Royal Road

Chapter 101: Exterminate locusts


In the field, the wheat has already bloomed and has produced ears. This is the winter wheat sown last year, and it will be harvested with a sickle in a few months. In addition to these wheat fields, the new fields that have been cultivated are also sown with seeds. Left home, wandering to this unfamiliar place, the food in the fields is the only hope for the Xinfu refugees. When the summer grain is received, as long as the grain borrowed by the government is returned, there is no need to endure hunger and escape from the famine.

Therefore, these farmers take care of the crops in the fields as if they were eyeballs. Gaodu is really a good place, not only will they borrow cattle to open up wasteland for them, but also the elderly in the village will take time to explain some farming methods they have never heard of before. When to weed, how to fertilize, to what extent when watering the ground… There are many different things. These are all precious experiences that can only be passed on from father to son. Even if you have planted fields for a lifetime, you may not know it clearly. Even those who are lazy and stupid have to work hard to listen to their ears, hoping to rely on these to collect an extra bucket of rice.

However, all of these, it is still shocking that there is no locust eradication organized by the county. That's the locust god! Don't they all say that the plague of locusts is a natural disaster and cannot be burned or killed at all? How can we kill locusts

"Azhu, is it really appropriate to do this?" The dog, with a rake on his back, shivered and followed his neighbor. He also just arrived in Gaodu this year, and his family opened 30 acres of barren fields. Now is the time when the green and yellow are not picking up, and it is catching up with the mansion to recruit people to remove locusts. It is said that there are rewards. As soon as he was instigated by this neighbor, he couldn't help but follow.

But when it came to the head, this fear came up. What they want to get rid of is the locust god! In previous years, didn't we always worship and offer incense, praying that the goddess of locusts would not come to visit the fields? Now the incense is no longer burning, but it has been changed to burning locusts, which is simply appalling. If the locust goddess is to blame and destroy his family's fields, what can be done

"What are you afraid of!" The young man in front was not worried at all, and said loudly, "We are in Gaodu, and we are blessed by the Medicine Buddha! There are hundreds of birds enshrined in front of the Buddha's seat, and the most hated are the locusts! Kill more insects, Medicine Buddha. Be happy, can't you bless us?"

"Is there such a saying?" Gou'er was stunned when he heard it, and asked in a low voice, "Is it because of the Medicine Buddha that the county does not allow nets to be used to catch birds?"

Who doesn't have time to catch birds to eat? It is close to the Taihang Mountains, there are many forests and many birds. Back then, many people were thinking about catching some birds for a tooth sacrifice. Unexpectedly, the county issued an order not to kill birds, frogs and non-poisonous vegetable snakes indiscriminately, and most of the wild food was directly reduced. Dogs are timid and dare not break taboos at all, and have not eaten meat for a long time.

"Should it be? The Buddha is always reluctant to kill. If you don't know that these locusts are abominable and only eat crops, you won't annoy the Medicine Buddha. Well, who cares about him, the county has said that killing locusts can still be rewarded. What! If you dig the worm mound with the yamen, you will have half a bucket of rice a day. If you kill the worms that are born by yourself, you will exchange a bucket of locusts for a bucket of food!"

Azhu also doesn't know the relationship between the Medicine Buddha and the Locust God, but one thing is certain, locusts can exchange food! And there are quite a few! Now, when the green and yellow are not connected, who is not short of food? If you can exchange some rations with locusts, that would be a great deed!

It is a pity that now is not the peak time of the locust plague, and there are many people who remove locusts. I am really afraid that there will be too much food.

Hearing the change of food, the dog was shocked. Half a bucket is not much, but adding some wild vegetables to make porridge is enough to fill the stomach. Now that the city head no longer hires people to build walls, who is not short of food? If you kill the locust, kill it. If the Buddha's magic power is superb and can control the locust god, it will be a real good thing!

After a while, a group of people came to the wasteland to be cleaned up today. In groups of two or three, they cast a net to find it. After a while, the cries began to sound one after another. "There is a nest here!" "There is also here!"

The dog and the others also found a dirt bag that looked like a worm mound, with small holes on it. Azhu pooh spit two mouthfuls into the palm of his hand: "It should be here, dig it!"

The dog did not dare to neglect, and waved the rake to dig up. After a while, a pile of white flowers and dense insect eggs appeared below. Seeing this, the dog took a few steps back in fright, but Ah Zhu shouted: "Master, this is also dug up!"

A yamen walked over quickly, looked down, and said, "Yes, let's burn it."

Immediately behind him, two people rushed up, one put hay, the other flint, and after a while, the fire burst into flames. The dog was in shock, standing aside and looking at the fire: "Is this burning?"

"Isn't it burning?" Azhu wiped the sweat from his face, and suddenly sniffed, "Why is it so fragrant?"

Hearing the words, the dog also took a deep breath, and found that there was really a fragrance coming out of the fire, like the smell of roasted meat, it was still the kind of fat that was too fat, and it was the smell of oil flowers. He hasn't eaten meat for a long time, just smelling the smell makes his mouth full of saliva.

The yamen on the side laughed and said: "The county magistrate said that these locusts eat wheat, so they are extremely plump. If they catch the winged ones, they can also be roasted and eaten. It is good that there are no locusts this year. If they do, they will be human. There will be one more dish in the family!"

Can locusts eat? Both Azhu and Gouer were taken aback. But where is the tempting smell, not only the fire in front of them, but other burning bonfires also have a similar aroma. The two looked at each other, and their hearts could not help beating. I seem to be able to see worms that haven't given birth to wings recently. If I can find them, why not bake two

"Come on, don't rest. Keep digging." No matter what these people were thinking, the yamen urged.

The two did not dare to neglect, and looked further afield.

"I never thought that Lianghou could come up with such a wonderful method, which is really admirable. Now that there are several nearby villages, the plague of locusts should also be avoided." In the government office, Guo Jiao smiled and praised the young man in front of him.

Even if others have the courage to prevent and control the locust plague, they will only dare to wave the gong and wave the flag when the locusts are rampant in June to disperse the cloud of insects. How can anyone start to treat locusts before May? However, this method is also implicitly logical. Locusts gather and lay eggs, and one worm produces a hundred, causing disaster to the four wilds. If you can kill the eggs, you can naturally cure the pests. It only takes a few stones of rice to make a large group of people not afraid of the locust god, and only the owner of Liang Mansion can think of it.

"It is also with the full help of the county magistrate that we can get rid of the pests." Duan Qin replied, "If there is a dangerous peak in Taihang, even if there is a locust plague in Sizhou, it will not be able to climb the mountain for a while. In this way, this summer's farmland can be preserved."

"This is very true! This is the grain in the treasury, so there must be no mistake. When the wheat is harvested this summer, the urgent need will be resolved!" Guo Jiao is now riding a tiger. There are more refugees resettled in the winter than expected. The military rations at Wuling are used in seventy-eighty-eighths, and even Gaodu's treasury has taken out a lot of grain, and they are living on this crop of wheat. If there is a locust plague, he will lose a lot!

"The county magistrate can feel at ease, and the young crops are growing very well now. Even if there is a locust plague, the people below will have experience in controlling locusts and will definitely be able to eradicate them. After harvesting the summer grain, and planting beans and millet, this year's government treasury will definitely be able to store it. plenty."

Hearing what Duan Qin said, Guo Jiao couldn't help but smile. This is the advantage of being close to the Liang Mansion. There are people who give advice on big things and small affairs. This new Duan master book is also a quick-witted and neat worker. I just heard that he also visited the county magistrate Liu Quan of Linxian recently, which made Guo Jiao feel a little drum in his heart. If the old man surnamed Liu fawned on Lianghou, wouldn't he have to share his own benefits? This will not work! He should let Lianghou know that Gaodu is the direct descendant standing beside Liangfu.

It is precisely because of this idea that he is more active in the locust eradication, and even dispatched several of his yamen. He was also quite courteous to the clerk of Liang's residence who had just taken office. I can only hope that Lianghou can see his heart.

The two chatted for a while about farming and locust eradication, before Duan Qin got up and retire. After leaving the county office and getting on his horse, he breathed a sigh of relief. This trip took a lot of time. After several trips in Gaodu and Linxian in a row, the locust eradication was properly handled. Thanks to the fact that the protagonist's reputation has grown since the beginning of the spring, these trivial matters can be easily solved.

Just wait for the summer harvest, let alone Gaodu, even the Liang residence is looking forward to this harvest. With food, we can feed more people and more episodes. How could Duan Qin dare to slack off

The lord was right about one thing, those leisurely days are gone forever.

After riding his horse back to the mansion, it was still dark. Duan Qin tidied up a little and returned to the lord. Unexpectedly, there was another person in the study room, it was Yi Yan, the camp official.

Seeing him, those gray-blue eyes looked at him coldly. Originally an alien, and a warrior who had seen blood, this stare really made one's back chill. But for more than a month, Duan Qin has long been accustomed to this man's strange hostility towards him, he stepped forward without caring, and saluted Liang Feng: "My lord, the locust eradication in the two counties is quite smooth. Unexpectedly, the locust plague can be eliminated this summer."

"It's so good! Si Ruo has also worked hard." Liang Feng nodded with satisfaction, the staff was really right.

Now eradicating locusts is not as simple as in later generations. With the banner of "sensation between heaven and man" erected on the head, the plague of locusts is not a simple disaster, but a sign of punishment from heaven. In the face of "natural disasters", there is absolutely no way to govern it. Only by the rulers' self-cultivation and virtue, and the people's following the principles, can they perish. With this kind of bullshit ignorance policy, not only can it not control the locusts, but also worship the locust god and pray for peace.

Naturally, Liang Feng would not listen to this. He directly read the "Book of Pan Victory", studied the causes of the locust plague for a long time, and recruited elderly farmers to inquire about the living habits of the locusts. In this way, I came up with the idea of killing the eggs first, and then focusing on killing the locusts before they transformed into adults. And he also told Duan Qin what the locusts could eat.

There are countless children who eat locusts in later generations, that is, "grasshoppers". This thing is big and thick, rich in protein, and tastes pretty good when grilled. Later, it was served on the dining table, and there were no less than ten ways to eat it. Nowadays, protein is so deficient that if people dare not eat it, it is a big deal to exchange it for food, whether it is food or feed, it is extremely cost-effective.

And Duan Qin really used his brain to do things. Instead of killing the locusts directly, he first knocked out his name as a Buddhist son, and made up some stories about the worship of birds under the seat of the Buddha. Then the government issued a ban on bird hunting and frog hunting. Without these hard-to-find meats, one’s heart will naturally loosen when faced with the locusts that must be managed and which are hated by the Buddha.

In this way, it is really not difficult to eat and catch the nearby locusts. And with these experiences, it will be easier to deal with future disasters.

"Thanks to the full cooperation of the two magistrates, this went so smoothly." Duan Qin did not take credit and replied humbly, "The magistrate Liu also admires the lord, and said that after the summer harvest, he will come to visit in person."

"Wait until the fifth day of the year, and then invite a few county magistrates and General Wu to have a banquet in the mansion." Although for most of the children of the noble family, inviting the poor family is quite a loss. However, for Liang Feng, this kind of psychological barrier does not exist, and those who should use it must make full use of it.

After instructing the business, Liang Feng said: "I am discussing with Boyuan about the restructuring of the department. You are tired from going out, you can go to rest first, and I will talk to you in detail tomorrow."

Part of the restructuring is now the focus. In addition to the military performance enhancement mentioned at the beginning, there are also considerations for the setting of military ranks and whether to establish a military monitoring system. You have to figure it out one by one before you can publish it. At this time, Yi Yan's opinion is of course also very important.

Duan Qin understands that this is because the lord considers him to be tired when he goes out, and he smiles: "There is no need for the lord, and the military system is also very important, so I can just listen to it by the side."

Seeing what Duan Qin said, Liang Feng did not persuade him much and continued to discuss with Yiyan. Duan Qin sat quietly beside him, silently observing the Jie person beside him while listening. These days, he also has contact with the people in the mansion, but the most difficult to guess is the person around him. Even Li Xin, a math idiot, can talk to him as long as he finds the right way. Only Yiyan was completely different. Now the two of them meet each other only for official titles, and they don't even use the words.

There is something wrong with this. Although there are differences in civil and military affairs, he is the right-hand man of the protagonist, and of course he has to have a good relationship with the head coach of the department. It's just that Yi Yan always seems to be somewhat hostile to him for some reason. Could it be because he was new here and couldn't gain his trust

But in front of the lord, the man's attitude completely changed. Not only did the coldness in his eyes disappear, he even leaned forward slightly, as if he didn't want to miss every word of the lord. That look of ardent belief really looks like a fanatic. Thinking of this, Duan Qin couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. I'm afraid I'm facing the master myself, right? When interacting with the lord, you will not feel the difference in identity at all, but will only be infected by his charm. It seems that every sentence, every word can fall in your heart.

It is no wonder that everyone in the house does not love this lord. Even the disciples of the Wang family in Taiyuan praised him. If one day he can go to Luoyang, I am afraid that it will make the court and the public fall over him even more.

As soon as his thoughts drifted, Duan Qin came back to his senses and continued to listen to these important matters related to the reorganization of the trilogy.