Royal Road

Chapter 18: Alternately


"Father, why did the master call us?" Standing in front of the gate, Liu Lin couldn't help but ask again with a look of panic.

His father Liu Mutou rubbed his hands nervously: "How do I know? Maybe it's about building a barracks."

The old houses next to the main house were to be renovated into barracks, and A Liang had already started arranging them yesterday. As the head craftsman of Mufang, Liu Mutou naturally knew it early. This job is not big, but doing it well can make them show their faces in front of the master, so Liu Mutou is ready to work hard. Unexpectedly, before the construction started, he was summoned by the master, and also called his son who only knew how to beat the pulp. How could people not be worried.

"I heard that Yan Sheng was killed by the cane. Is the guest Tian going to be reused? What if he speaks ill of us in front of the family master?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Liu Mutou ate a few more years, and immediately reprimanded, "What other people say, it doesn't matter to us. As long as we work diligently, not greedy or lazy, are we afraid of being trapped by others?!"

These words are quite imposing, but they are actually strong from the outside and hard at the same time. Sifang was of the same scale back then, but now Mufang has been reduced to the point of being a foil for others. How can Liu Mutou not be in a hurry? However, the owner of the family has really changed his personality when he returned from the trip this time, and he doesn't know what it means to find them.

The two were apprehensive when a maid came over and said to them, "Langjun called you, come in. Pay attention to your words and deeds, don't offend Langjun."

With a tight heart, the two quickly followed behind the maid and walked towards the house in front. Before entering the door, they saw a young man standing at the door, staring straight at them, both eyes were different colors, and the momentum was terrifying. I was scared enough, but this time even my legs were soft. When I entered the door, Liu Mutou knelt down with a thud, and kowtowed to the figure leaning on the desk: "Lord Lang, the villain Liu Mutou, come and see you."

"Little man Liu Lin, I have seen the master." Liu Lin hurriedly knelt down.

Liang Feng was not accustomed to being bowed down by people, but if they were excused from the ceremony as soon as they came up, I am afraid it would scare people. Nodding lightly, he said, "Get up and talk."

The Liu family's father and son quickly got up from the ground, shivering and hanging their heads. Liang Feng looked at them up and down and said, "Liu Jiangtou, what kind of wood is there in the back mountain? It must be durable and tough."

There was a powerful dismount, but I didn't expect to talk about wood. Liu Mutou's spirit was shocked, and he quickly replied: "Qi, the master, there is sandalwood! Qing sandalwood is the best for aniseed. The sycamore and locust wood are not bad, and there are some poplar trees. There are many mountains here, and there is no shortage of them. wood!"

"Oh, do you have beef tendon wood and sword ridge wood?" Liang Feng asked.

"This... I've never heard of beef tendon wood. There are sword ridge wood, but the trunk is very thin, so I'm afraid it won't be able to build a house." The head melon was still wandering on the barracks, and the willow wood snarled.

Liang Feng shook his head: "It's not building a house. I need thirty wooden spears, all of them are made of sword-backed wood, one zhang long, one end is sharpened, and can be held with one hand. Can you do it?"

Wooden guns are also common things. Although willow wood is a bit foggy, it is not difficult to ask for. He quickly nodded and said, "I can do it! I can do it!"

"How many days will it take?"

After thinking about it in his heart, Liu Mutou replied, "It only takes three days to do it well, but I'm afraid it will take two days to polish it."

"It's okay, I'll give you five days. After it's done, bring it to see me." Liang Feng nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, Liu Mutou also woke up, this spear is probably going to be equipped for the trilogy, right? The owner of the family thought of their father and son as soon as they came up, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing! Liu Mutou's high-hanging heart finally fell back into his stomach, and he just wanted to ask about the thickness of the gun's barrel. I saw that the good-looking and fatal head of the owner tilted his head slightly and looked behind him.

"This is the head of the paper workshop?" Liang Feng looked at the young man standing behind Liu Mutou with interest. Liu Lin and Liu Mu have a similar appearance, but he is a little shorter than his father, and he is a little fatter. It does not look like a forest of green willows, but rather like a wooden stake.

"That can be called the head of the craftsman, and it is a beater." Liu Mutou quickly pushed his son: "Alin, please give your master Lang's best!"

Liang Feng stopped the other's kneeling and asked, "What kind of pulp is used in the paper mill in the house?"

"Straw," Liu Lin stammered, sweating on his head, "The villain has tried using hemp, but the paper products he makes are always inaccurate. There are also paper copies, I heard people say curtain beds. It's very easy to use, I even had a fight, I'm going to try it... "

Liang Feng suddenly became interested: "Have you ever made a movable curtain bed?"

Liu Mutou was so frightened that he sweated out, slapped his son's head, and cursed: "You are not a weapon! Lord Lang, he just picked up rotten wood and made it himself, and there is no money from the flower shop."

"It doesn't matter." Liang Feng smiled, "I called you this time because I wanted to change the papermaking craftsmanship in the house."

This is also the purpose of Liang Feng summoning the head of the paper workshop. In a previous life, his old man was a serious calligraphy lover. Not only did he keep his pen in his hands, but he also liked to nag about the knowledge of the study with the juniors below. He grew up beside the old man when he was a child, and naturally he also heard the story of Xuanzhi Duanyan. He didn't know much about the other studies, nor was he interested. But because I practice calligraphy, I really know a lot about how to identify the quality of paper, and the ancient method of making rice paper.

In his opinion, Zuo Bo paper, which is not very good, costs tens of thousands of dollars a year. If he really tries to produce paper such as rice paper, gold-sprinkled paper, and five-color flower paper, it will not be a big profit.

What's even better is that he is now going to transcribe the "Diamond Sutra" for Wang Wen. If all the scriptures are silently published, he will use his own rice paper to transcribe a copy, and it is estimated that there will be no need to type advertisements. With Jinyang Wang as a living sign, are you still worried that you can't make money? There are so many of those bells and whistles who spend thousands of dollars on a meal. Buying some good paper is probably the same as eating and drinking water.

With such a plan, it is not a bad thing that Liu Lin is keen to improve the craftsmanship. The spirit of exploration is also extremely important to a craftsman. All he needs is to teach him what he knows and give him encouragement. Thinking of this, the smile on Liang Feng's face became even wider, and he said to the Liu family's father and son who were confused: "I saw a recipe for making paper in a book before. White paper. Not only is it white and smooth, and the paper is delicate, but it also maintains the color and luster for a long time.”

In this era, although white hemp paper was smooth, it was susceptible to moisture, and the back was slightly rough, with straw and paper scraps sticking to it. The color of jute paper is dull, but it is thick, tough and durable, so people used jute more. As for Zuo Bo paper and side paper, the output is small and the price is high, which can barely be called white and delicate. To be able to make this kind of paper, I am afraid that the wealthy will rush to it.

The Liu family's father and son were pounding in their hearts, not knowing whether this was true or not. Liu Lin opened his mouth and asked carefully: "Paper is mostly made of materials such as dried rice and hemp. It is better to compost into pulp. The bark is so hard, what should I do?"

This is naturally not difficult for Liang Feng, he explained: "The bark grows on trees, and is naturally tougher than rice and hemp. You go into the mountains to cut some green sandalwood paper strips, preferably two-year-old. Fold the tree strips into Small sections, steamed first in the cage, and then soaked to make the bark fall off. After drying, add white ash or grass ash to cook to remove impurities. However, tear the paper into small strips and place them in the sun to dry them into white. Beating. Remember to add carambola vine juice to the pulping water to increase the toughness, and then use a fine curtain to evenly copy it out.”

Who would have thought that a Tinghou could describe the papermaking craftsmanship so meticulously. However, the Liu family's father and son were still uneasy. Although this description is detailed, it takes a lot of work to figure out how long it takes to cook and how much ingredients need to be added! If it can't be made, how can it be punished by the owner

Seeing the panicked expressions on their faces, Liang Feng comforted: "I only understand some fur, you all need to go down and try it out, whether it is green sandalwood bark or mulberry bark can be put into paper, hemp Or wild rattan can also be used. Don’t be limited by the raw materials, try more formulas to see which one can produce the best paper. There are also movable paper curtains, you can also try to make them. Good paper needs manual work, bad paper only uses machine Just work."

"This, this kind of work, I'm afraid it will delay the paper workshop work." Liu Lin finally said boldly. Whether it is to build a paper curtain or configure new pulp, it cannot be completed in a moment and a half. It takes a lot of work for the number of people in the paper workshop.

"Mufang's staff can borrow first, but they must be strict and can't flow out the recipe. The silver needed for testing pulp can also be drawn from the library. If anyone can make more than Zuobo paper, side Paper with better paper management will be rewarded with five thousand dollars!"

As soon as these words came out, the Liu family's father and son's breathing immediately became rapid. Five thousand dollars! One acre of the best plastered fields only costs 2,000 yuan, and 5,000 yuan is enough for a wealthy family to spend for two years! Just make a piece of paper, and still get money from the account, can you get such a reward

Liu Lin couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and said loudly: "The villain will definitely be able to make new paper! If he can't make it, the boss will punish him!"

Liu Mutou stood in the back and just wanted to kick his son. What military order are you making at this time? ! But the coin is moving, five thousand money is the next thing, looking at the meaning of the master, is it going to expand the paper workshop? Also, now that there is a severe drought, the loss of the weaving workshop is not small, and the pottery workshop is unable to sell a few pieces of pottery. It is no wonder that the master is thinking. This is a great opportunity for his father and son. If he doesn't grasp it firmly, he will be blinded by his hard work over the past few decades!

Seeing the excitement of the father and son, Liang Feng smiled and nodded: "Good! If there is any problem with Erfang, you can report it to me directly. You can go."

The Liu family's father and son hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed before backing out.

Liang Feng picked up the tea soup to moisten his throat, and picked up the bamboo slips on the desk again. He wanted to see how much money this Liang Mansion spent every year.