Royal Road

Chapter 22: Unexpected joy


Turning back to the back room, Liang Feng breathed a sigh of relief after drinking the tea soup served by Green Bamboo. The effect of today's practice was quite good, and thanks to those two idiots, they actually wanted to be lazy under their noses, and it was really effortless to clean up. Yi Yan's performance is also remarkable, not only considering the route setting, but also ruthless and ruthless. This is the quality of an instructor he needs most.

Because of this special training method close to the modern army, Liang Feng is not afraid that someone in the ministry will cause trouble. As long as they persist for a few days, those stubborn, lazy, and timid ones will naturally be eliminated from the team. The rest is what he wants. I don't know if I can leave four Wu's seeds this time

"Lang Jun, Aliang asks to see you." Lu Zhu stepped forward to report.

Any news? Liang Feng said, "Recruit him in."

After entering the door, A Liang immediately reported: "Lord Lang, yesterday, Tian guests invited Wu Jiangtou from Zhifang and Jiang Jiangtou from Taofang. They talked for an hour in his room and seemed to drink wine."

Liang Feng smiled lightly: "How are the two of them like Wu Jiang?"

A Liang hesitated for a moment, then replied: "Jiang Wu is a bit lewd, and many weavers in the weaving workshop are not sure about him. The head of Jiang Jiang is okay, but a little cunning."

After all, it came from the same farm, so A Liang's answer should have chosen a slightly conservative view. Liang Feng was noncommittal about this answer and nodded, "I see."

This time, Aliang can't tell the difference, what does the lord want to do? After thinking for a while, he boldly asked, "Did the chief invite them to come and ask questions?"

"No, let's take a look first." Liang Feng really didn't have the idea of liquidating immediately, and now he has no one in his hands. If Tian Chang turned Sifang upside down first, it would not be worth the loss. Let's take a look at the plans of these people first.

These words were a little hidden, and A Liang was sweating on his forehead. He always felt that after returning from Shangdang, the master became much more powerful. That's right, the ancestors of the family were one of the high officials of the Nine Emperors. If they really played with their minds, how could these little people deal with it

Seeing that A Liang was a little nervous, Liang Feng smiled and said, "You did a good job this time. After you have counted the things in the warehouse, you should pay attention to the movement of the farm, especially the impact of the drought on the farmer, and come back and report it carefully. listen to me."

This is to trust him and continue to entrust him with important responsibilities. A Liang's mind immediately calmed down and said loudly, "You must do it well if you are young."

"Good. You go."

After swaying Ah Liang back, Liang Feng felt that the annoyance in his heart came out again, which made him a little restless, as if there was a fire in his heart. Obviously everything is going well, right? After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Lvzhu, help me to the study."

It's always better to find something to do. The original owner of this shell seems to have only studied the Four Books and Five Classics. Except for the messy poems, there is no useful information at all.

The study is also in the main courtyard, located on the sunny side, divided into two rooms. The outer room can entertain guests and work, and the inner room is full of books on three walls. In this era when bamboo slips have not completely disappeared, books are also a symbol of wealth, not to mention collection, even if you want to copy a few copies, it will be troublesome. Therefore, every nobility must have its own library, and the more books there are, the more profound it is. Since the Liang family can produce a big Si Nong, it still maintains the foundation of poetry and calligraphy.

After entering the study, Liang Feng looked around. It seemed that someone cleaned the place every day, the table top was clean, and there was not much dust on the bookshelf. It could be seen that the owner took care of the books quite seriously. Liang Feng instructed Lvzhu to grind ink and lay paper, while he swung around in front of the bookshelf.

The Liang family has many books, but most of them are all kinds of classics and histories. The Four Books and Five Classics will not be mentioned, and there are countless versions of "Notes" and "Sparse". The bamboo slips in the early years have all been polished to a bright spot, and there are new books copied on paper next to "Laozi", "Zhuangzi" and several volumes. Bamboo slips, which are obviously about Taoist Jindan, are also frequently read, clearly showing the reading tendencies of the previous heads of the Liang family.

Liang Feng was naturally not interested in these things. Around the bookshelf in the middle, there are some historical books, a few volumes of "Tai Shi Gong Shu", which looks like "Historical Records", and a few volumes of travel notes or biological foreign objects. There is also "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic", which has long been covered with dust. Going all the way to the corner, Liang Feng discovered a volume of "The Art of War of Taigong".

This is a military book! I didn't expect the Liang family to have a military book? Liang Feng was a little overjoyed, and hurriedly rummaged on the same floor again. "Six Tao", "Three Strategies", "Sima Fa" were all there, and "Sun Tzu's Art of War" was still an annotated version. Looking at the weaving of bamboo slips, this is probably an old relic many years ago, and it should be passed down by Liang Xi, the ancestor of Liang's family. After all, he was a great man who had been a prefect for twenty years, so it was not surprising that he had some military books.

Although it is not as practical as "Jixiao Xinshu", the more things like the military book, the better. By the way, Liang Xi was also a big farmer, and he must have collected a lot of agricultural books. Liang Feng carefully checked the few sheets of books that he seldom read, and found two volumes of books that seemed to be about agronomy.

It is also true that no one is available at hand, otherwise he is a criminal investigation, why should he look at these things

With a wry smile in his heart, Liang Feng walked back to the desk. In addition to the "Diamond Sutra", other things that can be remembered should be written down, so as not to forget it later. Just thinking about something worth recording, there was a brisk footstep outside the door, and Lu Zhu walked in: "Lang Jun, Xiao Lang Jun is here to greet you."

Since the incident yesterday, Liang Feng asked Liang Rong to change it to say hello at 8 or 9 o'clock. Children should sleep longer, wake up to have a meal, digest and digest food, and then deal with this kind of false ceremony.

"Father!" Today, Liang Rong is more energetic, and his gait is still so calm, but his pace is slightly faster, almost catching up with the trot.

Looking at the red face, Liang Feng smiled and said, "Has Rong'er eaten?"

"My child has eaten and practiced three big characters!" Liang Rong replied hurriedly.

"It's so good. Sit here and tell my father, how is your study?" Talking about study with children is a timeless topic, Liang Feng asked casually.

Liang Rong really came to the spirit: "Report to my father, my child has just memorized the "Book of Filial Piety"!"

Looking at Liang Rong's expectant eyes flashing "Test me test me", Liang Feng swallowed his saliva. As for the memories left by his predecessor, he can barely remember the contents of the Four Books and Five Classics, but the "Book of Filial Piety" is really too early to read, and he doesn't have a whole impression at all. How to test others? And after memorizing the "Book of Filial Piety" at the age of four, is this academic progress fast or slow? No concept at all!

Putting on some warm smiles, Liang Feng nodded and said, "Yes, have you started to learn "Nine Chapters"?"

Liang Rong's face immediately collapsed: "I haven't learned poetry yet..."

Wait, what does "Nine Chapters" have to do with poetry

Seemingly seeing the momentary embarrassment between father and son, Chao Yu, who was kneeling behind Liang Rong, said softly, "I am afraid that what the master said is not "Chu Ci Zhang Yu", but "Nine Chapter Arithmetic"."

"Nine Chapters" generally refers to the nine works written by Qu Yuan in "Chu Ci Zhang Ju", which are not textbooks for Mongolian learning at all. On the contrary, "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" is one of the classic works of enlightenment for young children. In the Book of Rites, it is said that at the age of six, the teaching is in the name of the number and the four directions. Therefore, "Fang Tian", the first chapter of "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic", often begins to study at the age of five or six. Liang Rong is only four years old now, and it is still a little early to learn "Fang Tian", but it is not too strange to ask this question.

Unexpectedly, Liang Rong's wet nurse would help to save the siege. Liang Feng glanced at this two-year-old, plain-looking woman with some curiosity, and asked, "Did you teach Liang Rong's education?"

Liang Feng's wife has long since passed away, and now there are no other female dependents in the backyard, so Liang Rong's choices of enlightenment education are naturally limited.

"It's the slave." Chaoyu bowed and replied softly.

"Have you studied "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic"?"

"I know a little." Chao Yu replied cautiously, but there was no panic or complacency on his face, and his education was quite good.

Liang Feng didn't ask any more questions. He picked up a scroll of bamboo slips and handed it over: "Calculate this scroll, is the number right?"

Unsure of the meaning of Master Lang, Chao Yu took the bamboo slip with both hands, and when he opened it, he felt a little surprised that it was actually the account book of Zhuang Shang. Not daring to neglect, she quickly swept the lines of numbers, moved her lips lightly, and soon saw the last line. After closing his eyes and thinking for a moment, Chaoyu opened his eyes and said, "Reporting to the lord, the number of this volume is correct, but there seem to be two changes."

Saying that, she stretched out her hand and stroked lightly under the two numbers. Liang Feng glanced at it, and if it was as Chaoyu said, it seemed to be changed from "one" to "three". It's all lowercase numbers. It's extremely simple to make a stalk in the account. However, a nursing mother can see something wrong and is proficient in mental arithmetic, which is not something ordinary people can do. Liang Feng couldn't help being a little curious and asked, "Who did you learn math from?"

"Reporting to the master, the slave's grandfather likes to count, so the slave has learned a little. However, what he has learned is not good. "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" only read the 'equation', and the 'Pythagorean' did not fully read, 'decline' 'I'm also a little ignorant." Chao Yu replied in a low voice, as if embarrassed.

Liang Feng: "..."

He couldn't remember the nine chapters of "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic", but he could still understand "equations", "Pythagoreans", and "decays". This is almost the content of middle school and high school, right

"Is your grandfather still built? Are there still people who are good at counting?" Liang Feng suddenly became interested. In this era, knowledge is monopolized by a few people, so it also relies on family traditions, and it is difficult to become self-taught without the teachings of relatives. A person who is "hobby" of mathematics has a very high probability that his descendants will know this knowledge.

"My ancestor passed away five years ago." Chao Yu also discovered Liang Feng's intention, paused, and added, "It's just a matter of counting skills, the two uncles also got the true inheritance, but the talent is a little less. In addition, my grandfather has several direct disciples, but it is a pity that the slaves have been away from home for a long time, so I don’t know the current situation of these people.”

This is clearly a family of mathematicians. Chaoyu has to come to Liangfu to be a wet nurse. It is estimated that it is not a wealthy family. Liang Feng immediately ignited hope and asked, "I wonder if your two uncles are officials? Can you invite them to the Liang residence as guests?"

At this moment, how can Chaoyu not see that the master of Lang intends to recruit people who are proficient in math. Her family is indeed not wealthy, her grandfather is obsessed with counting and is not good at making a living, the two uncles are weak, and even the elder brother has no future. She entered the Liang Mansion as a wet nurse, which was already an errand in the family. You must know that the status of a wet nurse is not low. If Liang Rong inherits the Liang family, she can also be "mother and son are more expensive".

However, no matter what, this is also a slave, if you can be a guest, it will be different. There were signs of decay in Liang's mansion before, but after the master fell ill, he suddenly wanted to revive Liang's mansion, and his wrists didn't look bad. If he could restore the status of Duke Liang of the previous dynasty, he would be a high-ranking family. Whether it is to serve as a guest or teach Xiao Langjun to count in Liang Mansion, it is much better than being a plain-headed commoner.

Thinking of this, Chao Yu brought a smile on his face: "Neither of the two slave uncles are officials, so the servants can send a letter and ask."

"Write a letter as soon as possible, and I will send someone to send it." Liang Feng replied simply.

Liang Rong blinked his eyes in confusion, wondering how the topic turned to this. Only then did Liang Feng think of his son, and he stretched out his hand and stroked the chief horn on his head: "Rong'er also needs to learn some skills in counting, riding and archery.

In this damn era, no matter how good poetry and books are, I am afraid that it is useless. It is better to exercise well, learn the art of war and economics well, which is the capital of survival.

Liang Rong didn't know what Liang Feng was thinking, but his father's kindness still made his excited little body tremble. After a few more chats, Liang Feng asked Chao Yu to take the little guy down.

Rubbing his drowsy head, Liang Feng still wanted to read a few more slips. Lvzhu quickly brought a wooden plate and whispered, "Langjun, it's time to order some porridge."

Is it time to eat? However, Liang Feng found that he really couldn't eat anything, and his stomach was like a weight, which was heavy and cold, making people lose their appetite. It was really Luzhu's earnest eyes that could not be rejected, Liang Feng reluctantly drank half a bowl of bean porridge, and put down the bowl of chopsticks.

"Do you only use these?" The unwillingness on Lu Zhu's face was beyond words.

Liang Feng wiped the corners of his lips with a silk cloth and asked, "Are you finished with the stick outside?"

This was to change the subject, but it was very useful for the little girl. Lu Zhu said bitterly, "It's been dragged on. These two scumbags are so deceiving! Fortunately, Yiyan has sharp eyes, so they didn't let them escape..."

"In the past, they were neglected because of their lack of discipline, and they lost their minds. In the future, they must be disciplined well." Liang Feng said lightly, "Lvzhu, go get two scrolls of books and take them back to read them slowly."

Are you going home to rest? Lvzhu immediately picked up the scroll pointed by Liang Feng, and said earnestly, "Lang-jun, go back quickly, it's easier to read while lying down."

Liang Feng smiled, suppressing the constant dull pain in his chest and abdomen, moving one step at a time, and slowly walked towards the bedroom.

The author has something to say: Historical Records was originally called Taishi Gongshu, and it began to spread to the outside world during the Eastern Han Dynasty. In ancient times, the Book of War was not something that everyone could read. Liang Shao was taking advantage of his family background.