Royal Road

Chapter 30: wild ambition


The donkey carts are walking slowly on the road. Over the years, the army has been in chaos, and the government has not repaired the road, making the already difficult mountain road even more bumpy. I don't know if the driver was not optimistic about the road, and the wheel of the car slanted suddenly, almost knocking the whole car off.

With a firm bump on the head, Tian Chang couldn't hold back any longer. He opened the curtain and shouted to the man driving the car outside: "Wang Er! Are you blind? Look at the road well, don't overturn the car!"

The man didn't even look at him, he was driving the car nonchalantly, and his mouth was full of unclean country slang, which was annoying to hear.

"What other reliable driver do you want to find in Xiahuai Village?" Behind her, the lady of the Tian family, who was still charming, said angrily, "I just said to look for someone in the county town, you are good, you have to find such a scumbag!!"

"Shut up!" Tian Chang immediately put down the curtain of the car and scolded in a low voice, "You ignorant woman! Didn't you see that there were only refugees coming and going along the way? This must have been a disaster and came out to flee the famine. It's just that the two of us are walking on the road, and it's not surprising that they won't be robbed by them!"

"I'm ignorant? I'm blind, that's why I fell in love with you ignorant trash! If it wasn't for the fact that the old master valued you, how could you welcome me?! It's good now, I've been with you for more than ten years, but you can't have a boy and a half. Girl, I'm going to be kicked out of the house when I get old... Why is my life so hard! I was the old mistress's personal maid back then!" The lady of the Tian family didn't give up, sobbing and sobbing.

Tian Chang just felt annoyed. He was kicked out of Liang Mansion that day, and with the vicious Jienu guarding him, he couldn't bring much stuff at all, so he had to pack up and leave in a hurry with the lady. After living in a nearby village for a few days, I finally hired a donkey cart to travel around. Who would have guessed that this woman would come and make a lot of noise. If she hadn't instigated her to take power, how could she have gotten to where she is now? !

"Don't cry! When I get to Jinyang, I'll find a high-level family to cling to. It's just a doorman. It's not much better to go to Jinyang than to stay in the countryside!" Tian Chang scratched his beard irritably and said bitterly. .

"Strong ass! Who would want a person like you who is half-buried in the soil? You were driven out by the owner of the house. If someone else found out, it would be strange if they didn't kick you out!" The lady of the Tian family cried. While scolding, it looks like the sky is falling.

"You bitch..." A burst of anger was pushed to his chest, Tian Chang just wanted to slap it with a big mouth. Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a sudden scream and the sound of horse hoofs.

"Oops!" Tian Chang's response was not slow, and immediately pulled the curtain of the car, only to see that the road ahead was already in a mess, dust splashed, and several horses drove the crowd and rolled towards this side. Many refugees fled to both sides of the road crying, and some who couldn't run were directly kneeled on the side of the road, holding their heads and trembling. Here comes the bandits!

"Wang Er, hurry up! Hurry up and turn around..." Tian Chang hurriedly called to the driver, who would have guessed that the villager had already abandoned the donkey cart and tumbled to the forest in the distance.

Tian Chang only felt dizzy on his head, and shouted loudly: "Quick, quickly abandon the car! Hide in the forest..."

"But all the softness is in the car!" The Tian family's wife also lost her color at this time. This is the family wealth they have saved for more than ten years. Do you want to throw it all away

"You foolish woman!" Tian Chang couldn't care about his mother-in-law anymore, and jumped out of the donkey cart. He also had a dozen taels of silver on him, which he had secretly saved, enough to buy a small farmhouse to spend his old age in the city. Anyway, this mother-in-law has a vicious mind and doesn't know how to give birth. It's better to marry another bride!

Once the mind is set, Tian Chang runs faster. The goal of the donkey cart is too big, and it is a good thing to attract bandits. As long as the woman can block it for a while, he can escape from this group of strongmen. After running for a few miles with his head suffocated, Tian Chang stopped just now, panting to hold the tree trunk beside him, and looked behind him.

No one seemed to be following. What a blessing! Wiping the sweat with his hands, he slid down the tree trunk and sat on the ground. After all, he was old and sat in the house all the year round. In this short journey, he almost ran out of his arrogance. If it wasn't for that Liang Feng, how could he have ended up like this!

Thinking of the belongings on the donkey cart, thinking of that charming old lady, Tian Chang only felt that his heart was going to be broken! If one day he can also climb up to any powerhouse, he must let Liang Feng have good fruit to eat!

Full of resentment was churning, and suddenly there was a clattering sound in the distance, and then someone shouted: "He's gone from here!"


Tian Chang was terrified and wanted to stand up, but he didn't know what he stepped on under his feet, his body crooked, and he fell to the ground screaming. The fall was so painful, but he didn't even dare to stop, gritted his teeth and crawled into the bushes on the side.

Hearing this sound, the people over there quickened their pace. After a while, two big men in ragged clothes and carrying hatchets got out of the woods. One of them said happily, "Aniu, the one in front should be the old guy!"

Another one has already strode up: "Where to go!"

He threw the hatchet in his hand fiercely, nailing it dangerously into the soil in front of Tian Chang, cutting off the only way to go. Tian Chang was so frightened that he hugged his head and cried out in mourning: "The brave man spares his life! The old man has money, and the strong man can take it! Just beg for the old man's life..."

The man named Aniu ignored it, pulled up Tian Chang's collar, and asked, "Are you the guest of Liang Mansion?"

What? Tian Chang didn't respond for a while. Is this just for you? Is it a good thing or a bad thing

Seeing Tian Chang in a daze, the man pulled out the hatchet and placed it on Tian Chang's neck: "Come on! If not, don't delay our brother's footsteps!"

There was clearly still blood on the knife, Tian Chang dared to hesitate, and hurriedly shouted: "It's the villain! The strong man is merciful!"

"Ha, I caught up." The other man couldn't help but smile, "Aniu, let's go, go back and ask for a reward!"

The two didn't mean to explain, and dragged Tian Chang to the place where they came. This is not the situation when he just fled for his life. His legs and feet were weak, sweating like pulp, and he had to be dragged and dragged by two big men. The scarf on Tian Chang's head fell to the ground. Embarrassed inhuman. After being dragged for a long time, when Tian Chang was about to roll his eyes, the three finally stopped.

There was only a small forest in front of it, and a few horses were tied there, leisurely nibbling on the weeds at their feet. More than a dozen refugees gathered around in panic, and many of them had their clothes torn off. They should have searched their bodies well and were waiting to be taken up the mountain to work as coolies. In the grass behind, there are still women's hysterical cries from time to time.

This should be a refugee crossing the border, and the mountain bandits came down to grab people and money. Tian Chang said bitterly, if it was a bandit, it would be better to say, generally withdraw after robbing one vote. This kind of person who occupies the mountain as the king is just like the tiger entrenched on the top of the mountain.

"The leader, that's him!" Anniu pushed Tian Chang to the ground with a fierce push.

The fall was not light, Tian Chang snorted and raised his head cautiously. In front of him was a burly man with a red face, a long beard, and a face full of flesh. At first glance, he was not easy to mess with. However, this is nothing. Beside the man, there is a woman kneeling, with messy hair, shivering and curling up there, isn't it his wife? !

"Is this little old man a guest from Liang's residence?" the leader asked.

The lady of the Tian family choked and replied, "It's the one that kills the embryo! Your Majesty, the slave family has already recruited! I beg the king to spare the slave family's life!"

"Take her down!" The leader snorted coldly and waved at the people around him, and immediately someone grabbed the arm of the Tian family lady and dragged her back. The woman screamed, but after only one shout, her mouth was blocked, and she could only let out a chilling whimper.

Tian Chang's back was soaked in cold sweat, his teeth chattering. He threw away his wife just to escape, who would have thought that the girls would confess him. And this King of the Mountain, what are you trying to arrest him for? !

"A few days ago, my nephew went down the mountain to do business, but he was killed. I heard that it was the Liang's house. Do you know this?" The leader stared coldly at Tian Chang and asked.

How could he not know! Tian Chang opened his mouth and suddenly hugged his head and cried: "That damn Liang Feng! It's all him! It's him who killed me so far!! Your Majesty, it's that Liang Feng who killed your nephew! He also practiced. A group of soldiers and horses said that they wanted to eradicate the bandits nearby, Great King Mingjian, I was driven out by that sick child!"

The hatred in the bottom of my heart is like venom, but Tian Chang's thinking has never been as clear as this moment. He knew that this group of people were looking for him, probably for revenge. As long as they put all the charges on Liang Feng, they would have a chance to escape. No... Not only that, but he wants to lead this group of strong men to the Liang Mansion and completely raze the Liang Mansion to the ground! Let that brazen Liang family boy know how powerful he is!

Raising his head suddenly, Tian Chang said loudly: "If the king does not dislike it, the old man is willing to serve the king and help the king to capture the Liang Mansion! The Liang Mansion has several generations of officials, the family wealth is less than a million dollars, and there are many more. Servant and beautiful maid, the king can enjoy it! In such a chaotic world, the king has a strong army, why should he live on the top of the mountain? It’s better to be a strong man after occupying the Liang residence!”

These words were very provocative, and the breaths of several bandits present became heavy, and one of them stepped forward and said, "Boss, what this old man said is very true, officers and soldiers are fighting, and there is another uprising, maybe The world has changed in a blink of an eye. Why don't we take a Zhuangzi and be our foundation?"

The leader was obviously much calmer than the minions below, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "Alu brought a dozen people down the mountain, but they were killed. Come on, how can you capture the Liang Mansion?"

Zhang Lu is his nephew, and his skills are naturally not bad. This time, he secretly took over the headless business and was killed instead, which made Zhang Hun not annoyed. Therefore, after hearing from the lady that there were guests from the Liang family, he sent someone to catch them. He wanted to kill and pay homage to his nephew, but he unexpectedly got such news that moved his heart.

Tian Chang is an old man, so he can see at a glance that the leader has intentions, and quickly added: "Then Liang Feng has offended many cronies, just as the old man was driven out of Liang's house by him. I'm afraid I also hold a grudge against the Wang family brothers who were slapped by him for no reason. These two used to be nurses, and if they can cooperate with them, the high walls of Liang's residence are nothing!"

With this sentence, Zhang Hun's eyes flashed fiercely, and he said with a smile: "Come on, help the guests to get up, let's have a good talk..."

"Have you heard? Mufang is going to build an overturned car. It is said that this time we will build more sets, which can be used in the fields!"

"Isn't that true? I also heard that in addition to the new fields that they can allot, those family soldiers can also lease some good seeds without any interest. If anyone rents their fields, they will sow crops this summer, and they will also have cattle for farming. Available!"

"Is this true?! Who told you?" It's time to plant summer crops. If there are good seeds and cattle, the new fields will be a good deal. Someone in the family was selected for the part, and he laughed even more, and could not wait to rent a seed immediately.

The one who revealed the news said triumphantly: "What the steward said! The old man surnamed Tian used to deceive the Patriarch. Now that the Patriarch knows what life we are living, he is naturally gracious!"

"Blessed by the Bodhisattva! The owner of the house is still benevolent!" The pious one had already begun to chant.

Another family member who has a quota-free quota even interrupted: "I think the Liang Mansion is going to be reinvigorated! Who can come up with Tian Fu to reward the part? The head of the family is probably going to be an official, and we all have a good life. It's gone!"

This remark immediately attracted another echo. It's a good time to exchange news in the early morning. The peasants have no information and can't figure out which emperor is currently on duty, but they are very sensitive to the feng shui and grass movements on the farm. In fact, these are closely related to their lives, and they have to pay more attention. Therefore, in the past month or so, whether Tian Shang was withdrawn or Zhifang was closed, most people knew it. Not only was he not frightened by these changes, but he was also slightly happy.

Wu Quan was greedy and lecherous, Tian Shang was arrogant and incompetent, and they were the two brothers, Wang Hu and Wang Bao, who were blamed by the stick. Now that these people are being dealt with severely, isn't it just the performance of the patriarch's wiseness and martial arts and discernment? ! In addition, exempting the servants who defeated the mountain bandits, giving the newcomers to the trilogy to rent fields, and constructing water conservancy facilities and borrowing food without interest, which is not a good thing that is very pleasing to the hearts of the people? !

These peasant and Han people who depend on the sky for food seem to be simple, but their hearts are unambiguous. Who is good to them and who is bad to them, the steel scale is clear. Now that there have been severe droughts year after year, and seeing the precariousness of life, suddenly there is a rush, who can not be happy

"Hey! Look, those boys are starting to practice again!" Someone shouted, and everyone's eyes immediately drifted into the distance.

I saw a group of young and strong men running through the courtyard wall not far away. This group of people were all wearing short jackets and long robes, with no sleeves on their upper bodies, and their trousers were tied high. They were all gray and black, and they looked very neat. Everyone was carrying a wooden gun that was more than ten feet long. Even so, they ran at the same pace, and no one was left behind. Just like that, he raised dust and sand and ran into the distance.

"As expected of our Liangfu family soldier!" Someone sighed enviously.

The food and tenant farms for this song are among the best in the house, and in just a month, they trained a group of Zhuang Han to look like they would make people jealous. However, their drills are also hard. They run around the village twice in the morning and evening, and they have to stand in line to practice guns. It seems that it is more difficult than farming. However, this practice method really makes people feel at ease. In troubled times, who doesn't expect to have such a group of strong soldiers by their side

A group of people watched the movement of the episode from a distance like watching a play, but a boy with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks quietly bypassed the courtyard wall and walked towards the thatched hut deep in the farm. After looking left and right, there was no one there, and the boy walked quickly to a dilapidated house.

In the hut, someone was gnashing their teeth and yelling at their mother. Since the two brothers Wang Hu and Wang Bao were beaten with the stick that day, they were dragged to the old house here. The good nursing home was no longer able to work, and they were injured, and there was no one who could take care of them. Fortunately, the brothers are in good health, and they still saved some money. Please ask the aunt next door to send them some porridge and water every day, so they didn't die.

"Brother, this stick injury seems to be getting better soon, do we really want to stay in the farm to farm?" Wang Bao grimaced and touched his lower back. Most of the wounds on the back had scabbed over, and it seemed to be getting better. But they lost their errands and got used to being lazy, how could they afford the pain of farming

"It's all the shit of those Jie people. If the head of the house hadn't listened to the slander of those cheap slaves, how could we have ended up like this?!" Wang Hu suffered more than his younger brother and could only lie on the grass mat and scolded. How could he not know the embarrassment of the two of them, but now he can't go back, what will he do when he comes down

The two brothers lay down and stood, each with a frowning face, when suddenly there were several soft knocks on the door. Isn't it time to eat yet? Wang Bao limped over and opened the door.

"Ayan?" Wang Bao was stunned when he saw the thief-eyed guy outside the door. Isn't this Ayan, a businessman from the neighboring village? In the past, I occasionally drank and gambled with my two brothers, why did I suddenly come to the door? Don't you see it as a joke at home

Thinking of this, Wang Bao's face sank immediately: "What are you doing here? Didn't you clear the money you owed last time?"

Ayan smiled: "I heard that my brothers were injured. I happen to have some good medicine for sores on my side. I wonder if it will come in handy."

Saying that, he raised his hand, and a bright piece of silver flickered. This is silver, how can ordinary people have a chance to get it? ! Wang Bao quickly turned sideways and let people into the house.

As soon as he entered the house, the stench of mildew hit his nostrils. Ayan sniffed and pretended to tut, "It seems that after the head of the Liang family fell ill, everyone was not feeling well. I'm afraid I haven't lived in this house for some years. It’s a pity that the two brothers ended up in such a situation!”

"If you have something to say, don't hide it!" Wang Hu impatiently circled around and roared in a low voice.

"Hehe, speaking of it, it's a good thing." Ayan picked up a clean mat and sat down, "It was also a coincidence a few days ago that my family, General Zhang, went down the mountain to hunt, and happened to meet Tian guest who was surnamed Liang. He was driven out of the house. General Zhang and Tian Weng chatted very well, and hired him to be the counselor of Qingyang Village."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the Wang brothers' faces changed. They are locals, and they naturally know that Qingyang Village has no generals, only a group of mountain bandits who burn, kill, loot, and do evil things. The leader is surnamed Zhang, and is called "Zhang Hungry Tiger" by many people. Tian Chang actually voted for him and became the military adviser of the mountain bandits. How can people think of this? !

"Don't talk nonsense! How could Tian Chang vote that... You, are you from Qingyang Village?" Suddenly, Wang Hu's voice trembled. In front of you, you are a hero, and you run into a mountain bandit, but that's not the case at all.

"Good... Good that... Cough, good birds can also pick trees and build their nests!" He wanted to write a text, but he couldn't remember how to say the original words, Ayan coughed dryly, and quickly said, "Anyway, Master Tian said Now that Bingzhou is in such a mess, it's better to get up early and have a good life for a few days! If you can help General Zhang succeed this time, you will be able to make you a team officer."

At this time, Wang Bao finally said: "I don't know Tian, what is the plan of Tian Junshi?"

"Abao you!" Wang Hu's eyes widened, the younger brother is going to follow Tian Chang

"Brother, now we can't get along in Liang Mansion anymore, let's listen to what A Yan has to say first." Wang Bao thought much more than his elder brother. Since they dared to come to the door like this, the bandits probably already have a plan. There is death on the left and right, it is better to think earlier and seek a way to survive.

A Yan smiled and said: "It's still what A Bao thinks! General Zhang will order troops and horses to attack Liang Mansion. At that time, a large group of people will surround the main entrance. You two only need to secretly lead a few people to sneak into the main house and grab Liang Feng. But. It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

It's not too difficult! Wang Bao pondered to himself that the main house might be too big for others, but his two brothers were as familiar as their own yard. And it's not them who really kidnapped people, as long as they lead the way for the mountain bandits. If it works, it will be a huge deal!

Thinking about the warehouses that he could see from time to time when he was patrolling, Wang Bao felt his mouth dry for a while, and swallowed his saliva before saying: "But now the Liang residence is training troops, what if the group of soldiers did not leave the Lord Lang's side? "

"Don't worry, General Zhang doesn't have his troops here!" Ayan's eyes lit up, and he smiled viciously, "If those family soldiers don't come out to fight, they will first destroy the farmhouse and then attack the mansion. When the door is broken, a If you burn the fire, are you afraid that they won't come out? But then, the credit for your brothers will be negligible. The army is in chaos, if there is another mistake, wouldn't it be beautiful?"

This is both a threat and an inducement. It is clear that the two of them are decided, and Wang Hu and Wang Leopard can't help but look at each other. After a long while, Wang Hu finally gritted his teeth: "I have been a nursing home for the Liang family for so many years, so I don't mean to beat him! Such a family owner, don't want it!"

Wang Bao is more direct: "If we really succeed, what reward can we get?"

"There is absolutely no problem with being a team! There are also silver rewards and women! The little lady on the village can be chosen by you. Well, this is what the general will treat for you. Hurry up and buy the stick sore medicine, don't delay the business! "Ayan raised his hand, and the small piece of silver was placed in front of the Wang brothers.

No amount of sweet talk is as tempting as this piece of silver. Wang Hu swallowed: "Okay, we're done!"

The author has something to say: Regarding the handling of Tianshang's property, it is about 6 kilograms for a thousand dollars.

So he can only hide some silver that was exchanged before, but because silver is not a commonly used currency in circulation, the amount will not be too much.