Royal Road

Chapter 23: Danshi activates


Yiyan stayed in the barracks for a whole day. It took a lot of effort to train the recruits, repair the barracks, and let those Zhuang Hans learn basic commands. Physical exhaustion is second, and more important is the mental stress brought by the first-time leader. This is the lord's family and should not be taken lightly.

So when he returned to the main courtyard, it was getting late. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Green Bamboo leaning against the window, quietly sewing something with needles and thread, while the lord was lying on the bed in the inner room, lying on his side, his face covered by a gauze curtain.

Yiyan walked over to Lvzhu: "How long has the lord slept?"

"It's been an hour." Green Bamboo looked at the leaky pot with a probe, and said to Yi Yan, "You stay here for a while, and I'll bring the medicine."

Yiyan nodded and sat down by the door. He didn't sleep well last night, and after another day of hard work today, even he felt a little tired. But these are nothing, as long as the lord needs it, he can resist no matter how hard or tired he is. His eyes involuntarily looked towards the direction of the bed. Unexpectedly, this glance suddenly changed his complexion, and he got up and rushed inside.

In his sleep, Liang Feng felt that there were raindrops dripping on his body, making him feel cold all over and his breathing was stuffy. Soon, the coldness turned into an even more excruciating itching, like ants crawling on his body and digging into his bone marrow, making him want to roar and scratch his chest. An evil fire rushed into his heart, and he gritted his teeth, trying to wake up from the dream with all his strength. However, something caught his eyelids, as if he was hysterical, and he fell into an endless struggle.


A low voice exploded in his ears, and Liang Feng suddenly opened his eyes. He was lying on the bed, very close to him, with a pair of blue eyes staring at him anxiously. Because it was too close, he could almost see his pale and haggard face in the light-colored pupils.

Taking a deep breath, he squeezed out two words: "Yi Yan?"

"It's me, my lord!" Yi Yan knelt beside the bed and hurriedly said, "Are you hysterical? It's time to put some locust leaves to exorcise evil!"

Liang Feng felt annoyance in his chest and waved his hand, "Where's the green bamboo?"

"She went to the kitchen to bring medicine."

Hearing this, Liang Feng discovered that it was already dark outside, and it was estimated that it looked like six or seven o'clock. He actually fell asleep, no wonder he had nightmares. He forced himself to sit up from the bed, leaned against the head of the bed in prostration, and pursed his lips: "Get some water."

Yi Yan stood up suddenly, ran to the short side to pour a glass of water, and ran back. Liang Feng didn't even have the strength to raise his hand at this time, so he could only lean over slightly, thinking about taking a sip from the cup. Seeing this, Yi Yan hurriedly brought the tea cup closer, carefully controlled the angle of the cup, and fed Liang Feng some water.

The warm water slid into his mouth, and the dry itching in his throat finally subsided, but the anxiety in his heart did not diminish in the slightest. After only a few sips, Liang Feng turned his face and asked, "What did you all do today?"

Yi Yan subconsciously glanced at the other party's chapped lips, but soon, he regained his senses and replied, "I took them to clean the barracks in the afternoon, and also practiced the queue."

The house that was used as a barracks was only cleaned up yesterday, and it was just right to guard the door of the main house and to look after the manor from a distance. It's just that those few houses are in disrepair and are more limited than the thatched cottages. Really want to live, it is estimated that it will take some time.

"You must move in as soon as possible, so that they can relax!" The most important thing in the drill is to draw the military area, and recruits will move in uniformly. The fighting atmosphere needs to be created. If you mix with farmers every day, you can only be a farmer.

Liang Feng suppressed the impatience in his heart and continued to ask, "How is the team training?"

"It's still not good. Many people can't tell the difference between left and right, and their steps are not neat." Looking at Liang Feng's high frown, Yi Yan added, "But there are a few clever ones, such as Niu Wu and Sun Jiao. , The response is fast, and it is not stupid. It is just that there is something less than the Capricorn people."

"I haven't seen blood, and I have lost determination." Liang Feng certainly knew what Yi Yan was talking about. Although these Zhuanghans are considered courageous and have some brains, but after all, they are different from the Jieren who have fought bandits, and they lack blood. "Go back and start practicing the gun formation, it will be better..."

Halfway through, Liang Feng suddenly lowered his head and coughed. Yiyan put down the teacup nervously, stretched out his hand hesitantly, put it down again, and clenched his fists: "My lord, are you not feeling well? You have been sweating..."

Hearing this, Liang Feng felt that his forehead was wet. The feeling of boredom did not go away, but intensified, like a sharp knife, scraping through the stomach and stabbing the heart and lungs. When the maddening tingling came up again, Liang Feng suddenly came to his senses, heck, this is a withdrawal reaction!

Previously, the original owner took Wushi Powder once every ten days. It might be because he missed the date of taking the medicine, and because he ate the powdered powder before, the symptoms of addiction would be seriously backlashed. Imperial Physician Jiang said that there may be signs of Danshi launching, but who could have predicted that it would be so violent!

What kind of drug is this mixed with? Liang Feng grabbed the plain white lining on his body suddenly and trembled violently. The pain was endless, and he gradually felt like a thousand arrows piercing his heart. The scorching in his chest and abdomen was burning, his throat was burning hot, his eyes were red, and even his reason would be crushed. It was as if something was calling him, making him kneel and surrender to it!

With a snap, the cracking sound of the porcelain sounded, and then the green bamboo shouted in panic: "Lang Jun! Lang Jun! What's the matter with you?"

Addiction doesn't look good. Liang Feng used all his strength to squeeze out a sentence from his throat: "Go... get some... warm water..."

Seeing that the owner was sweating profusely, Lu Zhu was dumbfounded for a moment, then stumbled and rushed towards the door. After sending the little maid away, Liang Feng couldn't control it any longer, and snorted loudly. The severe pain was like a bone-scraping steel knife, ravaging his already weak body, his limbs began to twitch, his teeth rattled, and even his facial features became distorted.

It's not the scariest thing yet. Under the influence of the severe pain, a rage surged into his heart, making him want to shred and destroy something! A cracking sound echoed in the room, Liang Feng scratched the shirt on his chest, and several long bloodstains appeared, but the evil fire did not subside at all. He struggled to tear something more, but his hands were firmly held down by the other.

"Lord, let go!" Yi Yan called out. In front of him, the precious and soft white fingers that could only hold a writing brush were stained with blood, and the thin chest that could almost count the ribs, with blood dripping out. It was like slashing a knife in his heart, Yi Yan desperately held his hand, trying to make Liang Feng stop self-harm.

"Go away!" Even this vent was blocked, and Liang Feng roared hoarsely. His legs kicked violently, trying to kick the guy who was in the way. However, Yi Yan didn't give him a chance to escape, he surrounded him and suppressed the frantic struggle with his body.

The scalding body temperature, and the breath of sweat mixed with dust rushed into the nasal cavity, dissipating the long-lasting fragrant incense. It's like adding a handful of dry wood to the fire. Liang Feng's mind flashed countless messy pictures, fighting with gangsters, hanging by a thread, grenades, explosions... He suddenly opened his mouth and bit go up.

Yi Yan's reaction was fast enough that if he wanted to, he could completely avoid the opponent's sharp teeth. But he didn't dodge, just slightly avoided the key point in his neck and put his shoulders up. He couldn't avoid it. He had seen clansmen with epilepsy. If they didn't bite something in their mouths at this time, those who were sick would probably bite their tongues, or even cough up blood and die. He couldn't just watch the lord get hurt!

The pain came immediately, the bite was deep enough and hard enough, and blood oozes from the shoulder. However, Yi Yan didn't even frown, instead he was more careful around Liang Feng's body. The smell of blood rushed into his mouth, and for a moment, Liang Feng seemed to have regained consciousness, and said intermittently: "Tie me... tie me up... seizure... "

"No! My lord, I can ride to find that imperial doctor!"

"Too far... useless..." Liang Feng said struggling.

"Lang Jun, Lang Jun, the water is coming..." Lvzhu stumbled and ran in. Maybe it was too much movement, and the water in the basin was splashing everywhere. However, as soon as she entered the room, she saw such a bloody appearance, and she was almost stunned. Fortunately, she didn't let go of the copper basin she was holding.

"What are you doing?!" Yi Yan scolded without turning his head.

This sound made Lu Zhu wake up, and he quickly put the water on the edge of the couch, wet the handkerchief, and carefully wiped Liang Feng. The two were too tightly entangled, she could only reach Liang Feng's forehead, and saw that Jun's face turned pale and blood was on the corners of his mouth, and the green bamboo tears came down, so she choked and said, "This is Danshi. Are you having a seizure? Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu anti ever c other c other other side else, as long as you take the powder, you'll be fine..."

Yi Yan shouted: "The imperial doctor said before that you can't take it anymore!"

"But this attack... woo woo, how can Lang Jun stand it..." Lv Zhu wiped the sweat off Liang Feng while crying, the other party twitched suddenly, and a ho ho sound came out of her throat, so scared that she almost lost the handkerchief in her hand. Son dropped.

"The lord's illness is because of the looseness of the service, and it must not be served again!" At this moment, Yi Yan's thinking was very clear. Drinking poison may be able to cure a temporary illness, but it will destroy the body in the end, that cold food powder must not be taken again!

Green Bamboo's head was useless, but he didn't dare to talk nonsense any more, so he carefully wiped the sweat on Liang Feng's head. The attacks came in bursts, and when they were violent, Liang Feng would twitch all over his body, trying to break free from Yi Yan's embrace. And when it was relatively mild, he would laboriously loosen his teeth, say something random, and let the two little guys go away. However, neither Yiyan nor Lvzhu had any intention of leaving.

After about a quarter of an hour, the trembling finally stopped, Liang Feng tilted his head and passed out.

"Lang Jun!" Lu Zhu's frightened breathing stopped for a beat.

Yi Yan cautiously touched Liang Feng's neck and found that there was still a pulse, so he immediately breathed a sigh of relief, gently put the person back on the bed, and said in a low voice, "I passed out."

Only then did Lvzhu feel relieved, and tears welled up again: "Danshi has such an attack, and Imperial Physician Jiang should also leave some medicine..."

Yi Yanli ignored her, gently opened Liang Feng's torn shirt, and touched the red oozing blood on the thin front chest: "Is there any medicine for the wound?"

"Yes!" Lvzhu suddenly stood up, ran to get a small bottle, and was snatched by Yiyan before he opened it.

Gently applying the medicinal powder to the wound, Yi Yan reached out and touched the other party's sweaty underwear: "Go and get some clean clothes and bedding."

Only then did Lu Zhu realize that Liang Feng's underwear was soaked through, and hurried to get the clothes and bedding. Yi Yan took a deep breath, slowly stretched out his hand, and removed the wet clothes from the other party's body. That body was thinner and slender than he had imagined, and it seemed to be terribly soft everywhere. On the side of the waist and abdomen, there are two less obvious bruises, which were pressed out by himself. Did he use such a great strength just now? Yiyan's heart was pounding like a drum, and in the annoyance, there were some things that could not be explained and unknown, like the body, which was imprinted with his own traces...

"Help me first, I'll change Lang Jun into dry clothes!" Lv Zhu returned quickly, and incomparably skilled instructing Yi Yan to pick up Liang Feng, who had passed out, and put on clean and soft new clothes.

Those turbulent hearts just now were quickly overwhelmed by anger, as if something that belonged to him had been touched by others. Yi Yan gritted his teeth and pressed down these strange thoughts, and with Lvzhu's order, he tidied up Liang Feng's underwear again. Seeing that the fair body was covered by the same plain white fabric, Yi Yan breathed a little and asked, "Have you had your medicine tonight, lord?"

"I... I spilled it." Lvzhu then remembered the medicine bowl that he had just accidentally dropped, and got up quickly, "I'll go to the kitchen to fry another bowl, you... you, watch Lang Jun carefully!"

Looking at the blood-stained shoulder, Lu Zhu somehow felt that this ugly Jieren boy was not as annoying as before. With such a low voice, she hurriedly walked out.

There was finally no one else in the room. Yiyan touched the bite mark on his shoulder with a backhand. Although it looks embarrassed, the injury is not very serious, and the blood has almost stopped. The wound twitched, and it was impossible to tell whether it was pain or numbness. After hesitating for a while, Yi Yan put down his hand and secretly touched Liang Feng's pursed lips. That mouth bit itself just now, and now it is like a delicate flower, soft, slippery, and sipped tightly. Accidentally, the blood that had not been wiped off on the fingers stained the slightly pale lips, as if a faint blush was printed.

Yiyan blushed abruptly, quickly retracted her hand, and pressed her five fingers on her lap, as if to wipe off the weird touch. He had never been so flustered before, but that person was lying on the bed so quietly, pale and fragile, and people couldn't help but want to take care of him.

I have to protect him.

There were all kinds of emotions rolling in his mind, but this one was deeply etched in Yiyan's mind.