Royal Road

Chapter 20: undercurrent


After doing only a few things in the morning, Liang Feng felt exhausted, not only physically tired, but also a kind of irritability from the heart, as if something was scratching his chest. Hastily used the morning food, and then sent Yi Yan to receive the remaining weapons in the warehouse. He wanted to go to rest after writing a few paragraphs of the Diamond Sutra. Unexpectedly, as soon as he lifted the pen, there was a sound of communication from outside the door.

Liang Feng frowned and said to Lu Zhu, "Go and see who it is?"

Lvzhu hurried to the door, and turned back with a slightly weird look: "Lang Jun, it's Xiao Lang Jun who has come to visit you. He came yesterday, and you had already taken medicine to sleep at that time. down."

"Oh?" Liang Feng was stunned, and then he remembered that he had a cheap son. It is estimated that daily greetings are the rules of this era. The little guy's crying eyes flashed in his mind, he nodded and said, "Call him in."

Green Bamboo bowed and went out to report. After a while, a burst of small footsteps came from outside.

"Sir Father." Still dressed like a little adult, Liang Rong walked in from outside, lifted his robe with his short hands, and knelt down in front of Liang Feng.

"Come on, sit here." He didn't see anyone kneeling, let alone such a pink and tender little doll, Liang Feng called the little guy to get up, sat beside him, and asked, "Lvzhu said , did you come here yesterday?"

Liang Rong's face was a little nervous, and he answered seriously, "Mr. Qi, my son came too late yesterday and couldn't do his filial piety in front of his father's bed..."

"Okay." Liang Feng stopped the little guy's self-blame with a smile, the milky voice has not faded, why is it so stern, "My father's illness is not yet cured, you don't have to come every day, so as not to get sick. ."

He is too weak now, and if he has a headache and a fever, it will be bad for Liang Rong. The mortality rate of young children has been high these days, and he can't afford the risk.

Unexpectedly, this sentence made Liang Rong's eyes widen. After a long while, he bit his lip and said in a low voice, "Is your father seriously ill? The child is not afraid of getting sick, and is willing to serve the decoction for his father..."

Can someone your age hold the medicine bowl steady? Liang Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Rong'er, don't think about it, there are servants serving soup and medicine, it's not a joke to get sick."

"But when there are children and grandchildren waiting on the couch, the disease can be cured. Rong'er was too young to serve her grandmother. Now Rong'er has grown up, and is willing to be filial to her father." As he spoke, the little guy's voice choked up, Tears welled up in his eyes, and he looked very serious.

Where did you hear this, wouldn't it be a strange story like lying on the ice and asking for carp? Liang Feng was speechless and turned to look at the wet nurse behind Liang Rong.

Chaoyu replied softly: "The slave servant told Xiao Langjun that the illness of the old mistress is not Xiaolangjun's fault. The master was only angry for a while, and did not mean to accuse him of being unfilial. However, Xiaolangjun has a stubborn temper and does not believe it. …”

Liang Feng: "..."

What did the original owner say to his son? ! Looking at the little crying bag who was holding back the tears in front of him, Liang Feng sighed and reached out his hand to gently stroke the top of Liang Rong's hair: "Rong'er, don't be afraid. Excessive, only nonsense, these are naturally not Rong'er's fault."

"Father." The tears in Liang Rong's eyes couldn't bear it any longer, and it dripped, "Rong'er is afraid that Father will not want Rong'er anymore. Can't Father's illness get better sooner?"

"It'll be fine, I've seen a good doctor and I'll recover soon. Rong'er don't be afraid." The little hand grabbed the sleeve, as if afraid that he would run away, and clenched it tightly. Liang Feng's heart couldn't help softening, he took the handkerchief handed by Luzhu, carefully wiped Liang Rong's face, and rubbed the other's little head: "Rong'er only wants to be happy, only because of his father's illness. It will get better sooner. If you cry all day long, wouldn't you be more worried for your father?"

The effect of these words was immediate. Liang Rong held back the tears in his eyes and nodded vigorously: "Rong'er will be obedient!"

"That's right." Liang Feng sighed softly, turned his head towards Chao Yu and said, "Is Rong'er's diet okay?"

It was the first time that Chaoyu heard the Patriarch ask this. She had a little joy in her eyes and replied respectfully, "Little Lang-Jun sleeps a little less, but he is in good spirits, and he eats and eats according to the rules of the government."

"In the future, add goat milk and eggs every day, take him out for a walk, and don't stay in the house." Liang Feng ordered.

With the original owner's physique, I'm afraid the Liang family's way of raising their children is not very healthy. He has seen many bear children from the original relatives, who can run, jump and toss, and Liang Rong, who is well-behaved, is a little bored. Better to go out and play more.

"My servant understands!" Chao Yu immediately leaned over and responded.

Liang Rong naturally understood these words, his little fists were clenched tightly, and he looked at his father with admiration. I just hate myself for not being able to grow up so fast that my father doesn't need to worry.

Having no experience in raising children, Liang Feng had no choice but to comfort the little guy a few words. Chao Yuyan saw that the owner of the house was overwhelmed, so he resigned with Liang Rong winking. Looking at the little guy who turned back one step at a time, Liang Feng rubbed his aching forehead, the cheap dad is really not that good. But such a little guy, no one can bear to leave it alone.

"Lang Jun, let's take a rest first." Looking at Liang Feng's slightly tired expression, Lu Zhu said with a heartache.

This time, Liang Feng did not refuse, and obediently drank the medicine and went to bed. After a dark night, when he woke up again, Yi Yan had come back from the warehouse, and he brought back seven or eight swords and a few longbows.

"It's really unusable." Looking at the rusted iron tools on the ground, Liang Feng shook his head, "Can the bow still be used?"

Yiyan picked up a handful, drew a bow and an arrow, and shot it out with a swoosh. Many leaves fell from the branches outside the central courtyard. He pulled the string again and said, "I'm a little tired, but Xiu Xiu can still use it."

Liang Feng used to be an expert with guns, so he could naturally see how powerful Yi Yan's arrow was, whether it was accurate or powerful. However, no matter how much he wanted to learn, he couldn't draw the bow now. Looking at Yi Yan's actions, Liang Feng suddenly said: "If both hands are proficient in martial arts, wouldn't it leave a killer move? When facing the enemy, it's a big advantage."

Liang Feng did not come up with a whim, but there was a precedent for this in the police station. When catching the gangster, a police officer was seriously injured in his right hand. When the other party relaxed his vigilance, he suddenly changed his left hand gun and shot the gangster to death. This is how it is when you are in battle. The more self-defense you have, the more chance you have to survive. Not to mention that most people use their right hands when they are marching in line. It doesn't matter if there are so many people in the army. It's better to unify them now.

Yi Yan nodded vigorously, and picked up a long knife: "My lord, what should I do with this knife?"

"You don't need swords yet. I have already arranged for Mufang to build guns. When the long guns are finished, it's time to practice the formation." Liang Feng replied.

"Would a wooden spear work?" Yi Yan had seen many soldiers, all of them with knives, but never a long spear.

Liang Feng smiled and said, "Why not? That's the king of all soldiers, a temporary overlord. When I get it, I'll teach you slowly. As for tomorrow's drill, it's better to start like this..."

Before the sun was over, the wine and food were ready, which surprised the two who came to the banquet.

"It's both wine and meat, I don't know if Brother Tian invited you today, what's your purpose?" A few shorts away, Wu Jiang picked up the jug and took a sniff, "Lao Jiang, this is the thin snow in the county. Drink, quickly drink two cups!"

The man known as Lao Jiang, hey hey, boiled the beans with a pinch of salt, put them in his mouth, and chewed with relish: "I'm afraid that the master will come back, can someone not be able to sit still?"

Being so run by the two craftsmen, Tian Shang's expression did not change, and he poured himself a glass of wine: "The two are the heads of the workshop, I'm afraid I haven't heard the news from the farm. The head of the family is really here this time. Now, free from the reward, Daxing part. He also asked me to hand over the account book, ready to check the account carefully!"

In the first half of the sentence, the two craftsmen have heard something, but they don't do their own business, and no one cares about it. However, the second half is different. Check accounts? Weaving and pottery are two important industries in the village, with annual turnover of nearly 100,000 yuan. Especially in the weaving workshop, a few weavers have good craftsmanship, and they can also buy some flowers in the county town. Taofang's income is not as good as before because of the years of war, but it has done a lot in private. If you really want to check the accounts, I'm afraid that no one's butt will be clean.

Wu Jiang's head couldn't help but change color on his face, and asked: "You really paid the account book of Zhuang Shang?"

"What else can I do if I don't pay? That's the head of the Liang family." Tian Chang said coldly.

"Confused! Isn't this handing over the handle? What if Ichiro is the one who punishes him?" Jiang Jiang was also a little flustered.

Seeing the anxious expressions of the two of them, Tian Chang raised the wine cup, drank the off-white turbid wine in a hurry, and smiled lightly: "It's just an account book, and now the owner of the house is probably scared by the bandits. If you have the guts, you insist on building a part. Everyone knows how much it will cost. If the owner of the family can't think of it, he will close the pottery workshop, or let the weaving workshop make a few less clothes... Haha, I'm afraid it won't be beautiful."

No matter which workshop, the main task is to provide daily needs for Liangfu. If you really want to cut costs, then the pottery workshop and the weaving workshop may indeed face the dilemma of reducing output and controlling input. This blocked the main benefit of the craftsmen. If I want to live a comfortable life like in previous years, I am afraid it will not work.

Jiang Jiang's face sank, and he put down the wine cup in his hand: "Isn't there a way for Tian guests? Yan Sheng just died, such a good opportunity, you will be the master of the master and be inspired by those Jie slaves?"

"Yan Sheng was killed by the head of the family." Tian Chang smiled coldly, "It is said that Yan Sheng was greedy for money while he was seriously ill. Do you think he still believes in us servants now?"

Indeed, once bitten by a snake for ten years, I am afraid of the rope. With the precedent of Yan Sheng, who knows whether the noble person will treat their servants like snakes and scorpions. You must know that Tian Chang is only a guest, and he can leave if he wants to. The two of them are real households. As long as the head of the family finds something wrong, they can immediately take away their status as craftsmen. At that time, let alone money, I'm afraid that life will be lost.

Wu Jiangtou also heard the overtones: "What does Tian Guest mean? Is it possible to use our Erfang Liwei?!"

"How dare you!" Tian Chang waved his sleeves and replied proudly, "I invited the two of you to come here, just to discuss how to deal with it. The so-called "one glory and one loss" is a loss. We are an old friendship of more than ten years, how can we Watching Zhuangzi get turned upside down?"

I'm not sure how sincere he was in his words. As the craftsmen in Zhuangzi, the two of them really don't have the ability to influence the inner courtyard. Wu Jiang and the two looked at each other, and Wu Jiang smiled and said, "Then I don't know what method Brother Tian has come up with?"

"Simple. Today, the master has summoned Liu Jiangtou. If you go back and call the two of you again, you can explain to the master. For example, in Brother Wu's place, there is a severe drought this year, and the harvest of mulberries and hemp may be poor. It cost a lot of money. On the other hand, brother Jiang said that the year was not good, the pottery in the county town was slow to sell, and the store was no longer accepting the goods. This is not a lie. Naturally, he changed his mind.”

"But the output of the workshop in previous years is also recorded on the account book. If the owner of the family really wants to check it, wouldn't it be bad?" Wu Jiangtou asked.

"Haha, Brother Wu, don't worry, the old man has already laid his hands on the account ahead of time. Not only can he not find out the clues, but he can also prove the difficulties of the two parties. Could it be that he can calculate the number carefully?" Chang laughed and said nonchalantly.

The children of these noble families could not bear poverty the most. He said that without money, the owner of the house may not believe it. However, if the foreman in the two workshops said that money and food were tight, and there were account books to testify, Liang Feng would not be able to sit still. And it's not a lie, it's just that the private profits of the workshop have decreased, and the production has been slowed down. Seriously, it's not impossible.

Tian Chang really guessed the bottom line of Wu and Jiang's tolerance. Seeing those two wink at each other, Wu Jiangtou smiled and raised the glass: "Brother Tian said the bottom of our brother's heart. This year is really not easy. When the master asked, we should report it according to the facts. ."

Jiang Jiantou also smiled and said, "It's just that if Brother Tian takes the post of general manager again, don't forget the benefits of my two brothers. Things are complicated in the workshop, and we have to rely on the inner courtyard for a lot of support."

This is naturally the condition of the two craftsmen. Tian Chang laughed: "You two are polite! Tian Mou is not talented, but he still thinks about the house. I just hope that the owner of the family can quickly return from the lost way, so that you and my brother will be loyal."

The three looked at each other and laughed, Tian Chang raised the wine cup in his hand: "Eat wine and drink, don't waste this good wine..."