Royal Road

Chapter 100: Renamed


"Using the Han surname? Are you going to use Xia to become a barbarian?" Liang Feng was just stunned, and then he understood what Duan Qin meant.

The ancient Huayi was a great defense, especially in the era of extremely contradictory and intensified ethnic relations such as the Western Jin Dynasty. If you can speak Chinese, use a Chinese surname, and perform Chinese rituals, it can somewhat ease the tension in the relationship. He has a lot of Jie people now, and there may be more in the future. If he still uses the name of Jie and speaks nonsense, it will obviously produce inconsistencies in the part. Over time, disaster will inevitably occur.

Seeing that the lord understood what he meant, Duan Qin said: "That's right. During the Han Dynasty, the Minyue and Dongyue rebelled several times. Emperor Wu was angry and moved the two tribes into Jianghuai, and there were no more Yue people. The transformation of the Xia into the barbarians is actually a righteous law, but one must pay attention to the difference between the small and the mouth. Now the number of Rong and Di in Bingzhou far exceeds that of the Xia, and over time, disasters will arise."

In Duan Qin's view, naturalizing Hu people is not difficult. Not to mention those Yue people who disappeared without a trace, and even the five current Xiongnu tribes all use Han surnames and practice the etiquette of Han people? However, when the world is in chaos and the population of Bingzhou is withering, these Huns also have the royal court chiefs, so it is difficult to check and balance, and they have become a problem. When Han Wu and even Wei Wu were changed, these Huns might not be able to find the palm of the court at all.

Mediocre people only fear the fangs and claws of beasts, while those who are strong enough and determined enough can train beasts to become their own goshawks and cheetahs. In Duan Qin's view, although the lord in front of him is physically weak, his spirit and willpower are not inferior to his ancestor Liang Xi. The brave battalion that was built in a short period of time and could annihilate an enemy army that was several times his size was even more proof.

Since the lord can use Hu and also use Hu, he should use appropriate methods to help him control this powerhouse!

These are all things Liang Feng hadn't considered before. He put his hands on his knees and thought for a moment. He finally nodded: "Si Ruo's words are reasonable. I will recruit Yiyan to discuss this matter and help Jieren change their name and stream."

After all, national issues must be assimilated rather than alienated, not to mention a sensitive area like the military. Now, all the characters in the episodes are Jieren who can speak Chinese. If this is used as a routine, it should also have an impact on other Hus. Coupled with intermarriage and cohabitation, these contradictions can always be gradually eased.

"This is the long-term solution." Duan Qin replied.

Although there were not many words in the conversation, the future development of the Liang Mansion was as clear as the sun. Looking at the very solemn young man in front of him, Liang Feng smiled slightly: "It seems that Si Ruo will not be able to relax in the future. The position of the master bookkeeper is none other than Jun."

These words were naughty, but Duan Qin felt warm in his heart. The chief registrar is often a secret, and the consul-general is a confidant of the confidant. Such reuse shows the Lord's trust in him. And this trust is not because of prestige or from his own family, but because of his real talent. This is what moved him in particular.

With both hands bowing, Duan Qin once again bowed deeply to the person in front of him: "Yu will live up to the master's entrustment!"

After sending Duan Qin away, Liang Feng just closed his eyes beside the case and pondered for a moment, then said to the maid who was waiting for the brush and ink: "Caiwei, call Yiyan over here."

The short maid leaned over and walked out quietly. After a while, another footstep came from the corridor, the wooden door opened, Yiyan walked into the study, and knelt in front of the desk: "Master, are you calling me?"

There were still beads of sweat and dust on his face, as if he had come on horseback. Liang Feng did not joke this time, but asked with a straight face, "Yiyan, do you know where the Jieren tribe came from?"

Yi Yan did not expect that the lord would ask this, and asked so seriously, and then said after a moment: "Jieren are from other tribes of the Xiongnu, most of them are descendants of the Qiang Canal, and some are from the Western Regions."

"Do Jie people have their own country name or clan name?"

"Yes! Mostly in the name of the tribe." Yi Yan replied.

"If these clan names are translated into surnames similar to those of the Han people, and Hu's name is changed to the name of the Han family, would it make sense?" Liang Feng asked the most crucial sentence.

"But imitating the Huns?" Yi Yan responded very quickly. Most of the Xiongnu nobles in Bingzhou used Han surnames. Because they have been married to Dahan for hundreds of years, the royal family all took the surname of Liu, and those who could not be surnamed Liu were surnamed Wang, Chen, Zhang, and Huang. Not only do they use the Han surname, but they are no different from the Han people in terms of clothing, food, housing, and transportation. Bingzhou Zhuhu is no stranger to these.

"That's right," Liang Feng said. "And from now on, if Jieren wants to become a regular soldier, he must be proficient in Chinese. If he wants to become an officer, he must know some Chinese characters."

This is obviously using promotion as a bargaining chip to subtly change the habits of the Jie people, but Yiyan has no offended expression on his face: "This method can work! The person above. I also learned Chinese secretly when I went out to the land. If I hadn’t met the lord, I’m afraid I would not be able to read and write numbers for the rest of my life. The lord treats us like people, not dogs and horses, how can we not know that the lord is kind and kind?”

Hearing what Yiyan said, Liang Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Also, the 400-year-old Han has just passed, and the Chinese civilization is still a powerful civilization that radiates to the surrounding areas. Even the former nemesis, the Southern Xiongnu, can be assimilated to the Han people, not to mention these Jie people who farm for others

"That's good. Then from tomorrow, collect the names of your clans and change them to Han surnames. By the way, what is your clan name? Let me see what surname would be better?" The coach, of course, had to be renamed by Liang Feng himself.

Unexpectedly, this time, Yi Yan didn't answer right away. After hesitating for a while, he said, "This subordinate wants to follow the lord's surname just like A Liang."

Many of the servants and households in the Liang residence did not have their own surnames. People like A Liang, who are valued by their masters because of their outstanding performance, will be given the surname of "Liang" and counted as a writer's slave.

Liang Feng didn't expect Yi Yan to say this, but after thinking for a moment, he shook his head: "Aliang is just a servant in my house, but you are not my servant, but a general in our army. How can they be compared? Regarding the surname, Be cautious."

I didn't expect the lord to reject it so bluntly, but the sentence "not a family slave" contained so much trust and respect. Yi Yan suddenly choked his breath, and after a while, he asked in a low voice, "The word 'Yi' is a surname?"

"Naturally it's a surname." Although there are not many people with the surname Yi, it is indeed a Han surname, and the origins are all from the pre-Qin period, which is quite old.

"In that case, the subordinates will use 'Yi' as their surname!" Yi Yan replied succinctly. These two characters are based on his Hu name, but Yiyan didn't know how to read at first, so the lord chose these two suitable characters and taught him. If you can't use "Liang" as the surname, then it's natural to use the name that is called by the lord every day. What clan name, country name, he doesn't care at all!

Seeing Yiyan's stubborn appearance, Liang Feng sighed lightly, "That's fine. But even though you're under 20, you're already the head coach of the camp. If you're with outsiders, you need to have a statement. I'll do it. Let me give you a word, it's called... 'Bo Yuan', okay?"

Yi Yan raised his head sharply. It is rare to have a name and a surname, and it is the privilege of scholars to express words! The lord actually took the word for him! Now he has also learned a lot of characters, and he knows that "Bo" means eldest brother, and the lord knows that he once had a younger brother who died early; and "Yuan" corresponds to "Yan". This word is by no means random, it was specially created by the lord for him!

"Thank you, lord, for the words!" The words blurted out, and I don't know how much thought was contained in the short sentence.

Looking at the reddened eyes and slightly trembling body of the young man in front of him, Liang Feng couldn't help but feel a little touched, and said softly: "From now on, all those who respect you and respect you should match their words. This is also you. Deserved courtesy."

No, I don't deserve it. No one, Han Chinese, Huns, Jie people... would treat me like this! Yi Yan lowered his head and pressed his forehead to the ground. Only the lord will take me so seriously, and only the lord will respect me and love me with such courtesy.

Countless thoughts were surging in his mind, but he couldn't utter a single word. Only by worshipping him could he express the excitement in his heart.

Before the case, there was a rustling noise, and a pair of slender feet in silk robes came to him, and then the man knelt down and sat down, supporting his shoulders: "It's just a mere word, if there is a future The imperial court is titled, commanding the army, and giving orders to thousands of people, but what should I do? Bo Yuan, get up."

This call made Yiyan tremble as if struck by lightning, and slowly raised her head. That familiar face, as always, was handsome and unassuming, with a slightly playful smile of kindness. The two were so close together, it seemed that they could see their own reflections in those dark, gloomy eyes. This is his lord, the only person he loves in this life.

The ecstasy in his heart was mixed with a little sourness and a little struggle, but Yi Yan didn't let them show on his face, just nodded vigorously.

From that day on, Jie people inside and outside the Liang Mansion began to change their surnames. Some surnamed He, some surnamed Shi, and some used the surname Mi. Those hard-to-pronounce and tongue-in-cheek names have also been simplified into simple Chinese names with one or two characters. If they still have chiefs, or are in a village, they may still resist and struggle. But here is the Liang Mansion, at the feet of the Buddha who blesses them and brings them back to life. Even the most stubborn old woman, who did not speak Chinese at all, silently accepted this new arrangement.

Quietly, the group of Jiehu with high noses, deep eyes, and colorful eyes used Chinese names and learned Chinese. And this, naturally, will not be missed by other people.

Medicine Buddha can enlighten Yaksha, turn Hu into Han for him, and serve in front of the throne. He is merciful and merciful, with invincible supernatural powers, he can send down thunder and lightning to destroy thieves; he can also give medicine and medicine to relieve the dying; invaded.

Following the broadcast of the name of Medicine Buddha, the locust eradication plan jointly launched by Liangfu and Gaodu county magistrates was also vigorously carried out.