Royal Road

Chapter 14: test


This command immediately caused many people to look at Yi Yan, both envious and jealous. Everyone knows that this kid is very favored by the head of the family, but who would have thought that the head of the family would call him to serve

However, Yi Yan didn't notice these complicated gazes, only the handsome face with a slight smile remained in his eyes. His face suddenly turned red, and he hurriedly took two steps to the side of the low couch. A few steps away, a faint fragrance blew in with the fragrant wind, making his heart beat faster and his breathing short. Liang Feng didn't notice this, and naturally stretched out his hand to support Yi Yan's arm.

After all, he was ill, and he talked with Tian Chang for a long time, and he stayed in this airy main hall for half an hour in order to create momentum, and his legs were almost numb. At this time, the benefits of being a guard can be shown, and it is still up to the little girl to change Lvzhu to help him.

"Let's go down first, and start practicing the day after." Putting those words down, Liang Feng put most of his weight on Yi Yan in a rather elegant posture, and walked slowly to the back bedroom. This kid is also clever, without saying a word, with his pace as a human-shaped crutch, without showing any flaws.

After finally reaching the bedroom, Liang Feng couldn't hold it any longer, and his legs went soft and sat back on the bed.

In these goddamn days, even chairs haven't appeared. Thanks to his status as the head of the family, he was able to recline on the table. If you change to a formal occasion, you have to sit down obediently. Liang Feng had thought about finding a carpenter to get two suitable high chairs, but when he found out that the so-called trousers were mostly open-crotch styles, called hakama. The hakama pleats that fit the crotch are also military supplies and are only worn when riding and traveling.

And because he was seriously ill and needed someone to serve him, he basically could only wear shins. It is just two trousers that are put on the legs, and then tied around the waist with a rope, which is not only open, but also similar to women's garter socks. Dressed like this, let alone sitting on a high stool, sitting on a split-leg skip is indecent.

It is no wonder that before the Tang Dynasty, people in the world sat on their knees. As long as crotch pants are not widely implemented, any furniture reform is a pipe dream.

But today's harvest is not small. Getting Tian Chang is the next thing, and the point is to have a private soldier that can be trained personally. Of course, Liang Feng has no plans to blindly expand his troops. Let's try it with the people at hand. If he can bring out good troops, he will consider other things. With the precedents of Yan Sheng and Tian Chang, it is not easy to say how many stewards in this Liang Mansion have evil intentions. Therefore, mastering your own combat power is the key.

At this time, Lu Zhu also followed, staring at Yi Yan who was standing beside the couch, with a small look on his face that his territory had been violated. Liang Feng couldn't help laughing. Of course he knew how much the little girl Lvzhu cares about her master, but after all, she is a great young man in the new century. It's only in the daytime. At night, he has no luck to be served by such an underage girl. .

After a light cough, Liang Feng said to Lvzhu, "Yiyan will stay in the main courtyard in the future, and he can help keep watch at night."

Green Bamboo cried out unwillingly: "Lang Jun, what does this vulgar Jie person know? You are sick, how can you let such a person get close to you..."

Hearing the little girl's words, Yi Yan immediately pursed her lips and said solemnly, "I will learn!"

Unexpectedly, this silly boy would return his mouth. Liang Feng and Lv Zhu were stunned for a while at the same time. Liang Feng burst out laughing, and raised his eyebrows at the little girl: "Lv Zhu, you can accept this disciple, be good. teach."

I didn't expect to be teased, and Lvzhu's face turned red with anger, but he didn't know how to refute it. Liang Feng had already turned his head and said to Yi Yan, who was beside him, "Do you use your left hand or your right hand?"

Yi Yan didn't seem to have recovered from the matter of "serving and living", and raised his left hand in a daze.

Unexpectedly, this kid is still left-handed, Liang Feng nodded and said: "Very good. From today onwards, you have to get used to distinguishing left and right. When I say turn left, you turn left; when I say right, turn right. I can hear it. understand?"

This is very simple, Yiyan immediately replied: "Yes."

Leaning on the bed leisurely, Liang Feng suddenly said, "Turn right and take three steps forward!"

People who are in line for the first time will be somewhat unable to keep up with the order in the direction, especially left-handed people. But Yi Yan didn't hesitate at all, turned around immediately, and took three steps to the right.

"Turn left, take one step forward. Turn back." Liang Feng kept talking, and deliberately said a new term for turning backward.

This little trick still failed to beat Yi Yan, and he actually learned without a teacher, and learned to use his heel as the center axis to turn around quickly. This ability to adapt is truly amazing.

"Very good." Liang Feng clapped his hands lightly, "How's your foot strength? How many miles can you walk in a day?"

The topic changed too quickly, Yiyan thought about it before answering: "One hundred and twenty miles."

That's a pretty accurate number, and it's not slow. Liang Feng raised his eyebrows: "I've been there before?"

"Last year, when I was fleeing from the famine, I walked from Nie County to Ping County in one day, and the official road was 120 miles away." Yi Yan answered seriously, as if there was nothing unusual about his answer.

However, Liang Feng knew what it was like to walk more than 100 miles a day. It is said that the Red Army only had to march 200 miles a day at that time, and it was not easy for him to survive as a teenage boy fleeing the famine. Nodding slightly, Liang Feng rushed to the green bamboo and asked, "How many miles does it take to walk around Zhuangzi?"

Green Bamboo blinked and answered hesitantly, "How many miles does it have to be?"

The little girl may not be sensitive to distance, so Liang Feng asked instead, "Is there something to check the time?"

"Lang-Jun is talking about a clepsydra?" Lvzhu understood it now, and hurriedly walked to the bookcase by the window, laboriously carrying a copper cylinder, "You can check the time with a clepsydra."

Liang Feng glanced at it and understood the timing method of this "leaky pot". Similar to an hourglass, it relies on the speed of water droplets to record time. There are many scales on it, and it is estimated that it is time. He nodded with satisfaction and said to Yiyan, "Go and run around Zhuangzi and do your best."

This command is also a bit confusing. But Yi Yan had no intention of asking any further, and immediately ran out of the main house. Liang Feng instructed the stunned Lv Zhu, "Write down the time and see how long it will take for him to come back."

After he finished speaking, he did not wait for Luzhu to understand what it meant, and closed his eyes and counted the time. After about 20 minutes, heavy breathing and footsteps appeared at the door. Liang Feng opened his eyes and saw Yi Yan running back with sweat. He asked, "How long?"

"More than a quarter, less than two quarters of an hour." The green bamboo probe confirmed the time again before replying.

Liang Feng turned to look at Yiyan and asked, "Can you tell how far you ran?"

A good sense of distance is a prerequisite for a qualified officer. Liang Feng didn't mention this before, as if he wanted to see if this kid was simply running with his head down, or whether he was paying attention to the environment while running. Sure enough, Yi Yan just thought for a moment and then replied, "About twelve miles."

Six kilometers takes twenty minutes, no wonder this kid is sweating profusely. However, it also proves that his foot strength is really good. I don't know if it is because of his youth, or because people in this era have stronger foot strength. With such a venue, it is very convenient to train. Liang Feng raised the corners of his mouth and instructed Yi Yan: "Go for another lap, this time be careful to save your stamina. You don't have to run too fast when you just run, just wait until you get close to the finish line and then speed up. It's best to pick the road and keep it within ten miles. ."

After running six kilometers, it is another five kilometers. No matter how good your physical fitness is, it is impossible to maintain the previous speed. But this is also what Liang Feng needs. Five kilometers is a fixed item for recruits to train. If the instructor can't run down, it will be useless. Seeing that Yiyan was about to run out again, Liang Feng suddenly added: "Inhale through your nose and mouth at the same time, and exhale through your mouth. Follow the pace, inhale every two steps, and exhale every step. When running fast, change to one inhalation step. Try it."

This is the scientific method of breathing when running long distances. However, good breathing habits cannot be developed overnight. Let's see how this kid can accept it.

These words actually made Yiyan stumble, as if being chased by something, he ran out in a hurry.

Only now did Lvzhu react, and asked suspiciously, "Langjun, why do you want him to run around?"

"You have to learn to run before you fight." Liang Feng smiled, without explaining much, and ordered, "Go and prepare the pen and ink, I should copy the scriptures."

This time Lvzhu immediately woke up: "Lang Jun, you have been working hard for a long time. Jiang Taiyi also said, you can't be tired now."

"It doesn't matter." Liang Feng is still relatively clear about his state. Tomorrow, Imperial Physician Jiang will be leaving. If he doesn't transcribe the scriptures in time, he is afraid that he will not be able to deliver the letter in time.

Seeing that Liang Feng had no intention of changing his mouth, Lu Zhu bit his lip and walked to the desk to start his conversation. After a while, the pen, ink, paper and inkstone were ready. She also held out a wrong Jinbo Mountain stove and sprinkled a spoonful of spices into it. The green smoke slowly drifted out from the furnace peak, refreshing and refreshing, instantly suppressing the odor of ink.

Liang Feng reluctantly stood up and walked slowly to the desk. This bookcase is only three feet high, so he didn't slack off this time, he sat down on his knees upright. It may be a habit that the body has formed before. After sitting upright, it is easier than expected. Taking the brush handed by Luzhu, he gently twisted the tip of the brush, it should be a rabbit hair, flexible and of good quality. The paper is of course not rice paper, the color is dense and white, and it looks pretty good.

With such a pen and paper, I haven't written for many years, so don't be embarrassed. Liang Feng took a deep breath, picked up a pen and dipped in ink, and began to write. After being seriously ill, my wrists are weak and weak, and I haven't practiced for a long time, so my writing is naturally unfamiliar. In addition, I haven't remembered the full text of the "Diamond Sutra", and I have to stop and write, which is not much different from the painting talisman.

I finally finished writing the last article including the phrase "like a dream bubble, like dew like electricity". Liang Feng stopped writing, looked at it again, shook his head, and picked up the pen to write again. At this moment, a footstep whose voice had obviously slowed down approached the desk. He raised his head and found that Yi Yan had returned.

After running for eleven kilometers in a row, Yiyan's face is now flushed and dusty, and her clothes are almost soaked, but she is still in good spirits. Even better than just now, it should be that he has mastered the breathing rhythm. Calculate the time, it is estimated that it will be twenty minutes. Liang Feng smiled slightly. He didn't ask about running, but said, "Yiyan, can you sharpen ink?"

"Lang Jun!" Lu Zhu's eyes widened, he couldn't believe that he would hand over the task of grinding ink to this Jie Ren.

Liang Feng said: "Why, I'm afraid I won't want you anymore? Let him learn first, there will always be a time when it can be used."

Lvzhu can't think of a time when he will not bring himself, and bring a barbarian to serve the pen and ink. However, Yi Yan had already taken two quick steps and knelt before the case, as if to take over the work of grinding ink. Luzhu just wanted to grit his teeth with hatred, and his little hand firmly grasped the ink ingot, without any intention of letting go.

Not caring about the open and secret fight between these two little guys, Liang Feng calmed down and raised his wrists again to write. With the right practice, the familiarity gradually emerged. Writing brush calligraphy is similar to swimming. As long as you practice for a few years, physical memory will naturally form. Those days when grandfather was detained in the study to study calligraphy came to mind, making Liang Feng's writing softer and slower.

This time, Yi Yan froze, her mouth tightly closed, and she didn't even dare to breathe. He wasn't in the house just now, and he didn't see Liang Feng's writing. However, at this moment, the sun is already sloping west, and the soft spring light diffuses into the house through the window. The man was sitting in front of the desk, holding a pen in one hand and writing something over his wrist. Those gleaming black eyes drooped slightly, their vigor was no longer there, only the beauty and elegance remained, just like the incense burner behind him, everything was exquisite and delicate, so gorgeous that people dared not touch it.

A faint fragrance lingered between the desks, and the slender wrists shook slightly, like a graceful dance. Yi Yan uncontrollably set his eyes on the white jade-like fingers. Those knuckles were so long and thin, and he gently held the dark purple pen as if they were caught in his heart.

Lvzhu also gradually held her breath. She has been serving pen and ink all year round, and she has seen countless copybooks, but she has never seen such an elegant and dignified font. When did Lang Jun change the font? But this word is so compatible with Lang Jun, like the strong bamboo in the wind and the lotus branch in the pond, which makes people unforgettable.

After writing it four times in one go, Liang Feng stopped writing and carefully looked at the ink on the paper. It is really serious illness that has not yet recovered, his wrists are still shaking, and his pen is soft, and he cannot use the essence of Liu body. However, the character Liu is known as the willow bone, and the "Diamond Sutra" is also the work of Liu Gongquan in his prime. Now that the calligraphy sage Wang Xizhi has not yet been born, the calligraphy should be dominated by Zhong Yao's copybooks, and italics have already begun to take shape. In such an environment, copying the willow body would be refreshing.

This is a scripture to be sent to Wang Wen, not to mention Wang Wen's title of Zhongzheng, just relying on the wealth of the Taiyuan Wang family, no matter how much effort is spent, it will not be superfluous.

Putting down the pen, Liang Feng asked, "How is this scripture written?"

"Lang Jun's words have changed..." Lu Bamboo murmured, "It looks a lot better."

"Only this font can be worthy of this scripture." Liang Feng smiled and turned to look at Yi Yan, "Do you know the characters? What do you think?"

Yiyan looked at the other party's smiling eyes, and her ears suddenly turned red: "I... I..."

Originally, my face was red enough after running, but now even my neck is red. Liang Feng didn't expect this kid to be so thin-skinned, so he couldn't help laughing: "I don't know how to read, I'll learn it slowly in the future. Help me get up."

Yiyan didn't actually hear what Liang Feng said just now, just looking at the person, he was already dumbfounded. Now that he heard that the other party asked him to help him, he immediately rubbed his palm on his clothes, wiped off all the sweat and dust, and then carefully lifted Liang Feng.

After kneeling and sitting for a long time, Liang Feng felt weak in his legs and feet, and he staggered and almost didn't stand up. Yiyan didn't dare to stick too close. He just ran two laps, and there was no dry place all over his body. In case it got on the lord's robe... His ears that had been red just now became even more red. Liang Feng helped him to the edge of the couch, took a step back immediately, and quietly lowered his head.

However, Liang Feng didn't notice these little thoughts and said to him, "From tomorrow onwards, you will be the captain and help me practice the part."