Royal Road

Chapter 114: attack and kill


Liang Feng's voice was not loud, but not too small, not to mention the bright dagger and the blood on his neck. The maid next to her screamed and retreated in a panic. Only then did the officials who belonged to the dance discovered the accident on the main seat. For a time, everyone was in an uproar, and even the music came suddenly.

Who could have foreseen such a situation? !

Yan Ji naturally didn't expect it. The dagger touched his throat, stabbing him with a sore throat, and it was a little wet and cool, I don't know if it was bleeding. Panic and frightened, he stammered, "I, I just like you, I don't mean anything light!"

"Xinyue?" Liang Feng snorted coldly, "Emperor Dongying treats me as the guest of honor. Come to vote for you, but can only serve people in color? Shuzier dare!"

This question and answer immediately made everyone in the room understand. Could it be that Taishou Yan was anxious and wanted to be a frivolous beauty, but he didn't expect the other party's temperament to be too strong, and there was a dispute? This is embarrassing!

Sun Ye was sweating profusely, and hurriedly went to bed and said, "Don't be impulsive about Liang Lu! He really doesn't have bad intentions, he is just being deceived. There is something to say, something to say..."

"Yes, yes. I was just confused for a while!" Yan Ji reacted and hurriedly shied the responsibility, "It's all the traitor Li Lang who mistaken me..."

Hearing the movement in the house, the guards inside and outside the hall also rushed in. Seeing this scene, someone immediately wanted to come forward to save people. Sun Ye hurriedly reached out to stop him: "Don't irritate Liang Lang, it's all a misunderstanding..."

Some people stopped, some persuaded, some begged, and the scene was chaotic. Being disturbed by these people, the elite Xiongnu soldiers couldn't help but hesitate and couldn't figure out the situation.

Liang Feng ignored these idle people. Gently mentioning it, he twisted the thin arm around his waist, and stood up slowly in the sound of the other party's sigh of pain. A slender foot in a white plain foot suit stepped on the short table in front of him.

"Misunderstanding? I don't think so!" As he said that, he kicked a few feet over, the cup was overturned, and he fell all over the floor.

Everyone's attention was attracted by the table table that was kicked over. At this moment, a shadow jumped up from the corner of the room and rushed towards the Huns beside him!

Amidst the cheers of dancing and music, Yi Yan lowered his head and clenched his fists. He couldn't hear those elegant music, and he couldn't see those Qingwu, only the buzzing sound in his ears, it seemed that the blood all over his body rushed into his brain.

This is not the same as what was negotiated in advance! He didn't get up to make a toast, he didn't throw a glass, and he didn't get out of the way. The lord just boarded the main seat and sat side by side with the thief!

Yi Yan has always known that the lord's good looks will make the world intoxicated, let the high door break down, and let all those who interact with him love him from the heart. However, he didn't know that there were still people who would look at him with such eyes, would use such actions to belittle him, on this high hall, in front of everyone!

How dare he! !

Killing intent and hatred intertwined, so Yi Yan had to lower his head to hide the anger in his chest. It wasn't that he couldn't see the warning eyes of the man at the table, and it wasn't that he couldn't guess the meaning behind the flattery. But he still can't stand it! That group of poisonous hearts scorched the five internal organs, and also melted the rationality, causing him to tremble slightly.

That thief doesn't deserve it! Not worthy! ! How could he fit to sit side by side with the lord? ! How can I chat and laugh with the lord? ! How can you match up with the lord by dancing! !

The anger did not diminish slightly due to the sudden change on the stage. When he heard Yan Ji say "heart is happy with you", Yi Yan only felt that the tight string in his mind snapped. a few paragraphs.

Yes. He could not be reconciled, nor could he tolerate it. Because he likes the Lord!

The thought that rushed to his mind broke Yi Yan's self-sufficiency. With a bang, several cases were overturned, and the cup was overturned. Like a tiger that heard the signal, Yi Yan jumped up and rushed towards the Xiongnu soldiers who were closest to him!

The short knife pierced into the flesh and blood, and blood poured into the nose. Just a knife in the back, the Huns trembled and lost their breath. However, Yi Yan's figure didn't stop, and the blood-stained dagger swung towards another person. Neck, lower body, front chest... His movements have never been so swift and violent, and he also includes several types of fighting moves that are invincible to ordinary people, like a tiger entering a flock!

In the end, the knife might have stabbed too hard and stuck on the ribs. With a click, the blade was broken into two pieces, but Yiyan stretched out his arms, grabbed a long knife, and slashed down!

Dou Da's head rolled out and bumped into the foot of the assistant.

This series of assassinations happened too quickly, the rabbits rose and the falcons fell, and in just a moment, the four were dead. The official said ho ho twice, his knees softened, and he knelt on the ground. The smell of blood rushed to the nose, and someone screamed like crazy!

Only then did the remaining four Huns react. This is no child's play, it's a real attack! As expected of the elites in the army, the four of them set off immediately, three of them rushed towards Yi Yan, and the remaining one turned back towards the main seat. As long as the mastermind who kidnapped the prefect is captured, will this Jie slave be captured without his hands? !

However, just after the man took two steps, his body suddenly shook, and he fell forward on his back. This rush was too much, and he fell directly at Yan Ji's feet. He was so frightened that he trembled all over, and only then did he see a crossbow arrow penetrating through his vest. The blood has flowed down the short arrow shaft, and it has stained the beautiful carpet under his feet.

There is a crossbow! That Jie man even brought a crossbow! No matter how stupid he was, Yan Ji reacted at this moment. This was not a moment of anger, but a premeditated attack. But when he raised his head again, in the end the remaining three fell into the hands of the mad tiger-like Jienu.

How could it kill eight in just a few breaths? Yan Ji's jaw twitched, and he struggled violently.

By the way, there is another person beside him. A frail, sickly scumbag! Liang Zixi definitely didn't dare to kill himself, this small threat can be thrown away as long as he struggles. After taking Liang Feng, he can stop the crazy tiger and save his life!

Yan Ji is in his prime, he has also learned six arts, and he struggles to make a living. How strong is his strength! However, he didn't break free, because the blade of the blade that touched his neck had already penetrated deeply into his throat.

The free hand made a virtual grasp, but didn't grasp anything. Yan Ji's figure swayed and fell to the edge of the couch. At the moment when he fell, he looked in disbelief at the man beside him who was beautiful and flawless, but cold as a stone. How dare he kill him? Doesn't he want protons? Shouldn't he threaten those guards with him

With unwillingness and despair, Yan Ji slumped to the ground, and in his wide eyes, he lost all brilliance.

"You, kill, kill, kill... Fujun..."

There was indeed a loyal officer who wanted to pounce on Yan Ji to take revenge, but the long knife immediately killed the man. The rest were either kneeling on the ground all over, or shivering in the corner. Everyone was shocked by this sudden slaughter.

After dealing with the Huns, Yi Yan did not hesitate and strode towards the main seat: "My lord! My subordinates are incompetent!"

He knelt on the ground, and the anger had not yet dissipated, but hatred, shame, and shame all poured in. He is not a competent minister. In fact, he is just like the thief with ulterior motives. He is cowardly and hateful!

Liang Feng raised his eyebrows slightly: "This is still incompetent, I'm afraid there is no one capable. Go ahead and continue to act."

His hand of encouragement seemed to pat Yi Yan's shoulder. However, the slightly cold palm was like a piece of charcoal, and the burning Yiyan shook involuntarily. Now is not the time to tangle, he gritted his teeth and got up from the ground, walked quickly to the door, took out the bamboo whistle in his bag, and blew it hard.

The whistle was not very loud, but it could still pass through the deep courtyard and reach the listener's ears.

Zhang He, who was lurking next to the prison, waved to the person behind him. Twelve crossbows fired arrows at the same time, without even screaming. Most of the guards at the entrance of the prison fell down. For the rest, they were horrified to find that a group of fierce soldiers dressed as slaves rushed towards them.

At the same moment, the same sound of fighting sounded in the front hall, gate, and arsenal. However, it was not the shouting and killing that Yan Ji had used when he seized the mansion. In just a few breaths, it disappeared. Most of the guards, including the elite Xiongnu, all died. The rest were trembling and knelt down to beg for mercy to this group of terrifying murderers.

Soon, a team of soldiers came to the back hall, and the leader reported: "Lord, all the strongholds have been successfully destroyed, and all the generals in the prison are safe and sound."

"Good!" Liang Feng nodded, "Yi Yan, you led the team to kill the remaining people in the back house, be careful not to run away."

Yi Yan hesitated for a moment, then nodded yes. Leaving five people behind to help Liang Feng control the back hall, he led a few others and rushed towards the back house.

What should be killed, what should be bundled, Liang Feng had time to look around at the rest of the people. His eyes skipped over the dull and frightened mediocre people, and he walked towards the shivering man who was curled up on the desk for a few times.

His pace is not very fast, nor is there much rigid gait. Instead, he walked easily and casually, just like a dancer just now. The plain white foot clothes made of fine silk were already stained with blood, as if they were wearing a pair of red shoes.

Liang Feng stopped before the case and asked politely, "Sun Ye, are you okay?"

Hiding under the table, Sun Ye looked at the pair of footclothes soaked in blood, only to feel that his heart was completely lost! How could someone lead an army to seize the palace so calmly? He also killed Taishou Yan! Do it yourself! That Li Lang, what kind of monster did he invite back? !

"Sun Ye?"

The case for protecting the body was almost removed, and the white jade flawless face appeared in front of him, and Sun Ye collapsed.

"Liang, Liang, Lianghou! The villain has mistakenly believed in the traitor! The villain is willing to serve Lianghou!" Tears flowed everywhere, and his lower body was wet, and he burst into tears.

"Oh?" Liang Feng smiled slightly, "That's the best way. I have something I want to ask you for..."

The author has something to say: Liang Shao: Anyone who dares to attack me will be killed!

Little Wolfdog: Woohoo QAQ