Royal Road

Chapter 35: Refugees


"The corpses in the courtyard belonged to Wang Hu and Wang Leopard?" Hearing the report of the servant below, Liang Feng couldn't help frowning.

Whether it was Tian Chang or the Wang family brothers, Liang Feng never had any murderous intentions, and those guilts did not constitute a capital crime in his eyes. However, he forgot that this was not a society ruled by law more than a thousand years later, but the Western Jin Dynasty where subjects could usurp the throne and princes could control the state. In this era of the collapse of rituals and music, even a small heart of "disobedience" can also lead to such terrifying trouble.

What's worse is that they are too negligent to take precautions around them. There was no habit of being served, and the Liang Mansion was so short of manpower that he had already cut down the number of servants in the inner courtyard several times. As a result, the security measures that are full of loopholes have allowed people with bad intentions to take advantage.

It seems that his previous ideas are still a bit naive. Liang Feng sighed softly and ordered, "Drag the body out and bury it."

Logically speaking, flogging the corpse and hanging the head are not too much for this kind of evil servant, but now that the weather is getting warmer, epidemic prevention is more important than that illusory deterrent.

Lvzhu also came over at this time, not only wiped his face, but also changed into new clothes, and with an expression that he wished to drag people away, he persuaded: "Lord, you should take a bath! Doctor Jiang ordered to take a quick rest. It is!"

This person who smelled really bloody was uncomfortable, Liang Feng followed his kindness like a flow: "Go to the hot water..."

Back in the camp, these soldiers were greeted not only by doctors who were treating patients, but also by hot water that had just been boiled. This was originally intended to be used for city defense, but now it has been poured into wooden barrels, allowing the soldiers to cleanse their bodies with blood. There are also clean bandages and concentrated saline, both for healing.

After being instigated by the team just now, seeing these thoughtful arrangements, the soldiers were naturally pleasantly surprised, and felt more and more that they were following the right person. Yi Yan did not stay to take a bath, but got up and went to the side courtyard where Liang Feng temporarily lived. At this moment, servants were arranged to stand guard at the entrance of the courtyard, but no one would stop Yiyan. He strode to the door and pushed open the door.

A gust of wet water vapor rushed towards him, and the air was filled with the fragrant fragrance of petals and herbs. Behind the screen, there was a faint sound of water. Yi Yan's footsteps stopped immediately. He hadn't washed up yet, and his body was covered in dust and blood. It seemed that just walking into the room gave the air a stench.

However, Liang Feng had already heard the voice outside the door, and asked, "Is it Yi Yan? The Buqu has returned to camp?"

"Already returned to camp." Yi Yan involuntarily stepped forward and replied loudly.

Feeling a little tired from being soaked in hot water, Liang Feng asked vigorously, "How are the casualties?"

"Two people injured their legs, a few people were slashed on their backs, and the rest were minor injuries," Yiyan replied. Of course, he didn't count himself.

Liang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, this was much better than expected. With Jiang Da around, these minor injuries should not be a problem, and they can finally keep these precious troops.

"What about the enemy? How many died?" he continued.

"Kill more than 70 bandit soldiers, and the enemy chief will give him his head."

Seventy people? That's more than half of it! Why is the casualty rate so high? Liang Feng asked, "What about the others? Did they flee or surrender?"

After a pause, Yi Yan said coldly, "Only two were caught, and the rest fled."

It's a little different from what I imagined, but in the first battle, there will always be some omissions. In the future, it seems that all matters need to be sorted out in order to facilitate implementation. Liang Feng nodded lightly: "It's not bad to have this victory. This time you have made a great contribution, and ordered to continue, all the fields allocated by the soldiers will be exempted from paying for three years."

Unexpectedly, Yi Yan simply refused this time: "This should be announced by the lord himself."

Oh? Did he remember letting himself be gracious? Liang Feng couldn't help laughing, this kid is really not the stunned young man he used to be, it seems that the recent history books have not been heard in vain.

"Well, let's wait for two days. I will review the parts myself and issue rewards. By the way, what about the captured bandit soldiers? Have you asked about the origin of this bandit?"

"It's from Qingyangzhai! The one who attacked the lord before is also their army. Five days ago, this group of bandits arrested Tian Shang, and after being instigated by him, they came to attack Liangfu, with brothers Wang Hu and Wang Bao as their inner responders."

Yi Yan had indeed "trialed" the two survivors well, and he knew very well that the brothers of the Wang family had already died. However, in his opinion, just dragging people to bury it is impossible to relieve hatred. It is time to hang all these thieves with their heads and ashes!

Unexpectedly, he had such a "relationship" with this group of bandits, Liang Feng suddenly became vigilant and asked, "How many bandits are there on the mountain?"

"It is said that all of them were dispatched this time, and there are only some captive refugees left on the mountain."

"What? They also kidnapped the refugees?!" With a sound of water, Liang Feng sat up, "Does Buqu still have enough power? Can you capture the cottage?"

"My lord!" Yi Yan couldn't help frowning, "It's just some refugees, so why waste troops for them? What if the trilogy is dispatched and someone else attacks the Liang residence?"

Just suffered a big loss on Tian Chang, is it possible that you are still fighting to the death for those lowly refugees? Yiyan knew that his lord had a good heart, but he never thought that this person was so kind! If the trilogy is dispatched, what will the Liang residence do? Who will protect his safety

Behind the screen, Lu Bamboo exclaimed in a low voice, "Lang Jun, you can't go out like this before your hair is dry."

However, she did not stop the figure. Dressed in a robe and with wet hair, Liang Feng walked out of the screen, and said to Yi Yan with a sober face, "That's not the truth. Qingyang Village must be destroyed. Serious injury, eradicated in one fell swoop! Those refugees are innocent people, we cannot just watch them fall into the hands of thieves. If we want to stop the good people from thieves, we must give them a way out!"

Using family soldiers to save the refugees seemed like a loss-making business, but he couldn't sit back and watch those ordinary people trapped in the den of thieves. Not to mention that the escaped bandit soldiers are likely to return to the villa and force these refugees from the thieves. If the refugees become rogues, Qingyang Village will never disappear, and in front of them, there will be a mortal enemy who will never be killed. Moreover, the refugees are not completely useless. Now the village is very thin, whether it is farming or training soldiers. It is better to gather some refugees and use these manpower in the most appropriate places. This significance is much more important than simply repelling the bandits.

Unprepared, Yi Yan was pinned in place. The man in front of him did not dry his body, his robe was half-open, revealing his fair skin, and the faint bruises on his chest and abdomen. The wet hair was draped over his shoulders, black and soft, and a few strands got into the collar, wetting the thin coat. That person is beautiful, extremely beautiful, but it doesn't make people feel the slightest blasphemy. Just because his eyes were sharp and his expression solemn. What moved him so much was human life, the life of innocents.

As if his eyes were burned, Yi Yan quickly lowered his head and whispered, "Tomorrow, I will attack Qingyang Village for the master."

"Let Ah Liang pick out some more young men and go with you. The enemy village is no better than Liang's mansion, so you still have to be careful. By the way, if there are refugees who don't want to come, it's better to let them go, and don't use any means. Strong pressure." Liang Feng couldn't help but warned again carefully. Although Yiyan handled this encounter very well, it was not at all difficult to attack the camp and gather refugees, and it was always right to ask more.

At this time, Lvzhu was already chasing out with a cloth towel: "Lang Jun, dry your hair to avoid the wind!"

It was only at this moment that Liang Feng realized that Yi Yan was still in the same embarrassed state just now, so he couldn't help but say, "Yi Yan, you should also take a bath and let Doctor Jiang treat the wound well. Don't be careless."

Whether tetanus or bacterial infection can kill people, injuries are no joke in this day and age.

Yi Yan didn't say anything, and after bowing his head again, he exited the door. Looking at the figure who was pulled by the green bamboo to the side of the couch and began to wipe the long hair, he took a deep breath and strode towards the barracks.

Early the next morning, Yiyan set off with his troops. The old nest of Qingyangzhai is on the nearby Daqing Mountain, more than 20 miles away from Liangfu. How can ordinary soldiers walk for a long time, but Liangfujia soldiers have the habit of long-distance running. Such a distance can only be regarded as an outing. .

In a fierce battle yesterday, although not many people were injured, a few of them exerted too much force and injured their waists. In addition, Liang Mansion also needed to be guarded, so Yi Yan only brought ten family soldiers and twenty young men from the farm to accompany him. Compared to the family soldiers who have seen blood and killed people, these young men are not as strong in aura. Because of this, they dare not even show their air, and they follow closely behind the family soldiers without falling behind.

It only took an hour for the team to arrive at Qingyang Village. Yiyan did not immediately order troops to attack, but sent a sentry to check. After a while, the spy rushed back excitedly: "The team is right, no guards were found, and the stockade is quite quiet, maybe the bandits haven't gotten up yet!"

Yi Yan looked coldly at the descending soldiers who were leading the way. Trembling with fright, the man hurriedly knelt down and said, "General, spare your life, the little one didn't lie. Yesterday, the village was full of people. Even if there were some who escaped, there wouldn't be too many."

Yesterday's battle really frightened him, and now he definitely has one thing to say, and he doesn't dare to speak falsely. Those little leaders are basically dead in this person's hands, even if they escaped, they wouldn't be a powerful character, and they wouldn't dare to resist the Liangfu soldiers!

Yi Yan then turned his gaze back and said to the soldiers behind him, "Go up the mountain!"

A team of 30 people will make noise no matter how hidden it is. However, they walked very fast, and the bandit guarding the gate had not yet reacted, and the team had already rushed to the gate of the cottage. Looking at the sentry upstairs in the corner of his eyes, Yi Yan said coldly, "Sun Jiao!"

Sun Jiao took a step forward and drew a bow and arrow. With just a few whizzes, the panic-stricken sentry was shot downstairs. Yiyan waved his hand gently: "Longlong, come on!"

A Jie man man immediately brought four or five people to the front of the village gate, one squatted at the base of the wall as a stepping foot, the other with a short knife in his mouth, stepped on the shoulders of his companions and quickly climbed up the wall. In the blink of an eye, two or three people jumped into the village, and after a few screams, the wooden door of the village creaked open.


Following this order, the soldiers of the family had already picked up their spears and strode towards the gate of the village. Qingzhuang's footsteps followed slightly scattered, but it did not affect his momentum at all, like a sharp knife, piercing into the village.

At this moment, the only remaining bandit soldiers in the village have bombed their nests, and those who escaped yesterday have seen the power of those long spears. Screaming, kneeling and begging for mercy, and fleeing over the wall, to name a few. However, Yi Yan didn't show mercy, and wherever he went, there was blood. It only took less than a quarter of an hour, and there were no more bandits in the village who could breathe.

Yi Yan shook the spear in his hand, shook off the blood on the tip of the spear, turned his head and asked, "Where are the refugees?"

The surrendering soldier was already shaking and could not stand on his feet, and tremblingly said: "Xin, the newly caught are all locked in the cowshed in the west. There are also more than a dozen farmers and women who have been raised in the backyard. ."

Yi Yan didn't talk nonsense, and asked Sun Jiao and Laolong to lead someone to find them separately. In a short time, driven by the two corps chiefs, these people got out of their cages one after another and gathered on the square of the cottage.

Seeing those timid, skinny refugees, Yiyan frowned and said loudly, "I am ordered by the lord to attack Qingyang Village! Now that all the thieves have been wiped out, you can follow me down the mountain and join my lord. Leave now!"

This group of captured refugees could not tell who came, but the bandits caught fire and saw the corpses all over the ground. Suddenly found that this group of people did not seem to be bandit soldiers, and everyone was a little stunned. A bolder peasant asked, "Where is this general's lord from?"

"The lord of Liang Mansion, the Marquis of Shenmen Ting!" Yi Yan cast his sword-like gaze, making the farmer tremble.

However, he was also kidnapped up the mountain by the mountain bandits, and it was a bit of a wink that he could avoid participating in the robbery by virtue of his good farming. Just after looking at it for a while, he found that the temperament of this group of strong men and the mountain bandits was somewhat different. Not to mention the men with long spears, even the young men behind them didn't look wicked. Instead, they all had ruddy faces and neat clothes.

Now that the world is so chaotic, going out and fleeing the famine is really bad luck. It's better than being kidnapped by bandits again!

After hesitating for a moment, he knelt down: "The villain is willing to follow the general down the mountain!"

After this kneeling, the rest of the hesitant refugees also knelt down one after another, and all kinds of voices roared into one. Yi Yan ignored the group of refugees, turned to the soldiers and said, "Where is the warehouse in your village?"

After watching Bulu exit the courtyard wall, Liang Feng returned to his room, and fell asleep again in a daze. It was really too much consumption yesterday, especially killing two robbers with this body made half of his body aching. The good times of easy one-vs-five are gone forever, let alone exercise, let’s talk about getting better first.

After a long sleep, Liang Feng opened his eyes and found a small radish kneeling in front of the couch with a straight head. Liang Rong didn't know when he came, so he looked at himself with tears in his eyes, as if his father was about to die.

"Rong'er is here?" Liang Feng coughed lightly, trying to stand up. Unexpectedly, this action immediately pulled his shoulders, causing him to take a deep breath.

"My son heard that my father was caught by the gangster yesterday!" Liang Rong sobbed and grabbed Liang Feng's sleeve, "Is my father injured?"

Yesterday was a war and an attack. For fear of scaring the child, Liang Feng did not tell Liang Rong the details, but asked Chaoyu to appease the little guy, saying that he was busy with business, so that Liang Rong did not have to come to greet him. Unexpectedly, this little thing heard about the robbers from nowhere, and came to block the door early in the morning. It is also the harmonious relationship between father and son that allows Liang Rong to run into his bedroom smoothly.

Liang Feng stretched out his hand and touched the soft black hair on Liang Rong's head soothingly: "Didn't Rong'er see it? It's a good father, how can anyone get hurt? Yesterday, some bad guys attacked Liang's house, but they were all driven away by the family soldiers. Go out, Rong'er doesn't have to worry."

"Are those bad guys very powerful? How can we beat them back? Rong'er also needs to learn and protect Grandpa!" The tears in his eyes had not yet subsided, Liang Rong had gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

Liang Feng couldn't help laughing. But the little guy is a little aggressive, which is not a bad thing.

"These Rong'er will naturally have to learn in the future, such as horse riding, archery, and leading troops to fight. But now, does Rong'er have time to eat with his father?" Liang Feng smiled and pinched Liang Rong's tender beep. Little face, jokingly.

How could Liang Rong refuse such a request, he immediately nodded vigorously. It seems that this kid has been staying here since he got up. I am afraid he is starving, right

"Green Bamboo, go to the kitchen to get some morning food, prepare more goat milk, and steam an egg custard." He ordered the kitchen to make the egg custard as a complementary food for Liang Rong, and the little guy liked it very much.

After a while, the hot food was served. Unlike ordinary people, Liang Feng did not let the nurse wait for Liang Rong to eat, but let him do it himself. Liang Rong has a stubborn temper and is reluctant to use a spoon. He uses short chopsticks just like the little adults.

Maybe it was because the activity was too intense yesterday, and Liang Feng was actually a little hungry, and he needed to replenish his strength. Liang Rong ate all the food in front of him. Since Liang Feng said that eating more can help him grow up faster, he has stopped being picky eaters.

Such an obedient performance was naturally praised by Liang Feng again. He comforted the little guy again and promised that he would be taught horsemanship and archery immediately, Liang Rongcai obediently followed Chaoyu and left. Without interruption, Liang Feng's mind naturally focused on attacking the cottage. After all, it was Yi Yan's first time leading a military expedition, and he was only about thirty people. If something happened, it would be bad.

However, it was faster than he imagined. The first group of people went home just after noon.

"Are these confiscated?" Liang Feng looked at the seven or eight carts parked outside, all kinds of cattle, horses, and animals, and was stunned.

Because he was afraid of restraining the troops to fight, he only explained to Yiyan a few ways to attack the camp, and did not let him focus on wealth and food. In fact, in order to capture the mountain, setting fires was within Liang Feng's acquiescence. As long as the fire was controlled, it was enough not to hurt the imprisoned refugees.

However, after only half a day of hard work, he pulled back a pile of loot with such carelessness, and it was still food and grass. Even Liang Feng was taken aback.

It was Wu Chang Sun Jiao who was in charge of transporting the supplies. It was the first time that he met the master alone. He replied a little embarrassedly: "There are some valuables in the back, and the team is saying that he will escort him in person."

It seems that Qingyangzhai really has accumulated a lot of wealth. There is nothing better in this world than making a fortune in war. Liang Feng suddenly asked, "Didn't Yiyan ask you to share some property?"

Sun Jiao suddenly became nervous, and shook his head again and again: "The team is saying that these are all the boss's, and the boss should deal with it."

Liang Feng's heart suddenly let go. If you indulge in plundering by private soldiers, the character of the team will soon fall to the bottom, and it will be difficult to control it at that time. It is of course possible to distribute loot, but it must be controlled by his commander. This will bring the team back together.

No longer entangled in this question, Liang Feng turned to ask: "Where are the refugees? Are they all rescued?"

"All rescued! Eighty-six people in total. Follow behind the team, they will be there soon."

"Well, take me to see it."

Although he has seen many images of refugees in film and television works, the real refugees still make Liang Feng frown. These people have not undergone artistic processing. They are all skinny and scrawny like African refugees. Most of the women looked numb, lowered their heads, and said nothing. There were no old people or children in the team at all. I don't know if they were killed by mountain bandits or starved to death on the way to escape.

After a moment of silence, Liang Feng said, "Take them to a nearby stream and take advantage of the heat at noon to wash off the insects and lice on their bodies."

Treating refugees in this way seems like too much of a fuss. But his own team was running every day to bathe in the river, and Sun Jiao also knew that the master might not be too dirty, so he led the group of refugees down.

Liang Feng turned to Green Bamboo and said, "Go and call Ah Liang."

After a while, A Liang came to the main courtyard. Seeing the cartload of grain, he couldn't help but smile: "My lord, is this the seized grain? It's good!"

Liang Feng coughed: "I'm afraid these grains are not enough. From the stockade of the bandits, more than 80 refugees were brought back. I plan to place them outside the farm."

Aliang suddenly turned into a bitter face: "Lord Lang, there is not much food in the warehouse, why are you still gathering refugees? These refugees can't work for a short time, at least they have to be raised for ten days and a half months in vain. Only then can they regain their vitality. And most of them have fields and lands in their hometowns. It is estimated that they came out to escape the famine due to severe drought. What if they ate so much food from us in vain and escaped back?”

Liang Feng pondered for a moment, then shook his head: "Now that it's almost summer, it's unreasonable to go out to flee the famine. It is estimated that you have suffered a military disaster. If you don't have someone to rely on, even fleeing back is useless. As long as the land is similar to the farmers, it should not be difficult to keep them.”

There is indeed some truth to this statement. When more than a hundred bandit soldiers came, Liang Mansion could easily repel them. What's more, the Liang family said that they have the identity of Tinghou, and how much Tian Fu charges depends only on the mind of the owner, and is not under the control of the government at all. There are countless refugees who are dependent on wealthy families in troubled times, and these people may really become the yin households of Liangfu. A Liang hesitated for a moment: "What about the food? What should I do?"

"Let's use up some of the rations in reserve first, so that this group of people can regain their strength as soon as possible. There is a lot of wasteland outside the Liang Mansion, and there are also some woodlands that can be reclaimed by cutting down trees. Just this time, there are a few more oxen. Some iron plows that can dig deep into the land should not delay summer planting."

"Another big expense..." A Liang finally sighed and recognized it.

Liang Feng smiled: "What are you afraid of, Yiyan will return with other spoils later. As long as there are people, there will always be money and food. You arrange for someone to set up a hut outside the village, build a shack, and register the refugees. Name. From now on, the Liang Mansion will be divided into two villages, the inner and outer, and they will be managed separately."