Royal Road

Chapter 25: Stunning


At the foot of the green mountain, by the green water lake, two elegant scholars led by Eguanbo sat opposite each other in the pavilion. A man with a stern face and a graceful face was sitting in front of the jade table, stroking the phoenix-tailed violin on the stage. The other person is quite tall, but his appearance is docile and amiable.

The wind is swaying, the sun is warm, and the melodious string sound attracts clever birds, chirping outside the pavilion, and the melodious sound of the piano is not scattered around the beam. Such a three-layered song, the sound of the song went from rapid to slow, and gradually became inaudible. When the last sound of the piano disappeared, the man who closed his eyes and listened lightly patted his palm: "What a good song "Yangchun". It can lead a hundred birds to contend."

The man who played the piano shook his head and sighed, "It's not as good as Uncle Ji Ye Yuan. It's a shame that "Guangling San" has finally become an absolute sound."

When Ji Kang led his neck to his death, he played a piece of "Guangling San", which attracted three thousand imperial students to petition in unison, and countless generous people were willing to die in their place. Although the sheet music of Guangling exists, there is no one else who can compare with that peerless genius.

If other people talked about Ji Shuye and "Guangling San" so openly in the palace of Jinyang King, they would probably attract criticism. Not to mention that the death of Ji Kang was the work of Emperor Wen, there are still many rumors in the world, and this matter has something to do with Zhonghui, the then captain of the Sili school. And Wang Hun's deceased wife was Zhong Yan, Zhong Hui's grandniece. Such an embarrassing past, of course, no one would dare to mention it.

However, the person who spoke was the son of Wang Hun. Therefore, this emotion, not only does not sound rude, but rather is a kind of Tuluo who has lost his bosom friend, and it shows that the person who speaks is pure and free and easy.

The tall man smiled slightly: "Mao Shen's words are wrong. Uncle Ji gave the "Guangling San" when he met the immortals at night. Such immortal music should also be free from him and the immortal family. This is just a drink and a peck. Retribution. Why worry about this?"

These remarks borrowed from the eccentric saying, but also implied Buddhist principles, which made Wang Wen smile a little: "What An Qi said is very true."

The tall man in front of him was exactly Du Cheng Du Anqi, who was born in the Jingzhao Du Mausoleum. Although the family is not as good as Wang Wen, he is favored by Wang Wen because he also likes rhythm.

Seeing that there was no more worry on Wang Wen's face, Du Cheng gently shook his tail: "It is a joy in life to be able to get rid of mundane affairs and enjoy the scenery. Unfortunately, I have to go to Luoyang for a while. Want to go with you?"

Du Cheng had just received the expedition order from Sima Yi, the king of Changsha, and Luoyang has now settled down temporarily, and Sima Yi presided over the government. It stands to reason that this is a pretty good invitation, but the kings have been fighting for a long time, who can guess who will have the authority? Standing on the team at this moment is really not a smart way. It is a pity that the Du family is few and the nobles have their lives, so it would be inappropriate not to go there. That's why he came to Jinyang and invited Wang Wen to go with him to show his prestige.

Wang Wen didn't think about it that much, the smile on his face faded, and he sighed: "The selection of officials is over, I'm afraid I will go to Beijing in a while. It's a pity that the talents in Bingzhou have withered, and there are only a few A vulgar thing. The only one available, but refuses to participate in the evaluation."

Du Chengqi said, "Refused to participate in the evaluation? When did such a person appear again?"

Seeing that his friends were very interested, Wang Wen naturally stopped talking about it, and told the story of Weishan Yaji before. Hearing that someone could encounter such a miracle as a god and a Buddha falling into a dream, even Du Cheng couldn't help but marvel: "Is there such a strange thing? Did Liang Zixi reply to you?"

"I haven't received it yet. I'm afraid that Jiang Weng will not be able to heal, and I will lose my talent..."

Just as he was talking, a beautiful maid came up and said softly: "Langjun, someone in the Jiangfu of Tongjiao is asking to see you."

Wang Wen patted the table lightly: "Ha! It's just a coincidence. Please, please, please!"

After a while, a young man followed behind the servant and walked in. The man had a flat face, a medium stature, and even his clothes were very plain. Seeing Wang Wen sitting in the upper seat, he immediately bowed and saluted: "Little man Jiang Da, I have seen Zhongzheng."

"No ceremony. Are you Jiang Weng's nephew?" Wang Wen asked.

Jiang Da replied: "Exactly. The grandfather went to Liang's house the day before yesterday to see Liang Langjun's illness. Liang Langjun's condition is quite serious, and it is estimated that it will take a year and a half to recover. This is what Liang Langjun wrote to Zhongzheng's letter."

With that said, he respectfully handed a letter up.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Da also brought a letter written by Liang Feng, Wang Wen immediately picked up his interest, took the letter from the maid, and looked intently. This time, he was shocked and said, "What a handsome character!"

I saw a few paragraphs of text written on the plain white letter paper, dense and dense. The content is second, this handwriting is definitely not the style of writing Wang Wen has ever seen. He is the direct descendant of the Wang clan in Taiyuan. He has studied calligraphy since he was a child, and he has seen countless famous calligraphers. However, none of them are as handsome as the words on this letter, and they are graceful in appearance. Looking at it carefully, I feel that there is a vigor and beauty in it, which is simply amazing.

It was the first time that Du Cheng heard Wang Wen's praise of other people's writing and ink. He couldn't help but became curious and called out, "Look at me!"

Wang Wen didn't have time to deal with him at this time. He read it a few times in fascination before noticing the contents of the letter. These are the last two articles of the Diamond Sutra. The Buddha replied that the meaning of the Diamond Sutra is that everything in the world is "should be transformed into non-truths", like dream bubbles, like dew and lightning. Only by letting go of these can we become enlightened and become All sentient beings explain, seek good fruit.

At this moment, Buddhism in China is mainly introduced to the Theravada classics. Pay attention to self-discipline and pursue enlightenment. Rarely is it necessary to speak to others in order to obtain merit. However, this scripture is elegant and distant, and every word is precious, and it is definitely not something that a person in a weak age can invent. It's just these two short articles that make people unforgettable. What if you are fortunate enough to read the full text

For a time, even Wang Wen couldn't help but feel turbulent and couldn't help himself.

Seeing the changes on his friend's face, Du Cheng finally couldn't hold back and leaned over to look at it. With just one glance, he understood the reason for Wang Wen's gaffe. Although the writing power of this character is weak, the writing style is strong, the characters are rigorous, thin and strong, and the character is excellent. It has both the graceful and dignified state of Han Li and the graceful beauty of Zhongshu. Over time, it will definitely become a family of its own!

"Good word! Can you be like him?" Du Cheng blurted out.

"Just like him!" Wang Wen replied. Just by looking at this word, one can think of the excellent graceful appearance of the sickly willow lone pine by the Sushui Pavilion that day. Words are like people, exactly!

Wang Wen came from the Wang family of Jinyang, and he traveled with high-ranking celebrities, and his ability to know people was naturally outstanding. It would not be an ordinary person who could make him so amazed. He was shocked and calmed down a little. Only then did Du Cheng carefully read what was written in the letter. There were only a few words, but he couldn't help but slapped the table and praised: "It's a good sentence 'It should be viewed as such'!"

Seeing that his friend was also moved by this sentence, Wang Wen asked, "Has An Qi ever seen such a scripture?"


"Is this the truth of Buddhism?"

"Pull out the clouds and see the sun, and the weather will open!"

"I don't know what the rest of the scriptures will look like!"

At this moment, there is no doubt about the fact that the gods and Buddhas fall into a dream. If it is not given by God, who can pass down such scriptures

The two read the two pages over and over again, completely forgetting the others. Half an hour later, Wang Wencai suddenly remembered Jiang Da, and immediately raised his head and asked, "Jiang Weng said, can Liang Zixi's illness be cured?"

"It still needs to be taken care of." After hesitating, Jiang Da added: "I don't know if this should be said inappropriately, but according to the ancestors, Liang Langjun did not only suffer from seizures, but also had symptoms of poisoning. Arsenic!"

"What?!" Wang Wen exclaimed, "Someone poisoned?"

"Perhaps so." Since that Liang Feng would tell his grandfather about the arsenic, he probably had the heart to point it out, so Jiang Da naturally wanted to convey it to Wang Wen.

"Then how vicious Li Lang is!" Wang Wen's mind was not slow, and he immediately remembered the scene by the waterside pavilion that day. It seems that it is too cheap for them to only drive that Li family child out of Yaji!

Could it be that there is some annoyance in his heart, but there is no basis and no evidence, even he can't do anything with Li Mansion. Wang Wen sighed softly and warned, "If that's the case, I'll send someone to Liang's house to take care of Zixi in a good way. As soon as you receive medical treatment, you can get the medicinal materials from my house."

Jiang Da did not accept it directly, but said, "Even if there is no Zhongzheng's order, my ancestors and I will spare no effort to save Liang Langjun."

Unexpectedly, the grandson of a medical officer would almost contradictly say such a sentence, Wang Wen was stunned for a moment: "Why is this?"

"Liang Langjun said that he encountered Buddha's enlightenment in a dream, and pointed out that typhoid fever was caused by an 'epidemic object'. After his ancestor returned from Liang's residence, he told me about it. I think it may be true It's the matter." Jiang Da replied calmly. He studied medicine since childhood, not only inherited the mantle of his grandfather, but also studied the book "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". Hearing what Liang Feng said about the epidemic, he immediately became interested, and it was for this reason that Imperial Physician Jiang sent him to the palace to deliver the letter.

These words suddenly made Wang Wen stand up: "The Buddha enlightened his treatment of typhoid fever?"

"No, it's just the source. But my grandfather was under the tutelage of Wang Linggong, and he learned the subject of typhoid fever. As long as the source of the disease is found, it is possible to come up with a solution." Jiang Da said something rather arrogant.

However, Wang Wen couldn't care so much anymore. Typhoid fever is a disease, even high-level readers are also affected by it. At that time, people had only forty or fifty days to live, and opening their eyes every day might be the last day. It is precisely because of this that drinking and taking loose clothes has become a favorite of scholars. If someone can cure this terrible disease, it is definitely a great merit.

Du Cheng was also a little silly, and murmured, "Could this be the true meaning of the gods and Buddhas entering the dream?"

Wang Wen shuddered. yes! When the gods and Buddhas fall into their dreams, how can they only leave behind the next volume of scriptures? I am afraid that the "epidemic" theory is his true meaning to save the world. This Liang Feng Liang Zixi is probably more important than he thought!

"You don't want to spread the word about this matter!" Wang Wen made a decisive decision and ordered, "Jiang House doesn't have to worry about all the expenses, and try to find the epidemic. If the source of typhoid fever is really found, I will report it to the court. I'll give you an official promotion!"

This is what Jiang Da wants to hear. Coming from a family of doctors and officials, no one knows the horror of typhoid fever better than him. If his father and son were really allowed to overcome this vicious disease, they would probably be as famous in history as Zhang Changsha. Even if he is old and prudent, Jiang Da's face is a little excited at this moment, he nodded vigorously and said: "You should try your best!"

"Okay!" Wang Wen turned around next to the case excitedly, "Bai Lu, take Jiang Da to get 100,000 yuan. If you need any rare medicine, you can get it from the library."

The maid beside Wang Wen immediately bowed in response. Jiang Da seemed to want to push back, but Wang Wen waved his sleeves: "Go quickly! If there is progress, come and report to me!"

This is already fully supported. Jiang Da gave a deep salute and got up to say goodbye.

Du Cheng looked at his friend's indifferent appearance and couldn't help sighing: "It's rare to have such an opportunity, does Maoshen still want to go to Luoyang?"

Wang Wen hesitated for a moment and replied, "I'm afraid I can't go with An Qi."

Rather than going to the capital, it would be better to stay in Jinyang and wait for news about the epidemic. Anyway, whether it is the king of Changsha or the king of Chengdu, he doesn't like it very much, why should he be so diligent in the king's affairs? As for the title of Liang's mansion, it is better to write a letter and tell Congxiong that he will be transferred from his place... Alas, it's a shame that he is troubled by trivial matters, and he can't get rid of it for a day.

Wang Wen sighed and picked up the page of the letter again: "An Qi, let's comment on this punchline."

The author has something to say: The death of Ji Kang was essentially the fault of Sima Zhao, but it might be inappropriate to talk about the first emperor in the Jin Dynasty, so it is not surprising that Zhong Huijin slandered. It is precisely because of political pressure that scholars and scholars rarely talk about current affairs, and it is common to talk about it.