Royal Boys' Team

Chapter 89: The struggle between hell and the world


"Am I lusting? Who has stipulated that I can't see you? There are countless people who want me to see you. It is your honor for me to look at you." Mu Zihan pursed her thin lips. Then he continued to laugh, "However, I just want to show you sex right now"

Rocol's small face flushed with a brush, the red one was like an apple, as if he was about to bleed.

"You..." Rocol couldn't eat anymore, dropped his fork and sat down on the stool. He twisted his face to look out the window.

The sea outside the window is already black, and there are already a few stars outside.

"Little Flower Cat." Mu Zihan suddenly leaned in and wiped off the residue from Rocol's mouth with a handkerchief. The movement suddenly became softer.

"I'll do it myself." Rokelle took off the handkerchief and wiped it off by herself. She always felt that Mu Zihan tonight was very different, that feeling was very strange, like she had never felt before.

After I wiped it, I found that the handkerchief on my hand was pure white, cotton, and feels great. There was a crown logo on it, and the word Mu was delicately embroidered on it.

This is Mu Zihan's exclusive, and there is a touch of floral fragrance.

"I'll clean it and give it to you." Rocol was a little embarrassed, holding a piece of his handkerchief. In fact, you can use the napkin just now, as well as the napkin. Why take his handkerchief.

It's so embarrassing now.

"No need, I'll give it to you." Mu Zihan said casually.

"Yes, would a noble person like Mu Shao care about a handkerchief? Don't pull it down, I will throw it away." Rocol was about to dive into the sea.

"Dare you, save it well." Mu Zihan was domineering with a little threat.

"You are really weird." Rocol put a handkerchief into his pocket.

"That's right." Mu Zihan showed a charming smile, as if a grin of satisfaction was rippling on his resolute face.

"Are you full?" Mu Zihan didn't know if a certain woman who was pissed off by him just now was full.

"I'm full of gas." Rocol was already full, but it was too delicious, so I didn't want to stop.

"Would you like to order some more, don't go out, saying that my Shao Mu actually treats the guests without being full, isn't that a joke?" Mu Zihan asked again verbally.

"It's all said no, it turns out that you also have time to talk about it." Rocol shook his head. It was another person who was devastated by the aunt.

Isn't it because aunts are usually nagging.

Mu Zihan didn't say anything... He walked out of the cruise ship's inner house and onto the deck.

The sea breeze is blowing.

Rocol also followed out, and the two came to the guardrail together. Standing at the tail end of the cruise ship, watching the waves being drawn apart.

"I should go back, you let the cruise ship dock." Rocol said after the wind blew for a while.

"Did I say that I will be responsible for sending you ashore? I won't dock tonight." Mu Zihan said indifferently, leaning on the guardrail with a lazy and laid-back expression.

"What are you talking about, you... You big pervert, here are the two of us, I tell you, don't mess with me." A picture suddenly flashed in Rocol's mind, a wolf approaching like himself. The kind of horror picture.

The so-called lone man and widow in the same boat, she must be the one who suffers, okay, mommy, my God, don't do this to her, even though you are brave enough.

There is also a way to deal with perverts, but after all, he still has a lot of helpers, doesn't he

Dead, on the thief ship, Rokol, you are a big idiot, why are you so stupid. Rocol scolded several times in his heart.

"Did I say I'm going to mess with you? Since you want to, I won't refuse." Mu Zihan approached Luo Keer with a look of confusion.

"Hey, hey, I didn't mean that, hurry up and let me go, I'm going back, it's too late, please, elder brother, uncle, uncle..." Rocol kept moving back.

"Am I so old? The uncle has come out, remember that I am a young master, don't get rid of your mind always dehydrated, okay, it seems that if you don't be violent to you, you won't learn to be good." Ah, that unbehaved cat, well confined in his arms.

Carry out a good ideological education.

"Damn, Mu Zihan, you are a big pervert who doesn't change your sexual desire. Get away from my sister." Roker hurried out of Mu Zihan's embrace.

But this stray is good. Successfully escaped the embrace of Mu Zihan, but pushed himself into greater danger.

Rocol, who was accustomed to crossing the wall, rushed out of the fence at this moment with a light body that was very uncoordinated.

Jumping up, like a diver, gloriously crossed into the deep blue water from the deck.

Mu Zihan's hand immediately wanted to grab, but he was still a step slower. The man has fallen.

Rocol is a land-duck, running fast on the land, but in the water, she can do nothing, waiting to be submerged.

For swimming, she has been injured since childhood, no matter how she learns, she can't swim.

The deep blue water poured into her ears with a coolness, and her mouth choked her to breathe.

After Mu Zihan didn't catch her hand again, he immediately jumped down without thinking.

'Rocol, you must not have anything wrong, if something happens, I haven't said clearly to you tonight, do you have the heart to make me regret it forever?' Mu Zihan was looking for it in the sea, and he was like a one in the sea. The long-lasting fish in the deep water swims freely, up and down, looking for the figure that just fell.

"Master, no." The waiter immediately stepped forward to stop him when he saw the situation, but Mu Zihan had already started salvaging in the sea.

"Quickly, sailor, hurry down. If something happens to the young master, you will meet with your head raised." A leader hurriedly ordered others.

"Yes." Special lifesavers have long been arranged on cruise ships, which is a must for private cruise ships.

Rocol was struggling in the water, dizzy, and the bitter sea water in his throat.

She seemed to see a black hand holding her neck tightly, not letting it go, trying to kill her.

It's painful, is she just dying

In the pain, her eyes became blurred, and she couldn't open her eyes. It's heavy.

Suddenly she vaguely felt a big hand, wrapped her arms around her waist, and then pulled the black hand that was holding her neck away, leading her to slowly rush out of the water.

Mu Zihan supported Roker not to drop her head in the water, but breathed fresh air as soon as possible.

Finally ashore, Mu Zihan put down Rocol tiredly and lay on the deck together. The sea was chilly at night.

"Hey, Luo Ke'er, wake up." Mu Zihan only took a breath, and immediately patted Luo Ke'er's face, and found that she didn't move at all.

She moved her nose, and it seemed to have disappeared, and there was no movement.

"Rocol, don't scare me, I order you to wake me up." Mu Zihan aimed at her lips and covered it.

A little bit of oxygen was injected into Rocol's throat. He hoped that this kind of artificial respiration could wake her Mu Zihan squatting on the ground, leaning down tightly against the wet Rocol.