Royal Road

Chapter 10: guard


Is this to help him? Liang Feng looked at the young man in front of him with interest. This is the boy who rebelled against the soldiers, right? I didn't expect that when he was really facing the enemy, he would be so capable. Thanks to this hero, it was possible to repel the mountain bandits without any risk.

With a little appreciation in his heart, Liang Feng naturally stretched out his hand and supported the opponent's arm. He has been burning for two days, and his steps are really vain. The little girl who only relies on Luzhu is obviously unable to stand. It is better to have such a human-shaped crutch.

"Langjun! He, his body is too dirty..." Lvzhu exclaimed, very dissatisfied with his Langjun touching a guy covered in blood and dirt.

After being reprimanded like this, Yi Yan remembered what he looked like now. The clothes on his body had not been washed for a long time, exuding a strange smell, and his face and hands were still stained with mud and the blood of the enemy. The person beside him had white palms like the most polished suet jade, and he was wearing a soft fabric that could not be named. When he got close, he could smell a faint fragrance. This is a completely different person from himself, like the white clouds in the sky and the mud on the soles of the feet.

Yiyan suddenly felt an indescribable shyness and shame in her heart, and quietly took a step back, trying to withdraw her palm. However, the hand was firmly grasped, and Liang Feng didn't seem to see the other's embarrassed appearance, and said with a smile: "Help me go over there and have a look. Lvzhu, don't get down and stay in the car. ."

This kind of Shura field is not something that a little girl should watch. As for things that are too dirty, bloody, etc., Liang Feng will not take it to heart. Going into battle to kill the enemy, who cares about this

Yi Yan's lips were taut, but the strength in his hands softened a little. Just like treating a valuable jade man, he carefully supported Liang Feng and walked out of the car array.

At this moment, all the mountain bandits have fallen to the ground. Most of them lost their breath, and a few lingered. Liang Feng walked to a mountain bandit. The man's shoulder was smashed, and a large pool of blood flowed. His face was already turning blue, and he was out of breath more than he was in, and he couldn't survive. Seeing Liang Feng's figure, he was still struggling to rush over.

There was more than one person guarding him. The two Liang family slaves rushed up immediately, and stabbed each other's chest with sticks unceremoniously, smashing a mouthful of blood. Blood beads splashed and landed on the light shoes under Liang Feng's feet, and the delicate patterns were immediately stained.

Yi Yan's face sank, and the mountain bandit had already scolded: "Bitch... slave... I dare to kill Chief Zhang, I must live... ah..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the long knife pierced his throat. From picking up the long knife with one foot, to throwing the knife and killing him, Yi Yan didn't let go of the hand holding Liang Feng, and simply solved the mad dog.

Liang Feng raised his eyebrows: "I still need to ask questions."

Yi Yan was a little worried about scaring the person beside him, but now he can only nod his head in embarrassment. Liang Feng didn't mean to blame, he turned his head to look at the other bandit. Maybe he was frightened by the ruthlessness of Yiyan's hand, but this guy is a coward, and he begged for mercy when he opened his mouth: "It's all opening heads... Zhang Lu, the killer who led us here! Your honorable man spare your life! Spare your life... "

Liang Feng said lightly, "Who sent you here?"

"Small, I don't know!" The mountain bandit was completely crushed and burst into tears, "He said that there was a big business, and someone wanted to buy the life of the owner of this motorcade. I really don't know who the buyer is! This is Zhang Lu privately. It's a job to take over! The little one is just confused for a while... Your honorable man spare your life!"

If he really came for himself, it is no wonder that the leader of the mountain bandit just locked his target on the ox cart and mentioned the reward. Liang Feng continued to ask, "How many days ago did you receive the business?"

"Two days! Two days ago!" The mountain bandit seemed to have found hope for life, and immediately replied, "It's a guy on horseback! There must be a thief who wants to harm Langjun! I would like to identify Langjun..."

"No need." With just these few words, Liang Feng had already guessed who was attacking. The timing was so clever, the target was precise, and there was no mercy. He didn't expect that just saying those words on the elegant set would make Li Lang have the heart to buy and kill. Frowning, Liang Feng called out, "Aliang."

The car steward immediately stepped forward and said, "Lord Lang, do you want to send them off to officials?"

Even if there is evidence, the government will not easily move a nobleman like Li Lang. This matter has to be discussed in the long run. Liang Feng glanced at the mountain bandit with a miserable face again, and finally sighed: "Clean up and continue on our way."

Whether it is the enemy hiding behind or the bandit who escaped, it is a great hidden danger. At such a critical moment, there is no room for mishaps, and it is better to rush back to Liang Mansion as soon as possible.

After saying that, he turned his head and walked towards the ox cart with the help of Yi Yan. Soon, there was no sound behind him. Walking slowly to the side of the ox cart, Lvzhu couldn't wait to pounce on Liang Feng's arm: "Lang Jun, you still have a fever, you shouldn't be tired..."

The soothing, tearful little maid smiled, Liang Feng turned his head and glanced at the young man beside him, and said, "Go clean up and see me later. Luzhu, give him a new set of clothes."

Green Bamboo glared at the weird-looking Jie Ren, carefully helped Liang Feng into the car, and served tea. He hummed out a set of clothes for servants, stuffed it into Yi Yan, and said in a low voice, "Go and clean up, don't stain Lang Jun's eyes!"

Yi Yan froze, rarely lost her temper, and secretly changed her clothes by hiding on the side. After a long while, he awkwardly put on his new clothes, returned to the ox cart, and even wiped the dirt off his face.

At this moment, Ah Liang was reporting something, and Liang Feng nodded slightly: "Let those injured sit in the car, and if you have medicine, don't be stingy. This time, it's mostly cooperation, and those who get heads will be given according to the original reward. No murders were committed. , and also give a one-year reduction or exemption of Tianfu.”

"Where are those Jie people?" A Liang asked.

"If you want to leave, give some money to let go. If you want to stay, I will accept them as part of the work." Liang Feng replied simply. In the battle just now, he discovered the bravery of the Jie people. Liang Feng has no racial prejudice. These good seedlings who have seen blood should not be used for farming at all, but should be trained as private soldiers. Liang's mansion's combat effectiveness is too low, and the existing guards are no different from handymen. It seems that they need to be properly rectified.

Ah Liang nodded, glanced at Yi Yan who was neatly tidying up, and retreated.

After dealing with the issue of rewards and punishments, Liang Feng had the opportunity to take time out and look at the half-eldest boy standing beside him. It's completely different from how he was not afraid of death just now. After changing his clothes and cleaning his face, the man in front of him showed a harmless restraint, just like a college student who met the interviewer for the first time, with a sense of awkwardness at a loss.

Liang Feng looked at the young man in front of him with interest. It was only then that he realized that the so-called "Jieren" might have some Caucasian blood, just like the legendary Xianbei people. The young man in front of him had a fair complexion, deep eyes, a high nose, his facial features like a knife, and a pair of gray-blue eyes that were full of energy and incomparable. The two small pigtails that are still combed around the ears are a little childish, but they are full of interracial sentiments, and they are not ugly. With that thin but tall figure, it is very eye-catching.

Being stared at by those black eyes, Yi Yan suddenly became a little uneasy. He knows that his facial features are not as soft as the Han people, and he also has a pair of blue eyes of a different color. Because of this appearance, after leaving his hometown, he was often scorned and insulted, saying that he described him as ugly. Will the man who bought him show the same expression? However, after waiting for a long time, Yi Yan didn't find the slightest sarcasm in Liang Feng's eyes. On the contrary, those black eyes were always full of interest, and even had some admiration in them. His heart was beating wildly again inexplicably, like Qi Yi, but also like joy.

"You're fine." After a long while, Liang Feng finally said, "What's your name, where are you from?"

"Yi Yan, a native of Wuxiang." Yi Yan sternly tried to make the tone more stable.

"How old is this year, has it been through battles before?"

"Seventeen years old. I've never fought a war before, so I farmed. But when I was young, I used to hunt with my grandfather..." Yiyan paused, then added nervously, "I still have some carpentry and stone carving skills, too. My father taught me."

What Liang Feng wanted was not a carpenter. You must know that the skill of killing needs to be cultivated the day after tomorrow. Even if most people face danger to their lives, it is difficult to break through the psychological barriers and kill. Not to mention how calm he was after the murder. Even after he had performed several missions, he was able to adapt to killing gangsters with guns.

The young man in front of him was different. No matter how restrained and clumsy he was at the moment, the fierce fight just now still revealed his extraordinary talent. Just like a piece of unrefined jade, it has super-strength physical coordination and challenge mentality, and it is rare that it will not show negative emotions such as tyranny and arrogance due to the influence of killing. This kind of person is simply born for the battlefield. If polished, will he become another shape

Leaning on the table lightly, Liang Feng smiled, a very beautiful smile: "You killed the bandit leader, I promised to reward you with 10,000 yuan. If you want to leave, you can take the money immediately and return. Hometown to…”

Speaking of this, Liang Feng deliberately slowed down his tone, only the young man in front of him clenched his fists silently, as if he wanted to say something. With a bottom line in his heart, he said calmly: "...Or stay, I need a personal guard to help me form a private army."

"I want to stay!" Yi Yan replied quickly without hesitation.

"As a bodyguard, you have to live and die for me. In the future, you may face many enemies, including your own clansmen, are you willing?" Liang Feng restrained his smile and asked solemnly.

"I..." Yiyan was stunned for a moment looking at the other party's serious expression, and then firmly said, "As long as you don't harm others, I will persuade those clansmen to take refuge in you and serve you!"

This answer is a bit unexpected, this kid doesn't seem to be so servile. Liang Feng didn't hate such people. In fact, in this era, such people are too rare. The TV series like "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that he had watched suddenly appeared in his mind, and Liang Feng felt a little bit of a joke in his heart. Is this the first famous general he accepted? The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said, "Very good. You can call me the lord."