Royal Road

Chapter 378: Rivers and Mountains (3)


"Sima Rui is dead, does Aaron still protect that child?" Instead of calling him Director Wang, he called him by a small name.

Replacing Sima Shao, the old prince, and setting up a doll to ascend the throne, Wang Dun has already achieved his original goal. It's just that the present is not what it used to be, Sima Rui died suddenly, and there is no one in the DPRK who can compete with the Wang Clan of Langya. Just relying on the emperor, how can Wang Dun be satisfied? Following the example of Wei Wen and Jin Wu and changing dynasties was what he had in mind.

If you want to truly ascend the throne, the support of Wang Dao is very important. Although he holds military power, he has also attracted several Jiangdong aristocratic families. But the one who controls the court is still Wang Dao, an important auxiliary minister. Since Sima Rui ascended the throne, Wang Dao shouldered the political affairs on one shoulder, and there was no shortage of party members. Even many of the sons and daughters of the Langya Wang clan were obedient to him.

If Director Wang does not support it, it is impossible for him to ascend to the throne. Therefore, even if the sword was put on the palace, Wang Dun had to lower his posture and come to Wang Dao's mansion in person to win over this not very obedient cousin.

The words were intimate, Wang Dao glanced at his cousin, and said calmly: "Thanks to the great kindness of the country, the love is in the country of Ning. It's brother, the northern army has occupied half of Jingzhou, do you really want to destroy my Langya line?"

The first sentence makes people angry, and the latter is even more heartbreaking. Now that Wang Dun is in power, how many people dare to speak to him like this

"Will the Sima Clan be able to conquer the world? If the Northern Army came, wouldn't it be you and my brother to fight? Could it be that you let me wait to die and let that child be slaughtered?" Wang Dun said angrily.

"If Brother A hadn't raised his troops, Guozuo would have survived for several generations. Now it's just surviving." Wang Dao also had a sad expression on his face, "My idiot is only a loyal minister, not a thief of chaos."

"You!" Wang Dun stood up suddenly, his eyes burning with fire. On the opposite side, Director Wang looked peaceful and without fear.

Wang Dun's anger was even greater in his heart. However, the sword in his hand could not be drawn out. This is not other relatives who don't have long eyes, but Wang Dao, the first person in Jiang Zuo!

"Shuzi is impossible!" With a flick of his sleeves, Wang Dun turned around and left.

Behind him, Wang Dao lowered his eyebrows and sat alone in the banquet. Back then, when the two of them worked together to help the late emperor ascend to the throne, who would have imagined that it would be so troublesome in just a few years. Is this Dajin coming to an end? If so, he would rather leave a clear name...

It's New Year's Eve again.

A seat is set up at the door, and the public officials and officials sit outside the door, and the great music advocates the establishment of four compartments in front of the hall. Before the night leaked for ten minutes, the brazier and lamp tree in the palace were lit one after another. The fire dispels the cold, and the lanterns illuminate the night.

Seven quarters before the night leaked out, the bell rang in Xiangfeng Building. Since the closing of the gate, all three dynasties and five gates have been opened. The magnificent Luoyang Palace is like an awakened beast, with eyes wide open and looking at the world.

The ministers were on duty, entered along the East China Gate of Yunlong, passed through the guard of honor of the forbidden army, and came to your Excellency East, waiting for Linxuan.

Five minutes after the leak was completed, the audiences Pushe and Dahonglu Temple each played: "The ministers are in place!"

It was dawn, when the first ray of sunlight shone on the vertical sundial on the open platform, solemn and solemn Shao Le sounded. Emperor Lu Bo appeared in front of Tai Chi Hall.

All the officials bowed down, and the sound of mountain calls sounded.

Standing on top of Dan Ma, Liang Feng looked at the dark crowd in the square. Taige Shuchen, six hundred officials, civil and military ministers. Everyone was bowing their heads and offering congratulations to him.

In addition, there are two Xianbei, Goguryeo, Sanhan, and Japanese envoys. Even the old Silk Road has been re-opened. In the Western Regions, Qiuci, Shule, Wusun, Cheshi and other countries sent envoys to congratulate him. It is bounded by Hanhai in the north, Yunmeng in the south, Wangyang in the east, and Gobi in the west. Thousands of miles of rivers, mountains, and dynasties of all countries, what kind of cultural and martial arts? !

However, in Liang Feng's eyes, there is no complacency and arrogance, and the calm is like a deep pool. The same auspiciousness, presented to the royal front. Two thousand stone high officials can go to the temple and kneel down to offer birthday wine. The congratulatory message of "thousands of years and longevity" echoed endlessly under the golden pillars of the Taiji Hall.

Bazhou was recovered, Xuzhou conquered, and Jingzhou took most of it. In the whole world, there is only one corner of Jiangnan left!

"Your Majesty, Kuang Jiuhe, the sound is bad. It's time to change the Yuan to congratulate!" I don't know if it was because of the excitement of the ceremony, or because the dance music was too exciting, some ministers spoke loudly.

The year title "Enlightened" has been used for ten years. From the mere land of three states, to half of the country. With such a great governance, how can we not change the era

On the throne, the emperor smiled and said, "The south is not flat, so how can there be peace? We still need hard work for enlightened governance!"

What does it mean? The civil and military of the court are all full of enthusiasm. Are you going south? ! After ten years of accumulation, I have finally sorted out the surrounding area. Can I go south? When the country is unified, Da Zhao will become a big Han, another dynasty foundation that can be passed down for a hundred generations!

Destroying the previous dynasty will also be the biggest and sweetest victory!

"Long live my emperor!"

Inside and outside the hall, the sound of the mountain calling sounded again, accompanied by drum music, soaring into the sky!

The feast lasted from sunrise to sunset, and all the guests were happy. When all the officials were gone, the emperor also returned to the inner court.

"My lord drank too much today." Yi Yan took the towel from the palace servant and gently wiped the sweat oozing from Liang Feng's forehead.

Before the expedition, the news of Tianzi's serious illness did not reach the front line. He was also the teacher returning to the court, and only then did he know this dangerous scene. Since that day, Yi Yan has not left the palace gate and has been by Liang Feng's side.

"Yuanhui, it's inevitable." Liang Feng smiled and took a sip of the sober soup on the case.

Even the Son of Heaven should give enough face to those great officials of the frontier. It is their promise to the imperial court that their descendants enter the capital. Respect to the emperor means the court's trust in them. Great governance can only be achieved if the central and local governments have close ties and the decrees are well communicated. Once this delicate balance is out of control, it will immediately become a rift.

After drinking the tea soup, Liang Feng suddenly said: "King Dun of Jin usurped power, it is already a great chaos. When Sima Rui died violently, his youngest son ascended the throne. Now the king of Langya is divided into two factions, Wang Dun and Wang Dao are opposed to each other. The time for the southern expedition has come arrive."

This time, earlier than expected.

The pacification of Yongzhou allowed the Guanzhong Plain to resume its former output. A large number of troops and equalization of fields have further promoted the recovery of the main grain-producing areas in the Central Plains. Because even if there is no shortage of natural disasters in the war every year, the court still prepares food supplies, which are enough to support the army's southern expedition.

In the past ten years, the sailor has also built more than a thousand new ships of various sizes. There is no shortage of food, troops, and water warfare. The attack on Yongzhou and Jingzhou has accumulated a lot of experience for water and land cooperation. Not to mention the naval battleships galloping across the sea.

The right time and place are suitable for people, and they all occupy it. The small court in the south could not pose a threat, not to mention the frequent civil strife and the struggle for power.

It's time to send troops.

"This battle will surely bring peace to the South." There was not much excitement in Yi Yan's voice.

They have been preparing for this battle for too long. We weaken the enemy step by step, just to let this big battle end with the least loss.

Every time you make a plan, prepare for the worst. Even when the Jin state was at its peak, they had seven or eight points of certainty. But now, after years of disasters and years of internal friction, the Eastern Jin Dynasty has long been an empty shell. The generals who could be beaten were killed by Wang Dun, and those who were demoted were replaced by flattering confidants. And he himself had to seize the throne with the Sima Clan, so he had no time to distract himself.

In such a situation, if the troops are under the city, I am afraid that there will be more people who will open the city and surrender. Why worry

"Unfortunately, there is no way to go on a personal expedition." Liang Feng smiled and sighed.

This illness has terrified the people around him. He is also more like a glassware, and I can't wait to hold it in the palm of my hand all day. In later generations, even pneumonia and myocarditis will not be the case. Unfortunately, today is still an era when a cold can kill a person.

"It's just a mere chaotic minister, why should Your Majesty fight in person?" Yi Yan's expression was ten times more serious than before, as if he were facing a great enemy.

Liang Feng smiled and waved his hand: "If you don't go, I will wait for your good news in Luoyang."

"As long as the southern land is pacified, the lord can also let go of the heavy responsibility..." Yi extended his hand and held the opponent's hand. There was not much meat on the slender palm. Squeeze it in the palm of your hand, it's just heartbreaking to be thin.

How long will it take to keep this body healthy

Heavy burden? Liang Feng relaxed his body and leaned on the cushion behind him: "I heard from the Ministry of Works that the dragon boat is more than half finished. It will be launched in half a year."

"Master is going to Feng Chan?" Yi Yan's eyes flashed with joy.

"No seal!" Liang Feng refused without hesitation, "It's still the original route to see the sea. It will also show you what the sea looks like."

"It's all by boat, so there shouldn't be much difference." Yi Yan thought for a moment and replied.

"It's a long way off." Smiling and closing his eyes, Liang Feng murmured, "Crossing the first island chain and the second island chain, you can enter the Pacific Ocean, follow the ocean currents east, and reach the American continent. It's Australia. Gold and silver, copper and iron, corn, peppers, potatoes... Countless treasures... I really want to see... "

The voice was ethereal, like a whisper, and gradually became inaudible. Yi Yan leaned over, picked up the sleeping emperor, and walked towards the dragon bed. He gently placed the person on the brocade couch, undressed and took off his shoes, and covered with a silk quilt. Yi Yan placed a kiss on the slightly wrinkled brow peak: "If the lord wants to go, I will accompany you."

Seeing the unseen and listening to the unheard is like a dreamlike career in these twenty years.

Taking off his robe, he turned over and lay on the couch, hugging the person in his arms.

Before spring had passed, news came that the young emperor was seriously ill. Sima Shao, who was far away in Jiaozhou, could not hold back, and ordered Liu Kun to transfer his troops to attack Yangzhou. I want to eradicate Wang Dun, a powerful official.

Halfway through the summer, the army of the first prince was once again annihilated by Wang Dun. Liu Kun died, and Sima Shaonan fled. Afterwards, there was a flood in the east of the Yangtze River, and people died of starvation, and people changed again.

Just when Wang Dun was devastated, he was about to suppress the bandits. Da Zhao Lei sounded the war drum. The boat division, the cavalry, numbered 600,000 troops, and marched south!