Royal Road

Chapter 108: Misfortune


A hundred thousand troops flee, what does it look like? Sima Yue stood outside the tent, his teeth trembling. As far as the eyes can see, all over the mountains and plains are all broken soldiers, throwing away their helmets and armor, and wolves rushing and rushing. Instead of confronting the army of the King of Chengdu, the reinforcements from all over the place scrambled to escape, breaking up the already vulnerable formation.

"Stop! Quickly send troops to resist the enemy!" Frightened and frightened, Sima Yue finally gave an order.

Following the order, the imperial guard guarding the emperor went up to meet them, trying their best to stand in front of the enemy's iron cavalry. There are not only the emperor's imperial chariot here, but also countless accompanying ministers including the king of the East Sea. Even if it is for yourself, you must fight to the death!

However, these forbidden troops, who were pampered all the year round and led by the sons and daughters of Xunqi, could not stop the menacing enemy soldiers. The momentum was like a broken bamboo, the army rushed up, more and more guards fell under the horse, and the enemy soldiers with fierce eyes were still pressing step by step.

"Captain, the right army has retreated!" Another bad news came.

Sima Yue only felt a buzzing sound in his head. Chen Feng escaped? The right army under him is the main force of the forbidden army. If even he escapes, who can resist the army in front of him

"The remnants of General Shangguan have also retreated!" A confidant stepped forward in a hurry, "Captain, I'm afraid I can't hold it here!"

"Retreat! Quickly retreat!" Sima Yue didn't care about anything else, and got on his horse.

"But, what about the imperial chariot..." The confidant hesitated, looking at the huge golden frame not far away.

In order to show the power of the emperor, the emperor had to ride a golden root chariot, prepare six horses, and follow the five-color chariot, gold roe and tin, and yellow house Zuoyu. The entire imperial carriage is like a golden hill, with the same majesty and eye-catching.

If you retreat with the imperial chariot, you may not be able to walk half a mile, and you will be embroidered by the enemy. But if you don't bring it... Is it possible to abandon Your Majesty? !

Sima Yue's face was hideous, and he said loudly, "Wang An of Chengdu dares to offend His Majesty?! Retreat first, wait for the troops and horses, and then come to the rescue!"

Without even the slightest hesitation, Sima Yue abandoned the imperial chariot and fled outside under the cover of his confidants.

All who could lead the troops scattered and fled. The remaining soldiers were even more vulnerable. Soon, the ceremonial wall around the imperial chariot was broken, and the arrows passed through the yellow cover and came towards the throne!

"Ah!" Sitting in the car, the emperor wearing a gun mian exclaimed. Staring blankly at the long feather swaying above his arm, the heart-piercing pain followed.

He was shot.

"Escort... Who will escort..." After realizing it, the obtuse emperor realized that before his imperial chariot, there was no pro-guardian guard.

However, the faint cry did not come out. On the contrary, more arrows were pinned to the incomparably large and magnificent carriage.

A few steps away, the shouting became louder. The loyal soldiers have fallen under the enemy's front, and they have turned into mutilated corpses and died in front of the imperial guard. He was hit by two more arrows, and the blood flowed nonstop. The emperor could no longer bear it, and shrank his body, trying to hide himself in the imperial carriage. The crown fell to the side, and Gunyi was also stained with blood, but it was like a rain of locust arrows, but it did not mean to stop at all.

"Your Majesty!" Someone jumped on the imperial chariot from the side, unfolded his sleeves, and blocked the emperor with his own body. "Don't panic, Your Majesty, thieves can't overtake your ministers and hurt Your Majesty!"

This person is Ji Shao, the servant, and the son of Ji Kang. A few days ago, he was demoted by Sima Ying to a commoner, and it was also when he was recruited in person that he was reinstated as an official.

"Ji Shizhong..." The emperor seemed to say something, but no one could hear him clearly during the killing call.

Soon, the arrow rain disappeared, and the seemingly endless killing shouts also fell silent. A murderous voice exploded in the ear: "Your Majesty is here!"

With several arrows in his body, Ji Shao, who was dying, was dragged up, and one person had already raised the blade in his hand.

The emperor seemed to wake up suddenly, and regardless of the pain on his body, he said loudly: "Loyal minister, don't kill!"

However, the red-eyed soldier just sneered: "On the order of the great brother, but not against your majesty!"

Following these words, the man raised his sword and chopped off Ji Shao's head.

A hot blood flew high and splashed on the emperor. As if terrified, he crooked and fell out of the car.

In the palace of Yecheng, a handsome man in a fancy dress rubbed his palms and laughed: "Donghai child, dare to compete with Gu?!"

This person is the Lord of Ye City, Sima Ying, the King of Chengdu. As the son of Emperor Wu, he also inherited the good appearance of his father's "very majestic appearance", with a tall stature and outstanding appearance. In the early years, he also served as a sage and used energy, and his reputation was booming. But with the power in his hands, he, like his father, quickly became extravagant and arrogant.

These days, he was so frightened by the imperial expedition, how could he not be overjoyed when he heard the news of the defeat of Sima Yue's army? Still think about it yourself! If he listened to the words of those timid people, gave up Yecheng, and fled elsewhere, he would have lost everything. And now, he is still the emperor's younger brother, the prime minister of the Great Jin Dynasty, and the only winner of this northern expedition!

"Is the Son of Heaven okay?" After laughing, Sima Ying remembered something more important. Although it is good to win, but the imperial army is on the expedition, but he leads the army to kill the emperor, doesn't it mean that he will be charged with eternal crimes? As the emperor's younger brother, even if he wants to succeed the throne, he should give in or wait for his stupid brother to die of illness and old age. To die in the army is obviously not a choice.

The courtiers below immediately replied: "The Son of Heaven is fine, he just suffered some injuries."

Sima Ying immediately let out a long sigh of relief: "That's good. Well, let the emperor's imperial driver stop at General Shi's camp first. After all the honor guards have been prepared, we will welcome the emperor into the city!"

As a courtier, you must never "capture" the emperor. Before, he defied public opinion and ordered the dispatch of troops, using the saying that he would save the emperor from the hands of chaotic ministers. Now it is natural to welcome the Son of Heaven into Ye, which is just right.

After ushering in the Son of Heaven this time, it is time to prepare for the succession ceremony. Sima Ying has now made up her mind to stop wasting time with that stupid brother. In any case, he must become emperor as soon as possible!

One order after another, immediately passed down. After exhausting countless scheming, the emperor, who was barely ready, entered Yedu in a mighty manner.

"What did you say? The Sixth Army was defeated and the Son of Heaven entered Yecheng?"

After finally leading the army out of Baixing, he was about to reunite with his brother when he heard such news. Sima Teng couldn't help but burst into anger: "Didn't you say there are 100,000 troops, how could you be defeated so quickly?! Where is my brother now?"

The scout below said: "The defeated troops are too chaotic, the East Sea King seems to have returned directly to the fief..."

Hearing that Sima Yue had returned to the East China Sea, Sima Teng was so angry that he was speechless. After a long while, he said angrily: "Chengdu King, this thief! Quickly order the army to go north and attack Yecheng. I want to fight the rebels together with Wang Pengzu!"

Yes, as long as the emperor can be recaptured and the King of Chengdu can be eradicated, the dispatch of troops this time will not be in vain. Even if Brother A was defeated, he still had 30,000 elite soldiers and Wang Jun's tens of thousands of cavalry. There was a battle just now, and I thought that the strength of the King of Chengdu should also be depleted. If you don't fight now, when will you wait? If that rebel official really usurped the throne, things would be troublesome!

Following the order, Sima Teng's army accelerated its march and attacked Yecheng!

Sima Ying was still in the sweet dream of succeeding the throne. Amnesty was given first, then Yuan was changed, and then King Andong, who was a surrenderer, was beheaded. After that, Ye City was silent, and no one dared to insist on his actions. However, just after offering sacrifices to the sky in the southern suburbs, the news of the attack of Sima Teng and Wang Jun reached his ears.

This time, Yecheng was in a commotion again. The emperor's personal expedition is just a big name, but the soldiers and horses of Duke Dongying and the governor of Youzhou are really strong troops! Especially the Xianbei cavalry under Wang Jun, not to mention the Jin army, even the Xiongnu cavalry would have to avoid it if they saw it. What if you let them call

In desperation, Sima Ying had to send three more troops to intercept the two.

"The army is coming, how can this be good?! Do you have any suggestions?" A white-faced and beardless man paced up and down the room and asked the people beside him.

He was Meng Jiu, the eunuch most favored by the King of Chengdu. A few days ago, I was still worrying about the succession of the King of Chengdu. Unexpectedly, in a few days, Yecheng would be in danger. No one can bear such ups and downs, let alone a eunuch.

Unlike others, his glory and wealth are closely tied to the king of Chengdu. If the King of Chengdu proclaims the emperor, he will be the most popular person by the emperor's side; and if the King of Chengdu is defeated, he will also flee into exile with the other party. Such a situation in heaven and earth, how could he not make him anxious. He had to recruit his aides to discuss what to do.

However, even Meng Jiu knew that it would be impossible to rely on these aides. The eunuch who can rely on him must not be a talented and capable celebrity. And those ghost tricks may not have any impact on the battle situation.

Unexpectedly, however, a young man hesitated and said, "Dongyinggong is in Bingzhou. Whether sending troops or transporting food, he must go to Shangdang. If he can send someone to sneak into Shangdang county town, attack and kill the county governor. , to capture Baixing. Even if Duke Dongying can't be defeated, he can return to help immediately..."

"Huh?" Meng Jiu's eyes lit up, she turned her head and asked, "What's your name?"

Seeing Meng Jiu's interest, the man hurriedly stepped forward, knelt down and said, "Li Lang Li Zhongming, the boy. He used to be a subordinate of General Meng, and then he was put into the mansion."

General Meng, of course, refers to Meng Jiu's younger brother Meng Chao who died in the Battle of Luoyang. Thinking of his deceased brother, a look of hatred crossed Meng Jiu's face. Even if Yinzhang Luji's brother died, it would not change the life of his precious brother.

But it only took a moment for the sullen look on his face to fade away. He walked to Li Lang's side, leaned over and asked, "This is a good idea, but Shangdang has always been a danger to the world. How to kill the county governor and seize the pass? ?"

"The boy is a member of the Shangdang, and there are brothers in the family who are officials in the county town. As long as you send a team of brave soldiers, you will be able to break into the county palace by surprise! Then, in the name of the county governor, you can switch to the city and you can easily change the city head. , cut off the Dongying Highway!" Li Lang's heart pounded, and he said his plan.

Brave warriors? Meng Jiu's eyes lit up and suddenly remembered another matter. Liu Yuan, the captain of the Xiongnu, also said that he was old and weak and wanted to return to his hometown in Bingzhou. It just so happens that the five Xiongnu are not in Bingzhou? If we take this opportunity and let the Huns send some troops and horses to help capture Shangdang County, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds

With a laugh, Meng Jiu patted Li Lang's shoulder: "This plan is very good, I will report it to the Lord. Li Guest, this is a good opportunity for you to make achievements!"

Being patted on the shoulder by this eunuch, Li Lang trembled with excitement, and fell to his knees: "I will live up to the Lord's trust!"

The author has something to say: The background of this chapter involves two people, one is Ji Shao. After Ji Shao was killed, Emperor Hui cried and cried. Sima Ying wanted to change his clothes so that he could enter the city the next day, but he did not want to take off his clothes, and said, "This servant is bloodied, don't go." famous sentence. Since then, "the blood of Ji's servants" has become synonymous with the blood of loyal ministers, and Ji Shao himself is also the first person in "Book of Jin: Zhongyi Biography".

But Ji Shao is still very contradictory in nature. Because his father Ji Kang died under the sword of Sima Zhao. All the emperors of the Sima Dynasty should be the blood of his father's enemy. There was another person who had the same experience as him, named Wang Sa. His father, Wang Yi, was also killed by Sima Zhao. He was not a minister of the Western Jin Dynasty, and he failed to meet all three expeditions and seven evictions. He was called a model of filial piety.

It can be said that Wang Sa chose filial piety, but Ji Shao, the child of Princess Cao Wei, chose to be loyal to Sima Yishi. It is estimated that this has nothing to do with Ji Kang's Tuo Gu. Ji Shao was raised by his father's friend Shan Tao since he was a child, and he became an official under his recommendation when he became an adult. The King of Zhao rebelled, and he was promoted to the Servant. No matter how the King of Qi rebelled, he was also loyal and abide by it, and he directly advised the King of Qi. It can be said that he abides by a minister from beginning to end, and is the duty of a loyal minister.

Perhaps there is also the role of Ji Kang's famous sentence here: "Inwardly you are not ashamed of your conscience, outwardly not as vulgar, your friendship is not for profit, and your official position is not for a career. In view of the past and the present, you can cleanse your passions and desires, why worry about the grievances of the world?"

The other person was Sima Rui, the nephew of King An Dong who was killed by Sima Ying. Because Sima Yao, the king of Anton, was innocently killed, Sima Rui was so frightened that he escaped from Ye City and returned to his fief, Langya. Later, he joined the East Sea King camp and was sent to manage Jiangnan. This person was the first emperor of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Jin Yuandi, and the source of "the king and the horse share the world".