Royal Road

Chapter 17: Epidemic


Following Lu Zhu into the main hall, when passing the door, Imperial Physician Jiang also glanced at Yi Yan who was standing beside the door, but he didn't say anything and walked into the room.

"How is Liang Langjun feeling today?" Walking to the front of the case, Imperial Physician Jiang looked up and down on Liang Feng's face and asked with a smile.

"It's much better, and the fever has subsided, thanks to the good medicine from Imperial Physician Jiang." Liang Feng was truly grateful, but with a dose of medicine yesterday, the low-grade fever subsided, and it seemed that it was indeed symptomatic.

"The good medicine must be recuperated slowly." Jiang Taiyi stretched out his hand and gave Liang Feng's pulse carefully. After a long time, he nodded, "The erysipelas has been contained, but the scattered power still needs to be slowly resolved. I don't know Liang Langjun. Has there ever been a case where Danshi was activated?"

Liang Feng blinked, what is the activation of Danshi

Green Bamboo said in a low voice, "Lang Jun is cautious in his clothes, and no Danshi has ever been activated."

Imperial Physician Jiang nodded: "It's so good, I won't be able to take Hanshi San anymore. In a few days, Danshi may be activated, and I hope Liang Langjun can endure the pain, so don't take it anymore."

After talking about this, Liang Feng realized that the so-called Danshi activation is probably the addiction symptoms of Wushisan. It is very difficult to quit soft drugs, and the symptoms of addiction are the key. He has seen many criminals who have been jailed for drug use, but almost none of them have completely quit. However, in the past two days, he did not show much withdrawal reaction, and it is estimated that the cold food powder is not strong.

Liang Feng had no objection, but the green bamboo on the side changed color, and said timidly, "But what about the typhoid fever? The two patriarchs and the mistress died of diseases..."

Jiang Taiyi shook his head and sighed: "The world is so stupid, and the cold food powder also needs to be prescribed the right medicine. This is a special powder prescription for five strains and seven injuries in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases", but unfortunately it was changed and turned into a poisonous poison. Typhoid fever is a difficult disease with different symptoms, how can it be treated with one medicine?"

Hearing the two answering each other, Liang Feng remembered that Han Shi San was also famous for treating typhoid fever. In the ancient times when there was a lack of doctors and medicines, the fatality rate of typhoid fever was extremely alarming. Therefore, many people took Hanshi Powder to prevent serious diseases... No! Liang Feng suddenly frowned and remembered something. There is a guy who studied medicine in his gang of hardcore gangsters. When chatting with Dashan before, he said that the fatality rate of typhoid fever is very similar to that of plague. Works on various diseases.

It turned out to be the plague! Liang Feng's face couldn't help but change color. This fucking is a severe infectious disease managed by Category A. Although he knows some common sense of epidemic prevention, he is not a medical student, and he does not know how to treat the plague!

"How about typhoid fever?" Liang Feng asked involuntarily.

Imperial Physician Jiang glanced at Liang Feng and sighed: "The family teacher spent many years searching for Zhang Changsha's Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases, and he left the book Treatise on Febrile Diseases, which is precisely for this disease. Why should a doctor in Treatise on Febrile Diseases be afraid of evil diseases?"

Looking at the doctor whose beard and hair were all white and his expression solemn, Liang Feng blinked and suddenly realized that he had entered a misunderstanding of thinking. He does not understand medical skills, let alone memorize scriptures. However, he knew the source of the plague and the steps to control it. What if we tell this knowledge to contemporary medical scientists

This is the Wei and Jin Dynasties who cost 3,000 yuan for a pair of cold food powder. The common people are simply powerless to treat typhoid, let alone prevent it. In any serious infectious disease, the first thing to control is the source of infection. As long as the civil epidemic cannot be contained, the plague will never end. If doctors in this era can understand the common sense of epidemic prevention, then tens of thousands of Li people will be saved! This Imperial Physician Jiang is a disciple of Wang Xi, and he is familiar with Treatise on Febrile Diseases, so isn't he the best candidate

His heart pounded, Liang Feng's heart rate turned sharply, he controlled his expression, and nodded: "What Jiang Taiyi said is very true. To be honest, when I was seriously ill and in a coma, I also dreamed of a golden Buddha. , He said to me that all plagues have their origins, and ordinary medicines have no effect. Only by cleaning the house, expelling rodents and insects can the plague be cured. After waking up, I thought for a long time, why the typhoid fever, What happens most in summer and autumn?"

Neither viruses nor bacteria can be understood by people of this era. However, the theory of plague is different. A long time ago, there was a legend of plague ghosts in China, who described plagues as ghosts and gods, bringing diseases and disasters to people.

Imperial Physician Jiang was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding why Liang Feng suddenly mentioned this. Doctor Duo Chongdao, he has little research on Buddhism, and he has never heard of the "source of the epidemic". However, the issue of the onset time is really worth thinking about. After hesitating for a moment, Imperial Physician Jiang replied, "Maybe it is the epidemic caused by the heat?"

There are also many kinds of epidemics, such as malaria and influenza. Traditional Chinese medicine has long regarded epidemic diseases as a kind of filthy qi, which can be transmitted through the weather or the respiratory tract. So the concept of isolating patients has long appeared.

However, Liang Feng shook his head in awe: "It's not the epidemic, but because those plague creatures are born in the wild. During the cold winter, they hide in the ground; after the spring, they live on wild mice and small animals, and they travel with these wild animals. In the market place. Mosquitoes bite voles and suck human blood, which spreads the disease in the blood to people.”

Blood-borne infection is a topic that Chinese medicine has not yet touched. Imperial Doctor Jiang frowned: "Ridiculous! Plagues are all foul odors, how could it be transmitted from rats to humans?"

"Humans eat rice millet, and rodents also eat rice millet. In human fetuses, rodents also give birth to fetuses. What's the difference?" Liang Feng sighed lightly, "Doctor Jiang should be in contact with typhoid fever patients from time to time, so you might as well think about it carefully. , Are there dead voles or small animals near the sick house? If so, the plague may really have something to do with it. Thinking about it this way, the Buddha passed down a volume of my scriptures and told me about the plague, probably to save the disease. transform the world."

The Han Dynasty worshipped ghosts and gods, and the Wei and Jin Dynasties surpassed it. No one dares to deny this kind of story of a fairy falling into a dream, not to mention Liang Feng's remarks about the bizarre story of Buddha's dreaming and teaching scriptures. Jiang Taiyi suddenly stopped and asked hesitantly, "The scriptures that Liang Langjun said..."

Liang Feng smiled slightly: "Wang Zhongzheng didn't mention it? When I was about to die, I dreamed of Sanskrit chanting a scripture called "Vajra Prajna Paramita". This is the scripture I want to ask Imperial Physician Jiang to bring to Wang Zhongzheng. arts."

With that said, Liang Feng took out the envelope that was sealed yesterday and handed it over.

Even the letter has been written, this is something that cannot be lied! Imperial Physician Jiang took the envelope hesitantly. He also knew Wang Wen, and he could tell the truth from the fake as long as he asked one question. In the same way, Imperial Physician Jiang also knew that Wang Wen was keen on Buddhism. I am afraid that it was the strange incident of the Buddha's dream that made him invite him to come to diagnose and treat this declining Tinghou. However, this matter is too much to do with just a few words.

After pondering for a long time, Imperial Physician Jiang finally put away the letter, nodded and said, "I will investigate the case of the sick mouse carefully. If there is any truth, I will discuss it with Liang Lang in detail."

"If you can find the root cause of the epidemic, it is also a virtue. Imperial Physician Jiang can come and find me." Liang Feng smiled and replied.

As long as the old man has a little truth-seeking spirit, it should not be difficult to discover the fact that the plague is transmitted through blood, and then he can sort out all the common sense of epidemic prevention that he knows. Summer is coming soon, which is the peak season for mosquito breeding. If the fatality rate of plague can be reduced a little, it is indeed a good deed.

Hearing Liang Feng's promise, Imperial Physician Jiang nodded again. Whether it is Buddha's dream or not, as a nobleman who is terminally ill and may die at any time, it is absolutely commendable that he cares so much about typhoid fever and wants to find out the source of the disease and control the epidemic. Looking at the slender figure of the other party, Imperial Physician Jiang nodded again: "Please also ask Liang Langjun to take care of his illness. If there is any problem, you can send someone to Tongjia Guining to find me."

With that said, Imperial Physician Jiang took out a famous thorn from his arms and handed it to Liang Feng. Famous doctors are like celebrities, not everyone can see them. With this famous thorn, Liang Feng can directly send someone to the Jiang Mansion to invite someone. In this troubled era, it is no less than a life-saving talisman.

Liang Feng solemnly accepted the famous thorn. With thoughts in his heart, Imperial Physician Jiang stopped staying and left the Liang residence.

It wasn't until the person disappeared outside the door that Luzhu asked stupidly, "Lang Jun dreamed of a Bodhisattva?"

There are many Hu people in Bingzhou, and Buddhism is prosperous. Even the little girl Lvzhu knows what the Bodhisattva said.

Liang Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, otherwise how could I wake up from a coma."

An unknown force dragged him back from the abyss of death, and even a firm atheist would not dare to deny the so-called miracle at this moment. What's more, "Buddha's dream" is the foundation for him to stand firm in this world. Since there are many people who believe in it, it is better to use it as a halo to add some protective color to himself. Liang Feng didn't mind finding an avatar to help him convey things that didn't belong to this era.

The look of admiration in the eyes of the little maid became stronger, and her hands clasped together: "It is true that auspicious people have their own celestial appearance! Langjun, slaves must burn incense every day to pray for Langjun!"

Liang Feng laughed dumbly. This kind of thing should be discussed later. He hadn't figured out which god and Buddha should fall into the dream.

At this time, someone outside reported: "Lord Lang, guests from Tian ask to see you."

Does this mean you know you've woken up? I have to say that Tian Chang's news is quite well-informed. Liang Feng nodded and said, "Pass him in."

"Master Lang got up so early, don't get tired of your body." Tian Chang pretended not to see the vicious Jie Ren at the door, walked into the room with a smile on his face, and said to the people behind him, "Let's all move in. "

Following his words, four Zhuang Dings came in one after another, each holding a large pile of bamboo slips.

"This is last year's account book. The villain sorted it out overnight, and it was ready. I also asked the master to check." Tian Chang smiled, but there was a hint of color in his eyes. He didn't believe that Liang Feng could quickly find a few servants to help check the accounts. If this sick child had to do it himself, training soldiers and managing accounts, he would probably die soon. At that time, as an old man, it is natural for him to assist and assist the young head of the family.

Liang Feng looked at the big pile of "account books" and blinked. Not because there are too many, but because these are all bamboo slips! Since coming to this world, both the Li family and the Liang family have used paper. Although they are not as fancy as later generations, they are paper that is convenient for writing! Who would have thought that the Liang House still used bamboo slips for accounting? !

But he didn't show any flaws on his face, and nodded casually: "Put it on the desk."

With his permission, Tian Chang immediately instructed Zhuang Ding to stack the bamboo slips neatly on the desk. With such a swing, the book case was almost covered up.

Seeing that the bamboo slips were properly placed, Tian Shang said unintentionally: "I don't know when the money will be allocated to the village this year? Yan Sheng is not there, and the following workshops are a little unstable. I hope the master will make plans early."

Liang Feng naturally also knew about the four workshops in Liang Mansion, but most of the things produced in these workshops were for personal use, and a small amount was sold. Now Tian Shang said, is it possible that the craftsman not only has no income, but also needs financial allocation? He nodded calmly: "I see."

This innocuous sentence made Tian Chang's mouth twitch, but he didn't continue to ask, and nodded: "The old man will retire first. If necessary, the master can call me."

Liang Feng naturally had nothing to say, he waved his sleeves and let Green Bamboo see off the guest. Looking at the still-frustrated sick seedling, Tian Chang snorted coldly in the bottom of his heart, no matter how expensive the family is, he has to reduce or exempt Tian Fu, and he has to raise funds extensively. How much family business can he support? It's simply over-the-top!

Lu Zhu closed the door, and when he turned around, he found that Lang Jun got up at some point and walked to the desk. I didn't think those account books were dirty, so I picked up one and opened it. Green Bamboo hurriedly took a step forward and said, "Langjun, let the servants wipe it first..."

Liang Feng shook his head and suddenly asked, "Is paper expensive?"

Lvzhu blinked, confused, but still replied obediently: "It depends on what kind of paper it is. The Zuo Bo paper and the side paper used in Langjun's letters cost 30,000 yuan a year. The commonly used jute Paper is cheaper, and it is cheaper to use several times more than those papers."

Just using paper, it costs 60,000 to 70,000 yuan a year? Liang Feng was about to hold his forehead. He originally thought that the use of paper in Jin Dynasty was nothing unusual, but who would have expected the price of paper to be so expensive... Wait, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, he put down the bamboo slip, and suddenly asked: "Is there a papermaking workshop in the house?"

"Yes, but it's under the Mufang, and I can only produce some grass paper." Lvzhu's face flushed, and he replied in a low voice.

The straw paper is used for toileting. The paper is very poor and inconvenient to write. Only the little nobles from ordinary families can use it. In the real Zhongding's house, I am afraid that silk cloth must be used to go to the toilet.

Liang Feng couldn't help but smile: "Call the craftsmen of the wood workshop and the paper workshop, I want to meet them."

The author has something to say:

Wang Xi was a famous doctor in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. He served as the imperial physician of the Shaofu of the Wei State. He not only re-edited and restored Zhang Zhongjing's Treatise on Febrile Diseases and Miscellaneous Diseases, but also left behind his book "Maijing".

Zhang Changsha, also known as Zhang Zhongjing, once served as the prefect of Changsha, so he has this nickname. The recipes left behind are called classic recipes.

It is said that the period from the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Wei and Jin Dynasties was the most serious period of the epidemic in China. Years of war and the inward migration of aliens have caused the epidemic to spread on a large scale. The so-called typhoid fever has basically the same fatality rate as the plague, between 30% and 100%, and the symptoms are very consistent. It’s just that medicine is not yet developed enough to identify the source and route of transmission of the disease, and it lacks targeted medicines. It is also for this reason that Han Shi San is very popular. In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, with the rapid development of medicine, the plague was greatly controlled, and Han Shi San gradually withdrew from the stage of history.