Royal Road

Chapter 2: Resurrection


A burst of unbearable pain rushed up, Liang Feng groaned and woke up. His head was dizzy, his bones seemed to be run over by a road roller, and a bone-scraping steel knife was poked in his abdomen. It hurts so much! Rao has been seriously injured several times, and he has never tasted such a taste. Gritting his teeth, Liang Feng wanted to endure this time, but the pain was so continuous that it could kill a person.

Didn't you give an analgesic valve? Unable to hold it any longer, he tore open his chapped lips that were about to stick together, and squeezed out a voice: "Nurse... Sergeant..."

Perhaps the voice was too weak, and no one answered his call. A poisonous fire ignited in his throat and rolled down his esophagus, burning his heart and lungs, and the colic became more and more violent. For a moment, fear struck suddenly. Hasn't he been taken to the hospital yet? Did the action fail, and he was lying on the ground waiting to die? Regardless of the maddening pain, Liang Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

In front of him was a hazy light green. The breeze was blowing, the gauze swaying, and the smell of Chinese medicine and spices rushed into the nostrils.

After being stunned for a few seconds, Liang Feng reacted. It was a curtain of gauze, and it was impossible to tell what material it was. The pattern was fine, the fabric was light and transparent, and it hung down from the carved wooden board above the head. He was lying on a bed, a huge wooden bed with wooden screens on three sides and a veil hanging on the front, wrapping him in a claustrophobic bed.

What is this place

With his head buzzing, Liang Feng raised his arm, trying to lift the curtain in front of him. I don't know where it was affected, and the crisp bell sounded.

"Lang Jun! Lang Jun, you are awake!"

The curtain was thrown open, and a slender figure rushed up. It was a little girl, probably not yet thirteen years old. Hair combed in a double bun, a standard costume. The face that had not yet grown was full of surprises, and tears flashed in his eyes.

There was no doubt about her joy, but Liang Feng didn't know this girl, and couldn't understand everything in front of him. He stretched out his hand and wanted to grab the other person: "Where is this, you are..."

Before he could finish his words, his eyes suddenly froze. In midair, a hand with slender knuckles hangs there, white and deadly, slender, with an indescribable grace and dignity, trembling slightly. That's not his hand! Where the fuck is this? What the hell happened!

There was an exclamation in his ear, Liang Feng had no time to answer, and his anger surged with severe pain, his eyes darkened, he fell back on the bed, and lost consciousness again.

"What? Liang Feng is awake?" The tea cup slammed on the table with a bang, causing the kneeling maid to flinch for a while. The middle-aged beautiful woman sitting behind the case looked ashen, and asked in a sullen voice, "Didn't Sun Yigong say that he was not saved? When did he wake up?"

The maid hurriedly replied: "About half an hour ago. The little maid of the Liang family said that Liang Langjun was already able to take the medicine, so I'm afraid he has slowed down..."

The beautiful woman clenched her fingers and felt annoyed in her heart. I didn't expect that the sick seedling could survive this, and still woke up when it was so tight, wasting their hands and feet in vain. The top priority now is to stabilize people and not to ruin the son's major affairs.

After thinking for a while, she coldly ordered, "Let Lang'er visit him. I instruct the servants to take good care of my nephew and let him recover."

Can hear the meaning of the mother's words, the maid hurriedly bowed and stepped out cautiously. The beautiful woman didn't get up either, looked at the clean and light celadon cup in front of her, and snorted coldly. How about Tinghou? There were no officials in the Liang family for two generations. It was time to put out the mind of Xijue and make some compensation for her out-married woman.

"Liang Zixi actually woke up and turned around?" Li Lang was also taken aback when he heard the news from the maid, and his heart immediately panicked. No one knows Liang Feng's cause better than him. Not only has he failed to achieve his goal, but he has also happened to meet Yaji's advance, so how can one not panic.

After being at a loss for a moment, he suppressed the anxiety in his heart, followed behind his mother's personal maid, and walked towards the guest room. Although the Li family is not a wealthy family, it is an official for the fourth generation, and his ancestors also served as a prefect. There are some foundations, and the house is beautiful, elegant and delicate. Passing through the two corridors, he came to the door of the side hall. Before entering the door, a pungent medicinal smell wafted out, Li Lang frowned, and pushed in the door. With just one glance, his eyes were locked by the figure reclining on the bed.

Because of a serious illness, the man on the bed was pale, his eyes were blue and black, his long crow-colored hair was scattered behind him, his clothes were half-covered, and he was as thin as bamboo, making his figure even more slender and slender. However, such a sick face could not hide his beauty, and his picturesque eyebrows and eyes were a little haggard, which made people unable to look away.

Jealousy flashed in his heart, Li Lang put on a smile, and walked up quickly: "Brother, you are finally awake! I have already sent someone to ask Sun Yigong, and I will be there in a while."

His voice was sincere, with a happy face, and anyone who looked at him seemed to be concerned. However, the man on the bed had no intention of answering, and drank the porridge and water in the bowl unhurriedly. This was the bean porridge he ordered specially, and he didn't know what was wrong. After waking up, Liang Feng insisted on drinking bean porridge and even asked for Xiaodou by name. He vomited twice, but he still drank a lot, as if he had been reincarnated from starvation.

Li Lang was not surprised, he said with a gentle smile: "Brother, don't worry too much. It's a common thing to take the medicine to disperse and faint. As long as the medicine is dissipated, it will be fine. You should take good care of your illness first, and put those mundane things aside for the time being. By the way, I heard that you can't drink the medicinal juice, so I went back and asked Jianjia to get some candied fruit to make the bitter taste. As for the medicinal soup, you should drink it or you should drink it."

The bowl of porridge finally bottomed out, and the man handed the empty bowl in his hand to the maid by his side, and said lightly, "Thank you third brother."

The man's voice was not as clear as it used to be, and it was a little more hoarse, but it did not harm the sound. Li Lang suppressed the hatred in his heart and said with a smile, "You and I are brothers, why should I see outsiders. The body is the most important thing now. If you need anything, you can tell Jianjia, and she will arrange it."

With that said, Li Lang bent down and tucked the quilt for the man himself: "Brother, I know you're impatient to take medicine, but your health is important, you can't let your temperament fool you."

Brothers are nothing more than that. Liang Feng lifted his eyes, glanced at the gentle and elegant man in front of him, and nodded slightly: "Third brother, please."

After a few words of comfort, Li Lang didn't say anything about Yaji's advance, and smiled gently: "When you feel better, your mother will come to visit. Let's recuperate in peace for the time being. Jianjia, you these two days. Just follow the elder brother and take good care of him."

The maid replied obediently, "Don't worry, Xiao Langjun, the slaves will take good care of Liang Langjun."

After making arrangements, Li Lang stopped staying and got up to leave. The maid Jianjia who was left behind was not seen, and she instructed herself, "Lvzhu, go to the stove to see how the soup is. If it's ready, get it as soon as possible, don't delay."

After all, Lvzhu was still young, so he was stunned for a moment, peeked at his husband, and withdrew with a promise. Jianjia smiled and put down the raised curtain: "Liang Langjun, it's better to rest for a while, just woke up, you shouldn't be too busy."

With an impeccable posture, the bed curtain fell, blocking the space for communication. Looking at the soft curtain, Liang Feng sneered across his lips and lay back on the bed.

After the last coma, he had a rather long and strange dream. In the dream, some people and things appeared, some vague, some clear. The protagonist in the dream is a son of an aristocratic family named "Liang Feng". The family ancestor's name is Liang Xi, the official worship is Da Si Nong, and he is one of the nine ministers. Liang Feng has no intuitive concept of how many these official titles are, but it is certain that the Liang family can be regarded as a famous family. It is a pity that Liang Xi was too honest, his family was not rich, his son and grandson died early one after another, and he failed to become a new wealthy family. By the time of Liang Feng's generation, the Liang family had only an empty title left.

Because of the years of war, the court deliberately eliminated some officials and titles. If Liang Feng was unable to hold office again, the title of "Marquis Ting" would probably not be preserved. Therefore, Liang Fengcai left his young son and went to Shangdang County to participate in the triennial "Nine-Rank Officials Evaluation" to seek an official position.

The place where he settled was the Li family where his aunt Liang Shu married. The Li family is a branch of the Shangdang Tongliang Li family, and Junwang is afraid that it is not comparable to the Liang family. Liang Shu's youngest son, Li Lang, happened to be participating in this evaluation, so he warmly received this cousin. It's a pity that Liang Feng fell ill and fell into a coma before he lived for a few days. He didn't wake up until today.

Just woke up and changed a core.

Liang Feng is not a history buff, nor does he know the complicated details. But something in the dream told him that the emperor who enshrined Liangxi was surnamed "Cao", while the current emperor's surname was "Sima". Coupled with the nine-rank Zhongzheng system, no matter how shallow historical knowledge is, you can come up with an answer. This is the Western Jin Dynasty, which inherited the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms, and started the short-lived dynasty of the Five Hus and Sixteen Kingdoms.

Inexplicably, he came to a strange era and changed his identity to a strange one. Borrowing a corpse to bring back the soul

From the late-night suburbs of Beijing to ancient times more than a thousand years ago, any sane person would have doubts. However, what Liang Feng did was criminal investigation. He didn't need to look any further to identify the authenticity of the people around him and the objects. No matter how luxurious the studio is, it can't make such an effect, let alone the skin he changed. This is no fucking joke!

Taking a deep breath, the bitter medicinal smell mixed with the spices soaked into the heart and spleen. Liang Feng suppressed the complicated things in his mind. If you don't understand something, just let it go. The most important thing now is to find out the cause of "Liang Feng"'s death. It's probably no accident that he came to this body. Who killed the original owner of this body? If the goal is not achieved, will the murderer continue to kill? What is their motive

Being locked in this corpse, even the memory in his head was confused, but Liang Feng couldn't let go and let his original self disappear. Glancing at the maid who was standing outside, he slowly closed his eyes.