Royal Road

Chapter 16: point


The next day.

Maybe it was because he slept too much last night. Liang Feng woke up very early and opened his eyes as soon as it was dawn. His throat was dry and uncomfortable. He tried hard to sit up, but a figure took a step forward and supported his body.

Liang Feng was stunned for a moment, only to realize that Yi Yan was standing beside the couch, and couldn't help asking, "Why are you here?"

Yi Yan's movements stagnated slightly, and she whispered, "I was watching the night outside and heard the movement."

Did he stand outside the door all night? Liang Feng couldn't help laughing and laughing: "The vigil is not standing guard. In the future, you can replace Lvzhu and sleep outside. If I have something to do at night, I will call you up to serve."

He is in really bad health now, and he needs help from others whether he wakes up at night or drinks water. Tossing a little girl is really unbearable, or it is more comfortable to use a man.

"Lang Jun, aren't the servants serving you well?!" Lvzhu also hurried over at this moment, looking like he had just woken up, and he hadn't even tidied up his hair. She was really exhausted these days when she was away from home, and she accidentally overslept, which made Yiyan take advantage of it.

"If you stay up too much at night, you will lose your face. For this kind of work, let Yiyan do it." Liang Feng smiled.

Green Bamboo's little face immediately turned red. In fact, she also knows that there are too few people around Lang Jun. Generally, at least four maids are needed to serve properly. She is only alone, how can she be so busy? But the little girl is also selfish, so instead of having more smart sisters, it is better to add a servant to serve.

After hesitating for a while, she bowed her body and said, "Is Langjun going to get up? The slave servant will wait for Langjun to wash."

Seeing that Lvzhu started to get busy, Liang Feng turned his head and asked Yiyan, "Did you sleep last night? Are you still energized now?"

"Yes." Yi Yan had withdrawn his arms at this time, stood up straight, and seemed to be in good spirits.

Liang Feng nodded slightly: "Let's go for a run outside first, and move your muscles and bones."

This is naturally five kilometers in the morning exercise. Without saying a word, Yi Yan trotted out the door. Liang Feng took the handkerchief handed by Luzhu, wiped his face carefully, rinsed his mouth with green salt water, and drank a glass of warm water before getting up from the couch. Washing his face and brushing his teeth is a good thing to say, dressing and combing his hair is really not something he can do by himself. Like a puppet, he obediently let Lvzhu put on his robe, and Liang Feng was pulled in front of the mirror again and began to comb his hair.

Because he has been seriously ill, his hair has not been washed for a few days. Fortunately, it is neatly combed every day, and it is not too difficult to deal with. It's just that the action of green bamboo's hair becomes a little strange, and it pauses for a while every few times, as if it is secretly doing something. Liang Feng just pondered for a moment, then said, "Don't worry about it for now."

Green Bamboo's body froze for a moment, and after a while, he said, "Lang Jun, you don't actually lose a lot of hair, just use more Flax Shouwu."

Liang Feng smiled and didn't answer. The sequelae of arsenic poisoning also had hair loss. Anyway, people were wearing crowns or scarves. Even if their hair was really thin, they couldn't tell. These little things are far less important than the cure itself.

This time, Lu Bamboo didn't dare to delay any longer. He almost finished combing his hair, and carefully hid all the lost hair before helping Liang Feng to sit down in front of the case.

"Let's prepare some snacks first. If you have goat milk and eggs, you can also prepare some." Liang Feng looked at the sky and instructed.

He now needs to take a lot of high-protein food. When Yiyan and Lvzhu are growing, it is good to eat some. Unexpectedly, Lang Jun had an appetite early in the morning, and Luzhu happily went down to prepare meals. At this time, Yi Yan also ended the long run and returned to the courtyard.

No matter how good his physical strength is, he was sweating profusely after running five kilometers. Yi Yan didn't enter the door, but stood on the porch and tried to adjust his breath, trying to get the sweat off his body. Liang Feng didn't give him a chance. He pointed to the luxuriant plum tree in the courtyard and said, "Find a branch that is higher than your head, grab it with both hands, use your arms to lift the whole body up, and see how many times you can do it."

This is a new job, Yiyan blinked, walked quickly to the tree, picked out a suitable branch, and did a pull-up. Contrary to Liang Feng's expectations, Yiyan slowed down after doing 20 strokes in one breath. When she reached 30, her arms began to tremble, but she wanted to continue.

Only then did Liang Feng speak: "Okay."

Fifteen minutes for five kilometers, thirty-five pull-ups in three minutes, this kid's physical strength is better than he expected. Beckoning Yiyan to stand beside him, Liang Feng said: "When a soldier is a soldier, you can only run and fight. Running is the foundation. Only if you can run will you not fall behind when you attack, and you can save your life when you retreat. Fighting is much more complicated, but The body must be strong. If you go down with a knife, others will not be able to resist, and you will naturally win. But there is one more thing that many people neglect, and that is discipline.”

Running and playing Yiyan can understand, but he can't figure out what "discipline" is. Liang Feng did not explain directly, but said: "Opening a large formation is different from capturing small thieves with skill in the field. In a grand formation, thousands of people lined up. The spears poked, the spears stabbed, slashed with knives, killed him indiscriminately, just rushed in together, and it was difficult to change hands, how could one move left and right; If you want to steal your heart, how can you allow either advance or retreat.”

This is a sentence in the "New Book of Ji Xiao". Qi Jiguang is a master of the art of war. The words in the book are simple and straightforward, and everything is right to the point. Yi Yan's breathing suddenly quickened, her eyes sparkled, as if she understood something.

Liang Feng smiled and said, "This is the battle between the great armies as mentioned in the military book. In a war, there are tens of thousands of people, and it is boundless. If there is no discipline, it will be a mess of sand. With a single mind, it will become a huge force, and it will be invincible wherever it goes! So the most important thing in recruiting training is to teach them discipline. How to line up, how to turn, how to step forward, and how to face the enemy side by side."

Having said that, Yi Yan has fully understood. Just like the previous battle against the mountain bandits, no matter how brave he was, he could not resist more than ten enemies with one person. But under the command of the lord, the servants who cooperated in twos and threes behind the cart were able to block the enemy's attack. Everyone's temperament and strength are different, and how to turn these people into a force is the key.

Seeing Yiyan's excited expression, Liang Feng nodded in admiration: "Now all the troupes are recruits, and all they need to practice is lining up. They are arranged in order from short to tall, and they can step back and forth according to orders, no matter how tall, short, fat or thin. The pace of departure is always the same. Let them learn to stand still, let them not be shaken by the feathers of swords, guns and arrows, and let them know how to distinguish left and right, be able to advance and retreat together, and not chaotic. In addition, there are daily routines Training will make them physically strong, run fast, and have great strength. As long as they can do everything, they will naturally be strong soldiers.”

This is easy to say, but not easy to do. Yi Yan frowned, thought about it, and suddenly asked, "What if someone doesn't listen?"

"If you need to fight, you will fight, if you need to be punished, you will be punished. People in the army must obey the orders of Shangguan. This is military discipline. But if you want to lead a team well, you can't just put pressure. You must be able to share weal and woe with those soldiers and eat the same way. Meals, do the same drills, and take the lead on the battlefield. Over time, you will have the capital to convince people. But this is only the foundation of the foundation. If you want to become a general, you don't rely on these. "

"What is it?" Yi Yan asked immediately.

"It's the art of war. When there are many soldiers, how to use the advantages to crush the enemy; when there are few soldiers, how to win the more with less by surprise. Just like Huo Qubing, a famous general in Han Dynasty, at the age of seventeen he led eight hundred light cavalry directly to Huanglong, killing more than 2,000 enemies. Marquis of Champion. At the age of 22, he led 50,000 male soldiers to fight for 2,000 miles, defeated 70,000 Hu prisoners, sealed the wolf and forced the Huns to flee far away. The once mighty and mighty empire also sang under his iron hooves: 'If I lose Qilian Mountain, my six animals will not survive; if I lose my Yanzhi Mountain, my wife will be colorless.'"

In the last two sentences, Liang Feng almost touched his knees and sang. The body was thin and slender, and his face was haggard and pale, but his eyes were shining, his thin lips were slightly raised, and his whole body was full of pride and yearning. At this moment, Yiyan only felt that his heart was beating very fast. He couldn't help but take a step forward and said loudly, "I can also be the lord's champion!"

Liang Feng smiled and asked, "Are you good at horseback riding? Are you good at archery?"

"Yes! I can shoot through a rabbit's eye with one arrow!" Yi Yan can't wait to get on the horse with a bow and practice.

"Are you a qualified soldier? A competent officer?" Liang Feng slowly put away the smile on his face, "Maybe one day, I will form a cavalry. But now, what you have to do is to train this branch well. Qu, let them be like an arm and a finger. Yiyan, can you do it?"

"Yes!" Yi Yan's gray-blue eyes sparkled, and his chest heaved. He hadn't studied poetry and calligraphy, and he didn't understand the clichés like "When the ruler treats me with a state official, I will repay it by a state official." But he knew what it felt like to be trusted and respected, especially from someone he admired with all his heart. Of course he can!

This is the sharpness he needs. Liang Feng nodded with satisfaction. Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers. From this point of view, Yiyan is a top qualified soldier.

"Lang Jun, let's use some cold residence first." Green Bamboo has already turned back from the kitchen, still holding a wooden plate in his hand, with a few pieces of snacks on it, a bowl of bean porridge, a bowl of goat milk, and two peelers peeled eggs.

After talking for a while, I was indeed hungry, but it was obviously unrealistic to ask Yiyan and Lvzhu to eat together, so it would be more appropriate to use the excuse of disposing of leftovers. Thinking like this, Liang Feng tasted a piece of dim sum with a chopstick and drank a small bowl of porridge. This damned appetite is not as good as that of a little girl.

Liang Feng picked up the bowl and tasted the goat milk again. It may have been untreated, and the taste was very fishy. After just taking a sip, he put it down and said, "I can't eat any more, so please share the rest, don't waste it."

Lu Zhu's eyes widened in surprise, but Yi Yan took a step forward, picked up the bowl and poured the rest of the goat's milk into her stomach.

Green Bamboo almost didn't jump up: "You, you idiot..."

Liang Feng smiled and waved his hand: "Eat it, don't use egg snacks. When you are all growing, don't go hungry."

In this era, except for nobles like Liang Feng, most people can only eat two meals a day. The meal at 9 in the morning is called Chao Shi, and the meal at 4 in the afternoon is called feeding. Getting up at six or seven o'clock and eating at nine o'clock is too inhumane for children.

Lu Zhu struggled and bit his lip, but before he made up his mind, Yi Yan wanted to reach out to the bean porridge again. She hurriedly slapped it away, and pushed the bean porridge in front of Liang Feng: "Lang Jun must at least finish this bowl of bean porridge!"

"Okay." Liang Feng also declined, slowly drinking the porridge.

After thinking about it for a while, Luzhu reached out and took an egg and two pieces of dessert, carefully wrapped it in a handkerchief, and put it in his arms with a blushing face, presumably preparing to eat it later. Yi Yan was not so particular, and shoved something into his mouth. He had just run ten miles and practiced catching trees again, just when he was hungry. Not to mention, these things are used by the master!

The wind swept through the seats, and immediately swept away all of them. Liang Feng smiled and pointed to the door: "Go over there and stand with your hands on either side of your thighs, your back straight, and your eyes looking straight ahead. This is called a military posture, and from now on you will have to stand for at least an hour every day. "

Yi Yan nodded, walked outside the door and followed the instructions to make a fairly standard military posture. Liang Feng smiled and did not explain much. This thing is actually not more important than queue training, but now Yi Yan learns it is to let him master a way to sharpen his temper. With the standing military posture and long-distance running, the one who can persevere will not be a lazy guy. In this way, it is natural to screen out the real troops and the waste who want to fish in troubled waters.

Looking at the sky outside, he instructed, "Lvzhu, go and invite Imperial Physician Jiang over."