratic students can come here to enjoy the unique treatment.

Wen Xi walked all the way, and sounded all the way.

"Hello, miss..." She is a frequent visitor here, and all the waiters and managers here must know her.

"Yeah." Rocol and Wei Nuo followed behind and entered a box.

Not seeing the person but seeing the sound, it seems to be extremely lively at this time. Heh, heh, heh, it's all sounds of slapstick and drinking.

Wen Xi pushed the door directly in without saying hello.

"Wow!" N pairs of eyes of different colors shot over from the door. Who would dare not knock on the door and break into their exclusive box.

There is only one person, and that is Wen Qi's sister Wen Xi.

The relationship between the seven of them has been established since childhood, and there are seven most noble royals and nobles in the X country. It's seven of them.

The seven castles designed for them, and the relationship they had made since birth, are brothers than their own brothers. Naturally, this Wen Xi is no exception, he has naturally become a treasure in the eyes of all boys.

"Brothers, I'm here." Wen Xi went over to say hello, but Mei Nan's eyes stayed behind her.

"Look, you perverts, when you see a beautiful woman, you forget me, Xi Xi is so sad." Wen Xi would be the most coquettish to them.

"Since you are so curious, let me introduce you to each other. Che knows Rocol. She is..." The words were not finished yet. Seven people said their names in unison.

"Rocol..." This made Wen Xi feel weird, this friend's reputation is too big, so that the seven evildoers can remember her.

"Well, why are you, Xixi, I'm leaving, you can play by yourself." Roker looked at the evildoers in the room in amazement. The lethality of these evildoers gathered together is really high enough that it can't be higher. . She will retreat or she will be killed.

"Eh, Ke'er, why are you leaving? Since you are here, don't leave." Wen Xi chased it out. Wei Nuo felt that he was standing, looking at the handsome guys in front of him who couldn't tolerate the slightest touch like the seven gods, sitting there in various positions, so embarrassing.

"Well, how are you guys, sister Ke'er is gone, I'll go too." After speaking, he ran out on a short leg.

Seven of you stared at me, I looked at you, and didn't understand what was going on.

What's going on today, usually the girls who squeeze their scalp and want to enter the box to participate in their entertainment, why they ran away when they saw them today, Rocol can understand, what about the cute little doll just now.

How do they save their faces like this. No way. Mu Zihan dialed a phone call.

"Bring someone here." Then he choked off the phone.

After a while, I saw Wen Xi pushing in with two squeaky girls.

"Brother Zi Han, I'm sorry, these are my classmates, they don't know how to be polite, so they left without even saying hello, now I have caught them, hehe..." Wen Xi still feels very proud , She persuaded all the time, and finally pulled the two people in.

Just now, Mu Zihan was so cold that she brought people. If she didn't bring people, it seemed that she would suffer too. Mu Zihan was notoriously good at making things up.