Royal Road

Chapter 102: Fighting wind


I just fell asleep yesterday at Hai Shi, and Duan Qin got up from the couch at the beginning of Mao. Without grooming, he walked directly to the desk, lit the lamp, and wrote at the desk.

This is a habit that Duan Qin only developed after he came to Liang Mansion. Before going to bed every day, summarize the work of the day, make up for the omissions after getting up early, and then write down what you need for the day. Now that Liang's residence is complicated and manpower is extremely short, he naturally has to develop a habit so as not to miss important matters.

As he was writing quickly, a servant girl pushed the door and walked in, surprised: "Master Duan, did you get up so early?"

"Go and prepare some cold food." Duan Qin ordered directly without raising his head.

The servant girl did things very neatly.

Duan Qin also roughly listed the to-do list, grabbed a steamed cake, and checked the contents while eating. This is the sweet bean cake that the lord specially ordered the kitchen to prepare. It is the crushed bean paste wrapped in the steamed cake. It is sweet and delicious, and it is very full. It is the most appropriate to use before eating.

After eating two steamed cakes and checking the manuscript, he picked up the tea next to him and drank it. He got up and walked to the copper basin prepared by the servant girl. After carefully rinsing his face and rinsing his mouth, he sat down and asked the other person to brush him. send. This woman was also sent by the lord to take care of his daily life. I have to say that with such a person, there is really no need to worry about other things.

After taking care of it properly, I looked at the leaky pot, and it was already the third quarter of the 1990s. Duan Qin stopped delaying and strode out the door.

Every day is when the school starts. Although there were many affairs in Fuzhong, he did not put this matter on hold. As long as he was at home, he would go to the school to give lectures. It took half an hour before I went to the study to deal with other matters. After all, this is related to the future employment plan of Liang Mansion, which should not be ignored.

Quickly walking out of the inner courtyard, he walked towards the new school. Because of the increase in the number of people entering the school, the school has been moved from the inner courtyard to the original barracks of Buqu. The space is spacious, it is closer to the farm, and it will not disturb the people in the mansion. It is more suitable for lectures.

As soon as I stepped into the door, I heard a low shout: "Say hello sir!"

"Morning sir!" a large group of people shouted at once.

Duan Qin's feet froze. The momentum of this greeting is almost catching up with the proofreading. If he hadn't gotten used to the sound of these rough guys, he would have been scared.

"Early everyone." Duan Qin stepped onto the podium, sat down in front of the case, and glanced across the room.

I saw that the audience was clearly divided, and there were two groups of people sitting. Half of them were children who followed Zhou Kan's academic calculations before, and the other half were members of the military. In addition to those who learned to draw maps, eleven officers were also enrolled. However, this group of people will be divided into two groups, only five people will come every day, and the rest will also preside over the exercises. Only Yi Yan, who rarely arrives. However, once in a while, the discipline of the school will be surprisingly good, and even the distraction will disappear.

Looking at Yi Yan's expressionless and stern face, Duan Qin said, "Today is still learning the thousand-character script. Let's start with reading. Yi Yingzheng, can you please take these people to read it again?"

Yi Yan's eyebrows twitched, but she didn't refuse, she picked up the book in her hand and read it. Sure enough, this person's knowledge was better than everyone in the room by several points, and he didn't read a word wrong. The text is only a thousand words, and it can be read smoothly in a short time.

"Good reading." Duan Qin praised, "Recitation is the foundation, and you must memorize the meaning of the text carefully. Turn to the third page, and let's learn from yesterday."

The books in the academy were all published by the government and used by everyone. Duan Qin didn't stop and started talking. Although many people in the audience are adults, their knowledge is not as good as that of Mengtong, so he does not pretend to be difficult, so that everyone can understand.

However, different people have different reactions to knowledge. Those children who learn to count are the most serious, and the desire is obvious at a glance. The people in the army are a little worse, those who learn to draw are still attentive, and those generals and officials are not satisfactory. But this is also the righteousness. As far as he knows, there are many generals in the army who do not know big characters, not to mention these rough men who have just left the status of slaves.

However, Yi Yan's performance is somewhat intriguing. In front of outsiders, his hostility to himself is not very obvious, and he is very serious in reading, and he is really smart and eager to learn. It was only occasionally that he didn't look at himself like his colleagues or teachers, but a little scrutiny, as if he didn't come to study, but to monitor and probe himself. Duan Qin really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Half an hour passed quickly. Closing the book, Duan Qin said, "Go back today and memorize these two pages, and tomorrow I will randomly check one or two."

The following people had mixed reactions, but Yi Yan obviously didn't take it to heart. After slightly nodding to him, he walked out the door. Duan Qin hurried up: "Yi Yingzheng, the changes in the military system set a few days ago already have a framework. I'm about to talk to the lord in detail. I wonder if you are free, go together."

Such discussions are always faster than separate discussions. Yi Yan really stopped, and said coldly, "I'm free."

His tone was much stiffer than in school. But Duan Qin didn't care, and followed him to the main courtyard.

Seeing Duan Qin and Yi Yan walking into the study together, Liang Feng smiled inconveniently: "But the military system has been finalized?"

Let the two come together, and there is nothing else to do.

"It is this matter, and the master is invited to review the draft." Duan Qin respectfully handed over the document made last night. This is the draft he compiled based on the discussions over the past few days, and it can be perfected one by one only after the master has reviewed it.

Liang Feng took the scroll, looked at it, and nodded after a while: "Auxiliary soldiers are very good."

Different from the original recruits who were called auxiliary soldiers, after this restructuring, the auxiliary soldiers will be divided into two, and some recruits will be reserved. As long as they get three heads, they can be promoted to regular soldiers. This requirement is much stricter than before, aiming to control the number of regular soldiers. The other part was turned into a boxer, specially responsible for logistics, and the training volume was much smaller than that of the reserve. In this way, when the army is dispatched, it can reduce the recruitment of ordinary people. However, the treatment of the boxers is also much worse than that of the reserve, which is basically the militia.

Then looking down, Liang Feng frowned: "Is it still the first rank to be promoted as a soldier?"

"Only the head can be credited for military merit. If it is not recorded with the head, it will be biased." Duan Qin replied.

Yiyan said: "When fighting, only the top and the bottom can win together. If everyone only thinks about the reward of military merit, it will easily mess up the military's heart."

This is also what Liang Feng is worried about. In fact, not everyone can cut off the enemy's head in war. There are still many times, to give teammates cover, or auxiliary attacks. If only heads are counted, the merits of these people will inevitably be overlooked. And there will be more and more incidents of officers taking credit and fighting for the head of the enemy.

"Then it will be counted according to the team and the team." Duan Qin said, "Just like the previous two military exploits, it was a big victory for defeating an enemy with multiples and one's own. It's just that the big victory is replaced by the first level."

Yi Yan seemed to want to say something, but Liang Feng waved his hand: "It's also a solution, let's try to formulate a protocol first. As for the breakdown of military merit rewards, it's quite good."

Before, there were only third-class meritorious deeds, and it was counted according to promotion. Twenty third-class military merits could be exchanged for first class. Wouldn't it take 20 major victories? This is too difficult, it is better to subdivide and give some more rewards. For example, the family can be exempted from military service several times, the children can be admitted to the school several times, and the army can retire after ten years of military service, and so on. At the same time, these military exploits are also a necessary condition for promotion to official positions. In this way, everyone will fight the enemy bravely.

"The military rank can also be determined." Turning to the next page, Liang Feng said again.

When going into battle, status is often judged by the officer's clothes. But in this way, it is also easy for the enemy to find out where to fight. Therefore, Liang Feng proposed that the grass-roots officers below the team should dress as uniformly as possible, and wear a logo that indicates their identity, so that they can recognize it clearly. In this way, in the event of the death of a corporal or even a superintendent, the soldiers can quickly find their superior officers and reorganize their formations.

Liang Feng originally planned to make a sign like an epaulette, but found that it was difficult to identify after piercing the armor, so he changed it to an armband, which was distinguished according to several bars of later generations. Secret, it's a lot simpler.

After that, there are many miscellaneous items, which should be discussed one by one. However, Duan Qin gradually discovered that Yi Yan had a problem. As long as it was his own opinion, he would immediately find loopholes and thorns. This kid's thinking is more agile than he imagined, and even he can't refute some things. This discussion is quite efficient, but it is really unpleasant. I don't know if it was intentional or not.

After finally deciding on a dozen or so items, Liang Feng put down the scroll in his hand: "In this way, the military system is roughly fixed. After that, other chores in the mansion will have to be adjusted. If you can find reliable You can also recommend two people to serve in the Liang Mansion."

"It's true that there are two old friends who are quite good. Let me try to win the trust." Duan Qin replied immediately.

"It's so good!" Liang Feng glanced at the leaky pot, "It's noon, you should stay for dinner."

"Thank you, my lord." The two of them handed in hand.

Duan Qin still likes the food in Liang Mansion very much. It is not the usual cooking method. Stir-frying is often used here. The taste is more fragrant and the taste is outstanding, which makes people appetite. The lord is not picky in other aspects, but it takes a lot of effort to eat this dish, and every time he accompanies the lord to have a meal, it is really gratifying.

Of course, it would be better if there was no colleague on the opposite side who would occasionally throw his eyes at him.

A meal is hearty and thorn in the back. After I was full, I drank the tea again, and Duan Qin said, "If the lord doesn't give up, how about a hand-to-hand game? The last game was something I will never forget..."

Duan Qin is usually very self-disciplined, but he loves Go. What is even more rare is that he finds that the master's chess path is completely different from his appearance. How could Duan Qin miss such a good opponent when he played against those gentle and graceful scholars all the year round. So when I found an opportunity, I wanted to make an appointment.

Unexpectedly, before Liang Feng opened his mouth, Yi Yan said coldly, "Why don't I accompany Master Duan to discuss a game?"

Unexpectedly, Yi Yan would answer, Duan Qin blinked: "Yi Ying is also good at Go?"

"Bo Yuan was taught by me personally, why not give it a try?" Liang Feng replied with great interest.

Hearing this, Duan Qin also became interested: "Then it will be a nuisance."

The battle quickly spread out, and the two played black and white. As soon as he got started, Duan Qin found that Yi Yan's chess game was really similar to the lord's, but he didn't have the lord's skills and layout. Under the frenzied bombardment, how can there be room for idleness? Duan Qin was sweating profusely in a short while, not like playing chess, but like being beaten.

In less than half an hour, the chess surface was already in a mess, Duan Qin had to throw a piece and admit defeat: "Yi Ying is very good at chess, and a certain thinks he is inferior."

There was still no expression on Yi Yan's face: "Where, if Master Duan wants to play chess, I will accompany him at any time."

This is really thanks to Bumin, he loves playing chess, not fighting, so I'll talk to the master later. After being embarrassed to say yes, Duan Qin got up and retire.

Yi Yan also wanted to leave, but Liang Feng stopped him from behind: "Bo Yuan, you don't like Master Duan?"

Liang Feng is not blind, Yi Yan's performance has been obvious enough in the past few days. Today's chess game is even more unreasonable. It seems like playing chess, it's like venting his anger.

Yi Yan immediately fell silent, and after a while, he said, "Master Duan is only a high-ranking boss, and he can also worry about the boss, why are your subordinates not happy?"

You have the words "dislike" written on your face. Liang Feng was amused, shaking his head and said: "What kind of jealousy are you eating? He can share my worries, can't you? Don't worry, no one can replace you."

Yi Yan couldn't understand what Fei vinegar meant, but he could hear the second half of the sentence clearly. He also heard the lord say this, but there is a guy who is by the lord's side every day, can talk to him about everything, talk and have fun with his hands, and he is just about to fall asleep, but Yiyan's heart is very depressed. He himself has to practice, and he doesn't have so much time to accompany the lord at all!

Seeing that the kid was still silent, Liang Feng turned his head and said, "Lvzhu, bring Lu Xingqi."

Lvzhu answered and went to pick it up, Liang Feng smiled and said to Yiyan: "There may be many people who can talk with me. But there are not many people who can play Lu Xingqi with me. What, do you want to accompany me in the next game?"

Not everything can be said to others. Duan Qin is really good, and he has won his trust. But he was an ancient man who was quite keen and familiar with the rules of feudal society after all. If it is too open in front of him, it will inevitably arouse suspicion. But Yi Yan is different. As a Jie, he also does not belong to this mature society, but an ignorant outsider. So no one can let him indulge himself like Yi Yan. Liang Feng will not mention this to anyone. But he never mind, let Yi Yan know this. Because he knows that his trust is also extremely important to this young man.

Sure enough, hearing this, Yi Yan's expression changed immediately, as if his whole body was lit up. Although he still pursed his lips silently, his hands moved very fast, and he threw the Go board aside.

Liang Feng couldn't help laughing and said, "If you lose this time, you can no longer treat Si Ruo with a cold eye."

"This subordinate will never lose!" Yi Yan replied immediately.

"You kid." Liang Feng snorted.

Not much to say, the two set up the battle again. Wooden chess pieces beat the chessboard, making a crisp sound.